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@ -1,391 +0,0 @@
// CORDIC_par_seq.v Core ALU of a CORDIC rotator,
// word-sequential implementation
// Revision information:
// 0.0 07-Jan-2004 Jonathan Bromley
// Initial coding of word-sequential version
// 0.1 08-Jan-2004 Jonathan Bromley
// Still using Verilog-1995 (will migrate to SV3.1 later);
// added angle output and mode-control input, so that it
// can be used to do Cartesian-to-polar conversion as well
// as rotation
// 1.0 15-Jan-2004 Jonathan Bromley
// Migrated everything to signed typedefs (SV3.1)
// and signed arithmetic (see file ../common/defs.v)
// 1.1 25-Jan-2004 Jonathan Bromley
// Improved internal documentation
// __________________________________________________________________________
// _________________________________________________________ DEPENDENCIES ___
// This module assumes the existence of a typedef T_sdata representing
// signed data. This typedef should be a packed logic or integer.
// The code here will not work correctly if T_sdata, padded with the
// number of additional low-order bits specified by parameter guard_bits,
// is wider than 32 bits - in other words, we require that
// $bits(T_sdata) + guard_bits <= 32
// __________________________________________________________________________
//___________________________________________________________ DESCRIPTION ___
// -------
// -------
// This module implements the CORDIC two-dimensional rotator algorithm
// originally proposed by Volder (1959). It can be used to calculate
// trigonometrical functions sin, cos, arctan and others; it can also
// perform polar-to-rectangular and rectangular-to-polar conversion.
// ----------
// ----------
// Two parameters, guardBits and stepBits, determine the internal
// behaviour of the CORDIC algorithm.
// stepBits is the number of bits in the counter that controls
// iteration of the CORDIC algorithm. In the present implementation
// there will be exactly (2^stepBits) iterations - for example, 16
// iterations if stepBits=4. As a guideline, (2^stepBits) should be
// at least as large as the number of bits in the data words.
// guardBits is the number of additional LSBs that is maintained in
// the internal arithmetic to improve precision. It should normally
// be equal to stepBits, or at least (stepBits-1); otherwise, the
// additional precision gained by additional iterations of the CORDIC
// algorithm will be lost through rounding errors. On the other hand,
// there is little to be gained from making guardBits greater than
// (stepBits+1).
// ------------------
// ------------------
// There is a single mode control input:
// reduceNotRotate.....sets operating mode of the rotator for the
// next operation - see OPERATION below for details
// There are three datapath inputs:
// angleIn.......2s complement signed value, the desired angle of
// rotation
// xIn, yIn......Cartesian coordinates of the point being rotated,
// as 2s complement signed values
// There are three datapath outputs:
// angleOut......2s complement signed value, the resulting angle
// after rotation
// xOut, yOut....Cartesian coordinates of the rotated point,
// as 2s complement signed values
// There are two operation-control or handshake signals:
// start.........input, should be asserted for one clock at a time when
// valid data are presented to the datapath inputs
// ready.........output, held asserted when datapath outputs carry a
// valid calculation result
// The remaining inputs (clock, reset) are the usual positive-edge clock
// and asynchronous power-up reset.
// ---------
// ---------
// Mode bit "reduceNotRotate" is sampled together with the datapath
// inputs whenever "start" is asserted.
// If reduceNotRotate is set (1), angleIn is ignored and the
// CORDIC rotator will rotate the x,y vector so that its y component
// is zero; thus, its x component will reflect the original vector's
// magnitude (scaled by the CORDIC gain) and the angle output will
// be equal to the original vector's argument. This mode provides
// rectangular-to-polar conversion, and calculation of arctangent.
// If the yOut output is significantly different from zero at the end
// of the calculation, it indicates that the argument (angle) of the
// input vector was too far from zero for the CORDIC algorithm to be
// able to reduce it.
