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// Dafny coursework tasks
// Autumn term, 2022
// Authors: John Wickerson
method countsquares(n:nat) returns (result:nat)
ensures result == (n * (n + 1) * (2 * n + 1)) / 6;
var i := 0;
result := 0;
while i < n
invariant 0 <= i <= n;
decreases n - i;
invariant result == (i * (i + 1) * (2 * i + 1)) / 6;
i := i + 1;
result := result + i * i;
method countsquares2(n:nat) returns (result:nat)
ensures result == (n * (n + 1) * (2 * n + 1)) / 6;
var i := n;
result := 0;
while i > 0
invariant 0 <= i <= n;
decreases i;
invariant result == ((n * (n + 1) * (2 * n + 1)) / 6) - ((i * (i + 1) * (2 * i + 1)) / 6);
result := result + i * i;
i := i - 1;
// countsquares was easier to verify than countsquares2 as the loop invariant
// was the same as the post-condition of the function, as the value of result
// after each loop iteration is simply the result of the function call with a
// smaller input value n.
predicate sorted(A:array<int>)
reads A;
forall m,n :: 0 <= m < n < A.Length ==> A[m] <= A[n]
method binarysearch_between(A:array<int>, v:int, lo:int, hi:int) returns (result:bool)
requires sorted(A);
requires 0 <= lo <= hi <= A.Length;
decreases hi - lo;
ensures (exists j :: lo <= j < hi && A[j] == v) <==> result;
if lo == hi {
return false;
var mid:int := (lo + hi) / 2;
if v == A[mid] {
return true;
if v < A[mid] {
result := binarysearch_between(A, v, lo, mid);
if v > A[mid] {
result := binarysearch_between(A, v, mid+1, hi);
method binarysearch(A:array<int>, v:int) returns (result:bool)
requires sorted(A);
ensures (exists j :: 0 <= j < A.Length && A[j] == v) <==> result;
result := binarysearch_between(A, v, 0, A.Length); // call with lo and hi to cover full array
method binarysearch_iter(A:array<int>, v:int) returns (result:bool)
requires sorted(A);
ensures (exists j :: 0 <= j < A.Length && A[j] == v) <==> result;
result := false;
var lo := 0;
var hi := A.Length;
while lo < hi
invariant 0 <= lo <= hi <= A.Length;
invariant forall j :: (0 <= j < lo || hi <= j < A.Length) ==> A[j] != v;
decreases hi - lo;
var mid := (lo + hi) / 2;
if A[mid] > v {
hi := mid;
} else if A[mid] < v {
lo := mid + 1;
} else {
return true;
method partition(A:array<int>, lo:int, hi:int) returns (pivot:int)
requires 0 <= lo < hi <= A.Length;
ensures 0 <= lo <= pivot < hi <= A.Length;
requires hi < A.Length ==> forall k :: lo <= k < hi ==> A[k] < A[hi];
ensures hi < A.Length ==> forall k :: lo <= k < hi ==> A[k] < A[hi];
requires 0 < lo ==> forall k :: lo <= k < hi ==> A[lo-1] <= A[k];
ensures 0 < lo ==> forall k :: lo <= k < hi ==> A[lo-1] <= A[k];
ensures forall k :: (0 <= k < lo || hi <= k < A.Length) ==> old(A[k]) == A[k];
ensures forall k :: lo <= k < pivot ==> A[k] < A[pivot];
ensures forall k :: pivot < k < hi ==> A[pivot] <= A[k];
modifies A;
pivot := lo;
var i := lo+1;
while i < hi
invariant 0 <= lo <= pivot < i <= hi;
invariant forall k :: (0 <= k < lo || hi <= k < A.Length) ==> old(A[k]) == A[k];
invariant forall k :: (lo <= k < pivot) ==> A[k] < A[pivot];
invariant forall k :: (pivot < k < i) ==> A[pivot] <= A[k];
invariant hi < A.Length ==> forall k :: lo <= k < hi ==> A[k] < A[hi];
invariant 0 < lo ==> forall k :: lo <= k < hi ==> A[lo-1] <= A[k];
if A[i] < A[pivot] {
var j := i-1;
var tmp := A[i];
A[i] := A[j];
while pivot < j
invariant forall k :: (0 <= k < lo || hi <= k < A.Length) ==> old(A[k]) == A[k];
invariant forall k :: (pivot < k <= i) ==> A[pivot] <= A[k];
invariant forall k :: (lo <= k < pivot) ==> A[k] < A[pivot];
invariant A[pivot] > tmp;
invariant hi < A.Length ==> forall k :: lo <= k < hi ==> A[k] < A[hi];
invariant 0 < lo ==> forall k :: lo <= k < hi ==> A[lo-1] <= A[k];
A[j+1] := A[j];
j := j-1;
A[pivot+1] := A[pivot];
A[pivot] := tmp;
pivot := pivot+1;
i := i+1;
predicate sorted_between(A: array<int>, lo: int, hi: int)
reads A;
requires 0 <= lo <= hi <= A.Length;
forall m, n :: lo <= m < n < hi ==> A[m] <= A[n]
method quicksort_between(A:array<int>, lo:int, hi:int)
requires 0 <= lo <= hi <= A.Length;
requires hi < A.Length ==> forall k :: lo <= k < hi ==> A[k] < A[hi];
ensures hi < A.Length ==> forall k :: lo <= k < hi ==> A[k] < A[hi];
requires 0 < lo ==> forall k :: lo <= k < hi ==> A[lo-1] <= A[k];
ensures 0 < lo ==> forall k :: lo <= k < hi ==> A[lo-1] <= A[k];
ensures forall k :: (0 <= k < lo || hi <= k < A.Length) ==> old(A[k]) == A[k];
// old(A[k]) evaluates to the value of A[k] on entry to the method, so this
// checkes that only values in A[lo..hi] can be modified by this method
ensures sorted_between(A, lo, hi);
modifies A;
decreases hi - lo;
if lo+1 >= hi { return; }
var pivot := partition(A, lo, hi);
quicksort_between(A, lo, pivot);
quicksort_between(A, pivot+1, hi);
method quicksort(A:array<int>)
modifies A;
ensures sorted(A);
quicksort_between(A, 0, A.Length);
method Main() {
var A:array<int> := new int[7] [4,0,1,9,7,1,2];
print "Before: ", A[0], A[1], A[2], A[3], A[4], A[5], A[6], "\n";
print "After: ", A[0], A[1], A[2], A[3], A[4], A[5], A[6], "\n";