Merge in yhp19's code

This commit is contained in:
Aadi Desai 2022-03-14 14:21:49 +00:00
parent 72955fe300
commit 89b75418b9
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: CFFFE425830EF4D9
2 changed files with 184 additions and 241 deletions

View file

@ -21,6 +21,9 @@ let minSegLen = 5.
type Orientation = Horizontal | Vertical
/// In Wire.Rotation: PosY: 0, PosX: 90, NegY: 180, NegX: 270 degree clockwise rotation
type Direction = PosX | PosY | NegX | NegY
type SnapPosition = High | Mid | Low
/// Absolute Segment
@ -115,6 +118,9 @@ type Wire =
OutputPort: OutputPortId
Color: HighLightColor
Width: int
Rotation: Direction
/// True = Reflected along y axis , False = Not Reflected
YReflect: bool
Segments: ASeg list
@ -150,11 +156,86 @@ type Msg =
| DragWire of ConnectionId * MouseT
| ColorWires of ConnectionId list * HighLightColor
| ErrorWires of ConnectionId list
| ResetJumps of ConnectionId list
| MakeJumps of ConnectionId list
| ResetModel // For Issie Integration
| LoadConnections of Connection list // For Issie Integration
//----------------------------Helper Functions-----------------------------------//
/// Transform a wire with its RISegs list to a list of ASegs
let riSegWireToASegs (wire:Wire) =
let getStartEnd (seg:RISeg)=
match seg.Dir with
| Horizontal -> (seg.Start,{seg.Start with X = seg.Start.X+seg.Length})
| Vertical -> (seg.Start,{seg.Start with Y = seg.Start.Y+seg.Length})
let rotate (pos:XYPos) =
match wire.Rotation with
| PosX -> {pos with X = pos.Y ; Y = -pos.X}
| NegX -> {pos with X = -pos.Y ; Y = pos.X}
| PosY -> pos
| NegY -> {pos with X = -pos.X; Y = -pos.Y}
let yReflect (pos:XYPos) =
if wire.YReflect then
{pos with X = -pos.X}
let check_Orientation (pos: XYPos * XYPos)=
let pos1 = fst pos
let pos2 = snd pos
if abs (pos1.X - pos2.X) <= XYPos.epsilon
then Vertical
else Horizontal
let lstOfPos = getStartEnd ( aSegToRISeg wire.Segments)
|> (fun (s,e) -> (rotate s, rotate e))
|> (fun (s,e) -> (yReflect s, yReflect e))
let posToASegs (pos: XYPos * XYPos) (riSeg: RISeg) : ASeg =
Id = riSeg.Id;
Index = riSeg.Index;
Start = fst pos;
End = snd pos;
Dir = check_Orientation pos;
HostId = riSeg.HostId;
JumpCoordinateListA = (len, id) -> (len + (fst pos).X) , id) riSeg.JumpDistanceListRI;
Draggable = riSeg.Draggable;
ManualRoute = riSeg.ManualRoute
(lstOfPos,( aSegToRISeg wire.Segments)) ||> List.map2 posToASegs
/// Transform a list of ASegs to RISegs list (default Rotation: PosY, YReflect: False)
let aSegListToRISegList (aSegList: ASeg list) =
let toRISeg (seg: ASeg) =
let direction, length =
let xChange = seg.End.X - seg.Start.X
let yChange = seg.End.Y - seg.Start.Y
match xChange, yChange with
| x, y when x = 0 -> Vertical, y
| x, y when y = 0 -> Horizontal, x
// default orientation for unused segments?
