# command: hugo server -D --bind= --baseURL= baseURL: https://8bitsqu.id/ languageCode: en-gb title: Aadi Desai theme: Shell enableEmoji: true params: # Customise Guide: https://github.com/Yukuro/hugo-theme-shell/blob/master/docs/customize_terminal/customize_terminal.md description: "Aadi Desai's Portfolio" Terminal: scheme: "MonokaiDark" # Themes: https://mayccoll.github.io/Gogh/ userName: "Aadi" pcName: "Spectre" workDir: "Documents" profile: "profile.md" ps1Delay: 0.5 stdoutDelay: 10 commandDelay: 50 titleDelay: 0.5 contentDelay: 0.5 description: | Hi there I'm Aadi Welcome to my site You'll find social links and my blog below Tree: use: true folderName: "links" files: - - About Me - "https://8bit.omg.lol/" - - My /now Page - "https://8bit.omg.lol/now/" - - Mastodon (social.lol) - "https://social.lol/@8bit/" - - LinkedIn - "https://www.linkedin.com/in/aadidesai/" - - Peerlist - "https://peerlist.io/_aadi/" - - GitHub - "https://github.com/supleed2/" - - Keybase - "https://keybase.io/aadidesai/" - - Projects Blog - "https://projects.8bitsqu.id/"