# command: hugo server -D --bind= --baseURL= baseURL: https://projects.8bitsqu.id/ languageCode: en-gb title: Aadi | Projects # TO DO: Update Title theme: PaperMod enableEmoji: true # TO DO: Go through themes and select # paginate: 2 permalinks: posts: /:year/:month/:day/:slug/ # Font Awesome icons? imaging: quality: 100 # Maximum quality for compressed images exif: includeFields: "" # Include no exif data on photos # disableDate: true # Disable date in exif data # disableLatLong: true # Disable latitude and longitude in exif data # PaperMod: very cool, keep in mind # example config: https://github.com/adityatelange/hugo-PaperMod/blob/exampleSite/config.yml # copyright: "Copyright Text" params: # figure out params at https://github.com/adityatelange/hugo-PaperMod/ defaultTheme: auto description: A personal website to show off projects and things I've done homeInfoParams: Title: | - Hi 👋 Content: | - I'm Aadi, a software developer and home-lab hacker from London. - Thanks for visiting my site. - - Here you'll find writeups on my projects and sometimes other things I find interesting - Get started here: [Welcome](/welcome) - Or find me elsewhere: socialIcons: # https://adityatelange.github.io/hugo-PaperMod/posts/papermod/papermod-icons/#share-icons - name: github url: "https://github.com/supleed2" - name: mastodon url: "https://social.lol/@8bit" - name: linkedin url: "https://www.linkedin.com/in/aadidesai/" - name: peerlist url: "https://peerlist.io/_aadi/" - name: keybase url: "https://keybase.io/aadidesai" - name: telegram url: "https://t.me/supleed2" - name: kofi url: "https://ko-fi.com/aadidesai" showShareButtons: custom shareButtons: - twitter - linkedin - reddit - facebook - whatsapp - telegram menu: main: - name: Home weight: 1 url: / - name: About weight: 2 url: /about - name: Posts weight: 3 url: /posts/ - name: Contact Me weight: 4 url: /contact # archive page: content/archives.md # --- # title: "Archive" # date: 2022-01-06T21:20:51Z # draft: true # layout: "archives" # url: "/archives/" # summary: archives # --- # Stack: VERY Clean, especially on desktop, keep in mind # params: