

Namespace: global

Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
assertThat cond msg
Signature: cond:bool -> msg:string -> unit
cropToLength len fromStart str
Signature: len:int -> fromStart:bool -> str:string -> string

Crop a string to the specified length. fromStart indicates whether you want the first characters or the last characters.

listSet lst item idx
Signature: lst:'a list -> item:'a -> idx:int -> 'a list
Type parameters: 'a

Set an element of the list at the specified position. This function is slow: O(n). Do not use unless necessary.

Signature: exponent:int -> int

Return 2^exponent.

Signature: exponent:int -> int64

Return 2^exponent, packed into an int64.

Signature: lst:Result<'a,'b> list -> Result<'a list,'b>
Type parameters: 'a, 'b

Return the first error found in a list of results, or the list of Oks if there are none.