| x, _ -> Horizontal, x
Id = seg.Id
Index = seg.Index
Length = length
Start = seg.Start
Dir = direction
HostId = seg.HostId
JumpDistanceListRI = (x, id) -> (x - seg.Start.X) , id) seg.JumpCoordinateListA
Draggable = seg.Draggable
ManualRoute = seg.ManualRoute
|> toRISeg
//-------------------------Debugging functions---------------------------------//
let ppSId (sId:SegmentId) =
@ -206,7 +287,7 @@ let ppSeg seg (model: Model) =
let wire = model.WX[cid]
let sg = List.find (fun (s: ASeg) -> s.Id = sid ) wire.Segments
let pxy (xy: XYPos) = sprintf $"{(xy.X,xy.Y)}"
sprintf $"""[{ppSId sg.Id}: {pxy sg.Start}->{pxy sg.End}]-{match sg.Dir with | Vertical -> "V" | _ -> "H"}-{sg.Index}"""
sprintf $"""[{ppSId sg.Id}: {pxy sg.Start}]-{match sg.Dir with | Horizontal -> "Horizontal" | Vertical -> "Vertical" }-{sg.Index}"""
let pp segs (model: Model)=
@ -216,7 +297,7 @@ let pp segs (model: Model)=
match List.tryFind (fun (s: ASeg) -> s.Id = sid ) wire.Segments with
| Some sg ->
let pxy (xy: XYPos) = sprintf $"{(xy.X,xy.Y)}"
sprintf $"""[{pxy sg.Start}->{pxy sg.End}]-{match sg.Dir with | Vertical -> "V" | _ -> "H"}-{sg.Index}"""
sprintf $"""[{pxy sg.Start}]-{match sg.Dir with | Horizontal -> "Horizontal" | Vertical -> "Vertical" }-{sg.Index}"""
| None -> "XX")
|> String.concat ";"
@ -328,10 +409,10 @@ let convertVerticesToASegs connId (isLeftToRight: bool) (xyVerticesList: XYPos l
ManualRoute = false
// TODO: native RISeg implementation
let convertVerticesToRISegs connId (isLeftToRight: bool) (verticesList: XYPos list) : RISeg list =
convertVerticesToASegs connId isLeftToRight verticesList
|> aSegToRISeg
// TODO: native RISeg implementation
/// Convert a (possibly legacy) issie Connection stored as a list of vertices to Absolute Segments
let issieVerticesToASegs connId (verticesList: (float * float) list) : ASeg list =
@ -356,11 +437,11 @@ let issieVerticesToASegs connId (verticesList: (float * float) list) : ASeg list
printfn "Converting unknown"
makeNewSegmentsFromPorts XYPosList
// TODO: native RISeg implementation
/// Convert a (possibly legacy) issie Connection stored as a list of vertices to Rotation Invariant Segments
let issieVerticesToRISegs connId (verticesList: (float * float) list) : RISeg list =
issieVerticesToASegs connId verticesList
|> aSegToRISeg
// TODO: native RISeg implementation
//----------------------interface to Issie-----------------------//
// Section of functions that offer an interface between our implementation and Issie
@ -434,11 +515,11 @@ let makeInitialASegList (hostId: ConnectionId) (portCoords: XYPos * XYPos) : ASe
let xyPairs, isLeftToRight = initialWireVerticesFromPorts portCoords
xyPairs |> convertVerticesToASegs hostId isLeftToRight
// TODO: native RISeg implementation
/// Initial list of rotation invariant segments based on positions of ports to be connected
let makeInitialRISegList (hostId: ConnectionId) (portCoords: XYPos * XYPos) : RISeg list =
makeInitialASegList hostId portCoords
|> aSegToRISeg
// TODO: native RISeg implementation
/// Render given Rotation Invariant Segment using colour and width properties given
/// Takes in 2 connecting segments to add rounded corners if appropriate
@ -500,7 +581,6 @@ let renderRISegAndCorner (colour: string) (width: string) (segments: RISeg * RIS
g [] segmentElements
/// Takes in a Rotation Invariant Segment List and renders the resulting React Element List, with rounded corners if appropriate
let renderRISegList (colour: string) (width: string) (segs: RISeg list) : ReactElement list =
let riSegs =
@ -587,10 +667,6 @@ let view (model: Model) (dispatch: Dispatch<Msg>) =
g [] [(g [] wires); symbols]
|> TimeHelpers.instrumentInterval "WireView" start
// -------------------------------------------------------------- Inigo Selwood
/// Gets the intersection point between two segments, or None if the segments
/// don't intersect
let segmentIntersectsSegmentCoordinates
@ -622,7 +698,6 @@ let segmentIntersectsSegmentCoordinates
/// Given a bounding box, find the top-left and bottom-right corners.