// If reduceNotRotate is clear (0), the CORDIC rotator will rotate the
// x,y input vector by the angle specified as angleIn (and scale it
// by the CORDIC gain); the output angle will then be close to zero.
// This mode provides polar-to-rectangular conversion, and calculation
// of sine and cosine. If the angleOut output is significantly different
// from zero at the end of the calculation, it indicates that the required
// rotation angle was too large for the CORDIC algorithm to process.
// On receipt of a "start" input, the CORDIC processor abandons any
// calculation that may be in progress, clears the "ready" output to zero,
// and starts work on the new input values. When finished, it sets
// "ready" to 1. Whenever "ready" is set, the data outputs
// xOut, yOut, angleOut are valid. These outputs will remain valid,
// and "ready" will remain asserted, until "start" is asserted again at
// some future time.
// ---------------------------
// ---------------------------
// CORDIC gain
// -----------
// It is an inevitable side-effect of the CORDIC algorithm that the
// rotated x,y coordinates are magnified by the CORDIC gain. This
// gain is the product
// N-1
// P (cos(atn(2^(-i))))
// i=0
// where N is the number of iterations of the CORDIC loop.
// The limit of this product as N tends to infinity is 1.646760258,
// and it approaches this limit quite quickly as N rises - for
// example, its value for N=4 is 1.642484066. For any
// practically useful value of N, it is reasonable to use the limit.
// This hardware implementation makes no attempt to account for the
// CORDIC gain, and assumes that this gain factor will be compensated-for
// somewhere else in the system.
// Numerical overflow
// ------------------
// The output x,y values from the algorithm can be larger in magnitude than
// the larger of the two (x,y) inputs. For example, if xIn and yIn are
// equal, and the corresponding point is then rotated by pi/4 (45 degrees),
// one of the output coordinates will be zero and the other will be sqrt(2)
// larger than either input. Additionally, the outputs are scaled by the
// CORDIC gain as described above. Consequently, if the largest possible
// input coordinate value is M, then the largest possible output is
// just under 2.33*M. No account is taken of this effect in the hardware;
// input and output values have the same number of bits. It is the user's
// responsibility to ensure that input values do not exceed 1/2.33 times
// the full-scale value - this sets a limit of +/-14106 for 16-bit data.
// Scaling of data values
// ----------------------
// Scaling of the Cartesian coordinates is unimportant, except to note
// that the largest magnitude of output results can be as much as
// 2.33 times greater than largest the magnitude of the input, as
// described in "Numerical overflow" above.
// Scaling of angles is also quite flexible; any scaling
// can be accommodated, provided the arctan values also have the
// same scaling. Since the CORDIC rotator can rotate its input vector
// by more than one quadrant (pi/2) in either direction, it is
// reasonable and convenient to choose a scaling in which the
// angle is a 2s complement number, with its largest positive value
// (01111...1111) representing just less than +pi and its most
// negative value (10000..0000) representing exactly -pi.
// It is not possible to make effective use of the full range of these
// angles, since the CORDIC algorithm is incapable of rotating a vector
// by more than 1.743 radians (99.8 degrees) in either direction.
// __________________________________________________________________________
// This is a synthesisable design and doesn't need a `timescale,
// but we include one here to avoid any dependence on compilation order.
`timescale 1ns/1ns
//_________________________________________________ module CORDIC_par_seq ___
module CORDIC_par_seq
#( parameter
stepBits = 4, // Must be enough to represent 0..angleBits-1
guardBits = 4
input logic clock,
input logic reset,
input logic start,
output logic busy,
input logic reduceNotRotate,
input T_sdata angleIn,
input T_sdata xIn,
input T_sdata yIn,
output T_sdata angleOut,
output T_sdata xOut,
output T_sdata yOut
// Copy of reduceNotRotate taken at start time
logic reduceMode;
localparam sdata_width = $bits(T_sdata);
typedef logic signed [sdata_width+guardBits-1:0] T_acc;
// Internal accumulators
T_acc x, y, angle;
// Internal temporaries - output of combinational blocks
T_acc arctan, scaleX, scaleY;
logic clockwise;
// Control and sequencing counter
logic [stepBits-1:0] step;
// ____________________________________________ Combinational stuff ___
// Factor-out common functionality:
// arctan(2^-n) lookup table
assign arctan = atn(step);
// right-shifted coordinates
assign scaleY = y >>> step;
assign scaleX = x >>> step;
// convergence direction
assign clockwise = reduceMode ?
