module SimulatorTests open CommonTypes open SimulatorTypes open CanvasStates open CanvasStatesWithBuses open Simulator /// Tuple with: (diagramName, state, loadedComponents, inputs). type private SimulatorTestCaseInput = string * CanvasState * LoadedComponent list * (ComponentId * WireData) list type private SimulatorTestCaseOutput = Result<(SimulationIO * WireData) list, SimulationError> type private SimulatorTestCase = string * SimulatorTestCaseInput * SimulatorTestCaseOutput let private makeError msg deps comps conns = Error { Msg = msg InDependency = deps ComponentsAffected = comps |> ComponentId ConnectionsAffected = conns |> ConnectionId } /// Given a list of N generic elements, associate each element with a bit and /// return 2^N lists with all the possible bit combinations. /// A bit is simply a bus with width 1. let makeAllBitCombinations (lst : 'a list) : (('a * WireData) list) list = let rec allCombinations lst result stack = match lst with | [] -> List.rev stack :: result | el :: lst' -> let result = allCombinations lst' result ((el,[Zero]) :: stack) allCombinations lst' result ((el,[One]) :: stack) List.rev <| allCombinations lst [] [] /// Auto generate all the testcases for a CanvasState (i.e. a full thruth /// table). The thruth table considers ALL inputs to be single bit inputs, /// please do not use this function if not all inputs are like that. let private createAllTestCases (title : string) (diagramName : string) (state : CanvasState) (dependencies : LoadedComponent list) (inputLabels : ComponentId list) (expectedResults : ((SimulationIO * WireData) list) list) : SimulatorTestCase list = let allInputCombinations = makeAllBitCombinations inputLabels assert(List.length allInputCombinations = List.length expectedResults) (allInputCombinations, expectedResults) ||> List.map2 (fun inputs outputs -> sprintf "%s: %A" title inputs, (diagramName, state, dependencies, inputs), Ok outputs ) // The input to a test case is formed by: // - a CanvasState, // - a list of loaded dependencies, // - a list of input values that will be applied to the simulation graph. // The dependency list and the inputs do not matter since the test has to fail // in the earlier checks. let private testCasesSimulatorPortError : SimulatorTestCase list = [ "Unconnected input node", ("", state1, [], []), makeError "All ports must have at least one connection." None ["input-node0"] [] "Two unconnected input nodes", ("", state2, [], []), makeError "All ports must have at least one connection." None ["input-node0"] [] "Two inputs and one output", ("", state5, [], []), makeError "A wire must have precisely one driving component, but 2 were found. If you want to merge wires together use a MergeWires component." None ["output-node0"] [] "Two inputs, one And, one output, with extra connection input to output", ("", state7, [], []), makeError "A wire must have precisely one driving component, but 2 were found. If you want to merge wires together use a MergeWires component." None ["output"] [] "Two inputs, one And, one output, with extra connections inputs to and", ("", state8, [], []), makeError "A wire must have precisely one driving component, but 2 were found. If you want to merge wires together use a MergeWires component." None ["and"] [] "Mux2 with only two connected ports", ("", state9, [], []), makeError "All ports must