package main import ( "context" "fmt" "log" "strings" "time" c "go-chat/common" "" "" "" "" "" tea "" "" ws "" "" ) const manText string = `The current available commands are: man prints this message mv set your nick ls get the available rooms cd connect to a room who list users in the current room moo :)` const mooText string = ` (__) (oo) /------\/ / | || * /\---/\ ~~ ~~ ..."Have you mooed today?"...` type showTim int const ( off showTim = iota short full ) type model struct { kpHist bool history viewport.Model msgs []c.SMsg showTim showTim tz time.Location input textinput.Model idStyle lipgloss.Style pStyle lipgloss.Style help help.Model recvCh chan c.SMsg sendCh chan c.CMsg conn *ws.Conn exitCh chan exit } type args struct { Address string `arg:"positional" default:"" help:"address to connect to, without ws://" placeholder:"HOST[:PORT]"` KeepHistory bool `arg:"-k" help:"append chat history when changing rooms, instead of clearing"` Timestamps showTim `arg:"-t" default:"off" help:"display timestamps of messages, ctrl+t to cycle after startup [off, short, full]" placeholder:"CHOICE"` Nick *string `arg:"-n" help:"attempt to automatically set nick after connecting"` Password *string `arg:"-p" help:"password, if required"` } func (a *args) Version() string { return "v0.2.3" } func (a *args) Description() string { return "Go, chat!\nA basic irc-style chat client, written in Go using bubbletea and websockets" } func main() { ctx := context.Background() var a args arg.MustParse(&a) conn, _, err := ws.Dial(ctx, "ws://"+a.Address, nil) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } defer conn.Close(ws.StatusNormalClosure, "") local, err := time.LoadLocation("Local") if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } p := tea.NewProgram(initModel(ctx, conn, a, *local), tea.WithAltScreen(), tea.WithMouseCellMotion()) if _, err := p.Run(); err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } } func initModel(ctx context.Context, conn *ws.Conn, a args, tz time.Location) model { discCtx, disc := context.WithCancel(ctx) exitCh := make(chan exit) recvCh := make(chan c.SMsg) go func() { smsg := c.SMsg{} for { err := wsjson.Read(ctx, conn, &smsg) if err != nil { if ws.CloseStatus(err) != ws.StatusNormalClosure { log.Println(err) } disc() return } recvCh <- smsg } }() sendCh := make(chan c.CMsg) go func() { for { select { case cmsg := <-sendCh: err := wsjson.Write(ctx, conn, cmsg) if err != nil { recvCh <- c.SMsg{Tim: time.Now(), Id: "system", Msg: fmt.Sprintf("wsjson error when sending message: %v", err)} } case <-discCtx.Done(): exitCh <- exit{} return } } }() ta := textinput.New() ta.Placeholder = "Send a message (or a command with /)" ta.Focus() ta.CharLimit = 128 ta.Width = 60 vp := viewport.New(60, 5) vp.KeyMap = viewport.KeyMap{ PageDown: key.NewBinding( key.WithKeys("pgdown"), key.WithHelp("pgdn", "page down"), ), PageUp: key.NewBinding( key.WithKeys("pgup"), key.WithHelp("pgup", "page up"), ), Up: key.NewBinding( key.WithKeys("up"), key.WithHelp("↑", "up"), ), Down: key.NewBinding( key.WithKeys("down"), key.WithHelp("↓", "down"), ), } if a.Nick != nil { login := *a.Nick if a.Password != nil { login += ":" + *a.Password } sendCh <- c.CMsg{Typ: c.Mv, Msg: login} } messages := []c.SMsg{{Tim: time.Now(), Id: "system", Msg: "Welcome to the chat room! Press Enter to send, /man for more info :)"}} return model{ input: ta, msgs: messages, showTim: a.Timestamps, tz: tz, kpHist: a.KeepHistory, history: vp, idStyle: lipgloss.NewStyle().Width(60), pStyle: lipgloss.NewStyle().Bold(true), help: help.New(), recvCh: recvCh, sendCh: sendCh, conn: conn, exitCh: exitCh, } } func (m model) Init() tea.Cmd { return tea.Batch( tea.SetWindowTitle("go-chat by 8bit"), textinput.Blink, getNextSMsg(m.recvCh), getExitMsg(m.exitCh), ) } func (m model) Update(msg tea.Msg) (tea.Model, tea.Cmd) { var tiCmd, vpCmd, smCmd tea.Cmd m.input, tiCmd = m.input.Update(msg) m.history, vpCmd = m.history.Update(msg) switch msg := msg.