// Yes? Then we're trying to reduce y to zero:
// positive y means we should go clockwise.
(y >= 0):
// No? Then we're reducing the angle to zero.
// Negative angle means we should go clockwise.
(angle < 0);
// Create outputs
assign angleOut = angle >>> guardBits;
assign xOut = x >>> guardBits;
assign yOut = y >>> guardBits;
// ___________________________________________________ Clocked logic ___
always @(posedge clock or posedge reset)
if (reset) begin
// dumb initialise
angle <= 0;
x <= 0;
y <= 0;
step <= 0;
busy <= 0;
reduceMode <= 0;
end else if (start) begin
// initialise, packing working registers with zero LSBs
x <= xIn <<< guardBits;
y <= yIn <<< guardBits;
step <= 0;
busy <= 1;
reduceMode <= reduceNotRotate;
if (reduceNotRotate) begin
angle <= 0;
end else begin
angle <= angleIn <<< guardBits;
end else if (busy) begin
// do one iteration
if (clockwise) begin
// Angle is negative (or y is positive),
//so we increase the angle and rotate clockwise
angle <= angle + arctan;
x <= x + scaleY;
y <= y - scaleX;
end else begin
// Rotate counterclockwise
angle <= angle - arctan;
x <= x - scaleY;
y <= y + scaleX;
end // if (clockwise)... else...
if (step == sdata_width-1) begin
// All done at the end of this iteration
busy <= 0;
end // if (step == angleBits)
step <= step + 1;
end // if (start) ... else if (active) ...
// __________________________________________________ function atn ___
// function atn provides a table of arctan(2^-n) to 32-bit precision,
// and returns the result to the required precision.
function T_acc atn;
input [stepBits-1:0] step;
// internal working register
integer a;
// Lookup table. Any unused LSBs will be thrown away
// by synthesis, we hope!
// There is surely no point in having more than 32 iterations?
case (step)
0: a = 536870912; // atn(1) = pi/4 = 45 degrees = one octant
1: a = 316933406;
2: a = 167458907;
3: a = 85004756;
4: a = 42667331;
5: a = 21354465;
6: a = 10679838;
7: a = 5340245;
8: a = 2670163;
9: a = 1335087;
10: a = 667544;
11: a = 333772;
12: a = 166886;
13: a = 83443;
14: a = 41722;
15: a = 20861;
16: a = 10430;
17: a = 5215;
18: a = 2608;
19: a = 1304;
20: a = 652;
21: a = 326;
22: a = 163;
23: a = 81;
24: a = 41;
25: a = 20;
26: a = 10;
27: a = 5;
28: a = 3;
29: a = 1;
30: a = 1;
31: a = 0;
a = 0;
endcase // step
// Rescale result to match internal angle register (typedef T_acc)
atn = a >>> ($bits(integer) - $bits(T_acc));
endfunction //atn
endmodule // CORDIC_par_seq
// _______________________________________________________________________
@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
[--toolchain {trellis,diamond}]
[--log-filename LOG_FILENAME]
[--log-level LOG_LEVEL]
[--sys-clk-freq SYS_CLK_FREQ]
[--revision REVISION]
[--device DEVICE]
[--sdram-device SDRAM_DEVICE]
[--output-dir OUTPUT_DIR]
[--gateware-dir GATEWARE_DIR]
[--software-dir SOFTWARE_DIR]
[--include-dir INCLUDE_DIR]
[--generated-dir GENERATED_DIR]
