Update control and memory

Fixed some errors when testing
This commit is contained in:
jl7719 2020-12-10 22:27:08 +09:00
parent 84adff2ed1
commit 04b1ed4fed
2 changed files with 9 additions and 10 deletions

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@ -83,9 +83,9 @@ assign rt = Instr[20:16];
always @(*) begin
//CtrlRegDst logic
if((op==ADDIU) || (op==ANDI) || (op==LB) || (op==LBU) || (op==LH) || (op==LHU) || (op==LUI) || (op==LW) || (op==LWL) || (op==LWR) || (op==ORI) || (op==SLTI) || (op==SLTIU) || (op==XORI))begin //
if((op==ADDIU) || (op==ANDI) || (op==LB) || (op==LBU) || (op==LH) || (op==LHU) || (op==LUI) || (op==LW) || (op==LWL) || (op==LWR) || (op==ORI) || (op==SLTI) || (op==SLTIU) || (op==XORI))begin
CtrlRegDst = 2'd0; //Write address comes from rt
end else if ((op==SPECIAL)&&((funct==ADDU) || (funct==AND) || (funct==JALR) || (funct==OR) || (funct==SLL) || (funct==SLLV) || (funct==SLT) || (funct==SLTU) || (funct==SRA) || (funct==SRAV) || (funct==SRL) || (funct==SRLV) || (funct==SUBU) || (funct==XOR)))begin//
end else if ((op==SPECIAL)&&((funct==ADDU) || (funct==AND) || (funct==JALR) || (funct==OR) || (funct==SLL) || (funct==SLLV) || (funct==SLT) || (funct==SLTU) || (funct==SRA) || (funct==SRAV) || (funct==SRL) || (funct==SRLV) || (funct==SUBU) || (funct==XOR)))begin
CtrlRegDst = 2'd1; //Write address comes from rd
end else if (op == JAL)begin
CtrlRegDst = 2'd2; //const reg 31, for writing to the link register
@ -96,10 +96,10 @@ always @(*) begin
CtrlPC = 2'd1; // Branches - Jumps relative to PC
end else if((op==J) || (op==JAL))begin
CtrlPC = 2'd2; // Jumps within 256MB Region using 26-bit immediate in J type instruction
end else if((op==JR) || (op==JALR))begin
end else if((funct==JR) || (funct==JALR))begin
CtrlPC = 2'd3; // Jumps using Register.
$display("Ctrl PC Jump Register");
end else begin CtrlPC = 2'd0; $display("Ctrl PC No Jump/Branch");end // No jumps or branches, just increment to next word
//$display("Ctrl PC Jump Register");
end else begin CtrlPC = 2'd0; /*/$display("Ctrl PC No Jump/Branch");*/end // No jumps or branches, just increment to next word
//CtrlMemRead and CtrlMemtoReg logic -- Interesting quirk that they have the same logic. Makes sense bc you'd only want to select the read data out when the memory itself is read enabled.
if((op==LB) || (op==LBU) || (op==LH) || (op==LHU) || (op==LW) || (op==LWL) || (op==LWR))begin
@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ always @(*) begin
//CtrlALUOp Logic
if((op==ADDIU) || ((op==SPECIAL)&&(funct==ADDU)))begin
CtrlALUOp = 5'd0; //ADD from ALUOps
end else if((op==ANDI) || ((op==SPECIAL)&&(funct==AND)))begin((op==ANDI) || ((op==SPECIAL)&&(funct==AND)))
end else if((op==ANDI) || ((op==SPECIAL)&&(funct==AND)))begin
CtrlALUOp = 5'd4;//AND from ALUOps
end else if(op==BEQ) begin
CtrlALUOp = 5'd13;//EQ from ALUOps
@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ always @(*) begin
CtrlALUOp = 5'd3;//DIV from ALUOps
end else if((op==SPECIAL)&&(funct==DIVU))begin
CtrlALUOp = 5'd23;//DIVU from ALUOps
end else if((op==LB) || (op==LBU) || (op==LH) || (op==LHU) || (op==LW) || (op==LWL) || (op==LWR) || (op==SB) || (op==SBH) || (op==SW))begin
end else if((op==LB) || (op==LBU) || (op==LH) || (op==LHU) || (op==LW) || (op==LWL) || (op==LWR) || (op==SB) || (op==SH) || (op==SW))begin
CtrlALUOp = 5'd0;//ADD from ALUOps
end else if(op==LUI)begin
CtrlALUOp = 5'd7;//SLL from ALUOps
@ -189,9 +189,8 @@ always @(*) begin
end else begin CtrlALUSrc = 1'bx;end
//CtrlRegWrite logic
if((op == ADDIU | op == ANDI | op == LB | op == LBU | op == LH | op == LHU | op == LUI | op == LW | op == LWL | op == LWR | op == ORI | op == SLTI | op == SLTIU | op == XORI | (op == SPECIAL & ((funct == ADDU | funct == AND | funct == DIV | funct == DIVU | funct == MULT | funct == MULTU | funct == JALR | funct == OR | funct == SLL | funct == SLLV | funct == SLT | funct == SLTU | funct == SRA | funct == SRAV | funct == SRL | funct == SRLV | funct == SUBU | funct == XOR)))))begin
if ((op==ADDIU) || (op==ANDI) || (op==LB) || (op==LBU) || (op==LH) || (op==LHU) || (op==LUI) || (op==LW) || (op==LWL) || (op==LWR) || (op==ORI) || (op==SLTI) || (op==XORI) || ((op==SPECIAL)&&((funct==ADDU) || (funct==AND) || (funct==DIV) || (funct==DIVU) || (funct==MULT) || (funct==MULTU) || (funct==OR) || (funct==SLL) || (funct==SLLV) || (funct==SLT) || (funct==SLTU) || (funct==SRA) || (funct==SRAV) || (funct==SRL) || (funct==SRLV) || (funct==SUBU) || (funct==XOR)))) begin
CtrlRegWrite = 1;//The Registers are Write Enabled
end else begin CtrlRegWrite = 0;end // The Registers are Write Disabled
((op==ADDIU) || (op==ANDI) || (op==LB) || (op==LBU) || (op==LH) || (op==LHU) || (op==LUI) || (op==LW) || (op==LWL) || (op==LWR) || (op==ORI) || (op==SLTI) || (op==XORI) || ((op==SPECIAL)&&((funct==ADDU) || (funct==AND) || (funct==DIV) || (funct==DIVU) || (funct==MULT) || (funct==MULTU) || (funct==OR) || (funct==SLL) || (funct==SLLV) || (funct==SLT) || (funct==SLTU) || (funct==SRA) || (funct==SRAV) || (funct==SRL) || (funct==SRLV) || (funct==SUBU) || (funct==XOR))))

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@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ module mips_cpu_memory(
//$display("RAM : INFO : data_read=%h, data_address = %h, mem=%h", data_read, data_address, memory[data_address]);
if (!data_read & data_write) begin //cannot read and write to memory in the same cycle
if (instr_address != data_address) begin //cannot modify the instruction being read
data_memory[data_address] <= data_writedata;
data_memory[data_address>>2] <= data_writedata;