/// Note: finding the (min, max) vertex values seems a little redundant, but
/// maybe the (width, height) values can be negative? Either way, I haven't
@ -649,7 +724,6 @@ let getTopLeftAndBottomRightCorner (box : BoundingBox) : XYPos * XYPos =
(topLeft, bottomRight)
/// Given a segment and a bounding box, evaluates:
/// - (false, None) if there's no intersection
/// - (true, None) if it's fully inside the box
@ -704,7 +778,6 @@ let segmentIntersectsBoundingBoxCoordinates
true, Some (List.head intersectionList)
/// Given a point and a segment, calculate the distance between the two
let distanceFromPointToSegment (point: XYPos) (segment: ASeg): float =
@ -734,7 +807,6 @@ let distanceFromPointToSegment (point: XYPos) (segment: ASeg): float =
(abs alpha) / (sqrt beta)
/// Given the model's state and a list of wire IDs to remap,
/// reroute those wires with default shapes between
let routeGivenWiresBasedOnPortPositions
@ -774,7 +846,6 @@ let routeGivenWiresBasedOnPortPositions
{model with WX = newWX}
/// For a given connection ID and bounding box: find the segments of the wire
/// that intersect the boundary (in a given model)
let getIntersectingSegments
@ -789,7 +860,6 @@ let getIntersectingSegments
// Filter for only the segments which intersect
List.filter segmentFilter model.WX[wireId].Segments
/// Finds the closest segment in a wire to a point (using euclidean distance)
let getClosestSegment
(model: Model)
@ -800,7 +870,6 @@ let getClosestSegment
distanceFromPointToSegment pos segment
List.minBy distanceToPoint (model.WX[wireId].Segments)
/// Gets the ID of the wire clicked
/// Note: presumes we already know a wire has been clicked on, and just need
/// its ID
@ -826,7 +895,6 @@ let getClickedSegment
| true -> (getClosestSegment model wireID position).Id
| false -> (List.head intersectingSegments).Id
/// Verifies that the segment is aligned with the axis it's meant to lie on
let checkSegmentAngle (segment: ASeg) (name: string): unit =
@ -844,17 +912,14 @@ let checkSegmentAngle (segment: ASeg) (name: string): unit =
if not isAligned then
printfn $"Weird segment '{name}':\n{segment}\n\n fails angle checking"
/// Checks whether a segment points to the left
let segPointsLeft (segment: ASeg): bool =
(abs segment.Start.X > abs segment.End.X) && (segment.Dir = Horizontal)
/// Checks the segment's length along the X axis
let segXDelta (segment: ASeg): float =
(abs segment.End.X) - (abs segment.Start.X)
/// Given two segments which are joined at a given position, change the X
/// coordinate of that coordinate (compensating for negative values)
let moveXJoinPos
@ -873,7 +938,6 @@ let moveXJoinPos
{segment2 with Start = changeXKeepingSign segment2.Start}
/// Picks the outermost segment (usually segment 1, unless isAtEnd [of wire])
/// and ensures it's at least a Wire.stickLength long by moving the point where
/// it meets the other (innermost) segment
@ -916,7 +980,6 @@ let changeLengths
[segment1; segment2]
/// Called for segments [1:5] -- if they're vertical and can move horizontally.
/// Returns the distance value once it's been moderated to prevent wires
/// moving into components.
@ -967,7 +1030,6 @@ let getSafeDistanceForMove
| 3 -> distance |> max minimumDistance |> min maximumDistance
| _ -> distance
/// Remove pairs of adjacent segments which are aligned but not of the same
/// sign
let removeRedundantSegments (segments: ASeg list) =
@ -1021,7 +1083,6 @@ let removeRedundantSegments (segments: ASeg list) =
@ segments[2..4]
@ reduce segments[5] segments[6]
/// Moves a wire segment a given amount perpendicular to its orientation.
/// Used to manually adjust routing by dragging with the mouse.
let moveSegment (segment: ASeg) (distance:float) (model:Model) =
@ -1095,7 +1156,6 @@ let moveSegment (segment: ASeg) (distance:float) (model:Model) =
// Create a new wire with the moved and reduced segments
{wire with Segments = newSegments}
/// Initialisatiton with no wires
let init () =
let symbols, _ = Symbol.init()
@ -1115,7 +1175,6 @@ let init () =
(model, Cmd.none)
/// Returns the wires connected to a list of components
let getConnectedWires (model : Model) (componentIDs : ComponentId list) =
@ -1131,7 +1190,6 @@ let getConnectedWires (model : Model) (componentIDs : ComponentId list) =
|> (fun wire -> wire.Id)
|> List.distinct
/// Returns 3 tuples:
/// - wires connected only to inputs
/// - those connected only to outputs
@ -1172,7 +1230,6 @@ let filterWiresByCompMoved (model: Model) (componentIDs: ComponentId list) =
(inputWires, outputWires, fullyConnected)
/// Returns a newly autorouted wire given a model and wire
let autorouteWire (model: Model) (wire: Wire): Wire =
@ -1187,7 +1244,6 @@ let autorouteWire (model: Model) (wire: Wire): Wire =
Segments = makeInitialASegList wire.Id locations
