mirror of
synced 2024-12-22 21:45:49 +00:00
merge my autoroute code(not including Symbol)
This commit is contained in:
@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ type Direction = PosX | PosY | NegX | NegY
type SnapPosition = High | Mid | Low
type routeType = Sameside | Oppositeside | Rightangle
/// Absolute Segment
type ASeg =
@ -161,6 +163,19 @@ type Msg =
//----------------------------Helper Functions-----------------------------------//
let rotate_rel rotation (pos:XYPos) =
match rotation with
| PosX -> {pos with X = -pos.Y ; Y = pos.X}
| NegX -> {pos with X = pos.Y ; Y = -pos.X}
| PosY -> pos
| NegY -> {pos with X = -pos.X; Y = -pos.Y}
let yReflect yreflect (pos:XYPos) =
if yreflect then
{pos with X = -pos.X}
/// Transform a wire with its RISegs list to a list of ASegs
let riSegWireToASegs (wire:Wire) =
@ -301,6 +316,10 @@ let pp segs (model: Model)=
| None -> "XX")
|> String.concat ";"
let ppRISeg riseg=
printfn $"Index:{riseg.Index},Dir:{riseg.Dir},Length:{riseg.Length}"
//-------------------------------Implementation code----------------------------//
/// Convert list of Absolute Segments to a list of vertices
@ -316,9 +335,11 @@ let RISegsToVertices (segList: RISeg list) =
|> List.map (fun pos -> pos.X, pos.Y)
/// Get initial list of wire vertices given port locations corresponding to the enpoints of a wire
let initialWireVerticesFromPorts (portCoords : XYPos * XYPos) : XYPos list * bool =
let startX, startY, endX, endY = snd(portCoords).X, snd(portCoords).Y, fst(portCoords).X, fst(portCoords).Y
let initialWireVerticesFromPorts (startPort:XYPos) (endPort:XYPos) (routetype:routeType) =
let startX, startY, endX, endY = startPort.X, startPort.Y, endPort.X, endPort.Y
match routetype with
| Oppositeside ->
// adjust length of segments 0 and 6 - the sticks - so that when two ports are aligned and close you still get left-to-right routing.
let stickLength =
if (endX - startX > 0.0) then
@ -326,10 +347,9 @@ let initialWireVerticesFromPorts (portCoords : XYPos * XYPos) : XYPos list * boo
min d (Wire.stickLength / 2.0)
Wire.stickLength / 2.0
if endX - startX >= stickLength * 2.0 then
[ // Wire travelling left to right (positive X) from output port to input port
{X = startX; Y = startY};
{X = startX; Y = startY}
{X = startX + stickLength; Y = startY};
{X = startX + stickLength; Y = startY} ;
{X = (startX + endX) / 2.0; Y = startY};
@ -361,6 +381,63 @@ let initialWireVerticesFromPorts (portCoords : XYPos * XYPos) : XYPos list * boo
{X = endX-Wire.stickLength; Y = endY}
{X = endX; Y = endY}
], false // not left to right
|Rightangle ->
if (endX-startX >= Wire.stickLength) && (endY-startY>=Wire.stickLength) then
{X = startX; Y = startY};
{X = startX + Wire.stickLength; Y = startY};
{X = startX + Wire.stickLength; Y = startY};
{X = endX; Y = startY};
{X = endX; Y = startY};
{X = endX ; Y = endY-Wire.stickLength}
{X = endX ; Y = endY-Wire.stickLength}
{X = endX; Y = endY}
], true
{X = startX; Y = startY};
{X = startX + Wire.stickLength; Y = startY};
{X = startX + Wire.stickLength; Y = startY};
{X = (startX + endX) / 2.0; Y = startY};
{X = (startX + endX) / 2.0; Y = endY-Wire.stickLength};
{X = endX; Y = endY-Wire.stickLength};
{X = endX; Y = endY-Wire.stickLength};
{X = endX; Y = endY}
], false
|Sameside ->
if endX-startX >= Wire.stickLength*2.0 && endY >= startY then
{X = startX; Y = startY};
{X = startX ; Y = startY- Wire.stickLength};
{X = startX ; Y = startY- Wire.stickLength};
{X = endX; Y = startY- Wire.stickLength};
{X = endX; Y = startY- Wire.stickLength};
{X = endX ; Y = endY-Wire.stickLength}
{X = endX ; Y = endY-Wire.stickLength}
{X = endX; Y = endY}
], true
elif endX-startX >= Wire.stickLength*2.0 then
{X = startX; Y = startY};
