2022-03-02 18:31:53 +00:00

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Example README for individual code submission

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Link to altered files:

I am responsible for making the following changes in my code:

  • Symbol.fs: Lines : 718-1315 (Section 2) and Lines : 97-102 (stransform_fsm)
    • Includes changes to existing code for Section 2 and new functions implementing the extensions.
  • Sheet.fs: Lines 86, 859-863 (Extensions)
    • Includes changes required to make extensions for rotation work.
  • Renderer.fs: Lines 151 (Extensions)
    • Includes changes required to make extensions for UI rotation work.

Code Quality

Things to note:

  • Naming of myGoodName, myWonderfulLongName
  • New function boundaries: topfun -> firstfun, topfun -> secondFun
  • New types: MyGoodType
  • Helper function myHelper which is higher order and really helpful
  • I cleaned up all the sprintf and printf statements to use interpolated strings

Your code will all be assessed anyway, so this is optional.



The types decided in the first part of Symbol.fs were STransform of type Rotation and PortOrientationOffset of type {PortOrientation,Offset} each with its four possible cases to be used to describe the different rotations fo the symbol and the side of the symbol its ports are at each rotation. APortOffsetsMap of type Map<string,PortOrientationOffset> was used to describe the port locations relative to the top left corner of the symbol. This map uses string keys I0..IN and O0..ON to correctly distinguish and store the input and output port offsets in the map.

Changes to pre-existing code

Overall small changes were made to the pre-existing code, as the main focus was the correct implementation of the extensions and symbol enhancements and to ensure their full functionality.

Minor changes were made by removing unnecessary parentheses adding comments where necessary and refactoring the code where unnecessary arguments were passed to functions.

changeLsbf, changeConstantf

Renamed to changeLSBbits and changeConstant respectively to avoid confusion of f being regarded as using an input of type float.


Removed parantheses and unnecessary use of input parameter n, as it wasn't used and so that it wasn't required when used.

getInputPortsPositionMap, getOutputPortsPositionMap,getPortLocations, getInputPortLocation, getOutputPortLocation

Since getInputPortsPositionMap, getOutputPortsPositionMap are now using getGlobalPortPos which is explained later on in the Extensions section the input parameter of model is not required but only the Symbol list. Therefore, to avoid confusion and improve readability it was removed as a parameter and as input to the following function addressed above.

Apart from these changes the main focus was targeted at the Extensions of this Section due to their importance.

Analysis of how/why code works

The code described below are the fully working implemented Symbol - enhancements for the Individual Coding of Section 2 (Project Spec: Slide 6)

The code demonstrated in the 5 minute feedback will be to:

  • Show different UI implementations to perform rotation for each symbol.
  • Show how ports on different symbols are mapped with rotation to the different sides of the symbol.
  • Show how the wiring between symbols is also altered with each rotation.
  • Show that the bounding box of each symbol changes with each rotation for each symbol.


1. Locate port position and orientation, given symbol position and orientation

Changes in files:

  • Symbol.fs
    • 743-748canvasPortLocation
    • 753-761 getGlobalPortPos


Functions canvasPortLocation and getGlobalPortPos were created to produce the "Global" Coordinates of the ports for each symbol at any given rotation and position. canvasPortLocation extracts the APortOffsetsMap of the specified symbol and returns a list of the global XYPos ports of the symbol by combining the offsets with the top-left corner of the symbol. These coordinates are shown by toggling Developer tools in Issie and are outputted every time a selected symbol is rotated showing its global coordinates in the order described in Types. Keep in mind the coordinates shown are those before the symbol is rotated.
Similar to canvasPortLocation, getGlobalPortPos is used to generate the "Global" XYPos of a specified Port on the Canvas given the port and symbol specified. Since, the APortOffset map and STransform are part of the Symbol type, the entire symbol is passed to the function, rather than these separately. After categorizing the port passed to the function as type input or output, the appropriate index of the port is extracted and is used as a key to extract the correct coordinates of the port to display and to be used by buswire.fs. Since the APortOffsetMap is updated at every rotation (discussed in later extensions), getGlobalPortPos will always receive a new APortOffsetMap at every orientation and thus not require the current orientation as input. This can be tested by rotating a symbol and connecting another symbol's ports to its ports. It can be observed that the gray circles used to distinguish which ports connection can be made are correctly displayed on the rotated symbol, and the buswire correctly connects to that rotated port location. However, two issues seem to arise. The wire is connected parallel to the port, if the symbol is rotated as the buswire.fs is expecting the symbol to be non-rotated. Additionally, the buswire.fs seems to only update when the symbol is moved. As a result, a communication between the rotations and orientations of the symbol need to be passed to buswire.fs to ensure that the wires are correctly displayed during rotation. This will be done later on in the group work.

2. UI to rotate symbol

Changes in files:

  • Symbol.fs

    • 1164-1173 RotateSymbols compList
  • Sheet.fs

    • 86 Type KeyboardMsg Rotate
    • 859-863 Keypress Rotate
  • Renderer.fs

    • 151-152 makeItem "Rotate Symbol"


The UI was altered to incorporate the use of symbol rotation. Thus was done by first altering the Renderer.fs. Line 151 was added to add the menu item "Rotate Symbol" in order to be able to rotate any symbol selected. This option was then linked through Sheet.fs This functionality can be found on the menu bar under "View". Further implementation was added to rotation by adding a keyboard shortcut. This was done in line 86 of Sheet.fs where the KeybrdMsg "Rotate" was added to implement this. Lines 859-863 were added to link the menu item and keyboard shortcut "Shift+R" to Symbol.RotateSymbols in Symbol.fs to rotate the symbol selected.
The case "RotateSymbols" was added to the "update" function used in Symbol.fs to update the symbols on the canvas. As seen in lines "1164-1173" a new map of symbols, to be displayed and were existing on the canvas, is created where the symbol with the specified id found after being seelcted, is changed by incrementing its STransform value to the next Rotation using stransform_fsm and updating the APortOffsetMap using RotatePortMap provided by Section 1. Finally, the model Symbols are replaced by these new symbols. As a result, the selected symbol is updated with its 90 deg rotated version. Worth noting is the addition of the canvasPortLocation function in this case to print the global port locations as explained previously.
The above can be fully tested by selecting a symbol on the canvas and pressing either Shift+R or View > Rotate Symbol. The "Global" port coordinates of the selected symbol will also appear in the console if Developer Tools are toggled on.

3. Make symbol bounding box work with rotation

Changes in files:

  • Symbol.fs
    • 724-727 getBoundingBoxofSymbol
    • 728-729 getBoundingBoxes
    • 730-731 getOneBoundingBox


The function getBoundingBoxofSymbol was updated to correctly alter the bounding box border of each symbol by taking into account the current orientation of the symbol. This is done using the STransform passed from the Symbol as input of the function. This is used as a match case where the bounding box is altered as HxW and WxH based on the current orientation of the symbol. The height and weight of the symbol are passed to the border width and height in order or in reverse. This ensures that for every orientation of the symbol, the correct border is used. The new getBoundingBoxofSymbol function is passed to the getBoundingBoxes and getOneBoundingBox to be used by Sheet.fs to correctly display the Bounding box of the symbol at each orientation.
This can be tested by selecting the symbol to be tested, then rotated and checking with another symbol whether the bounding box correctly responds when disrupted.

The Symbol enhancements for section 2 described above are fully working without producing any errors during build and runtime