[--build-backend BUILD_BACKEND]
[--csr-csv CSR_CSV]
[--csr-json CSR_JSON]
[--csr-svd CSR_SVD]
[--memory-x MEMORY_X]
[--bios-console {full,no-history,no-autocomplete,lite,disable}]
[--bus-standard BUS_STANDARD]
[--bus-data-width BUS_DATA_WIDTH]
[--bus-address-width BUS_ADDRESS_WIDTH]
[--bus-timeout BUS_TIMEOUT]
[--bus-interconnect BUS_INTERCONNECT]
[--cpu-type CPU_TYPE]
[--cpu-variant CPU_VARIANT]
[--cpu-reset-address CPU_RESET_ADDRESS]
[--cpu-cfu CPU_CFU]
[--integrated-rom-size INTEGRATED_ROM_SIZE]
[--integrated-rom-init INTEGRATED_ROM_INIT]
[--integrated-sram-size INTEGRATED_SRAM_SIZE]
[--integrated-main-ram-size INTEGRATED_MAIN_RAM_SIZE]
[--csr-data-width CSR_DATA_WIDTH]
[--csr-address-width CSR_ADDRESS_WIDTH]
[--csr-paging CSR_PAGING]
[--csr-ordering CSR_ORDERING]
[--ident IDENT]
[--uart-name UART_NAME]
[--uart-baudrate UART_BAUDRATE]
[--uart-fifo-depth UART_FIFO_DEPTH]
[--l2-size L2_SIZE]
[--nextpnr-seed NEXTPNR_SEED]
[--ecppack-bootaddr ECPPACK_BOOTADDR]
[--ecppack-spimode ECPPACK_SPIMODE]
[--ecppack-freq ECPPACK_FREQ]
# Target options:
--build # Build design. (default: False)
--load # Load bitstream. (default: False)
--sys-clk-freq SYS_CLK_FREQ
# System clock frequency. (default: 48000000.0)
--revision 0.2
--device 25F
--sdram-device MT41K64M16
# Enable SPI-mode SDCard support. (default: False)
# Logging options:
--log-filename build.log
--log-level warning # (or debug, info (default), error or critical)
# Builder options:
# Disable Software and Gateware compilation. (default: False)
# Disable Software compilation only. (default: False)
# Disable Gateware compilation only. (default: False)
--doc # Generate SoC Documentation. (default: False)
# SoC options:
--bus-standard axi-lite
# Select bus standard: wishbone, axi-lite, axi. (default: wishbone)
--bus-data-width BUS_DATA_WIDTH
# Bus data-width. (default: 32)
--bus-address-width BUS_ADDRESS_WIDTH
# Bus address-width. (default: 32)
# Enable burst cycles on the bus if supported. (default: False)
--bus-interconnect BUS_INTERCONNECT
# Select bus interconnect: shared (default) or crossbar. (default: shared)
--cpu-type CPU_TYPE
# Select CPU: None, marocchino, zynq7000, mor1kx, zynqmp, cv32e41p, openc906, cortex_m1, cva6, eos_s3, ibex,
# cortex_m3, blackparrot, femtorv, vexriscv, rocket, picorv32, vexriscv_smp, lm32, firev, serv, naxriscv, cva5,
# microwatt, neorv32, cv32e40p, gowin_emcu, minerva. (default: vexriscv)
--cpu-variant CPU_VARIANT
# CPU variant. (default: None)
# Disable Controller. (default: False)
--integrated-rom-size INTEGRATED_ROM_SIZE
# Size/Enable the integrated (BIOS) ROM (Automatically resized to BIOS size when smaller). (default: 131072)
--integrated-rom-init INTEGRATED_ROM_INIT
# Integrated ROM binary initialization file (override the BIOS when specified). (default: None)
# Disable UART. (default: False)
--uart-name UART_NAME
# UART type/name. (default: serial)
--uart-baudrate UART_BAUDRATE