{X = startX ; Y = startY- Wire.stickLength};
{X = startX ; Y = endY- Wire.stickLength};
{X = endX; Y = endY- Wire.stickLength};
{X = endX; Y = endY- Wire.stickLength};
{X = endX ; Y = endY-Wire.stickLength}
{X = endX ; Y = endY-Wire.stickLength}
{X = endX; Y = endY}
], true
{X = startX; Y = startY};
{X = startX ; Y = startY-Wire.stickLength};
{X = startX ; Y = startY-Wire.stickLength};
{X = startX + Wire.stickLength*2.0 ; Y = startY-Wire.stickLength};
{X = startX + Wire.stickLength*2.0 ; Y = endY-Wire.stickLength};
{X = endX; Y = endY-Wire.stickLength};
{X = endX; Y = endY-Wire.stickLength};
{X = endX; Y = endY}
], false
/// Infer whether wire is LeftToRight from vertices
let inferOrientationFromVertices (xyVerticesList: XYPos list) : bool option =
@ -382,14 +459,69 @@ let inferOrientationFromVertices (xyVerticesList: XYPos list) : bool option =
| _, false, _ -> None
/// this turns a list of vertices into a list of absolute segments
let convertVerticesToASegs connId (isLeftToRight: bool) (xyVerticesList: XYPos list) =
let convertVerticesToASegs connId (isLeftToRight: bool) routetype rotation (yreflect:bool) (startPos:XYPos) (xyVerticesList: XYPos list) =
let dirs =
match routetype with
| Oppositeside->
match isLeftToRight with
| true -> // for 3 adjustable segments left-to-right
| false -> // for 6 adjustale segments right-to-left
| Sameside->
match isLeftToRight with
| true ->
| false ->
| Rightangle->
match isLeftToRight with
| true ->
| false ->
let draggable index =
match routetype with
| Oppositeside->
match index with
| 0 | 6 -> false
| 1 | 5 -> isLeftToRight
| _ -> true
| Sameside->
match index with
| 2 -> true
| 3 | 4 -> not isLeftToRight
| _ -> false
| Rightangle->
match index with
| 3 | 4 -> not isLeftToRight
| _ -> false
let flipdir=
function | Horizontal -> Vertical
| Vertical -> Horizontal
let dummySeg =
Id = SegmentId "dummy";
Index = -1;
Start = {X=0; Y=0};
Dir = Horizontal ;
Length = 0
HostId = ConnectionId "dummy";
JumpDistanceListRI = [];
Draggable = false;
ManualRoute = false
let getlength (segOri:Orientation) segLength yreflect =
let factor = if yreflect then -1.0 else 1.0
match segOri with
| Horizontal-> if rotation = NegX || rotation = NegY then -segLength*factor else segLength*factor;
| Vertical -> if rotation = PosX || rotation = NegY then -segLength else segLength;
let risegs' =
List.pairwise xyVerticesList
|> List.mapi (
fun i ({X=startX; Y=startY},{X=endX; Y=endY}) ->
@ -401,27 +533,53 @@ let convertVerticesToASegs connId (isLeftToRight: bool) (xyVerticesList: XYPos l
Dir = dirs[i]
HostId = connId;
JumpCoordinateListA = [];
Draggable =
match i with
| 1 | 5 -> isLeftToRight
| 0 | 6 -> false
| _ -> true
Draggable = draggable i
ManualRoute = false
|> List.map aSegToRISeg
|> List.map ppRISeg
|> List.map (
fun risegs->
Id = risegs.Id;
Index = risegs.Index;
Start = risegs.Start;
Dir = if rotation = PosX || rotation = NegX then flipdir risegs.Dir else risegs.Dir ;
Length = getlength risegs.Dir risegs.Length yreflect
HostId = risegs.HostId;
JumpDistanceListRI = risegs.JumpDistanceListRI;
Draggable = risegs.Draggable;
ManualRoute = risegs.ManualRoute
|> List.map ppRISeg
||> List.scan (fun start_resSeg currSeg->
let start = snd start_resSeg
let next_start =
if currSeg.Dir = Horizontal
then {start with X=start.X+currSeg.Length}
else {start with Y=start.Y+currSeg.Length}
currSeg with Start = start
|> List.skip 1
|> List.map (fun resSeg_start-> riSegToASeg (fst resSeg_start))
// TODO: native RISeg implementation
let convertVerticesToRISegs connId (isLeftToRight: bool) (verticesList: XYPos list) : RISeg list =
convertVerticesToASegs connId isLeftToRight verticesList
|> List.map aSegToRISeg
