Coverage Report by file with details ================================================================================= === File: rtl/AHB_GPIO/ ================================================================================= Statement Coverage: Enabled Coverage Active Hits Misses % Covered ---------------- ------ ---- ------ --------- Stmts 19 19 0 100.00 ================================Statement Details================================ Statement Coverage for file rtl/AHB_GPIO/ -- 1 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 //END USER LICENCE AGREEMENT // 3 // // 4 //Copyright (c) 2012, ARM All rights reserved. // 5 // // 6 //THIS END USER LICENCE AGREEMENT (�LICENCE�) IS A LEGAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN // 7 //YOU AND ARM LIMITED ("ARM") FOR THE USE OF THE SOFTWARE EXAMPLE ACCOMPANYING // 8 //THIS LICENCE. ARM IS ONLY WILLING TO LICENSE THE SOFTWARE EXAMPLE TO YOU ON // 9 //CONDITION THAT YOU ACCEPT ALL OF THE TERMS IN THIS LICENCE. BY INSTALLING OR // 10 //OTHERWISE USING OR COPYING THE SOFTWARE EXAMPLE YOU INDICATE THAT YOU AGREE // 11 //TO BE BOUND BY ALL OF THE TERMS OF THIS LICENCE. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THE // 12 //TERMS OF THIS LICENCE, ARM IS UNWILLING TO LICENSE THE SOFTWARE EXAMPLE TO // 13 //YOU AND YOU MAY NOT INSTALL, USE OR COPY THE SOFTWARE EXAMPLE. // 14 // // 15 //ARM hereby grants to you, subject to the terms and conditions of this Licence,// 16 //a non-exclusive, worldwide, non-transferable, copyright licence only to // 17 //redistribute and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,// 18 //for academic purposes provided the following conditions are met: // 19 //a) Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this// 20 //list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // 21 //b) Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, // 22 //this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation // 23 //and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // 24 // // 25 //THIS SOFTWARE EXAMPLE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER "AS IS" AND ARM // 26 //EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING // 27 //WITHOUT LIMITATION WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR // 28 //PURPOSE, WITH RESPECT TO THIS SOFTWARE EXAMPLE. IN NO EVENT SHALL ARM BE LIABLE/ 29 //FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, PUNITIVE, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY/ 30 //KIND WHATSOEVER WITH RESPECT TO THE SOFTWARE EXAMPLE. ARM SHALL NOT BE LIABLE // 31 //FOR ANY CLAIMS, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, // 32 //TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE // 33 //EXAMPLE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE EXAMPLE. FOR THE AVOIDANCE/ 34 // OF DOUBT, NO PATENT LICENSES ARE BEING LICENSED UNDER THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT.// 35 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 36 37 38 module AHBGPIO 39 ( input wire HCLK 40 , input wire HRESETn 41 , input wire [31:0] HADDR 42 , input wire [ 1:0] HTRANS 43 , input wire [31:0] HWDATA 44 , input wire HWRITE 45 , input wire HSEL 46 , input wire HREADY 47 , input wire [16:0] GPIOIN 48 , input wire PARITYSEL 49 , input wire INJECT_FAULT 50 //Output 51 , output wire HREADYOUT 52 , output wire [31:0] HRDATA 53 , output wire [16:0] GPIOOUT 54 , output wire PARITYERR 55 ); 56 57 localparam [7:0] gpio_data_addr = 8'h00; 58 localparam [7:0] gpio_dir_addr = 8'h04; 59 60 reg [15:0] gpio_dataout; 61 reg gpio_parityout; 62 reg [15:0] gpio_datain; 63 reg gpio_parityerr; 64 reg [15:0] gpio_dir; 65 reg [15:0] gpio_data_next; 66 reg [31:0] last_HADDR; 67 reg [ 1:0] last_HTRANS; 68 reg last_HWRITE; 69 reg last_HSEL; 70 71 assign HREADYOUT = 1'b1; 72 73 // Set Registers from address phase 74 1 984 always_ff @(posedge HCLK) 75 if(HREADY) begin 76 1 973 last_HADDR <= HADDR; 77 1 973 last_HTRANS <= HTRANS; 78 1 973 last_HWRITE <= HWRITE; 79 1 973 last_HSEL <= HSEL; 80 end 81 82 // Update in/out switch 83 1 981 always_ff @(posedge HCLK, negedge HRESETn) 84 if(!HRESETn) 85 1 2 gpio_dir <= 16'h0000; 86 else if ((last_HADDR[7:0] == gpio_dir_addr) & last_HSEL & last_HWRITE & last_HTRANS[1]) 87 1 178 gpio_dir <= HWDATA[15:0]; 88 89 // Update output value 90 1 981 always_ff @(posedge HCLK, negedge HRESETn) 91 if(!HRESETn) 92 1 2 {gpio_parityout, gpio_dataout} <= 17'd0; 93 else if ((gpio_dir == 16'h0001) & (last_HADDR[7:0] == gpio_data_addr) & last_HSEL & last_HWRITE & last_HTRANS[1]) begin 94 1 90 gpio_dataout <= HWDATA[15:0]; 95 1 90 gpio_parityout <= ~^{HWDATA[15:0],~PARITYSEL,INJECT_FAULT}; 96 end 97 98 // Update input value 99 1 1002 always_ff @(posedge HCLK, negedge HRESETn) 100 if(!HRESETn) begin 101 1 2 gpio_datain <= 16'h0000; 102 1 2 gpio_parityerr <= '0; 103 end 104 else if (gpio_dir == 16'h0000) begin 105 1 499 gpio_datain <= GPIOIN[15:0]; 106 1 499 gpio_parityerr <= ~^{GPIOIN,~PARITYSEL,INJECT_FAULT}; 107 end 108 else if (gpio_dir == 16'h0001) 109 1 501 gpio_datain <= GPIOOUT; 110 111 assign HRDATA[15:0] = gpio_datain; 112 1 91 assign GPIOOUT = {gpio_parityout, gpio_dataout}; 113 assign PARITYERR = gpio_parityerr; 114 115 //check behaviour 116 117 // assert_parity: assert property 118 // ( @(posedge HCLK) disable iff (!HRESETn) 119 // !PARITYERR 120 // ); 121 122 // assert_gpio_write: assert property 123 // ( @(posedge HCLK) disable iff (!HRESETn) 124 // ((HADDR[7:0] == gpio_data_addr) 125 // && HSEL 126 // && HWRITE 127 // && HTRANS[1] 128 // && HREADY) |-> ##1 129 // (gpio_dir == 16'h0001) |-> ##1 130 // (GPIOOUT[15:0] == $past(HWDATA[15:0], 1)) 131 // ); 132 // assert_gpio_read: assert property 133 // ( @(posedge HCLK) disable iff (!HRESETn) 134 // ((gpio_dir == 16'h0000) 135 // && (HADDR[7:0] == gpio_data_addr) 136 // // && HSEL // HSEL not used in Read always_ff 137 // && !HWRITE 138 // && HTRANS[1] 139 // && HREADY) |-> ##1 140 // ((HRDATA[15:0]==$past(GPIOIN[15:0],1)) && HREADYOUT) 141 // ); 142 143 // assert_gpio_dir: assert property 144 // ( @(posedge HCLK) disable iff (!HRESETn) 145 // ((HADDR[7:0] == gpio_dir_addr) 146 // && HSEL 147 // && HWRITE 148 // && HTRANS[1] 149 // && HREADY) |-> ##1 150 // ((HWDATA[7:0] == 8'h00 || HWDATA[7:0] == 8'h01)) ##1 (gpio_dir == $past(HWDATA[15:0], 1)) 151 // ); 152 153 // assume_initial_valid: assume property 154 // ( @(posedge HCLK) 155 // gpio_dir == 16'h0000 156 // || gpio_dir == 16'h0001 157 // ); 158 159 endmodule Branch Coverage: Enabled Coverage Active Hits Misses % Covered ---------------- ------ ---- ------ --------- Branches 12 11 1 91.66 ================================Branch Details================================ Branch Coverage for file rtl/AHB_GPIO/ -- ------------------------------------IF Branch------------------------------------ 75 984 Count coming in to IF 75 1 973 if(HREADY) begin 11 All False Count Branch totals: 2 hits of 2 branches = 100.00% ------------------------------------IF Branch------------------------------------ 84 981 Count coming in to IF 84 1 2 if(!HRESETn) 86 1 178 else if ((last_HADDR[7:0] == gpio_dir_addr) & last_HSEL & last_HWRITE & last_HTRANS[1]) 801 All False Count Branch totals: 3 hits of 3 branches = 100.00% ------------------------------------IF Branch------------------------------------ 91 981 Count coming in to IF 91 1 2 if(!HRESETn) 93 1 90 else if ((gpio_dir == 16'h0001) & (last_HADDR[7:0] == gpio_data_addr) & last_HSEL & last_HWRITE & last_HTRANS[1]) begin 889 All False Count Branch totals: 3 hits of 3 branches = 100.00% ------------------------------------IF Branch------------------------------------ 100 1002 Count coming in to IF 100 1 2 if(!HRESETn) begin 104 1 499 else if (gpio_dir == 16'h0000) begin 108 1 501 else if (gpio_dir == 16'h0001) ***0*** All False Count Branch totals: 3 hits of 4 branches = 75.00% Condition Coverage: Enabled Coverage Active Covered Misses % Covered ---------------- ------ ---- ------ --------- FEC Condition Terms 11 8 3 72.72 ================================Condition Details================================ Condition Coverage for file rtl/AHB_GPIO/ -- ----------------Focused Condition View------------------- Line 86 Item 1 ((((last_HADDR[7:0] == 4) & last_HSEL) & last_HWRITE) & last_HTRANS[1]) Condition totals: 3 of 4 input terms covered = 75.00% Input Term Covered Reason for no coverage Hint ----------- -------- ----------------------- -------------- (last_HADDR[7:0] == 4) Y last_HSEL N '_0' not hit Hit '_0' last_HWRITE Y last_HTRANS[1] Y Rows: Hits FEC Target Non-masking condition(s) --------- --------- -------------------- ------------------------- Row 1: 1 (last_HADDR[7:0] == 4)_0 (last_HTRANS[1] && last_HWRITE && last_HSEL) Row 2: 1 (last_HADDR[7:0] == 4)_1 (last_HTRANS[1] && last_HWRITE && last_HSEL) Row 3: ***0*** last_HSEL_0 (last_HTRANS[1] && last_HWRITE && (last_HADDR[7:0] == 4)) Row 4: 1 last_HSEL_1 (last_HTRANS[1] && last_HWRITE && (last_HADDR[7:0] == 4)) Row 5: 1 last_HWRITE_0 (last_HTRANS[1] && ((last_HADDR[7:0] == 4) & last_HSEL)) Row 6: 1 last_HWRITE_1 (last_HTRANS[1] && ((last_HADDR[7:0] == 4) & last_HSEL)) Row 7: 1 last_HTRANS[1]_0 (((last_HADDR[7:0] == 4) & last_HSEL) & last_HWRITE) Row 8: 1 last_HTRANS[1]_1 (((last_HADDR[7:0] == 4) & last_HSEL) & last_HWRITE) ----------------Focused Condition View------------------- Line 93 Item 1 (((((gpio_dir == 1) & (last_HADDR[7:0] == 0)) & last_HSEL) & last_HWRITE) & last_HTRANS[1]) Condition totals: 4 of 5 input terms covered = 80.00% Input Term Covered Reason for no coverage Hint ----------- -------- ----------------------- -------------- (gpio_dir == 1) Y (last_HADDR[7:0] == 0) Y last_HSEL N '_0' not hit Hit '_0' last_HWRITE Y last_HTRANS[1] Y Rows: Hits FEC Target Non-masking condition(s) --------- --------- -------------------- ------------------------- Row 1: 1 (gpio_dir == 1)_0 (last_HTRANS[1] && last_HWRITE && last_HSEL && (last_HADDR[7:0] == 0)) Row 2: 1 (gpio_dir == 1)_1 (last_HTRANS[1] && last_HWRITE && last_HSEL && (last_HADDR[7:0] == 0)) Row 3: 1 (last_HADDR[7:0] == 0)_0 (last_HTRANS[1] && last_HWRITE && last_HSEL && (gpio_dir == 1)) Row 4: 1 (last_HADDR[7:0] == 0)_1 (last_HTRANS[1] && last_HWRITE && last_HSEL && (gpio_dir == 1)) Row 5: ***0*** last_HSEL_0 (last_HTRANS[1] && last_HWRITE && ((gpio_dir == 1) & (last_HADDR[7:0] == 0))) Row 6: 1 last_HSEL_1 (last_HTRANS[1] && last_HWRITE && ((gpio_dir == 1) & (last_HADDR[7:0] == 0))) Row 7: 1 last_HWRITE_0 (last_HTRANS[1] && (((gpio_dir == 1) & (last_HADDR[7:0] == 0)) & last_HSEL)) Row 8: 1 last_HWRITE_1 (last_HTRANS[1] && (((gpio_dir == 1) & (last_HADDR[7:0] == 0)) & last_HSEL)) Row 9: 1 last_HTRANS[1]_0 ((((gpio_dir == 1) & (last_HADDR[7:0] == 0)) & last_HSEL) & last_HWRITE) Row 10: 1 last_HTRANS[1]_1 ((((gpio_dir == 1) & (last_HADDR[7:0] == 0)) & last_HSEL) & last_HWRITE) ----------------Focused Condition View------------------- Line 104 Item 1 (gpio_dir == 0) Condition totals: 1 of 1 input term covered = 100.00% ----------------Focused Condition View------------------- Line 108 Item 1 (gpio_dir == 1) Condition totals: 0 of 1 input term covered = 0.00% Input Term Covered Reason for no coverage Hint ----------- -------- ----------------------- -------------- (gpio_dir == 1) N '_0' not hit Hit '_0' Rows: Hits FEC Target Non-masking condition(s) --------- --------- -------------------- ------------------------- Row 1: ***0*** (gpio_dir == 1)_0 - Row 2: 1 (gpio_dir == 1)_1 - Toggle Coverage: Enabled Coverage Active Hits Misses % Covered ---------------- ------ ---- ------ --------- Toggle Bins 486 383 103 78.80 ================================Toggle Details================================ Toggle Coverage for File rtl/AHB_GPIO/ -- Line Node 1H->0L 0L->1H "Coverage" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40 HRESETn 0 1 50.00 48 PARITYSEL 0 0 0.00 49 INJECT_FAULT 0 0 0.00 51 HREADYOUT 0 0 0.00 52 HRDATA[31] 0 0 0.00 52 HRDATA[30] 0 0 0.00 52 HRDATA[29] 0 0 0.00 52 HRDATA[28] 0 0 0.00 52 HRDATA[27] 0 0 0.00 52 HRDATA[26] 0 0 0.00 52 HRDATA[25] 0 0 0.00 52 HRDATA[24] 0 0 0.00 52 HRDATA[23] 0 0 0.00 52 HRDATA[22] 0 0 0.00 52 HRDATA[21] 0 0 0.00 52 HRDATA[20] 0 0 0.00 52 HRDATA[19] 0 0 0.00 52 HRDATA[18] 0 0 0.00 52 HRDATA[17] 0 0 0.00 52 HRDATA[16] 0 0 0.00 54 PARITYERR 0 1 50.00 63 gpio_parityerr 0 1 50.00 64 gpio_dir[9] 0 0 0.00 64 gpio_dir[8] 0 0 0.00 64 gpio_dir[7] 0 0 0.00 64 gpio_dir[6] 0 0 0.00 64 gpio_dir[5] 0 0 0.00 64 gpio_dir[4] 0 0 0.00 64 gpio_dir[3] 0 0 0.00 64 gpio_dir[2] 0 0 0.00 64 gpio_dir[1] 0 0 0.00 64 gpio_dir[15] 0 0 0.00 64 gpio_dir[14] 0 0 0.00 64 gpio_dir[13] 0 0 0.00 64 gpio_dir[12] 0 0 0.00 64 gpio_dir[11] 0 0 0.00 64 gpio_dir[10] 0 0 0.00 65 gpio_data_next[9] 0 0 0.00 65 gpio_data_next[8] 0 0 0.00 65 gpio_data_next[7] 0 0 0.00 65 gpio_data_next[6] 0 0 0.00 65 gpio_data_next[5] 0 0 0.00 65 gpio_data_next[4] 0 0 0.00 65 gpio_data_next[3] 0 0 0.00 65 gpio_data_next[2] 0 0 0.00 65 gpio_data_next[1] 0 0 0.00 65 gpio_data_next[15] 0 0 0.00 65 gpio_data_next[14] 0 0 0.00 65 gpio_data_next[13] 0 0 0.00 65 gpio_data_next[12] 0 0 0.00 65 gpio_data_next[11] 0 0 0.00 65 gpio_data_next[10] 0 0 0.00 65 gpio_data_next[0] 0 0 0.00 Total Node Count = 243 Toggled Node Count = 190 Untoggled Node Count = 53 Toggle Coverage = 78.80% (383 of 486 bins) ================================================================================= === File: rtl/AHB_GPIO/ ================================================================================= Statement Coverage: Enabled Coverage Active Hits Misses % Covered ---------------- ------ ---- ------ --------- Stmts 4 3 1 75.00 ================================Statement Details================================ Statement Coverage for file rtl/AHB_GPIO/ -- 1 module ahb_gpio_checker 2 ( input wire HCLK 3 , input wire HRESETn 4 , input wire [31:0] HADDR 5 , input wire [ 1:0] HTRANS 6 , input wire [31:0] HWDATA 7 , input wire HWRITE 8 , input wire HSEL 9 , input wire HREADY 10 , input wire [16:0] GPIOIN 11 , input wire HREADYOUT 12 , input wire [31:0] HRDATA 13 , input wire [16:0] GPIOOUT 14 , input wire PARITYERR 15 , input wire PARITYSEL 16 ); 17 18 1 1 logic gpio_cmd = HSEL && HREADY && HTRANS[1]; 19 logic gpio_dir; 20 localparam [7:0] gpio_data_addr = 8'h00; 21 localparam [7:0] gpio_dir_addr = 8'h04; 22 23 // defined properties 24 25 property gpio_write; 26 @(posedge HCLK) disable iff (!HRESETn) 27 (HADDR[7:0] == gpio_data_addr) && gpio_cmd 