/// Reverse the segment order, as well as (start, end) coordinates
let revSegments (segments: ASeg list) =
let invert (segment: ASeg) : ASeg =
@ -1200,7 +1256,6 @@ let revSegments (segments: ASeg list) =
List.rev segments
|> invert
// ====================================================================================================================
@ -1228,7 +1283,6 @@ let revSegments (segments: ASeg list) =
// ======================================================================================================================
/// Create a position, the sum of two other positions
let inline addPosPos (position1: XYPos) (position2: XYPos): XYPos =
@ -1236,7 +1290,6 @@ let inline addPosPos (position1: XYPos) (position2: XYPos): XYPos =
Y = position1.Y + position2.Y
/// Applies a mover function to the end of a segment at a given index
let inline moveEnd (mover: XYPos -> XYPos) (setIndex: int) =
@ -1251,7 +1304,6 @@ let inline moveEnd (mover: XYPos -> XYPos) (setIndex: int) =
List.mapi setEndAtIndex
/// Applies a mover function to the start of a segment at a given index
let inline moveStart (mover: XYPos -> XYPos) (setIndex: int) =
@ -1266,7 +1318,6 @@ let inline moveStart (mover: XYPos -> XYPos) (setIndex: int) =
List.mapi setStartAtIndex
/// Applies a mover function to the (start, end) of a segment at a given index
let inline moveAll (mover: XYPos -> XYPos) (setIndex: int) =
@ -1282,7 +1333,6 @@ let inline moveAll (mover: XYPos -> XYPos) (setIndex: int) =
List.mapi setAllAtIndex
/// Applies (X, Y) transformations to a point
let transformXY
(xTransform: float -> float)
@ -1295,7 +1345,6 @@ let transformXY
Y = yTransform point.Y
/// Applies (X, Y) transformations to the start and end of a segment
let transformSeg
(xTransform: float -> float)
@ -1310,14 +1359,12 @@ let transformSeg
End = transform segment.End
/// Gets a tuple, the pair of directions in each axis
let topology (position1: XYPos) (position2: XYPos): int * int =
let delta (point0: float) (point1: float): int =
sign (abs point0 - abs point1)
(delta position1.X position2.X), (delta position1.Y position2.Y)
/// Performs a partial autoroute. Will fail (returning None) if a full
/// autoroute is needed -- or if there are manually dragged segments in the
/// way.
@ -1428,7 +1475,6 @@ let partialAutoRoute
|> Option.bind checkTopology
|> Option.bind preEndScale
/// Returns the new positions keeping manual coordinates negative, and auto
/// coordinates positive
let negXYPos (position: XYPos) (difference: XYPos): XYPos =
@ -1442,7 +1488,6 @@ let negXYPos (position: XYPos) (difference: XYPos): XYPos =
/// Moves a wire by a specified amount by adding a XYPos to each start and end
/// point of each segment
let moveWire (wire : Wire) (difference : XYPos): Wire =
@ -1459,7 +1504,6 @@ let moveWire (wire : Wire) (difference : XYPos): Wire =
Segments = transformer wire.Segments
/// Re-routes a wire in the model when its ports have moved. Tries to preserve
/// manual routing when it makes sense to do so -- otherwise, use auto-routing.
let updateWire (model: Model) (wire: Wire) (isInput: bool) =
@ -1485,112 +1529,38 @@ let updateWire (model: Model) (wire: Wire) (isInput: bool) =
|> (fun segs -> {wire with Segments = segs})
|> Option.defaultValue (autorouteWire model wire)
// ------------------------------------------------------------ / Inigo Selwood
let makeAllJumps (wiresWithNoJumps: ConnectionId list) (model: Model) =
let mutable newWX = model.WX
// Arrays are faster to check than lists
let wiresWithNoJumpsA = List.toArray wiresWithNoJumps
let changeJumps wid index jumps =
let jumps = List.sortDescending jumps
let changeSegment segs =
List.mapi (fun i x -> if i <> index then x else { x with JumpCoordinateListA = jumps }) segs
newWX <- Map.add wid { newWX[wid] with Segments = changeSegment newWX[wid].Segments } newWX
let segs =
|> Map.toArray
|> (fun (_wid, w) -> List.toArray w.Segments)
for w1 in 0 .. segs.Length - 1 do
for h in segs[w1] do
if h.Dir = Horizontal then
// work out what jumps this segment should have
let mutable jumps: (float * SegmentId) list = []
if not (Array.contains h.HostId wiresWithNoJumpsA) then
for w2 in 0 .. segs.Length - 1 do
// everything inside the inner loop should be very highly optimised
// it is executed n^2 time where n is the number of segments (maybe 5000)
// the abs here are because segment coordinates my be negated to indicate manual routing
for v in segs[w2] do
if not (Array.contains v.HostId wiresWithNoJumpsA) then
match v.Dir with
| Vertical ->
let x, x1, x2 = abs v.Start.X, abs h.Start.X, abs h.End.X
let y, y1, y2 = abs h.Start.Y, abs v.Start.Y, abs v.End.Y
let xhi, xlo = max x1 x2, min x1 x2
let yhi, ylo = max y1 y2, min y1 y2
//printfn $"{[xlo;x;xhi]}, {[ylo;y;yhi]}"
if x < xhi - 5.0 && x > xlo + 5.0 && y < yhi - 5.0 && y > ylo + 5.0 then
//printfn "found a jump!"