// let convertVerticesToRISegs connId (isLeftToRight: bool) (verticesList: XYPos list) : RISeg list =
// convertVerticesToASegs connId isLeftToRight verticesList
// |> List.map aSegToRISeg
/// Convert a (possibly legacy) issie Connection stored as a list of vertices to Absolute Segments
let issieVerticesToASegs connId (verticesList: (float * float) list) : ASeg list =
/// Convert a (possibly legacy) issie Connection stored as a list of vertices to Absolute Segments
let issieVerticesToASegs connId (verticesList: list<float*float>) : ASeg list =
let XYPosList =
verticesList |> List.map (fun (x,y) -> {X=x;Y=y})
let makeNewSegmentsFromPorts (xyList: XYPos list) : ASeg list =
initialWireVerticesFromPorts (xyList[0], xyList[xyList.Length - 1])
|> (fun (vertices, isLeftToRight) -> convertVerticesToASegs connId isLeftToRight vertices)
initialWireVerticesFromPorts xyList[0] xyList[xyList.Length - 1] Oppositeside
|> (fun (vertices, isLeftToRight) -> convertVerticesToASegs connId isLeftToRight Oppositeside PosY false xyList[0] vertices)
if XYPosList.Length <> 8 then // wire must have 7 segments and so 8 vertices, if not: reroute from endpoints
makeNewSegmentsFromPorts XYPosList
@ -429,10 +587,10 @@ let issieVerticesToASegs connId (verticesList: (float * float) list) : ASeg list
match inferOrientationFromVertices XYPosList with
| Some true ->
printfn "Converting leftToRight"
convertVerticesToASegs connId true XYPosList
convertVerticesToASegs connId true Oppositeside PosY false {X=0;Y=0} XYPosList
| Some false ->
printfn "Converting rightToLeft"
convertVerticesToASegs connId false XYPosList
convertVerticesToASegs connId false Oppositeside PosY false {X=0;Y=0} XYPosList
| _ -> // can't work out what vertices are, so default to auto-routing
printfn "Converting unknown"
makeNewSegmentsFromPorts XYPosList
@ -511,15 +669,56 @@ let makeRISegPos (seg: RISeg) =
{ seg with Start = absXYPos seg.Start }
/// Initial list of absolute segments based on positions of ports to be connected
let makeInitialASegList (hostId: ConnectionId) (portCoords: XYPos * XYPos) : ASeg list =
let xyPairs, isLeftToRight = initialWireVerticesFromPorts portCoords
xyPairs |> convertVerticesToASegs hostId isLeftToRight
let makeInitialASegList (hostId: ConnectionId)
(inputPort: Symbol.PortOrientation * XYPos) (outputPort: Symbol.PortOrientation * XYPos) : list<ASeg> =
let inputPortPos, (inputPortOri:Symbol.PortOrientation), outputPortPos,(outputPortOri:Symbol.PortOrientation) = snd inputPort, fst inputPort, snd outputPort, fst outputPort
let reverse_rotate =
| PosY -> PosY
| PosX -> NegX
| NegY -> NegY
| NegX -> PosX
let routetype,rotation,yreflect =
match outputPortOri,inputPortOri with
| Symbol.Top, Symbol.Top -> Sameside, PosY, false
| Symbol.Top , Symbol.Right -> Rightangle, NegX, true
| Symbol.Top , Symbol.Bottom -> Oppositeside, NegX, false
| Symbol.Top , Symbol.Left -> Rightangle, NegX, false
| Symbol.Right , Symbol.Top -> Rightangle, PosY, false
| Symbol.Right , Symbol.Right -> Sameside, PosX, false
| Symbol.Right , Symbol.Bottom -> Rightangle,NegY, true
| Symbol.Right , Symbol.Left -> Oppositeside, PosY, false
| Symbol.Bottom , Symbol.Top -> Oppositeside, PosX, false
| Symbol.Bottom , Symbol.Right -> Rightangle, PosX, false
| Symbol.Bottom , Symbol.Bottom -> Sameside, NegY, false
| Symbol.Bottom , Symbol.Left -> Rightangle, PosX, true
| Symbol.Left , Symbol.Top -> Rightangle, PosY, true
| Symbol.Left , Symbol.Right -> Oppositeside, NegY, false
| Symbol.Left , Symbol.Bottom -> Rightangle, NegY, false
| Symbol.Left , Symbol.Left -> Sameside, NegX, false
let inputPortPos' =
let relativePos=
|> rotate_rel (reverse_rotate rotation)
|> yReflect yreflect
relativePos + outputPortPos
printfn $"outputPortPos:{outputPortPos},inputPortPos':{inputPortPos'},inputPortPos:{inputPortPos}"