28 ##1 29 (gpio_dir=='1) |-> 30 ##1 31 (GPIOOUT[15:0] == $past(HWDATA[15:0],1)) && (^GPIOOUT == $past(PARITYSEL, 1)); 32 endproperty 33 34 property gpio_read; 35 @(posedge HCLK) disable iff (!HRESETn) 36 (HADDR[7:0] == gpio_data_addr) && gpio_cmd 37 && (gpio_dir=='0) |-> 38 ##1 39 ((HRDATA[15:0]==$past(GPIOIN[15:0],1)) && HREADYOUT && !PARITYERR); 40 endproperty 41 42 1 1003 always_ff @(posedge HCLK) 43 begin 44 if(!HRESETn) 45 begin 46 1 2 gpio_dir <= '0; 47 end 48 else 49 begin 50 if($past((gpio_cmd && (HADDR == gpio_dir_addr)),1)) 51 begin 52 1 ***0*** gpio_dir <= HWDATA; 53 end 54 end 55 end 56 57 // check behaviour 58 59 assert_gpio_write: assert property (gpio_write); 60 assert_gpio_read: assert property (gpio_read); 61 62 endmodule Branch Coverage: Enabled Coverage Active Hits Misses % Covered ---------------- ------ ---- ------ --------- Branches 4 3 1 75.00 ================================Branch Details================================ Branch Coverage for file rtl/AHB_GPIO/ -- ------------------------------------IF Branch------------------------------------ 44 1003 Count coming in to IF 44 1 2 if(!HRESETn) 48 1 1001 else Branch totals: 2 hits of 2 branches = 100.00% ------------------------------------IF Branch------------------------------------ 50 1001 Count coming in to IF 50 1 ***0*** if($past((gpio_cmd && (HADDR == gpio_dir_addr)),1)) 1001 All False Count Branch totals: 1 hit of 2 branches = 50.00% Toggle Coverage: Enabled Coverage Active Hits Misses % Covered ---------------- ------ ---- ------ --------- Toggle Bins 284 242 42 85.21 ================================Toggle Details================================ Toggle Coverage for File rtl/AHB_GPIO/ -- Line Node 1H->0L 0L->1H "Coverage" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 HRESETn 0 1 50.00 11 HREADYOUT 0 0 0.00 12 HRDATA[31] 0 0 0.00 12 HRDATA[30] 0 0 0.00 12 HRDATA[29] 0 0 0.00 12 HRDATA[28] 0 0 0.00 12 HRDATA[27] 0 0 0.00 12 HRDATA[26] 0 0 0.00 12 HRDATA[25] 0 0 0.00 12 HRDATA[24] 0 0 0.00 12 HRDATA[23] 0 0 0.00 12 HRDATA[22] 0 0 0.00 12 HRDATA[21] 0 0 0.00 12 HRDATA[20] 0 0 0.00 12 HRDATA[19] 0 0 0.00 12 HRDATA[18] 0 0 0.00 12 HRDATA[17] 0 0 0.00 12 HRDATA[16] 0 0 0.00 14 PARITYERR 0 1 50.00 15 PARITYSEL 0 0 0.00 18 gpio_cmd 0 0 0.00 19 gpio_dir 0 0 0.00 Total Node Count = 142 Toggled Node Count = 120 Untoggled Node Count = 22 Toggle Coverage = 85.21% (242 of 284 bins) ================================================================================= === File: tbench/ ================================================================================= Statement Coverage: Enabled Coverage Active Hits Misses % Covered ---------------- ------ ---- ------ --------- Stmts 33 33 0 100.00 ================================Statement Details================================ Statement Coverage for file tbench/ -- 1 //stub 2 interface ahb_gpio_if; 3 4 typedef enum bit[1:0] { 5 IDLE = 2'b00, 6 BUSY = 2'b01, 7 NONSEQUENTIAL = 2'b10, 8 SEQUENTIAL = 2'b11 9 } htrans_types; 10 11 logic HCLK; 12 logic HRESETn; 13 logic [31:0] HADDR; 14 logic [ 1:0] HTRANS; 15 logic [31:0] HWDATA; 16 logic HWRITE; 17 logic HSEL; 18 logic HREADY; 19 logic HREADYOUT; 20 logic [31:0] HRDATA; 21 22 logic [16:0] GPIOIN; 23 logic [16:0] GPIOOUT; 24 25 modport DUT 26 ( input HCLK, HRESETn, HADDR, HTRANS, HWDATA, HWRITE, HSEL, HREADY, GPIOIN, 27 output HREADYOUT, HRDATA, GPIOOUT 28 ); 29 30 modport TB 31 ( input HCLK, HREADYOUT, HRDATA, GPIOOUT, 32 output HRESETn, HREADY, HADDR, HTRANS, HWDATA, HWRITE, HSEL, GPIOIN 33 ); 34 endinterface 35 36 module ahb_gpio_tb; 37 localparam [7:0] gpio_data_addr = 8'h00; 38 localparam [7:0] gpio_dir_addr = 8'h04; 39 localparam max_test_count = 1000; 40 41 logic parity_sel = '0; 42 logic parity_err; 43 integer test_count; 44 45 ahb_gpio_if gpioif(); 46 AHBGPIO gpio( 47 .HCLK (gpioif.HCLK), 48 .HRESETn (gpioif.HRESETn), 49 .HADDR (gpioif.HADDR), 50 .HTRANS (gpioif.HTRANS), 51 .HWDATA (gpioif.HWDATA), 52 .HWRITE (gpioif.HWRITE), 53 .HSEL (gpioif.HSEL), 54 .HREADY (gpioif.HREADY), 55 .GPIOIN (gpioif.GPIOIN), 56 .PARITYSEL (parity_sel), 57 .INJECT_FAULT ('0), 58 .HREADYOUT (gpioif.HREADYOUT), 59 .HRDATA (gpioif.HRDATA), 60 .GPIOOUT (gpioif.GPIOOUT), 61 .PARITYERR (parity_err) 62 ); 63 64 ahb_gpio_checker gpio_checker( 65 .HCLK (gpioif.HCLK), 66 .HRESETn (gpioif.HRESETn), 67 .HADDR (gpioif.HADDR), 68 .HTRANS (gpioif.HTRANS), 69 .HWDATA (gpioif.HWDATA), 70 .HWRITE (gpioif.HWRITE), 71 .HSEL (gpioif.HSEL), 72 .HREADY (gpioif.HREADY), 73 .GPIOIN (gpioif.GPIOIN), 74 .HREADYOUT (gpioif.HREADYOUT), 75 .HRDATA (gpioif.HRDATA), 76 .GPIOOUT (gpioif.GPIOOUT), 77 .PARITYERR (parity_err), 78 .PARITYSEL (parity_sel) 79 ); 80 81 class gpio_stimulus; 82 rand logic HSEL; 83 rand logic HWRITE; 84 rand logic HREADY; 85 rand logic [ 1:0] HTRANS; 86 rand