2022-02-21 22:42:52 +00:00

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Example README for individual code submission


  • This file should be submitted (changed) on branch hlp22-indiv-assess-<login> of either your own repo or your group repo
    • replace <login> in filename README-<login>.md by your login - in his example <login> = tomcl
    • name the branch as above, including your login. This branch is used only for your submission.
  • A link to the repo and branch must be on the indiv sheet of Tom Clarke's Team google spreadsheet
  • The repo you use must have your marker added as collaborator (github login is on indiv assessment spreadsheet page)
  • Delete these instructions from your version of this readme
  • Delete my comments from your version of the readme (it is an example, not something you add lines to). Keep the headings and replace the admin section links and notes with correct ones.
  • Link to the sourcefile your code is contained in (drawblock or symbol) with an absolute hyperlink to your repo and branch
  • Specify which code section and file you are doing as in my ppt (1,2,3), (buswire,symbol)
  • Add any changes to my section code allocations. This must be consistent with what has been recorded in your team's file in my Team contributions repo](https://github.com/tomcl/hlp22docs/blob/main/README.md)
    main branch ./TeamN.md (N = 1 - 9) file. The team contrib repo is as official record. This file will be used marking and should have line numbers for easy access. Expect to be marked down if your marker cannot easily find everything via links from this README.

Team Shared Team.md

Team Contribution Repo

  • A file in this repo file is common to the team contains who is responsible for which parts of code
  • Fork and clone it
  • Any team member can make agreed by team commits. First commit before Wed 23 Fen 16:00.
  • Changes in who does what are recorded by altering list of functions AND as extra lines in this file. See sample file in README

link to your teamN.md file Common repo TeamN file

Buswire (section 3)

Section 3 on my file is lines : 700-1100 I am also responsible for lines 100-120 (functions mySplurgeFunc, my2ndSplurgeFunc)

Anything else you need to say about what you are or are not responsible for.

Code partitioning notes (don't copy this section in your submitted README - delete it)

Insert clear comments in the source files indicating where each person's code starts and stops

//--------------------TJWC CODE SECTION STARTS-------------------------------------//

Separating code into 3 modules (in different files)

Groups can - if they wish - modularise their buswire or symbol files into 2 or 3 modules in separate files

  1. Symbol1
  2. Symbol2
  3. Symbol3

With each module referencing the ones before with open.

A top-level module Symbol or BusWire after these three must contain functions exported anywhere outside symbol so that references in the rest of the code still work.


let interface1 = Symbol1.interface1
let interface2 = Symbol1.Interface2
let interface3 = Symbol2.interface3

Submodules within one file

Less dramatic, but still useful for modularity. Groups can - if they wish - modularise their buswire or symbol files into 3 submodules inside the existing file


module symbol1 =
    let symbol1defn = ...

module symbol2
    open symbol1
    let symbol2defn

module symbol3 =
    open symbol1
    open symbol2
    let symbol3 defn = 

Again you will need to mend references - because open Symbol in some other part of Issie would need to become open Symbol.Symbol1, open Symbol.Symbol2 etc to pick up exported code in the submodules. you can add exports to Symbol.fs outside the three submodules as when each moduel is in separate files.

Note on assessment

The aim of assessment if that the first two sections should be fairly straightforward and demonstrate basic knowledge of how to write FP code. They can achieve overall marks up to 70% without extension work. Those working on significant extensions should put extra effort into these and not complex analysis section since the analysis marks can accept well-written code supporting extensions as evidence of understanding. The aim of this is so that you get marks for good code, if you can write signiifcant good code without being motivated to write reports.

There are signiifcant differences between different code sections, and also things which change dependning on what your base types are and how ambitious your code rewrite it. Ask early if you are concerned about how this assessment will impact you. There will be ways to reward code writing which can be found if need be in individual cases.

Code Quality

This will be assessed based on the code. You can but do not have to highlight here things you are particularly proud of and want markers to look at (up to 3) as short bullet points:

  • Naming of myGoodName, myWonderfulLongName
  • New function boundaries: topfun -> firstfun, topfun -> secondFun
  • New types: MyGoodType
  • Helper function myHelper which is higher order and really helpful
  • I cleaned up all the sprintf and printf statements to use interpolated strings

Your code will all be assessed anyway, so this is optional.


This combines analysis of issues in existing code with proof or analysis of how/why the new code works. The marking combines both parts. If new code already works and is well written (especially if it is demonstrated to have significant value in terms of ability to support extensions (see Extensions below) less evidence will be needed for a high mark in this section. The analysis here demonstrates that you understand the problems in the old code. If the old code has no or few problems you can say this.

Anything you say here may if necessary be tested in the 5 min feedback interview to check understanding.

Issues in Existing Code

Bad Function list

List any problems with the existing code concisely as numbered points one function per point. State why the problem exists. List only functions with significant problems. You can should refer to XML comments in your refactored code where this helps. You may note the worst 3 functions even if they have problems that are not significant.

  • if function is poorly documented say why this is necessary (what is not obvious from a good name +
  • parameter names + types).
  • if function has bad name say why this is confusing
  • if a function is poorly written indicate what rewriting would improve this (briefly). You can refer to your code if this helps.

Other problems

State concisely Issues with existing code, or in refactoring for new types, that do not fit into per function list. Again numbered points, at most 3. Choose the most inmportant if you have too much to say. You can should refer to documentation (not XML docs) in code where this helps.

Analysis of how/why code works

This section need not contain analysis if the code can be demonstarted working. In that case list as bullet points the features you will demonstarte (quickly) in the 5 min interview.

  • If code works fully and can be demonstrated in the 5 minute feedback interview no analysis is needed.
  • If code will be manually tested in interview say what the tests are that supplement your analysis
  • Interview code must be the assessed branch (not something else, or using later group code)
  • A good way to show code works is to explain how it differs from existing working code and how existing functionality is preserved.


Extensions are required for mark > 70 and optional for mark below 70. High marks on the first two sections cannot boost extensions mark if this is lower than them.

baseMark = \min (70, code * 20/35 + analysis * 15/35)

extendedMark = code * 20/50 + analysis * 15/50 + extensions * 15/50

overallMark = \max (baseMark, extendedMark)

  • This section can be missing if you have not done significant extension work.

  • Extension code, if well documented (in the code) and clearly written, can be assessed without working (if it is demonstrated it depends on other people's code not yet written).

  • Don't bother writing this section unless you have significant extension work, because the mark here will usually not be counted in that case (see the marking scheme). Marks for extensions will be awarded only for work of C level or above.

  • delete the above comemnts and add your satement of extensions as below*

  1. List as numbered points the extensions (features) your code will support

    a. Use nested letters for the functions you have written extra, or changed, to allow this, and for concise comments concise comments about why they work.