have at least one connection." None ["mux"] [] ] let private testCasesSimulatorDuplicatIOError : SimulatorTestCase list = [ "Simple circuit with duplicated output label", ("", state14, [], []), makeError "Two Output components cannot have the same label: output-duplicate-label." None ["output-node0"; "output-node1"] [] "Simple And circuit with duplicated input label", ("", state15, [], []), makeError "Two Input components cannot have the same label: input-duplicate-label." None ["top-input"; "bottom-input"] [] ] let private testCasesSimulatorCycleError : SimulatorTestCase list = [ "Complex diagram with three Ands and two cycles", ("", state10, [], []), makeError "Cycle detected in combinatorial logic." None ["and2"; "and0"] ["conn5"; "conn4"] "Complex diagram with three Ands and one long cycle", ("", state11, [], []), makeError "Cycle detected in combinatorial logic." None ["and1"; "and2"; "and0"] ["conn1"; "conn5"; "conn3"] ] // In the next tests, we have no dependencies. // The inputs are set since the simulation graph should be fine. let private testCasesSimulatorOkNoDependencies : SimulatorTestCase list = createAllTestCases "Simple circuit with one input and one output" "main" state3 [] [ComponentId "input-node0"] [ [(ComponentId "output-node0", ComponentLabel "output-node0-label", 1), [Zero]] [(ComponentId "output-node0", ComponentLabel "output-node0-label", 1), [One]] ] @ createAllTestCases "Simple circuit with one input connected to two outputs" "main" state4 [] [ComponentId "input-node0"] [ [ (ComponentId "output-node0", ComponentLabel "output-node0-label", 1), [Zero] (ComponentId "output-node1", ComponentLabel "output-node1-label", 1), [Zero] ] [ (ComponentId "output-node0", ComponentLabel "output-node0-label", 1), [One] (ComponentId "output-node1", ComponentLabel "output-node1-label", 1), [One] ] ] @ createAllTestCases "Two inputs; one And; one output" "main" state6 [] [ComponentId "top-input"; ComponentId "bottom-input"] [ [(ComponentId "output", ComponentLabel "output-node0-label", 1), [Zero]] [(ComponentId "output", ComponentLabel "output-node0-label", 1), [Zero]] [(ComponentId "output", ComponentLabel "output-node0-label", 1), [Zero]] [(ComponentId "output", ComponentLabel "output-node0-label", 1), [One]] ] @ createAllTestCases "Weird diagram with a series of and gates" "main" state12 [] [ComponentId "input"] [ [(ComponentId "output", ComponentLabel "output", 1), [Zero]] [(ComponentId "output", ComponentLabel "output", 1), [One]] ] @ createAllTestCases "One bit adder (Zero, Zero)" "main" state13 [] [ ComponentId "2953603d-44e4-5c1f-3fb1-698f7863b6b5" ComponentId "170e69f4-b3d7-d9e0-9f1d-6a564ba62062" ] [ [ (ComponentId "9aaf18a9-b3ac-bf51-1ed3-625baa1ff6a9", ComponentLabel "Sum", 1), [Zero] (ComponentId "94da6dd7-a263-a3ec-ec76-bfa07b0b0f34", ComponentLabel "Carry", 1), [Zero] ] [ (ComponentId "9aaf18a9-b3ac-bf51-1ed3-625baa1ff6a9", ComponentLabel "Sum", 1), [One] (ComponentId "94da6dd7-a263-a3ec-ec76-bfa07b0b0f34", ComponentLabel "Carry", 1), [Zero] ] [ (ComponentId "9aaf18a9-b3ac-bf51-1ed3-625baa1ff6a9", ComponentLabel "Sum", 1), [One] (ComponentId "94da6dd7-a263-a3ec-ec76-bfa07b0b0f34", ComponentLabel "Carry", 1), [Zero] ] [ (ComponentId "9aaf18a9-b3ac-bf51-1ed3-625baa1ff6a9", ComponentLabel "Sum", 1), [Zero] (ComponentId "94da6dd7-a263-a3ec-ec76-bfa07b0b0f34", ComponentLabel "Carry", 