# UART baudrate. (default: 115200)
# Trellis toolchain options:
# Use Yosys's nowidelut mode. (default: False)
# Use Yosys's abc9 mode. (default: False)
# Use Yosys's abc9 mode with the flow3 script. (default: False)
# Use strict Timing mode (Build will fail when Timings are not met). (default: False)
# Ignore combinatorial loops in Timing Analysis. (default: False)
--nextpnr-seed NEXTPNR_SEED
# Set Nextpnr's seed. (default: 1)
--ecppack-bootaddr ECPPACK_BOOTADDR
# Set boot address for next image. (default: 0)
--ecppack-spimode ECPPACK_SPIMODE
# Set slave SPI programming mode. (default: None)
--ecppack-freq ECPPACK_FREQ
# Set SPI MCLK frequency. (default: None)
# Use Bitstream compression. (default: False)
@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
from migen import *
from litex.soc.interconnect.csr import *
from litex.soc.integration.doc import ModuleDoc
# CDC FIFO Module for PCM Data ---------------------------------------------------------------------
class pcmFifo(Module, AutoCSR, ModuleDoc):
DAC Driver Module
Connect output pins of the DAC
def __init__(self, platform, pads):
self.pads = pads
self.i_clk48 = Signal()
self.i_rst48_n = Signal()
self.i_dvalid = Signal()
self.i_din = Signal(2)
self.o_full = Signal()
self.i_clk36 = Signal()
self.i_rst36_n = Signal()
self.i_rdreq = Signal()
self.o_dout = Signal(2)
self.o_empty = Signal()
# # #
self.specials += Instance("pcmfifo",
@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
`default_nettype none
module flip
( input var i_clk
, output var o_ledr
, output var o_ledg
, output var o_ledb
logic [31:0] counter;
logic [2:0] leds;
always_ff @(posedge i_clk)
if (counter > 32'd192_000_000) counter <= '0;
else counter <= counter + 1;
if (counter < 24_000_000) {leds} = 3'b000;
else if (counter < 48_000_000) {leds} = 3'b001;
else if (counter < 72_000_000) {leds} = 3'b010;
else if (counter < 96_000_000) {leds} = 3'b011;
else if (counter < 120_000_000) {leds} = 3'b100;
else if (counter < 144_000_000) {leds} = 3'b101;
else if (counter < 168_000_000) {leds} = 3'b110;
else {leds} = 3'b111;
always_comb {o_ledr, o_ledg, o_ledb} = leds;
@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
// The Verilog logic in this module is based on the paper by Clifford E.
// Cummings, of Sunburst Design, Inc, titled: "Simulation and Synthesis
// Techniques for Asynchronous FIFO Design". This paper may be found at
// http://www.sunburst-design.com/papers/CummingsSNUG2002SJ_FIFO1.pdf.
// Minor edits to that logic have been made by Gisselquist Technology, LLC.
// Gisselquist Technology, LLC, asserts no copywrite or ownership of these
// minor edits. The edited Verilog file can be found at
// https://github.com/ZipCPU/website/blob/master/examples/afifo.v, which also
// contains many properties (Licensed under GPL, found at
// https://www.gnu.org/licenses/#GPL) for use in Formal Verification. Those
// properties have been removed in this module.
