updates on custom port movement

This commit is contained in:
Archontis Pantelopoulos 2022-03-14 22:36:42 +00:00
parent b8ba9d4d6f
commit 1b70b6a493

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@ -546,15 +546,10 @@ let redefineCustomHW symbol =
let r,b,l,t = countsides symbol.APortOffsetsMap
let maxRL = max r l
let maxTB = max t b
<<<<<<< Updated upstream
let heightNew = GridSize + GridSize * maxRL
let widthNew = max (maxname*3 + maxname*maxTB) (GridSize * 4) //maxname*2 + maxname*maxTB
let heightNew = max (GridSize + GridSize * maxRL) 120
// printf "%A" maxname
let widthNew = max (maxname*14 + maxname*maxTB*7 + symbol.Compo.Label.Length*10) (GridSize * 4) //maxname*2 + maxname*maxTB + symbol.Compo.Label.Length
// printf "%A" widthNew
>>>>>>> Stashed changes
let newcompo = {symbol.Compo with H = heightNew}
let newcompo'= {newcompo with W = widthNew}
{symbol with Compo = newcompo'}