
3.1 KiB

Verification Plan

This is a list of things that need testing and how they will be tested.


  • Add parity bit generation to GPIO output
    • Fault injection signal included in parity bit output
    • Parity mode (even/odd) selectable using module input PARITYSEL
  • Add parity bit checking to GPIO input
    • Fault injection signal included in PARITYERR generation
  • Assertions used in formal verification using JasperGold
    • assert_gpio_write: AHB writes to the module result in correct GPIO bus output (including parity), when direction register is set correctly
    • assert_gpio_read: AHB reads return the correct data (matching the GPIO bus), when direction register is set correctly
    • assert_gpio_dir: AHB writes to the direction register correctly update the direction register
    • assume_initial_valid: Prevents JasperGold from initialising the direction register in an impossible state
    • assume_gpio_in_valid_parity: Assumes the GPIO input is not corrupt, for simplicity of testing
  • GPIO Checker
    • Non-synthesizable version of GPIO which emulates the behaviour of the module, as a reference to check GPIO outputs
    • Contains assertions to verify correct changes in GPIO bus during a write and correct data on AHB bus during a read
  • Constrained random unit-level testbench
    • Using a class gpio_stimulus with constraints on each of the input signals to the GPIO block
    • Cover groups to check that the desired values / edge-cases are simulated


  • Dual lock-step
    • Instantiate a second copy of the VGA module as uAHBVGA2
    • Comparator block VGACOMPARATOR
      • Single output that goes high if any signals do not match between the two VGA blocks
    • VGA image buffer is initialised on startup of testbench to prevent issues when comparing X outputs
  • Debug image output
    • Renders a 1 bit image of the VGA frame as output on the RGB pin, in the simulation log file using $display
  • Assertions used in formal verification using JasperGold
    • assert_display_range_x: Ensures X pixel counter is always within the frame boundary (display area)
    • assert_display_range_y: Ensures Y pixel counter is always within the frame boundary (display area)
    • assert_vsync_pulse_timer: Ensures correct width of VSYNC pulse
    • assert_hsync_pulse_timer: Ensures correct width of HSYNC pulse
    • assert_line_timer: Ensures the correct timing between consecutive HSYNC pulses / correct frame width timing
    • assert_frame_timer: Ensures the correct timing between consecutive VSYNC pulses / correct frame height timing
  • VGA Checker
    • Non-synthesizable version of VGA which emulates the behaviour of the module, as a reference to check VGA outputs
    • Contains similar assertions as the planned formal verification, to be run during simulation
  • Constrained random unit-level testbench
    • Using a class vga_stimulus with constraints on the input data to the VGA block
    • Cover groups to check that the desired values / edge-cases are simulated


  • Assembly code to test GPIO
  • Assembly code to test VGA
  • C code to be compiled to assembly in Keil and tested on the instanced ARM core