1), [One] ] ] let testCasesSimulatorDependencyError : SimulatorTestCase list = createAllTestCases "Broken unused dependency." // Since the dependency is unused the test should pass. "main" state3 [state1Dependency] [ComponentId "input-node0"] [ [(ComponentId "output-node0", ComponentLabel "output-node0-label", 1), [Zero]] [(ComponentId "output-node0", ComponentLabel "output-node0-label", 1), [One]] ] @ [ // Broken dependencies. "Input connected to broken depdendency.", ("main", state19, [state1Dependency], []), makeError "All ports must have at least one connection." (Some "broken-one-input") [] [] // Dependency cycle. "Component using itself.", (state16Dependency.Name, state20, [state16Dependency], []), makeError (sprintf "Found a cycle in dependencies: \"%s\" --> \"%s\"." state16Dependency.Name state16Dependency.Name) None [] [] "Long cycle starting at root.", (state23Dependency.Name, state23, [state21Dependency; state22Dependency], []), makeError (sprintf "Found a cycle in dependencies: \"%s\" --> \"%s\" --> \"%s\" --> \"%s\"." state23Dependency.Name state21Dependency.Name state22Dependency.Name state23Dependency.Name) None [] [] "Long cycle.", ("main", state24, [state21Dependency; state22Dependency; state23Dependency], []), makeError (sprintf "Found a cycle in dependencies: \"%s\" --> \"%s\" --> \"%s\" --> \"%s\"." state23Dependency.Name state21Dependency.Name state22Dependency.Name state23Dependency.Name) None [] [] // Missing dependencies. "2 bit full adder missing dependencies", ("2-bit-adder", twoBitAdderState, [], []), makeError "Could not resolve dependency: \"full-adder\". Make sure a dependency with such name exists in the current project." (Some "2-bit-adder") [] [] "2 bit full adder missing half adder dependency", ("2-bit-adder", twoBitAdderState, [fullAdderDependency], []), makeError "Could not resolve dependency: \"half-adder\". Make sure a dependency with such name exists in the current project." (Some "full-adder") [] [] "2 bit full adder missing full adder dependency", ("2-bit-adder", twoBitAdderState, [halfAdderDependency], []), makeError "Could not resolve dependency: \"full-adder\". Make sure a dependency with such name exists in the current project." (Some "2-bit-adder") [] [] ] // Outputs fot the 2bit adder test. let private zero = [ (ComponentId "dbb1f55a-edf3-bde2-4c69-43a02560e17d", ComponentLabel "Sum1", 1), [Zero] (ComponentId "8f5bded5-f46d-722d-6108-03dda4236c01", ComponentLabel "Sum0", 1), [Zero] (ComponentId "7d948312-376d-1d4b-cf02-90872026be16", ComponentLabel "Cout", 1), [Zero] ] let private one = [ (ComponentId "dbb1f55a-edf3-bde2-4c69-43a02560e17d", ComponentLabel "Sum1", 1), [Zero] (ComponentId "8f5bded5-f46d-722d-6108-03dda4236c01", ComponentLabel "Sum0", 1), [One] (ComponentId "7d948312-376d-1d4b-cf02-90872026be16", ComponentLabel "Cout", 1), [Zero] ] let private two = [ (ComponentId "dbb1f55a-edf3-bde2-4c69-43a02560e17d", ComponentLabel "Sum1", 1), [One] (ComponentId "8f5bded5-f46d-722d-6108-03dda4236c01", ComponentLabel "Sum0", 1), [Zero] (ComponentId "7d948312-376d-1d4b-cf02-90872026be16", ComponentLabel "Cout", 1), [Zero] ] let private three = [ (ComponentId "dbb1f55a-edf3-bde2-4c69-43a02560e17d", ComponentLabel "Sum1", 1), [One] (ComponentId "8f5bded5-f46d-722d-6108-03dda4236c01", ComponentLabel "Sum0", 1), [One] (ComponentId "7d948312-376d-1d4b-cf02-90872026be16", ComponentLabel "Cout", 1), [Zero] ] let private four = [ (ComponentId "dbb1f55a-edf3-bde2-4c69-43a02560e17d", ComponentLabel "Sum1", 1), [Zero] (ComponentId "8f5bded5-f46d-722d-6108-03dda4236c01", ComponentLabel "Sum0", 1), [Zero] (ComponentId "7d948312-376d-1d4b-cf02-90872026be16", ComponentLabel "Cout", 1), [One] ] let private five = [ (ComponentId "dbb1f55a-edf3-bde2-4c69-43a02560e17d", ComponentLabel "Sum1", 1), [Zero] (ComponentId "8f5bded5-f46d-722d-6108-03dda4236c01", ComponentLabel "Sum0", 1), [One] (ComponentId "7d948312-376d-1d4b-cf02-90872026be16", ComponentLabel "Cout", 1), [One] ] let private six = [ (ComponentId "dbb1f55a-edf3-bde2-4c69-43a02560e17d", ComponentLabel "Sum1", 1), [One] (ComponentId "8f5bded5-f46d-722d-6108-03dda4236c01", ComponentLabel "Sum0", 1), [Zero] (ComponentId "7d948312-376d-1d4b-cf02-90872026be16", ComponentLabel "Cout", 1), [One] ] let private seven = [ (ComponentId "dbb1f55a-edf3-bde2-4c69-43a02560e17d", ComponentLabel "Sum1", 1), [One] (ComponentId "8f5bded5-f46d-722d-6108-03dda4236c01", ComponentLabel "Sum0", 1), [One] (ComponentId "7d948312-376d-1d4b-cf02-90872026be16", ComponentLabel "Cout", 1), [One] ] let testCasesSimulatorOkWithDependencies : SimulatorTestCase list = createAllTestCases "Simple input-output dependency" "main" state16 [state3Dependency] [ComponentId "outer-input-node0"] [ [(ComponentId "outer-output-node0", ComponentLabel "outer-output-node0-label", 1), [Zero]] [(ComponentId "outer-output-node0", ComponentLabel "outer-output-node0-label", 1), [One]] ] @ createAllTestCases "Nested input-output dependency" "main" state17 [state16Dependency; state3Dependency] [ComponentId "outer-outer-input-node0"] [ [(ComponentId "outer-outer-output-node0", ComponentLabel "outer-outer-output-node0-label", 1), [Zero]] [(ComponentId "outer-outer-output-node0", ComponentLabel "outer-outer-output-node0-label", 1), [One]] ] @ createAllTestCases "Doubly nested input-output dependency" "main" state18 [state17Dependency; state16Dependency; state3Dependency] [ComponentId "outer-outer-outer-input-node0"] [ [(ComponentId "outer-outer-outer-output-node0", ComponentLabel "outer-outer-outer-output-node0-label", 1), [Zero]] [(ComponentId "outer-outer-outer-output-node0", ComponentLabel "outer-outer-outer-output-node0-label", 1), [One]] ] @ createAllTestCases "2 bit adder" "2-bit-adder" twoBitAdderState [fullAdderDependency; halfAdderDependency] [ ComponentId "78795182-35c4-1c50-2190-6fc944a2adea" // Cin ComponentId "a63fe5a2-9f4d-e70f-131b-ed35d3f3a9e1" // B1 ComponentId "69a6ad2a-af19-369f-0483-0e09e6841da3" // B0 ComponentId "82a03f0b-ae31-b487-ed1b-335e235adeb7" // A1 ComponentId "86372781-c2f4-09f2-406f-f385ee7a47a9" // A0 ] [ zero;one;two;three; one;two;three;four; two;three;four;five; three;four;five;six; one;two;three;four; two;three;four;five; three;four;five;six; four;five;six;seven ] let private testCasesSimulatorBusesError : SimulatorTestCase list = [ "Two inputs make a bus2, then Push input a to bus, then try to split into 2 single bits (fail)", ("main", stateBus11, [], []), makeError "Wrong wire width. Target port expects a 1 bit(s) signal, but source port produces a 2 bit(s) signal." None [] ["conn"] "A 4 bit input connected to a 3 bit output", ("main", stateBus14, [], []), makeError "Wrong wire width. Target port expects a 3 bit(s) signal, but source port