jumps <- (x, v.Id) :: jumps
| _ -> ()
// compare jumps with what segment now has, and change newWX if need be
// note that if no change is needed we do not update WX
// simple cases are done without sort for speed, proably not necessary!
// The jump list is sorted in model to enable easier rendering of segments
match jumps, h.JumpCoordinateListA with
| [], [] -> ()
| [ a ], [ b ] when a <> b -> changeJumps h.HostId h.Index jumps
| [], _ -> changeJumps h.HostId h.Index jumps
| _, [] -> // in this case we need to sort the jump list
changeJumps h.HostId h.Index (List.sort jumps)
| newJumps, oldJ ->
let newJ = List.sort newJumps
// oldJ is already sorted (we only ever write newJ back to model)
if newJ <> oldJ then changeJumps h.HostId h.Index newJumps else ()
{ model with WX = newWX }
let updateWireSegmentJumps (_wireList: ConnectionId list) (wModel: Model) : Model =
let startT = TimeHelpers.getTimeMs()
let model = makeAllJumps [] wModel
TimeHelpers.instrumentTime "UpdateJumps" startT
/// This function updates the wire model by removing from the stored lists of intersections
/// all those generated by wireList wires.
/// intersetcions are stored in maps on the model and on the horizontal segments containing the jumps
let resetWireSegmentJumps (wireList: ConnectionId list) (wModel: Model) : Model =
makeAllJumps wireList wModel
/// Re-routes the wires in the model based on a list of components that have been altered.
/// If the wire input and output ports are both in the list of moved components, does not re-route wire but instead translates it.
/// Keeps manual wires manual (up to a point).
/// Otherwise it will auto-route wires connected to components that have moved
let updateWires (model: Model) (compIdList: ComponentId list) (diff: XYPos) =
let (inputWires, outputWires, fullyConnected) = filterWiresByCompMoved model compIdList
let (inputWires, outputWires, fullyConnectedWires) = filterWiresByCompMoved model compIdList
let newWires =
|> Map.toList
|> (fun (cId, wire) ->
if List.contains cId fullyConnected //Translate wires that are connected to moving components on both sides
then (cId, moveWire wire diff)
elif List.contains cId inputWires //Only route wires connected to ports that moved for efficiency
then (cId, updateWire model wire true)
elif List.contains cId outputWires
then (cId, updateWire model wire false)
else (cId, wire))
if List.contains cId fullyConnectedWires then // Translate wires that are connected to moving components on both sides
(cId, moveWire wire diff)
elif List.contains cId inputWires then // Only route wires connected to ports that moved for efficiency
(cId, updateWire model wire true)
elif List.contains cId outputWires then
(cId, updateWire model wire false)
(cId, wire))
|> Map.ofList
{model with WX = newWires}
let update (msg : Msg) (model : Model) : Model*Cmd<Msg> =
/// Update the Model according to the message received, return a tuple of new Model and Msg
let update (msg : Msg) (model : Model) : Model * Cmd<Msg> =
match msg with
| Symbol sMsg ->
let sm,sCmd = Symbol.update sMsg model.Symbol
{model with Symbol=sm}, Symbol sCmd
| UpdateWires (componentIdList, diff) ->
updateWires model componentIdList diff, Cmd.none
| UpdateWires (componentIdList, diff) -> updateWires model componentIdList diff, Cmd.none
| AddWire ( (inputId, outputId) : (InputPortId * OutputPortId) ) ->
let portOnePos, portTwoPos = Symbol.getTwoPortLocations model.Symbol inputId outputId // TODO: Symbol fn in BusWire
@ -1604,16 +1574,17 @@ let update (msg : Msg) (model : Model) : Model*Cmd<Msg> =
OutputPort = outputId
Color = HighLightColor.DarkSlateGrey
Width = 1
Rotation = PosY
YReflect = false
Segments = segmentList