logic [31:0] HWDATA; 87 rand logic [31:0] HADDR; 88 rand logic [16:0] GPIOIN; 89 90 logic [31:0] prev_haddr = '0; 91 92 93 constraint c_hsel 94 { HSEL dist { 1 :=99, 0:=1 }; } 95 constraint c_hready 96 { HREADY dist { 1 :=99, 0:=1 }; } 97 constraint c_htrans 98 { HTRANS dist { 2'b10 :=90, HTRANS :=10};} 99 constraint c_haddr 100 { HSEL -> HADDR dist {gpio_data_addr:=40, gpio_dir_addr:=40, HADDR:=20};} 101 constraint c_gpio_dir_write 102 { 103 (prev_haddr[7:0]==gpio_dir_addr) -> (HWDATA==32'h0000 || HWDATA ==32'h0001); 104 } 105 constraint c_gpioin_parity 106 { GPIOIN[16] == ~^{GPIOIN[15:0],parity_sel};} 107 108 function void post_randomize; 109 1 1000 prev_haddr = HADDR; 110 endfunction 111 endclass 112 113 gpio_stimulus stimulus_vals; 114 115 covergroup cover_ahb_transaction_vals; 116 cp_hsel: coverpoint gpioif.HSEL{ 117 bins hi = {1}; 118 bins lo = {0}; 119 } 120 cp_hready: coverpoint gpioif.HREADY{ 121 bins hi = {1}; 122 bins lo = {0}; 123 } 124 cp_hwrite: coverpoint gpioif.HWRITE{ 125 bins write = {1}; 126 bins read = {0}; 127 } 128 cp_haddr: coverpoint gpioif.HADDR { 129 bins data_addr = {gpio_data_addr}; 130 bins dir_addr = {gpio_dir_addr}; 131 bins invalid_addr = default; 132 } 133 cp_ahb_transaction: cross cp_hsel, cp_hready, cp_hwrite, cp_haddr { 134 bins ahb_write = cp_ahb_transaction with (cp_hsel==1 && cp_hready==1 && cp_hwrite==1 && cp_haddr==gpio_data_addr); 135 bins ahb_read = cp_ahb_transaction with (cp_hsel==1 && cp_hready==1 && cp_hwrite==0); 136 bins ahb_dir = cp_ahb_transaction with (cp_hsel==1 && cp_hready==1 && cp_hwrite==1 && cp_haddr==gpio_dir_addr); 137 ignore_bins ignore_invalid = cp_ahb_transaction with (cp_hsel!=1); 138 } 139 140 endgroup 141 142 covergroup cover_hwdata_values; 143 coverpoint gpioif.HWDATA; 144 endgroup 145 146 covergroup cover_hrdata_values; 147 coverpoint gpioif.HRDATA[15:0]; 148 endgroup 149 150 covergroup cover_gpio_in_values; 151 coverpoint gpioif.GPIOIN[15:0]; 152 endgroup 153 154 covergroup cover_gpio_out_values; 155 coverpoint gpioif.GPIOOUT[15:0]; 156 endgroup 157 158 task deassert_reset(); 159 begin 160 1 1 gpioif.HRESETn = 0; 161 1 1 @(posedge gpioif.HCLK); 162 1 1 @(posedge gpioif.HCLK); 163 1 1 gpioif.HRESETn = 1; 164 end 165 endtask 166 167 initial begin 168 cover_hwdata_values covhwdata; 169 cover_hrdata_values covhrdata; 170 cover_gpio_in_values covgpioin; 171 cover_gpio_out_values covgpioout; 172 cover_ahb_transaction_vals covahbtransactionvals; 173 1 1 covhwdata = new(); 174 1 1 covhrdata = new(); 175 1 1 covgpioin = new(); 176 1 1 covgpioout = new(); 177 1 1 covahbtransactionvals = new(); 178 1 1 stimulus_vals = new(); 179 1 1 deassert_reset(); 180 181 1 1 for(test_count = 0; test_count < max_test_count;test_count++) 181 2 1000 182 begin 183 assert (stimulus_vals.randomize) else $fatal; 184 1 1000 gpioif.HSEL = stimulus_vals.HSEL; 185 1 1000 gpioif.HWRITE = stimulus_vals.HWRITE; 186 1 1000 gpioif.HREADY = stimulus_vals.HREADY; 187 1 1000 gpioif.HTRANS = stimulus_vals.HTRANS; 188 1 1000 gpioif.HWDATA = stimulus_vals.HWDATA; 189 1 1000 gpioif.HADDR = stimulus_vals.HADDR; 190 1 1000 gpioif.GPIOIN = stimulus_vals.GPIOIN; 191 192 1 1000 covhwdata.sample(); 193 1 1000 covgpioin.sample(); 194 1 1000 covhrdata.sample(); 195 1 1000 covgpioout.sample(); 196 197 1 1000 covahbtransactionvals.sample(); 198 199 1 1000 @(posedge gpioif.HCLK); 200 end 201 1 1 @(posedge gpioif.HCLK); 202 1 1 $finish; 203 end 204 initial begin 205 1 1 gpioif.HCLK = 0; 206 1 1 forever #1 gpioif.HCLK = ! gpioif.HCLK; 206 2 2006 206 3 2005 207 end 208 endmodule Toggle Coverage: Enabled Coverage Active Hits Misses % Covered ---------------- ------ ---- ------ --------- Toggle Bins 342 261 81 76.31 ================================Toggle Details================================ Toggle Coverage for File tbench/ -- Line Node 1H->0L 0L->1H "Coverage" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 HRESETn 0 1 50.00 19 HREADYOUT 0 0 0.00 20 HRDATA[31] 0 0 0.00 20 HRDATA[30] 0 0 0.00 20 HRDATA[29] 0 0 0.00 20 HRDATA[28] 0 0 0.00 20 HRDATA[27] 0 0 0.00 20 HRDATA[26] 0 0 0.00 20 HRDATA[25] 0 0 0.00 20 HRDATA[24] 0 0 0.00 20 HRDATA[23] 0 0 0.00 20 HRDATA[22] 0 0 0.00 20 HRDATA[21] 0 0 0.00 20 HRDATA[20] 0 0 0.00 20 HRDATA[19] 0 0 0.00 20 HRDATA[18] 0 0 0.00 20 HRDATA[17] 0 0 0.00 20 HRDATA[16] 0 0 0.00 42 parity_err 0 1 50.00 43 test_count[9] 0 1 50.00 43 test_count[31] 0 0 0.00 43 test_count[30] 0 0 0.00 43 test_count[29] 0 0 0.00 43 test_count[28] 0 0 0.00 43 test_count[27] 0 0 0.00 43 test_count[26] 0 0 0.00 43 test_count[25] 0 0 0.00 43 test_count[24] 0 0 0.00 43 test_count[23] 0 0 0.00 43 test_count[22] 0 0 0.00 43 test_count[21] 0 0 0.00 43 test_count[20] 0 0 0.00 43 test_count[19] 0 0 0.00 43 test_count[18] 0 0 0.00 43 test_count[17] 0 0 0.00 43 test_count[16] 0 0 0.00 43 