mirror of
synced 2024-12-22 13:35:50 +00:00
Merge branch 'Symbol-Group-Work' into buswire-merge-yhp19
This commit is contained in:
@ -8,9 +8,8 @@ module CommonTypes
// Faster version of Map for objects with SHA hash //
type Rotation = R0 | R90 | R180 | R270
// Currently not used. Does it work?
type HMap<'T> =
| Tree of HMap<'T> array
| Found of 'T
@ -319,6 +318,8 @@ module CommonTypes
Y : int
H : int
W : int
R : Rotation
SI : (int*int) List
/// JSConnection mapped to F# record.
@ -375,10 +375,10 @@ let isAllVisible (model: Model)(conns: ConnectionId list) (comps: ComponentId li
|> List.fold (&&) true
wVisible && cVisible
//--------------------GV319 CODE SECTION 2 STARTS-------------------------------------//
/// Calculates if two bounding boxes intersect by comparing corner coordinates of each box
let boxesIntersect (box1: BoundingBox) (box2: BoundingBox) =
// Requires min and max since H & W can be negative, i.e. we don't know which corner is which automatically
@ -794,7 +794,7 @@ let mMoveUpdate (model: Model) (mMsg: MouseT) : Model * Cmd<Msg> =
| DragAndDrop -> moveSymbols model mMsg
| InitialisedCreateComponent (compType, lbl) ->
let labelTest = if lbl = "" then Symbol.generateLabel model.Wire.Symbol compType else lbl
let newSymbolModel, newCompId = Symbol.addSymbol model.Wire.Symbol mMsg.Pos compType labelTest
let newSymbolModel, newCompId = Symbol.addSymbol model.Wire.Symbol mMsg.Pos compType labelTest R0
{ model with Wire = { model.Wire with Symbol = newSymbolModel }
Action = DragAndDrop
@ -1302,4 +1302,4 @@ let init () =
Toggle = false
IsWaveSim = false
PrevWireSelection = []
}, Cmd.none
}, Cmd.none
@ -1,4 +1,16 @@
//keep old drawing style but with new functions -> DONE
//genAportoffsetmap -> different for mux adder (ports not on LHS/RHS), -> easy to change symbols in the future
//rotation of these components is different as well -> TO ADD
//add new addClock -> work with floats instead of ints
//complete rotation for all symbols -> pending 6 + 7 points symbols
//Output same rotation as input with rotation (o+2)%4
//function to create map for custom components port names -> DONE
//add extensions as Maps in PortNamesMap
// change in points the w,h to floats in the begining??
//change names and if found better types
//why adder ports needs different rotation function???
//--------------------AP1919 CODE SECTION STARTS-------------------------------------//
@ -20,23 +32,23 @@ open System.Text.RegularExpressions
/// --------- STATIC VARIABLES --------- ///
let GridSize = 30
// let (x:ComponentType List) = [MergeWires ;(SplitWire,a);Mux2 ;NbitsAdder x; IOLabel]
/// ---------- SYMBOL TYPES ---------- ///
type Rotation = R0 | R90 | R180 | R270
type PortOrientation = Right | Bottom | Left | Top
type PortOrientationOffset = {
Side: PortOrientation //on which side a port is located : Right - Bottom - Left - Top
Side: PortOrientation // Designated which side of symbol port is on (0 -> right, 1 -> top, 2 -> left, 3 -> bottom). to have coherency with STransform.
Offset: XYPos
SideIndex: int
type Symbol =
Pos: XYPos
STransform: Rotation //How a symbol is rotated/flipped (R0 -> 0 deg, R90 -> 90 deg, R180 -> 180 deg, -> R270 -> 270 deg).
STransform: Rotation // Describes how symbol is rotated/flipped (0 -> 0 deg, 1 -> 90 deg, 2 -> 180 deg, -> 3 -> 270 deg).