let wireAddedMap = Map.add newWire.Id newWire model.WX
let newModel = updateWireSegmentJumps [wireId] {model with WX = wireAddedMap}
let newModel = {model with WX = wireAddedMap}
newModel, Cmd.ofMsg BusWidths
| BusWidths ->
let processConWidths (connWidths: ConnectionsWidth) =
let addWireWidthFolder (wireMap: Map<ConnectionId, Wire>) _ wire =
let width =
@ -1629,10 +1600,10 @@ let update (msg : Msg) (model : Model) : Model*Cmd<Msg> =
let symbol = m[symId]
match symbol.Compo.Type with
| SplitWire _n ->
| SplitWire _ ->
match inPort.PortNumber with
| Some 0 -> {symbol with InWidth0 = Some wire.Width}
| x -> failwithf $"What? wire found with input port {x} other than 0 connecting to SplitWire"
| x -> failwithf $"Error: wire found with input port {x} other than 0 connecting to SplitWire"
|> (fun sym -> Map.add symId sym m)
| MergeWires ->
match inPort.PortNumber with
@ -1640,24 +1611,20 @@ let update (msg : Msg) (model : Model) : Model*Cmd<Msg> =
Map.add symId {symbol with InWidth0 = Some wire.Width} m
| Some 1 ->
Map.add symId {symbol with InWidth1 = Some wire.Width} m
| x -> failwithf $"What? wire found with input port {x} other than 0 or 1 connecting to MergeWires"
| x -> failwithf $"Error: wire found with input port {x} other than 0 or 1 connecting to MergeWires"
| _ -> m
let newWX = ((Map.empty, model.WX) ||> Map.fold addWireWidthFolder)
let symbolsWithWidths =
(model.Symbol.Symbols, newWX) ||> Map.fold addSymbolWidthFolder
let symbolsWithWidths = (model.Symbol.Symbols, newWX) ||> Map.fold addSymbolWidthFolder
{ model with
WX = newWX; Notifications = None ;
Symbol = {model.Symbol with Symbols = symbolsWithWidths}}, Cmd.none
Symbol = {model.Symbol with Symbols = symbolsWithWidths}
}, Cmd.none
let canvasState = (Symbol.extractComponents model.Symbol, extractConnections model )
match BusWidthInferer.inferConnectionsWidth canvasState with
| Ok connWidths ->
processConWidths connWidths
@ -1687,7 +1654,7 @@ let update (msg : Msg) (model : Model) : Model*Cmd<Msg> =
let newWX =
(fun id wire ->
( fun id wire ->
if List.contains id model.ErrorWires then
if List.contains id connectionIds then
{wire with Color = HighLightColor.Brown}
@ -1697,16 +1664,15 @@ let update (msg : Msg) (model : Model) : Model*Cmd<Msg> =
{wire with Color = HighLightColor.Purple}
{wire with Color = HighLightColor.DarkSlateGrey}
{model with WX = newWX}, Cmd.none
| DeleteWires (connectionIds : ConnectionId list) ->
let newModel = resetWireSegmentJumps (connectionIds) (model)
let newWX =
|> Map.filter (fun id _wire -> not (List.contains id connectionIds))
{newModel with WX = newWX}, Cmd.ofMsg BusWidths
|> Map.filter (fun id _ -> not (List.contains id connectionIds))
{model with WX = newWX}, Cmd.ofMsg BusWidths
| DragWire (connId : ConnectionId, mMsg: MouseT) ->
match mMsg.Op with
@ -1714,20 +1680,23 @@ let update (msg : Msg) (model : Model) : Model*Cmd<Msg> =
let segId = getClickedSegment model connId mMsg.Pos
{model with SelectedSegment = segId }, Cmd.none
| Drag ->
let segId = model.SelectedSegment
let rec getSeg (segList: ASeg list) =
match segList with
| h::t -> if h.Id = segId then h else getSeg t
| _ -> failwithf "segment Id not found in segment list"
let seg = getSeg model.WX[connId].Segments
if seg.Draggable then
let distanceToMove =
match seg.Dir with
| Horizontal -> mMsg.Pos.Y - abs seg.Start.Y
| Vertical -> mMsg.Pos.X - abs seg.Start.X
let aSeg =
let aSegOption =
riSegWireToASegs model.WX[connId]
|> List.choose ( fun aSeg -> if aSeg.Id = model.SelectedSegment then Some aSeg else None )
|> List.tryExactlyOne
match aSegOption with
| Some aSeg -> aSeg
| None -> failwithf "Error: Segment Id not found in segment list"
let newWire = moveSegment seg distanceToMove model
