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2022-09-15 17:28:16 +00:00
// Synthesizable DPI-C driver for APB Bus Interface
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: © 2022 Aadi Desai <21363892+supleed2@users.noreply.github.com>
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
`default_nettype none
// Example Usage:
// ### test_DUT.sv (Instance) ###
// ApbDriver
// #(.APB_AW (32)
// , .APB_DW (32)
// , .APB_SW ( 4)
// ) u_apbDriver
// ( .ckApb (apbBus.ckApb )
// , .apbPRData (apbBus.apbPRData )
// , .apbPReady (apbBus.apbPReady )
// , .apbPSlvErr (apbBus.apbPSlvErr)
// , .apbPSel (apbBus.apbPSel )
// , .apbPEnable (apbBus.apbPEnable)
// , .apbPAddr (apbBus.apbPAddr )
// , .apbPWrite (apbBus.apbPWrite )
// , .apbPWData (apbBus.apbPWData )
// , .apbPStrb (apbBus.apbPStrb )
// , .apbPProt (apbBus.apbPProt )
// );
// ### test_DUT.cpp (Setup) ###
// #include <Vtest_DUT__Dpi.h>
// EITHER: VerilatorTbFst<Vtest_DUT>* tb = new VerilatorTbFst<Vtest_DUT>();
// OR : VerilatorTbVcd<Vtest_DUT>* tb = new VerilatorTbVcd<Vtest_DUT>();
// tb->setScope("test_DUT.u_apbDriver");
// ### test_DUT.cpp (Usage) ###
// uint32_t addr = 0x0100, data = 0x1234, strb = 0b1111, prot = 0b110;
// int err = 0;
// uint8_t SlvErr = 0;
// uint32_t readData = 0;
// err = tryStartApbWrite(&addr, &data, &strb, &prot);
// if (err != 0) { printf("tryStartApbWrite failed!\n"); }
// else {
// tb->ticks(2);
// err = tryFinishApbWrite(&SlvErr);
// while (err != 0) {
// printf("tryFinishApbWrite failed!\n");
// tb->tick();
// err = tryFinishApbWrite(&SlvErr);
// }
// if (SlvErr != 0) { printf("Apb Write failed!\n"); }
// }
// tb->tick();
// err = tryStartApbRead(&addr, &prot);
// if (err != 0) { printf("tryStartApbRead failed!\n"); }
// else {
// tb->ticks(2);
// err = tryFinishApbRead(&SlvErr, &readData);
// while (err != 0) {
// printf("tryFinishApbRead failed!\n");
// tb->tick();
// err = tryFinishApbRead(&SlvErr, &readData);
// }
// if (SlvErr != 0) { printf("Apb Read failed!\n"); }
// else { printf("Apb Read succeeded!\nExpected Read Data: 0x%x\nReceived Read Data: 0x%x\n", data, readData); }
// }
// tb->tick();
module ApbDriver
#(parameter int unsigned APB_AW = 32 // APB Address Width
, parameter int unsigned APB_DW = 32 // APB Data Width
, parameter int unsigned APB_SW = APB_DW/8 // APB Write Strobe Width
)(input var logic ckApb // -- Inputs to Driver
, input var logic [APB_DW-1:0] apbPRData
, input var logic apbPReady
, input var logic apbPSlvErr
, output var logic apbPSel // -- Outputs from Driver
, output var logic apbPEnable
, output var logic [APB_AW-1:0] apbPAddr
, output var logic apbPWrite
, output var logic [APB_DW-1:0] apbPWData
, output var logic [APB_SW-1:0] apbPStrb
, output var logic [2:0] apbPProt
// Delay-based version, does not allow for other accesses in C++ testbench
// while task is running, synthesizable version below is preferred
export "DPI-C" task apbRead;
export "DPI-C" task apbWrite;
logic trComplete;
assign trComplete = ckApb & apbPReady;
task automatic apbRead (input bit [APB_AW-1:0] addr, input bit [2:0] prot, output bit SlvErr, output bit [APB_DW-1:0] RData);
@(posedge ckApb);
apbPSel = '1;
apbPEnable = '0;
apbPAddr = addr;
apbPWrite = '0;
apbPStrb = '0;
apbPProt = prot;
@(posedge ckApb);
apbPEnable = '1;
@(posedge trComplete);
apbPSel = '0;
RData = apbPRData;
SlvErr = apbPSlvErr;
task automatic apbWrite (input bit [APB_AW-1:0] addr, input bit [APB_DW-1:0] data, input bit [APB_SW-1:0] strb, input bit [2:0] prot, output bit SlvErr);
@(posedge ckApb);
apbPSel = '1;
apbPEnable = '0;
apbPAddr = addr;
apbPWrite = '1;
apbPWData = data;
apbPStrb = strb;