test_count[15] 0 0 0.00 43 test_count[14] 0 0 0.00 43 test_count[13] 0 0 0.00 43 test_count[12] 0 0 0.00 43 test_count[11] 0 0 0.00 43 test_count[10] 0 0 0.00 Total Node Count = 171 Toggled Node Count = 129 Untoggled Node Count = 42 Toggle Coverage = 76.31% (261 of 342 bins) COVERGROUP COVERAGE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Covergroup Metric Goal Status ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TYPE /ahb_gpio_tb/cover_ahb_transaction_vals 97.14% 100 Uncovered covered/total bins: 14 15 missing/total bins: 1 15 % Hit: 93.33% 100 Coverpoint cover_ahb_transaction_vals::cp_hsel 100.00% 100 Covered covered/total bins: 2 2 missing/total bins: 0 2 % Hit: 100.00% 100 Coverpoint cover_ahb_transaction_vals::cp_hready 100.00% 100 Covered covered/total bins: 2 2 missing/total bins: 0 2 % Hit: 100.00% 100 Coverpoint cover_ahb_transaction_vals::cp_hwrite 100.00% 100 Covered covered/total bins: 2 2 missing/total bins: 0 2 % Hit: 100.00% 100 Coverpoint cover_ahb_transaction_vals::cp_haddr 100.00% 100 Covered covered/total bins: 2 2 missing/total bins: 0 2 % Hit: 100.00% 100 Cross cover_ahb_transaction_vals::cp_ahb_transaction 85.71% 100 Uncovered covered/total bins: 6 7 missing/total bins: 1 7 % Hit: 85.71% 100 Covergroup instance \/ahb_gpio_tb/#ublk#235519730#167/covahbtransactionvals 97.14% 100 Uncovered covered/total bins: 14 15 missing/total bins: 1 15 % Hit: 93.33% 100 Coverpoint cp_hsel 100.00% 100 Covered covered/total bins: 2 2 missing/total bins: 0 2 % Hit: 100.00% 100 bin hi 990 1 Covered bin lo 10 1 Covered Coverpoint cp_hready 100.00% 100 Covered covered/total bins: 2 2 missing/total bins: 0 2 % Hit: 100.00% 100 bin hi 990 1 Covered bin lo 10 1 Covered Coverpoint cp_hwrite 100.00% 100 Covered covered/total bins: 2 2 missing/total bins: 0 2 % Hit: 100.00% 100 bin write 485 1 Covered bin read 515 1 Covered Coverpoint cp_haddr 100.00% 100 Covered covered/total bins: 2 2 missing/total bins: 0 2 % Hit: 100.00% 100 bin data_addr 390 1 Covered bin dir_addr 415 1 Covered default bin invalid_addr 195 Occurred Cross cp_ahb_transaction 85.71% 100 Uncovered covered/total bins: 6 7 missing/total bins: 1 7 % Hit: 85.71% 100 bin 5 1 Covered bin 0 1 ZERO bin 2 1 Covered bin 1 1 Covered ignore_bin ignore_invalid 0 ZERO bin ahb_write 185 1 Covered bin ahb_read 419 1 Covered bin ahb_dir 193 1 Covered TYPE /ahb_gpio_tb/cover_hwdata_values 100.00% 100 Covered covered/total bins: 64 64 missing/total bins: 0 64 % Hit: 100.00% 100 Coverpoint cover_hwdata_values::#coverpoint__0# 100.00% 100 Covered covered/total bins: 64 64 missing/total bins: 0 64 % Hit: 100.00% 100 Covergroup instance \/ahb_gpio_tb/#ublk#235519730#167/covhwdata 100.00% 100 Covered covered/total bins: 64 64 missing/total bins: 0 64 % Hit: 100.00% 100 Coverpoint #coverpoint__0# 100.00% 100 Covered covered/total bins: 64 64 missing/total bins: 0 64 % Hit: 100.00% 100 bin auto[0:67108863] 423 1 Covered bin auto[67108864:134217727] 4 1 Covered bin auto[134217728:201326591] 7 1 Covered bin auto[201326592:268435455] 8 1 Covered bin auto[268435456:335544319] 10 1 Covered bin auto[335544320:402653183] 10 1 Covered bin auto[402653184:469762047] 9 1 Covered bin auto[469762048:536870911] 10 1 Covered bin auto[536870912:603979775] 8 1 Covered bin auto[603979776:671088639] 7 1 Covered bin auto[671088640:738197503] 9 1 Covered bin auto[738197504:805306367] 7 1 Covered bin auto[805306368:872415231] 12 1 Covered bin auto[872415232:939524095] 6 1 Covered bin auto[939524096:1006632959] 15 1 Covered bin auto[1006632960:1073741823] 11 1 Covered bin auto[1073741824:1140850687] 7 1 Covered bin auto[1140850688:1207959551] 15 1 Covered bin auto[1207959552:1275068415] 7 1 Covered bin auto[1275068416:1342177279] 7 1 Covered bin auto[1342177280:1409286143] 7 1 Covered bin auto[1409286144:1476395007] 5 1 Covered bin auto[1476395008:1543503871] 10 1 Covered bin auto[1543503872:1610612735] 16 1 Covered bin auto[1610612736:1677721599] 10 1 Covered bin auto[1677721600:1744830463] 8 1 Covered bin auto[1744830464:1811939327] 16 1 Covered bin auto[1811939328:1879048191] 6 1 Covered bin auto[1879048192:1946157055] 8 1 Covered bin auto[1946157056:2013265919] 11 1 Covered bin auto[2013265920:2080374783] 10 1 Covered bin auto[2080374784:2147483647] 12 1 Covered bin auto[2147483648:2214592511] 8 1 Covered bin auto[2214592512:2281701375] 11 1 Covered bin auto[2281701376:2348810239] 8 1 Covered bin auto[2348810240:2415919103] 10 1 Covered bin auto[2415919104:2483027967] 7 1 Covered bin auto[2483027968:2550136831] 6 1 Covered bin auto[2550136832:2617245695] 5 1 Covered bin auto[2617245696:2684354559] 10 1 Covered bin auto[2684354560:2751463423] 11 1 Covered bin auto[2751463424:2818572287] 10 1 Covered bin auto[2818572288:2885681151] 5 1 Covered bin auto[2885681152:2952790015] 5 1 