let newWX = Map.add seg.HostId newWire model.WX
if aSeg.Draggable then
let distanceToMove =
match aSeg.Dir with
| Horizontal -> mMsg.Pos.Y - abs aSeg.Start.Y
| Vertical -> mMsg.Pos.X - abs aSeg.Start.X
let newWire = moveSegment aSeg distanceToMove model
let newWX = Map.add aSeg.HostId newWire model.WX
{model with WX = newWX}, Cmd.none
@ -1735,7 +1704,6 @@ let update (msg : Msg) (model : Model) : Model*Cmd<Msg> =
| _ -> model, Cmd.none
| ColorWires (connIds, color) -> // Just Changes the colour of the wires, Sheet calls pasteWires before this
let newWires =
(List.fold (fun prevWires cId ->
@ -1748,87 +1716,66 @@ let update (msg : Msg) (model : Model) : Model*Cmd<Msg> =
Map.add cId { oldWire with Color = color } prevWires) model.WX connIds)
{ model with WX = newWires }, Cmd.none
| ResetJumps connIds ->
printfn $"resetting jumps on {connIds.Length} wires"
let newModel =
|> resetWireSegmentJumps connIds
newModel, Cmd.none
| MakeJumps connIds ->
printfn $"making jumps on {connIds.Length} wires"
let newModel =
|> updateWireSegmentJumps connIds
newModel, Cmd.none
| ResetModel -> { model with WX = Map.empty; ErrorWires = []; Notifications = None }, Cmd.none
| LoadConnections conns -> // we assume components (and hence ports) are loaded before connections
let posMatchesVertex (pos:XYPos) (vertex: float*float) =
let epsilon = 0.00001
abs (abs pos.X - abs (fst vertex)) < epsilon &&
abs (abs pos.Y - abs (snd vertex)) < epsilon
abs (abs pos.X - abs (fst vertex)) < epsilon && abs (abs pos.Y - abs (snd vertex)) < epsilon
|> (fun b -> if not b then printf $"Bad wire endpoint match on {pos} {vertex}"; b else b)
let newWX =
|> ( fun conn ->
let inputId = InputPortId conn.Target.Id
let outputId = OutputPortId conn.Source.Id
let connId = ConnectionId conn.Id
let segments = issieVerticesToASegs connId conn.Vertices
let makeWirePosMatchSymbol inOut (wire:Wire) =
match inOut with
| true -> posMatchesVertex
(Symbol.getInputPortLocation model.Symbol inputId)
(List.head conn.Vertices)
| false ->
(Symbol.getOutputPortLocation model.Symbol outputId)
(List.last conn.Vertices)
|> (fun b ->
if b then
let getS (connId:string) =
Map.tryFind connId model.Symbol.Ports
|> (fun port -> port.HostId)
|> Option.bind (fun symId -> Map.tryFind (ComponentId symId) model.Symbol.Symbols)
|> (fun sym -> sym.Compo.Label)
printfn $"Updating loaded wire from {getS conn.Source.Id}->{getS conn.Target.Id} of wire "
updateWire model wire inOut)
Id = ConnectionId conn.Id
InputPort = inputId
OutputPort = outputId
Color = HighLightColor.DarkSlateGrey
Width = 1
Segments = segments
|> makeWirePosMatchSymbol false
|> makeWirePosMatchSymbol true
let connsToWX conn =
let inputId = InputPortId conn.Target.Id
let outputId = OutputPortId conn.Source.Id
let connId = ConnectionId conn.Id
let aSegs = issieVerticesToASegs connId conn.Vertices
let riSegs = aSegListToRISegList aSegs
let makeWirePosMatchSymbol inOut (wire:Wire) =
match inOut with
| true -> posMatchesVertex
(Symbol.getInputPortLocation model.Symbol inputId)
(List.head conn.Vertices)
| false -> posMatchesVertex
(Symbol.getOutputPortLocation model.Symbol outputId)
(List.last conn.Vertices)
|> (fun b ->
if b then
let getS (connId:string) =
Map.tryFind connId model.Symbol.Ports
|> (fun port -> port.HostId)
|> Option.bind (fun symId -> Map.tryFind (ComponentId symId) model.Symbol.Symbols)
|> (fun sym -> sym.Compo.Label)
printfn $"Updating loaded wire from {getS conn.Source.Id}->{getS conn.Target.Id} of wire "
updateWire model wire inOut
{ Id = ConnectionId conn.Id
InputPort = inputId
OutputPort = outputId
Color = HighLightColor.DarkSlateGrey
Width = 1
Rotation = PosY
YReflect = false
Segments = riSegToASeg riSegs
|> makeWirePosMatchSymbol false