`default_nettype none
module pcmfifo
#(parameter int DW = 2
, parameter int AW = 4
)(input var i_clk48
, input var i_rst48_n
, input var i_dvalid
, input var [DW-1:0] i_din
, output var o_full
// ^ 48MHz Domain, v 36MHz Domain
, input var i_clk36
, input var i_rst36_n
, input var i_rdreq
, output var [DW-1:0] o_dout
, output var o_empty
logic [AW-1:0] w_addr;
logic w_full_next;
logic [AW :0] w_ptr;
logic [AW :0] w_ptr_next;
logic [AW :0] w_ptr_grey;
logic [AW :0] w_ptr_grey_buf1;
logic [AW :0] w_ptr_grey_buf2;
logic [AW :0] w_ptr_grey_next;
logic [AW-1:0] r_addr;
logic r_empty_next;
logic [AW :0] r_ptr;
logic [AW :0] r_ptr_next;
logic [AW :0] r_ptr_grey;
logic [AW :0] r_ptr_grey_buf1;
logic [AW :0] r_ptr_grey_buf2;
logic [AW :0] r_ptr_grey_next;
logic [DW-1:0] mem [0:((1 << AW)-1)];
// Cross read Grey pointer to Write Domain (48MHz)
always_ff @(posedge i_clk48, negedge i_rst48_n)
if (!i_rst48_n) {r_ptr_grey_buf2, r_ptr_grey_buf1} <= '0;
else {r_ptr_grey_buf2, r_ptr_grey_buf1} <= {r_ptr_grey_buf1, r_ptr_grey};
// Calculate next write addr
assign w_addr = w_ptr[AW-1:0];
// Calculate next write graycode
assign w_ptr_next = w_ptr + { {(AW){1'b0}}, ((i_dvalid) && (!o_full)) };
assign w_ptr_grey_next = (w_ptr_next >> 1) ^ w_ptr_next;
// Register write addr and write graycode
always_ff @(posedge i_clk48, negedge i_rst48_n)
if (!i_rst48_n) {w_ptr, w_ptr_grey} <= 0;
else {w_ptr, w_ptr_grey} <= {w_ptr_next, w_ptr_grey_next};
// Update whether fifo is full on next clock
assign w_full_next = (w_ptr_grey_next == {~r_ptr_grey_buf2[AW:AW-1], r_ptr_grey_buf2[AW-2:0] });
always_ff @(posedge i_clk48, negedge i_rst48_n)
if (!i_rst48_n) o_full <= 1'b0;
else o_full <= w_full_next;
// Write to FIFO on Write Domain (48MHz) clock
always_ff @(posedge i_clk48)
if ((i_dvalid) && (!o_full)) mem[w_addr] <= i_din;
// Cross write Grey pointer to Read Domain (36MHz)
always_ff @(posedge i_clk36, negedge i_rst36_n)
if (!i_rst36_n) {w_ptr_grey_buf2, w_ptr_grey_buf1} <= 0;
else {w_ptr_grey_buf2, w_ptr_grey_buf1} <= {w_ptr_grey_buf1, w_ptr_grey};
// Calculate next read address
assign r_addr = r_ptr[AW-1:0];
// Calculate next read graycode
assign r_ptr_next = r_ptr + { {(AW){1'b0}}, ((i_rdreq) && (!o_empty)) };
assign r_ptr_grey_next = (r_ptr_next >> 1) ^ r_ptr_next;
// Register read addr and read graycode
always_ff @(posedge i_clk36, negedge i_rst36_n)
if (!i_rst36_n) {r_ptr, r_ptr_grey} <= 0;
else {r_ptr, r_ptr_grey} <= {r_ptr_next, r_ptr_grey_next};
// Update whether fifo is empty on next clock
assign r_empty_next = (r_ptr_grey_next == w_ptr_grey_buf2);
always_ff @(posedge i_clk36, negedge i_rst36_n)
if (!i_rst36_n) o_empty <= 1'b1;
else o_empty <= r_empty_next;
// Output read data combinatorially
assign o_dout = mem[r_addr];
@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
from migen import *
from migen.genlib.misc import WaitTimer
from litex.soc.interconnect.csr import *
# Test LED Module ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class TestLed(Module, AutoCSR):
def __init__(self, platform, pads):
self.pads = pads
leds = Signal(3)
# # #
self.comb += pads.eq(leds)
self.specials += Instance("flip",
i_i_clk = ClockSignal("dac"),
o_o_ledr = leds[0],
o_o_ledg = leds[1],
o_o_ledb = leds[2]
Reference in a new issue