Fix syntax errors from mult/div

This commit is contained in:
jl7719 2020-12-16 05:04:45 +00:00
parent 07d32e9baf
commit 4ff160db1a
4 changed files with 9 additions and 9 deletions

View file

@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ initial begin
Lo <= 32'd0;
always_comb begin
always @(*) begin
assign ALUOps = ALUOp;
ADD: begin
@ -216,11 +216,11 @@ end
PAS: begin
ALURes = A;
SLT: begin
if ($signed(A) < $signed(B)) begin
ALURes = 1;

View file

@ -120,9 +120,9 @@ always @(*) begin
$display("Memory read disabled");
end else if ((op==JAL) || ((op==SPECIAL)&&(funct == JALR)))begin
CtrlMemtoReg = 3'd2;//write data port of regfile is fed from PC + 8
end else if ((op==SPECIAL)&&(funct == MTHI)))begin
end else if ((op==SPECIAL)&&(funct == MTHI))begin
CtrlMemtoReg = 3'd3;//write data port of regfile is fed from ALUHi
end else if ((op==SPECIAL)&&(funct == MTLO)))begin
end else if ((op==SPECIAL)&&(funct == MTLO))begin
CtrlMemtoReg = 3'd4;//write data port of regfile is fed from ALULo
end else begin CtrlMemRead = 1'bx;end//Not all instructions are encompassed so, added incase for debug purposes

View file

@ -26,10 +26,10 @@ assign data_write = out_MemWrite;
assign data_read = out_MemRead;
assign data_writedata = out_readdata2;
logic[31:0] out_pc_out, out_ALURes, out_readdata1, out_readdata2, in_B, in_writedata;
logic[31:0] out_pc_out, out_ALURes, out_readdata1, out_readdata2, in_B, in_writedata, out_ALUHi, out_ALULo;
logic[4:0] in_readreg1, in_readreg2, in_writereg, out_shamt, out_ALUOp;
logic[5:0] in_opcode;
logic out_ALUCond, out_RegWrite, out_ALUSrc, out_MemWrite, out_MemRead;
logic out_ALUCond, out_RegWrite, out_ALUSrc, out_MemWrite, out_MemRead, out_SpcRegWriteEn;
logic[1:0] out_RegDst, out_PC;
logic[2:0] out_MemtoReg;
@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ mips_cpu_alu alu(
.ALUCond(out_ALUCond), //condition used by control to decide on branch instructions.
.ALURes(out_ALURes), //output/result of operation that goes to either: 'Address' port of Data Memory; or 'Write Data' port of the register file.
.ALUHi(out_ALUHi), //Special register Hi output to be used for MFHI instructions - feeds in_writedata.
.ALULo(out_ALULo), //Special register Hi output to be used for MFLO instructions - feeds in_writedata.
.ALULo(out_ALULo) //Special register Hi output to be used for MFLO instructions - feeds in_writedata.

View file

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ always_ff @(posedge clk) begin
always_comb begin
always @(*) begin
2'd1: begin // Branch
pc_next = pc_out + 32'd4 + {{14{instr[15]}},instr[15:0],2'b00};