InWidth0: int option
InWidth1: int option
Id : ComponentId
@ -91,7 +103,7 @@ type Msg =
| WriteMemoryLine of ComponentId * int64 * int64 // For Issie Integration
| WriteMemoryType of ComponentId * ComponentType
//---------------------------------helper types and fuFnctions----------------//
//---------------------------------helper types and functions----------------//
let posDiff (a:XYPos) (b:XYPos) =
{X=a.X-b.X; Y=a.Y-b.Y}
@ -109,6 +121,23 @@ let stransform_fsm(prev_state:Rotation):Rotation =
| R180 -> R270
| R270 -> R0
let orientationEncoder (orientation:PortOrientation) : int =
match orientation with
| Right -> 0
| Bottom -> 1
| Left -> 2
| Top -> 3
let orientationDecoder (orientation:int) : PortOrientation =
match orientation with
| 0 -> Right
| 1 -> Bottom
| 2 -> Left
| 3 -> Top
| _ -> Right
// ----- helper functions for titles ----- //
let titleGen text (buswidth) =
@ -228,7 +257,7 @@ let portListGen numOfPorts hostID portType =
/// Helper function to initialise each type of component
let createComponent (pos: XYPos) (comptype: ComponentType) (id:string) (label:string) : Component =
let createComponent (pos: XYPos) (comptype: ComponentType) (id:string) (label:string) rotation : Component =
// match statement for each component type. the output is a 4-tuple that is used as an input to makecomponent (see below)
// 4-tuple of the form ( number of input ports, number of output ports, Height, Width)
@ -274,7 +303,7 @@ let createComponent (pos: XYPos) (comptype: ComponentType) (id:string) (label:st
// function that helps avoid dublicate code by initialising parameters that are the same for all component types and takes as argument the others
let createComponent' (inputPortsNo, outputPortsNo, h, w) label : Component=
let createComponent' (inputPortsNo, outputPortsNo, h, w) label rotation: Component=
Id = id
Type = comptype
@ -285,14 +314,16 @@ let createComponent (pos: XYPos) (comptype: ComponentType) (id:string) (label:st
Y = int (pos.Y - float h / 2.0)
H = h
W = w
R = rotation
SI = []
createComponent' characteristics label
createComponent' characteristics label rotation
/// Function to generate a new symbol
let createNewSymbol (pos: XYPos) (comptype: ComponentType) (label:string) =
let createNewSymbol (pos: XYPos) (comptype: ComponentType) (label:string) rotation =
let id = JSHelpers.uuid ()
let comp = createComponent pos comptype id label
let comp = createComponent pos comptype id label rotation
Pos = { X = pos.X - float comp.W / 2.0; Y = pos.Y - float comp.H / 2.0 }
STransform = R0;
@ -369,8 +400,8 @@ let portListToMap (portList: Port List) (symbol: Symbol) : Map<string,PortOrient
|PortType.Output -> "O"+ string num
let value =
match port.PortType with
|PortType.Input -> {Side=Left;Offset=offsethelper symbol.Compo symbol.STransform port}
|PortType.Output -> {Side=Right;Offset=offsethelper symbol.Compo symbol.STransform port}
|PortType.Input -> {Side=Left;Offset=(offsethelper symbol.Compo symbol.STransform port);SideIndex= num}
|PortType.Output -> {Side=Right;Offset=offsethelper symbol.Compo symbol.STransform port;SideIndex= num}
if (portList.Length) < 1 then [] |> Map.ofList
else ( [0..(portList.Length-1)] |> List.collect (fun x -> (adder symbol portList[x])) ) |> Map.ofList
@ -381,13 +412,13 @@ let genAPortOffsets (symbol: Symbol) (cType: ComponentType) : Map<string,PortOri
//generator for MUX
let genAPortOffsetsMux (symbol: Symbol) =