Covered bin auto[2952790016:3019898879] 15 1 Covered bin auto[3019898880:3087007743] 9 1 Covered bin auto[3087007744:3154116607] 7 1 Covered bin auto[3154116608:3221225471] 14 1 Covered bin auto[3221225472:3288334335] 12 1 Covered bin auto[3288334336:3355443199] 7 1 Covered bin auto[3355443200:3422552063] 10 1 Covered bin auto[3422552064:3489660927] 10 1 Covered bin auto[3489660928:3556769791] 9 1 Covered bin auto[3556769792:3623878655] 6 1 Covered bin auto[3623878656:3690987519] 11 1 Covered bin auto[3690987520:3758096383] 8 1 Covered bin auto[3758096384:3825205247] 11 1 Covered bin auto[3825205248:3892314111] 14 1 Covered bin auto[3892314112:3959422975] 13 1 Covered bin auto[3959422976:4026531839] 7 1 Covered bin auto[4026531840:4093640703] 7 1 Covered bin auto[4093640704:4160749567] 5 1 Covered bin auto[4160749568:4227858431] 8 1 Covered bin auto[4227858432:4294967295] 10 1 Covered TYPE /ahb_gpio_tb/cover_hrdata_values 100.00% 100 Covered covered/total bins: 64 64 missing/total bins: 0 64 % Hit: 100.00% 100 Coverpoint cover_hrdata_values::#coverpoint__0# 100.00% 100 Covered covered/total bins: 64 64 missing/total bins: 0 64 % Hit: 100.00% 100 Covergroup instance \/ahb_gpio_tb/#ublk#235519730#167/covhrdata 100.00% 100 Covered covered/total bins: 64 64 missing/total bins: 0 64 % Hit: 100.00% 100 Coverpoint #coverpoint__0# 100.00% 100 Covered covered/total bins: 64 64 missing/total bins: 0 64 % Hit: 100.00% 100 bin auto[0:1023] 27 1 Covered bin auto[1024:2047] 5 1 Covered bin auto[2048:3071] 11 1 Covered bin auto[3072:4095] 9 1 Covered bin auto[4096:5119] 28 1 Covered bin auto[5120:6143] 4 1 Covered bin auto[6144:7167] 17 1 Covered bin auto[7168:8191] 10 1 Covered bin auto[8192:9215] 30 1 Covered bin auto[9216:10239] 14 1 Covered bin auto[10240:11263] 9 1 Covered bin auto[11264:12287] 8 1 Covered bin auto[12288:13311] 11 1 Covered bin auto[13312:14335] 18 1 Covered bin auto[14336:15359] 25 1 Covered bin auto[15360:16383] 29 1 Covered bin auto[16384:17407] 18 1 Covered bin auto[17408:18431] 10 1 Covered bin auto[18432:19455] 19 1 Covered bin auto[19456:20479] 7 1 Covered bin auto[20480:21503] 22 1 Covered bin auto[21504:22527] 6 1 Covered bin auto[22528:23551] 24 1 Covered bin auto[23552:24575] 13 1 Covered bin auto[24576:25599] 13 1 Covered bin auto[25600:26623] 12 1 Covered bin auto[26624:27647] 7 1 Covered bin auto[27648:28671] 21 1 Covered bin auto[28672:29695] 12 1 Covered bin auto[29696:30719] 6 1 Covered bin auto[30720:31743] 4 1 Covered bin auto[31744:32767] 31 1 Covered bin auto[32768:33791] 12 1 Covered bin auto[33792:34815] 32 1 Covered bin auto[34816:35839] 25 1 Covered bin auto[35840:36863] 9 1 Covered bin auto[36864:37887] 14 1 Covered bin auto[37888:38911] 6 1 Covered bin auto[38912:39935] 7 1 Covered bin auto[39936:40959] 15 1 Covered bin auto[40960:41983] 15 1 Covered bin auto[41984:43007] 15 1 Covered bin auto[43008:44031] 28 1 Covered bin auto[44032:45055] 16 1 Covered bin auto[45056:46079] 7 1 Covered bin auto[46080:47103] 18 1 Covered bin auto[47104:48127] 6 1 Covered bin auto[48128:49151] 13 1 Covered bin auto[49152:50175] 7 1 Covered bin auto[50176:51199] 25 1 Covered bin auto[51200:52223] 20 1 Covered bin auto[52224:53247] 9 1 Covered bin auto[53248:54271] 10 1 Covered bin auto[54272:55295] 7 1 Covered bin auto[55296:56319] 27 1 Covered bin auto[56320:57343] 17 1 Covered bin auto[57344:58367] 8 1 Covered bin auto[58368:59391] 44 1 Covered bin auto[59392:60415] 16 1 Covered bin auto[60416:61439] 28 1 Covered bin auto[61440:62463] 13 1 Covered bin auto[62464:63487] 24 1 Covered bin auto[63488:64511] 19 1 Covered bin auto[64512:65535] 8 1 Covered TYPE /ahb_gpio_tb/cover_gpio_in_values 100.00% 100 Covered covered/total bins: 64 64 missing/total bins: 0 64 % Hit: 100.00% 100 Coverpoint cover_gpio_in_values::#coverpoint__0# 100.00% 100 Covered covered/total bins: 64 64 missing/total bins: 0 64 % Hit: 100.00% 100 Covergroup instance \/ahb_gpio_tb/#ublk#235519730#167/covgpioin 100.00% 100 Covered covered/total bins: 64 64 missing/total bins: 0 64 % Hit: 100.00% 100 Coverpoint #coverpoint__0# 100.00% 100 Covered covered/total bins: 64 64 missing/total bins: 0 64 % Hit: 100.00% 100 bin auto[0:1023] 11 1 Covered bin auto[1024:2047] 13 1 Covered bin auto[2048:3071] 21 1 Covered bin auto[3072:4095] 14 1 Covered bin auto[4096:5119] 17 1 Covered bin auto[5120:6143] 14 1 Covered bin auto[6144:7167] 15 1 Covered bin auto[7168:8191] 17 1 Covered bin auto[8192:9215] 21 1 Covered bin auto[9216:10239] 10 1 Covered bin auto[10240:11263] 16 1 Covered bin auto[11264:12287] 15 1 Covered bin auto[12288:13311] 14 1 Covered bin auto[13312:14335] 30 1 Covered bin auto[14336:15359] 13 1 Covered bin auto[15360:16383] 19 1 Covered bin auto[16384:17407] 15 1 Covered bin auto[17408:18431] 19 1 Covered bin auto[18432:19455] 