Signature: diagramName:string -> graph:SimulationGraph -> CustomCompsCombPaths option
For each dependecy in a simulation graph, create a map containing:
- key: name of the custom component.
- value: a map with:
- key: each InputPortNumber
- value: a list of OutputPortNumber combinatorially connected to the
An input is considered combinatorially connected to an output if there is at
least one logic path connecting an input directly with the output. In other
words, there must be at least one route from the input to output that does
not encounter any synchronous component.
Return None if such information cannot be inferred, for example if there is
a circular dependency.
Signature: compType:ComponentType -> bool
Tells wether a component is clocked or not. Note that Custom components may
be clocked (cannot tell without recursively analysing them), so they are
considered synchronous.
Signature: combRoutes:CustomCompsCombPaths -> node:SimulationComponent -> inputPortNumberOpt:InputPortNumber option -> Map<OutputPortNumber,(ComponentId * InputPortNumber) list>
Given a map of combinatorial routes from inputs to outputs for every
simulation graph, perform a lookup to find the combinatorial routes from a
given input to the outputs. Then filter the outputs of the custom node to
only point to the combinatorial children (i.e. the ones connected to the
combinatorial outptus).
Signature: _arg1:ComponentType -> CustomComponentType
Signature: _arg1:ComponentType -> string
getNodeOrFail graph id
Signature: graph:SimulationGraph -> id:ComponentId -> SimulationComponent
Signature: graph:Map<ComponentId,SimulationComponent> -> bool
Find out whether a simulation graph has some synchronous components.
Signature: _arg1:ComponentType -> bool
Signature: _arg1:ComponentType -> bool
Signature: _arg1:ComponentType -> bool