|> makeWirePosMatchSymbol true
|> connsToWX
|> Map.ofList
let connIds =
|> (fun conn -> ConnectionId conn.Id)
{ model with WX = newWX }, Cmd.ofMsg (MakeJumps connIds)
{ model with WX = newWX }, Cmd.none
//---------------Other interface functions--------------------//
let wireIntersectsBoundingBox (w : Wire) (bb : BoundingBox) =
let boolList = (fun seg -> fst(segmentIntersectsBoundingBoxCoordinates seg bb)) w.Segments
List.contains true boolList
|> ( fun seg -> fst (segmentIntersectsBoundingBoxCoordinates seg bb) )
|> List.contains true
let getIntersectingWires (wModel : Model) (selectBox : BoundingBox) : ConnectionId list =
@ -1884,7 +1831,7 @@ let pasteWires (wModel : Model) (newCompIds : ComponentId list) : (Model * Conne
{ wModel with WX = newWireMap }, pastedConnIds
///Given the Model and the connectionID list, return the tuple of InputPortId list and OutputPortId list
let getPortIdsOfWires (model: Model) (connIds: ConnectionId list) : (InputPortId list * OutputPortId list) =
(([], []), connIds)
||> List.fold (fun (inputPorts, outputPorts) connId ->

View file

@ -649,7 +649,6 @@ let mDownUpdate (model: Model) (mMsg: MouseT) : Model * Cmd<Msg> =
Cmd.batch [ symbolCmd (Symbol.SelectSymbols [])
wireCmd (BusWire.SelectWires [ connId ])
wireCmd (BusWire.DragWire (connId, mMsg))
wireCmd (BusWire.ResetJumps [ connId ] )
Cmd.ofMsg msg]
| Canvas ->
let newComponents, newWires =
@ -677,7 +676,7 @@ let mDragUpdate (model: Model) (mMsg: MouseT) : Model * Cmd<Msg> =
| InitialiseMoving _ ->
let movingWires = BusWire.getConnectedWires model.Wire model.SelectedComponents
let newModel, cmd = moveSymbols model mMsg
newModel, Cmd.batch [ cmd; wireCmd (BusWire.ResetJumps movingWires) ]
newModel, cmd
| MovingSymbols | DragAndDrop ->
moveSymbols model mMsg
| ConnectingInput _ ->
@ -724,8 +723,7 @@ let mUpUpdate (model: Model) (mMsg: MouseT) : Model * Cmd<Msg> = // mMsg is curr
match model.Action with
| MovingWire connId ->
{ model with Action = Idle ; UndoList = appendUndoList model.UndoList newModel; RedoList = [] },
Cmd.batch [ wireCmd (BusWire.DragWire (connId, mMsg))
wireCmd (BusWire.MakeJumps [ connId ] ) ]
wireCmd (BusWire.DragWire (connId, mMsg))
| Selecting ->
let newComponents = findIntersectingComponents model model.DragToSelectBox
let newWires = BusWire.getIntersectingWires model.Wire model.DragToSelectBox
@ -748,7 +746,6 @@ let mUpUpdate (model: Model) (mMsg: MouseT) : Model * Cmd<Msg> = // mMsg is curr
// Reset Movement State in Model
match model.ErrorComponents with
| [] ->
let movingWires = BusWire.getConnectedWires model.Wire model.SelectedComponents
{model with
// BoundingBoxes = Symbol.getBoundingBoxes model.Wire.Symbol
Action = Idle
@ -757,7 +754,7 @@ let mUpUpdate (model: Model) (mMsg: MouseT) : Model * Cmd<Msg> = // mMsg is curr
UndoList = appendUndoList model.UndoList newModel
RedoList = []
AutomaticScrolling = false },
wireCmd (BusWire.MakeJumps movingWires)
| _ ->
let movingWires = BusWire.getConnectedWires model.Wire model.SelectedComponents
{model with
@ -768,8 +765,7 @@ let mUpUpdate (model: Model) (mMsg: MouseT) : Model * Cmd<Msg> = // mMsg is curr
AutomaticScrolling = false },
Cmd.batch [ symbolCmd (Symbol.MoveSymbols (model.SelectedComponents, (posDiff model.LastValidPos mMsg.Pos)))
symbolCmd (Symbol.SelectSymbols (model.SelectedComponents))
wireCmd (BusWire.UpdateWires (model.SelectedComponents, posDiff model.LastValidPos mMsg.Pos))
wireCmd (BusWire.MakeJumps movingWires) ]
wireCmd (BusWire.UpdateWires (model.SelectedComponents, posDiff model.LastValidPos mMsg.Pos)) ]
| ConnectingInput inputPortId ->
let cmd, undoList ,redoList =
if model.TargetPortId <> "" // If a target has been found, connect a wire