(type) { case exit: return m, tea.Quit case c.SMsg: m.msgs = append(m.msgs, msg) m.history.SetContent(m.viewMessages()) m.history.GotoBottom() smCmd = getNextSMsg(m.recvCh) case tea.KeyMsg: switch msg.Type { case tea.KeyCtrlC, tea.KeyEsc: return m, tea.Quit case tea.KeyCtrlT: m.showTim = (m.showTim + 1) % 3 m.history.SetContent(m.viewMessages()) case tea.KeyEnter: text := strings.TrimSpace(m.input.Value()) if text, ok := strings.CutPrefix(text, "/"); ok { if text == "man" { m.recvCh <- c.SMsg{Tim: time.Now(), Id: "system", Msg: manText} } else if text, ok := strings.CutPrefix(text, "mv "); ok { m.sendCh <- c.CMsg{Typ: c.Mv, Msg: text} } else if text == "ls" { m.sendCh <- c.CMsg{Typ: c.Ls, Msg: ""} } else if text, ok := strings.CutPrefix(text, "cd "); ok { if !m.kpHist { m.msgs = []c.SMsg{} } m.sendCh <- c.CMsg{Typ: c.Cd, Msg: text} } else if text == "who" { m.sendCh <- c.CMsg{Typ: c.Who, Msg: ""} } else if text, ok := strings.CutPrefix(text, "sudo "); ok { m.sendCh <- c.CMsg{Typ: c.Sudo, Msg: text} } else if text == "moo" { m.recvCh <- c.SMsg{Tim: time.Now(), Id: "cow", Msg: mooText} } else { m.recvCh <- c.SMsg{Tim: time.Now(), Id: "system", Msg: "Unrecognised command, use /man for more info"} } } else if text != "" { m.sendCh <- c.CMsg{Typ: c.Echo, Msg: text} } m.input.Reset() } case tea.WindowSizeMsg: m.history.Height = msg.Height - 2 m.history.Width = msg.Width m.history.GotoBottom() m.input.Width = msg.Width - 3 m.idStyle = m.idStyle.Width(msg.Width) = msg.Width m.history.SetContent(m.viewMessages()) } return m, tea.Batch(tiCmd, vpCmd, smCmd) } func (m model) View() string { return fmt.Sprintf( "%s\n%s\n%s", m.history.View(), m.input.View(),, ) } func (m model) ShortHelp() []key.Binding { return []key.Binding{ m.history.KeyMap.PageDown, m.history.KeyMap.PageUp, m.history.KeyMap.Down, m.history.KeyMap.Up, key.NewBinding( key.WithKeys("ctrl+t"), key.WithHelp("ctrl+t", "toggle timestamps"), ), } } func (m model) FullHelp() [][]key.Binding { return nil } func (m model) viewMessages() string { s := "" for i := range m.msgs { prefix := "" if m.showTim == short { prefix += m.msgs[i].Tim.In(& + " " } else if m.showTim == full { prefix += m.msgs[i].Tim.In(& + " " } if m.msgs[i].Id == "system" { prefix += m.pStyle.Foreground(lipgloss.Color("201")).Render("system:") } else { prefix += m.pStyle.Foreground(lipgloss.Color(prefixColor(m.msgs[i].Id))).Render(m.msgs[i].Id + ":") } s += m.idStyle.SetString(prefix).Render(m.msgs[i].Msg) + "\n" } return s[:len(s)-1] } func prefixColor(s string) string { if len(s) == 0 { s = "missing" } return fmt.Sprint(uint(s[0]+s[len(s)-1]) % 8) } func getNextSMsg(c <-chan c.SMsg) tea.Cmd { return func() tea.Msg { return <-c } } type exit struct{} func getExitMsg(c <-chan exit) tea.Cmd { return func() tea.Msg { return <-c } } func (st *showTim) UnmarshalText(b []byte) error { s := string(b) switch s { case "off": *st = off case "short": *st = short case "full": *st = full default: return fmt.Errorf("invalid choice: %s [off, short, full]", s) } return nil }