13 1 Covered bin auto[19456:20479] 11 1 Covered bin auto[20480:21503] 30 1 Covered bin auto[21504:22527] 6 1 Covered bin auto[22528:23551] 7 1 Covered bin auto[23552:24575] 15 1 Covered bin auto[24576:25599] 21 1 Covered bin auto[25600:26623] 18 1 Covered bin auto[26624:27647] 20 1 Covered bin auto[27648:28671] 18 1 Covered bin auto[28672:29695] 18 1 Covered bin auto[29696:30719] 14 1 Covered bin auto[30720:31743] 8 1 Covered bin auto[31744:32767] 18 1 Covered bin auto[32768:33791] 17 1 Covered bin auto[33792:34815] 22 1 Covered bin auto[34816:35839] 17 1 Covered bin auto[35840:36863] 16 1 Covered bin auto[36864:37887] 9 1 Covered bin auto[37888:38911] 15 1 Covered bin auto[38912:39935] 15 1 Covered bin auto[39936:40959] 11 1 Covered bin auto[40960:41983] 8 1 Covered bin auto[41984:43007] 16 1 Covered bin auto[43008:44031] 26 1 Covered bin auto[44032:45055] 21 1 Covered bin auto[45056:46079] 14 1 Covered bin auto[46080:47103] 15 1 Covered bin auto[47104:48127] 15 1 Covered bin auto[48128:49151] 17 1 Covered bin auto[49152:50175] 12 1 Covered bin auto[50176:51199] 13 1 Covered bin auto[51200:52223] 21 1 Covered bin auto[52224:53247] 18 1 Covered bin auto[53248:54271] 18 1 Covered bin auto[54272:55295] 11 1 Covered bin auto[55296:56319] 10 1 Covered bin auto[56320:57343] 12 1 Covered bin auto[57344:58367] 15 1 Covered bin auto[58368:59391] 12 1 Covered bin auto[59392:60415] 16 1 Covered bin auto[60416:61439] 14 1 Covered bin auto[61440:62463] 17 1 Covered bin auto[62464:63487] 13 1 Covered bin auto[63488:64511] 17 1 Covered bin auto[64512:65535] 16 1 Covered TYPE /ahb_gpio_tb/cover_gpio_out_values 79.68% 100 Uncovered covered/total bins: 51 64 missing/total bins: 13 64 % Hit: 79.68% 100 Coverpoint cover_gpio_out_values::#coverpoint__0# 79.68% 100 Uncovered covered/total bins: 51 64 missing/total bins: 13 64 % Hit: 79.68% 100 Covergroup instance \/ahb_gpio_tb/#ublk#235519730#167/covgpioout 79.68% 100 Uncovered covered/total bins: 51 64 missing/total bins: 13 64 % Hit: 79.68% 100 Coverpoint #coverpoint__0# 79.68% 100 Uncovered covered/total bins: 51 64 missing/total bins: 13 64 % Hit: 79.68% 100 bin auto[0:1023] 33 1 Covered bin auto[1024:2047] 1 1 Covered bin auto[2048:3071] 0 1 ZERO bin auto[3072:4095] 0 1 ZERO bin auto[4096:5119] 38 1 Covered bin auto[5120:6143] 0 1 ZERO bin auto[6144:7167] 77 1 Covered bin auto[7168:8191] 4 1 Covered bin auto[8192:9215] 44 1 Covered bin auto[9216:10239] 8 1 Covered bin auto[10240:11263] 0 1 ZERO bin auto[11264:12287] 0 1 ZERO bin auto[12288:13311] 2 1 Covered bin auto[13312:14335] 4 1 Covered bin auto[14336:15359] 34 1 Covered bin auto[15360:16383] 96 1 Covered bin auto[16384:17407] 21 1 Covered bin auto[17408:18431] 0 1 ZERO bin auto[18432:19455] 56 1 Covered bin auto[19456:20479] 3 1 Covered bin auto[20480:21503] 25 1 Covered bin auto[21504:22527] 2 1 Covered bin auto[22528:23551] 34 1 Covered bin auto[23552:24575] 3 1 Covered bin auto[24576:25599] 3 1 Covered bin auto[25600:26623] 1 1 Covered bin auto[26624:27647] 0 1 ZERO bin auto[27648:28671] 36 1 Covered bin auto[28672:29695] 2 1 Covered bin auto[29696:30719] 0 1 ZERO bin auto[30720:31743] 0 1 ZERO bin auto[31744:32767] 39 1 Covered bin auto[32768:33791] 5 1 Covered bin auto[33792:34815] 79 1 Covered bin auto[34816:35839] 13 1 Covered bin auto[35840:36863] 3 1 Covered bin auto[36864:37887] 10 1 Covered bin auto[37888:38911] 3 1 Covered bin auto[38912:39935] 0 1 ZERO bin auto[39936:40959] 9 1 Covered bin auto[40960:41983] 13 1 Covered bin auto[41984:43007] 5 1 Covered bin auto[43008:44031] 17 1 Covered bin auto[44032:45055] 12 1 Covered bin auto[45056:46079] 1 1 Covered bin auto[46080:47103] 9 1 Covered bin auto[47104:48127] 0 1 ZERO bin auto[48128:49151] 4 1 Covered bin auto[49152:50175] 2 1 Covered bin auto[50176:51199] 15 1 Covered bin auto[51200:52223] 16 1 Covered bin auto[52224:53247] 1 1 Covered bin auto[53248:54271] 4 1 Covered bin auto[54272:55295] 0 1 ZERO bin auto[55296:56319] 22 1 Covered bin auto[56320:57343] 22 1 Covered bin auto[57344:58367] 0 1 ZERO bin auto[58368:59391] 43 1 Covered bin auto[59392:60415] 6 1 Covered bin auto[60416:61439] 64 1 Covered bin auto[61440:62463] 5 1 Covered bin auto[62464:63487] 19 1 Covered bin auto[63488:64511] 29 1 Covered bin auto[64512:65535] 3 1 Covered TOTAL COVERGROUP COVERAGE: 95.36% COVERGROUP TYPES: 5 ASSERTION RESULTS: -------------------------------------------------------------------- Name File(Line) Failure Pass Count Count -------------------------------------------------------------------- /ahb_gpio_tb/#ublk#235519730#167/#ublk#235519730#182/immed__183 tbench/ 0 1 /ahb_gpio_tb/gpio_checker/assert_gpio_write rtl/AHB_GPIO/ 0 0 /ahb_gpio_tb/gpio_checker/assert_gpio_read rtl/AHB_GPIO/ 0 0 Total Coverage By File (code coverage only, filtered view): 84.52%