About Us

Welcome to Imperial College Anime Scoiety!

At AnimeSoc we cater for all tastes, whether you have never watched anime or read manga, or if you have a bigger collection than we do, we will have something for you.

Our Anime & Manga library grows year on year, and currently we have over 500 items on our shelves. By buying membership, you are automatically signed up for borrowing from the library, which has recently added original Japanese manga for those out there who are learning the language or already know it. With the titles available on DVD, which you can borrow for up to a week, you can watch series, films and OVAs you've always wanted to see, in your free time or when you're "supposed" to be studying.

We have a very active calendar, filled with manga drawing sessions, film and OVA screenings, socials in London and as many conventions as you can think of. If you want a place where you can chill out and share your passion about anime and manga, this is the place to be!

You can sign up to our mailing list and join us on Discord to get the latest updates, or join AnimeSoc on the Union site. So come on, join the fun! ^^