produces a 4 bit(s) signal." None [] ["conn"] "A 3 bit input connected to a 4 bit output", ("main", stateBus15, [], []), makeError "Wrong wire width. Target port expects a 4 bit(s) signal, but source port produces a 3 bit(s) signal." None [] ["conn"] ] let private testCasesSimulatorOkWithBuses : SimulatorTestCase list = createAllTestCases "Two inputs, packed into a bus, unpacked into two outputs" "main" stateBus10 [] [ ComponentId "a91be585-2d3b-d872-be0f-b416c8eb03d2" // a ComponentId "9985ebc6-1cd5-8863-1341-1d543d236d38" // b ] (makeAllBitCombinations [ (ComponentId "8a9392fc-493b-7e96-72ec-b6f5f11ded8a", ComponentLabel "a-out", 1) (ComponentId "dfcf6cff-fbac-e54f-7a9d-7059d17e3a0b", ComponentLabel "b-out", 1) ]) @ createAllTestCases "Four inputs, packed into a bus, unpacked into four outputs" "main" stateBus12 [] [ ComponentId "76de964a-124b-5c16-6de1-6158626344ac" // a ComponentId "a91be585-2d3b-d872-be0f-b416c8eb03d2" // b ComponentId "9985ebc6-1cd5-8863-1341-1d543d236d38" // c ComponentId "9824ceb8-e999-8e48-9a56-7a4349e495b1" // d ] (makeAllBitCombinations [ (ComponentId "59b45f9c-192c-98ce-da25-a94db45a5790", ComponentLabel "a-out", 1) (ComponentId "8a9392fc-493b-7e96-72ec-b6f5f11ded8a", ComponentLabel "b-out", 1) (ComponentId "dfcf6cff-fbac-e54f-7a9d-7059d17e3a0b", ComponentLabel "c-out", 1) (ComponentId "214620f0-51f6-59fe-1558-ed47fd2c680a", ComponentLabel "d-out", 1) ]) @ [ "A 4 bit input connected to a four bit output (1)", ("main", stateBus13, [], [ ComponentId "9bcba47e-deae-0b3f-2079-a1b124526b00", [One; One; One; One] ]), [ (ComponentId "ad2ef0c3-537e-9d2e-0064-ac6b952e4b97", ComponentLabel "b", 4), [One; One; One; One] ] |> Ok "A 4 bit input connected to a four bit output (2)", ("main", stateBus13, [], [ ComponentId "9bcba47e-deae-0b3f-2079-a1b124526b00", [Zero; One; Zero; One] ]), [ (ComponentId "ad2ef0c3-537e-9d2e-0064-ac6b952e4b97", ComponentLabel "b", 4), [Zero; One; Zero; One] ] |> Ok "A 2 bit input split into 2 single bit outputs (1)", ("main", stateBus16, [], [ ComponentId "c6f000db-310f-d8ad-ff5e-938d7c2aaa7c", [One; Zero] ]), [ (ComponentId "60e2df66-bb8c-53f1-832d-e154c30cf9dd", ComponentLabel "b", 1), [One] (ComponentId "85e19389-c087-8b30-6c0a-02f7cc753695", ComponentLabel "c", 1), [Zero] ] |> Ok "A 2 bit input split into 2 single bit outputs (2)", ("main", stateBus16, [], [ ComponentId "c6f000db-310f-d8ad-ff5e-938d7c2aaa7c", [Zero; One] ]), [ (ComponentId "60e2df66-bb8c-53f1-832d-e154c30cf9dd", ComponentLabel "b", 1), [Zero] (ComponentId "85e19389-c087-8b30-6c0a-02f7cc753695", ComponentLabel "c", 1), [One] ] |> Ok "3 bit input merged with 4 bit input, then split in the same way", ("main", stateBus17, [], [ ComponentId "6bcdc74a-9d71-3304-537d-1a17f02924eb", [One; Zero; One] // 3 bits. ComponentId "97c4b56d-4f8c-2b00-fb61-a08cdd01dd76", [Zero; One; Zero; One] // 4 bits. ]), [ (ComponentId "1a6e1bb4-cfe0-77f9-a207-f409168ef210", ComponentLabel "out3", 3), [One; Zero; One] (ComponentId "d2676492-2302-24d9-52eb-6e69e7971339", ComponentLabel "out4", 4), [Zero; One; Zero; One] ] |> Ok ] let testCasesSimulator = testCasesSimulatorPortError @ testCasesSimulatorCycleError @ testCasesSimulatorDuplicatIOError @ testCasesSimulatorOkNoDependencies @ testCasesSimulatorDependencyError @ testCasesSimulatorOkWithDependencies @ testCasesSimulatorBusesError @ testCasesSimulatorOkWithBuses