apbPProt = prot;
@(posedge ckApb);
apbPEnable = '1;
@(posedge trComplete);
apbPSel = '0;
SlvErr = apbPSlvErr;
// Returns 0 if complete and -1 if bus was busy / not ready yet
export "DPI-C" function tryStartApbRead;
export "DPI-C" function tryStartApbWrite;
export "DPI-C" function tryFinishApbRead;
export "DPI-C" function tryFinishApbWrite;
enum bit [2:0]
} apbState;
enum bit [1:0]
{ n_NONE
, n_IDLE
, n_READ
} nextState;
logic [APB_AW-1:0] nextAddr;
logic [APB_DW-1:0] nextWData;
logic [APB_SW-1:0] nextStrb;
logic [2:0] nextProt;
always_ff @(posedge ckApb) // apbPSel
case (apbState)
IDLE: apbPSel <= '0;
R_SETUP: apbPSel <= '1;
R_ACCESS: apbPSel <= '1;
W_SETUP: apbPSel <= '1;
W_ACCESS: apbPSel <= '1;
default: apbPSel <= '0;
always_ff @(posedge ckApb) // apbPEnable
case (apbState)
IDLE: apbPEnable <= '0;
R_SETUP: apbPEnable <= '0;
R_ACCESS: apbPEnable <= '1;
W_SETUP: apbPEnable <= '0;
W_ACCESS: apbPEnable <= '1;
default: apbPEnable <= '0;
always_ff @(posedge ckApb) // apbPAddr
case (apbState)
IDLE: apbPAddr <= '0;
R_SETUP: apbPAddr <= nextAddr;
R_ACCESS: apbPAddr <= nextAddr;
W_SETUP: apbPAddr <= nextAddr;
W_ACCESS: apbPAddr <= nextAddr;
default: apbPAddr <= '0;
always_ff @(posedge ckApb) // apbPWrite
case (apbState)
IDLE: apbPWrite <= '0;
R_SETUP: apbPWrite <= '0;
R_ACCESS: apbPWrite <= '0;
W_SETUP: apbPWrite <= '1;
W_ACCESS: apbPWrite <= '1;
default: apbPWrite <= '0;
always_ff @(posedge ckApb) // apbPWData
case (apbState)
IDLE: apbPWData <= '0;
R_SETUP: apbPWData <= '0;
R_ACCESS: apbPWData <= '0;
W_SETUP: apbPWData <= nextWData;
W_ACCESS: apbPWData <= nextWData;
default: apbPWData <= '0;
always_ff @(posedge ckApb) // apbPStrb
case (apbState)
IDLE: apbPStrb <= '0;
R_SETUP: apbPStrb <= '0;
R_ACCESS: apbPStrb <= '0;
W_SETUP: apbPStrb <= nextStrb;
W_ACCESS: apbPStrb <= nextStrb;
default: apbPStrb <= '0;
always_ff @(posedge ckApb) // apbPProt
case (apbState)
IDLE: apbPProt <= '0;
R_SETUP: apbPProt <= nextProt;
R_ACCESS: apbPProt <= nextProt;
W_SETUP: apbPProt <= nextProt;
W_ACCESS: apbPProt <= nextProt;
default: apbPProt <= '0;
always_ff @(posedge ckApb) // apbState
case (apbState)
IDLE: if (nextState == n_READ) apbState <= R_SETUP;
else if (nextState == n_WRITE) apbState <= W_SETUP;
else apbState <= IDLE;
R_SETUP: apbState <= R_ACCESS;
R_ACCESS: if (nextState == n_IDLE) apbState <= IDLE;
else apbState <= R_ACCESS;
W_SETUP: apbState <= W_ACCESS;
W_ACCESS: if (nextState == n_IDLE) apbState <= IDLE;
else apbState <= W_ACCESS;
default: apbState <= IDLE;
function automatic int tryStartApbRead (input bit [APB_AW-1:0] addr, input bit [2:0] prot);
if (apbState == IDLE && (nextState == n_NONE || nextState == n_IDLE)) begin
nextAddr = addr;
nextWData = '0;
nextStrb = '0;
nextProt = prot;
nextState = n_READ;
return 0;
end else
return -1;
function automatic int tryStartApbWrite (input bit [APB_AW-1:0] addr, input bit [APB_DW-1:0] data, input bit [APB_SW-1:0] strb, input bit [2:0] prot);
if (apbState == IDLE && (nextState == n_NONE || nextState == n_IDLE)) begin
nextAddr = addr;
nextWData = data;
nextStrb = strb;
nextProt = prot;
nextState = n_WRITE;
return 0;
end else
return -1;
function automatic int tryFinishApbRead (output bit SlvErr, output bit [APB_DW-1:0] RData);
if (apbState == R_ACCESS && apbPReady) begin
nextAddr = '0;
nextWData = '0;
nextStrb = '0;
nextProt = '0;
SlvErr = apbPSlvErr;
RData = apbPRData;
nextState = n_IDLE;
return 0;
end else
return -1;
function automatic int tryFinishApbWrite (output bit SlvErr);
if (apbState == W_ACCESS && apbPReady) begin
nextAddr = '0;
nextWData = '0;
nextStrb = '0;
nextProt = '0;
SlvErr = apbPSlvErr;
nextState = n_IDLE;
return 0;
end else
return -1;