printfn $"inputPortOri:{inputPortOri},outputPortOri:{outputPortOri}"
printfn $"routetype:{routetype},rotation:{rotation},yreflect:{yreflect}"
let xyPairs, isLeftToRight = initialWireVerticesFromPorts outputPortPos inputPortPos' routetype
xyPairs |> convertVerticesToASegs hostId isLeftToRight routetype rotation yreflect outputPortPos
// TODO: native RISeg implementation
/// Initial list of rotation invariant segments based on positions of ports to be connected
let makeInitialRISegList (hostId: ConnectionId) (portCoords: XYPos * XYPos) : RISeg list =
makeInitialASegList hostId portCoords
|> List.map aSegToRISeg
// let makeInitialRISegList (hostId: ConnectionId) (portCoords: XYPos * XYPos) : RISeg list =
// makeInitialASegList hostId portCoords
// |> List.map aSegToRISeg
/// Render given Rotation Invariant Segment using colour and width properties given
/// Takes in 2 connecting segments to add rounded corners if appropriate
@ -657,7 +856,7 @@ let view (model: Model) (dispatch: Dispatch<Msg>) =
Segments = List.map makeASegPos wire.Segments
ColorP = wire.Color
StrokeWidthP = wire.Width
OutputPortLocation = outputPortLocation
OutputPortLocation = snd outputPortLocation
singleWireView props
@ -825,7 +1024,7 @@ let routeGivenWiresBasedOnPortPositions
<| model.Symbol
<| wire.InputPort
<| wire.OutputPort
makeInitialASegList wire.Id positions
makeInitialASegList wire.Id (fst positions) (snd positions)
let map = {wire with Segments = segments}
(wire.Id, map)
@ -1241,7 +1440,7 @@ let autorouteWire (model: Model) (wire: Wire): Wire =
// Autoroute a segment between the wire's ports, and assign it to the wire
wire with
Segments = makeInitialASegList wire.Id locations
Segments = makeInitialASegList wire.Id (fst locations) (snd locations)
/// Reverse the segment order, as well as (start, end) coordinates
@ -1519,10 +1718,10 @@ let updateWire (model: Model) (wire: Wire) (isInput: bool) =
// the start/end values.
let newSegments =
if isInput then
partialAutoRoute (revSegments wire.Segments) newPort
partialAutoRoute (revSegments wire.Segments) (snd newPort)
|> Option.map revSegments
partialAutoRoute wire.Segments newPort
partialAutoRoute wire.Segments (snd newPort)
// Take the new segments and create a wire from them
@ -1565,7 +1764,7 @@ let update (msg : Msg) (model : Model) : Model * Cmd<Msg> =
| AddWire ( (inputId, outputId) : (InputPortId * OutputPortId) ) ->
let portOnePos, portTwoPos = Symbol.getTwoPortLocations model.Symbol inputId outputId // TODO: Symbol fn in BusWire
let wireId = ConnectionId(JSHelpers.uuid())
let segmentList = makeInitialASegList wireId (portOnePos, portTwoPos)
let segmentList = makeInitialASegList wireId portOnePos portTwoPos
let newWire =
@ -1733,10 +1932,10 @@ let update (msg : Msg) (model : Model) : Model * Cmd<Msg> =
let makeWirePosMatchSymbol inOut (wire:Wire) =
match inOut with
| true -> posMatchesVertex
(Symbol.getInputPortLocation model.Symbol inputId)
(snd (Symbol.getInputPortLocation model.Symbol inputId))
(List.head conn.Vertices)
| false -> posMatchesVertex
(Symbol.getOutputPortLocation model.Symbol outputId)
(snd (Symbol.getOutputPortLocation model.Symbol outputId))
(List.last conn.Vertices)
|> (fun b ->
if b then
@ -1804,7 +2003,7 @@ let pasteWires (wModel : Model) (newCompIds : ComponentId list) : (Model * Conne
| Some (newInputPort, newOutputPort) ->
let portOnePos, portTwoPos = Symbol.getTwoPortLocations wModel.Symbol (InputPortId newInputPort) (OutputPortId newOutputPort) // TODO: Symbol fn in BusWire
let segmentList = makeInitialASegList newId (portOnePos, portTwoPos)
let segmentList = makeInitialASegList newId portOnePos portTwoPos
oldWire with
Reference in a new issue