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2022-12-16 22:16:17 +00:00
# Hardware Verification Coursework 2022-23
## Verification Plan
The verification plan can be found [here](verificationPlan.md).
## File map
- [Makefile](Makefile): commands to run simulation and coverage for VGA and GPIO unit-level testing and top-level testing
- [Basic GPIO Coverage](coverage/GPIOCoverageReport.txt): Generated in Questa GUI
- [Full GPIO Coverage](coverage/GPIOCoverageReportFull.txt): Generated using `vcover` command
- [Basic VGA Coverage](coverage/VGACoverageReport.txt): Generated in Questa GUI
- [Full VGA Coverage](coverage/VGACoverageReportFull.txt): Generated using `vcover` command
- [Docs Folder](docs): Folder of PDF resources provided
- [GPIO Module](rtl/AHB_GPIO/AHBGPIO.sv)
- [GPIO Checker](rtl/AHB_GPIO/ahb_gpio_checker.sv): Non-synthesizable version to check GPIO outputs against
- [GPIO Assertions](rtl/AHB_GPIO/AHBGPIO_SVA.sv): SystemVerilog Assertions for module verification
- [GPIO TCL Script](gpio.tcl): JasperGold script used to run formal verification on the GPIO module
- [GPIO JasperGold Results](GPIO_formal_results.png): Image of JasperGold results table
- [VGA Module](rtl/AHB_VGA/AHBVGASYS.sv)
- [VGA Checker](rtl/AHB_VGA/ahb_vgasys_checker.sv): Non-synthesizable version to check VGA outputs against
- [VGA Assertions](rtl/AHB_VGA/AHBVGASYS_SVA.sv): SystemVerilog Assertions for module verification
- [VGA Comparator](rtl/AHB_VGA/VGACOMPARATOR.sv): Used to verify Dual lock-step operation of VGA modules
- [VGA TCL Script](vga.tcl): JasperGold script used to run formal verification on the VGA module
- [VGA JasperGold Results](VGA_formal_results.png): Image of JasperGold results table
- [Questa Automation Script](setup.do): Runs simulation, logs all waves and opens waveform viewer
- [GPIO Unit-level Testbench](tbench/ahb_gpio_tb.sv)
- [VGA Font Map File](tbench/ahb_vga_font_map.sv)
- [VGA Unit-level Testbench](tbench/ahb_vga_tb.sv)
- [Top-level Integration Testbench](tbench/ahblite_sys_tb.sv)
## VGA Bugs and Workarounds
- It is found that upon reaching the console text region part of the frame, the VGA pixel output will be invalid for the first two pixels and will instead start at pixel_x=2 to pixel_x=240 horizontally, thus there are only 238 pixels of valid console text region
- Some of the timing parameters and porch sizes in the documentation are incorrect, the correct ones were taken from the VGA block's local parameters
- Printing to the second character row of the VGA's console text region creates very unexpected behaviour:
- The second line will start 2 characters to the left of the first line
- Sometimes, errernous/extra characters may be printed
- The HRESETn signal does not properly reset the data in the console text register, when performing a reset in between test-cases, this may cause the new text on screen to have some characters from the old text (whereas some characters may be reset properly)
- For the VGA Tb, only the first line was tested (Printing a total of 30 random characters for the line)
- The VSYNC and HSYNC pulses after the HRESETn signal is asserted may sometimes only go low for a single cycle (this causes a few assertions to fail thus some special cases were included to these)
## Running Instructions
- Run `make (vga|gpio|sys)` to run each of the testbenches and start Questa, along with selecting all pins and opening the waveform
- Run `jg (gpio.tcl|vga.tcl)` to run formal verification for the GPIO/VGA modules respectively
## Formal Verification Results
![GPIO JasperGold Results](GPIO_formal_results.png)
It can be seen that all required assertions have been proven with an unbounded result.
![VGA JasperGold Results](VGA_formal_results.png)
The pixel coordinate values are proven unbounded, as well as the HSYNC pulse size, however the remaining assertions are shown to never fail within the given bound (599188 cycles).
## Functional and Code Coverage
The GPIO coverage file can be found [here](coverage/GPIOCoverageReportFull.txt), with the functional coverage results found near the bottom of the file.
The VGA coverage file can be found [here](coverage/VGACoverageReportFull.txt), with the functional coverage results found near the bottom of the file.
## VGA Testing
Using the debug output of `$display` commands to render a 1-bit image of the VGA block output, along with a unicode version (located near the bottom of the log) of the randomly selected symbols from the font RAM.
[VGA Simulation Log](sim.log): This contains the VGA Pixel output from the simulation.