let getPosY index = (float(symbol.Compo.H))* (( index + 1.0 )/(3.0))
Map.ofList [ ("I0", {Side=Left;Offset={X=0.0;Y=(getPosY 0.0)}});("I1", {Side=Left;Offset={X=0.0;Y=(getPosY 1.0)}});("I2", {Side=Bottom;Offset={X=float(symbol.Compo.W)/2.0;Y=float(symbol.Compo.H)*0.9}});("O0", {Side=Right;Offset={X=float(symbol.Compo.W);Y=float(symbol.Compo.H)/2.0}})]
Map.ofList [ ("I0", {Side=Left;Offset={X=0.0;Y=(getPosY 0.0)};SideIndex= -1});("I1", {Side=Left;Offset={X=0.0;Y=(getPosY 1.0)};SideIndex= -1});("I2", {Side=Bottom;Offset={X=float(symbol.Compo.W)/2.0;Y=float(symbol.Compo.H)*0.9};SideIndex= -1});("O0", {Side=Right;Offset={X=float(symbol.Compo.W);Y=float(symbol.Compo.H)/2.0};SideIndex= -1})]
//generator for NBitsAdder
let genAPortOffsetsAdder (symbol: Symbol) =
let getPosY index = (float(symbol.Compo.H))* (( index + 1.0 )/(3.0))
Map.ofList [ ("I0", {Side=Bottom;Offset={X=float(symbol.Compo.W)/3.0;Y=float(symbol.Compo.H)}});("I1", {Side=Left;Offset={X=0.0;Y=(getPosY 0.0)}}); ("I2", {Side=Left;Offset={X=0.0;Y=(getPosY 1.0)}}); ("O0", {Side=Right;Offset={X=float(symbol.Compo.W);Y=float(symbol.Compo.H)/3.0}});("O1", {Side=Top;Offset={X=float(symbol.Compo.W)-30.0;Y=0.0}})]
Map.ofList [ ("I0", {Side=Bottom;Offset={X=float(symbol.Compo.W)/3.0;Y=float(symbol.Compo.H)};SideIndex= -1});("I1", {Side=Left;Offset={X=0.0;Y=(getPosY 0.0)};SideIndex= -1}); ("I2", {Side=Left;Offset={X=0.0;Y=(getPosY 1.0)};SideIndex= -1}); ("O0", {Side=Right;Offset={X=float(symbol.Compo.W);Y=float(symbol.Compo.H)/3.0};SideIndex= -1});("O1", {Side=Top;Offset={X=float(symbol.Compo.W)-30.0;Y=0.0};SideIndex= -1})]
//generator for everything else
let genAPortOffsets' (symbol: Symbol) : Map<string,PortOrientationOffset> =
@ -407,31 +438,31 @@ let rotatePortMap (map:Map<string,PortOrientationOffset>) (symbol:Symbol) =
let rotatePortMapMux (map:Map<string,PortOrientationOffset>) (symbol:Symbol) =
match symbol.STransform with
|R0 -> Map.ofList [ ("I0", {Side=Top;Offset={X=(float(symbol.Compo.H)*2.0/3.0);Y=(0.0)}});("I1", {Side=Top;Offset={X=(float(symbol.Compo.H)/3.0);Y=(0.0)}});("I2", {Side=Left;Offset={X=float(symbol.Compo.H)*0.1;Y=float(symbol.Compo.W)/2.0}});("O0", {Side=Bottom;Offset={X=float(symbol.Compo.H)/2.0;Y=float(symbol.Compo.W)}})]
|R90 -> Map.ofList [ ("I0", {Side=Right;Offset={X=float(symbol.Compo.W);Y=(float(symbol.Compo.H)*2.0/3.0)}});("I1", {Side=Right;Offset={X=float(symbol.Compo.W);Y=(float(symbol.Compo.H)/3.0)}});("I2", {Side=Top;Offset={X=float(symbol.Compo.W)/2.0;Y=float(symbol.Compo.H)*0.1}});("O0", {Side=Left;Offset={X=0.0;Y=float(symbol.Compo.H)/2.0}})]
|R180 -> Map.ofList [ ("I0", {Side=Bottom;Offset={X=(float(symbol.Compo.H)/3.0);Y=float(symbol.Compo.W)}});("I1", {Side=Bottom;Offset={X=(float(symbol.Compo.H)*2.0/3.0);Y=float(symbol.Compo.W)}});("I2", {Side=Right;Offset={X=float(symbol.Compo.H)*0.9;Y=float(symbol.Compo.W)/2.0}});("O0", {Side=Top;Offset={X=float(symbol.Compo.H)/2.0;Y=0.0}})]
|R270 -> Map.ofList [ ("I0", {Side=Left;Offset={X=0.0;Y=(float(symbol.Compo.H)/3.0)}});("I1", {Side=Left;Offset={X=0.0;Y=(float(symbol.Compo.H)*2.0/3.0)}});("I2", {Side=Bottom;Offset={X=float(symbol.Compo.W)/2.0;Y=float(symbol.Compo.H)*0.9}});("O0", {Side=Right;Offset={X=float(symbol.Compo.W);Y=float(symbol.Compo.H)/2.0}})]
|R0 -> Map.ofList [ ("I0", {Side=Top;Offset={X=(float(symbol.Compo.H)*2.0/3.0);Y=(0.0)};SideIndex= -1});("I1", {Side=Top;Offset={X=(float(symbol.Compo.H)/3.0);Y=(0.0)};SideIndex= -1});("I2", {Side=Left;Offset={X=float(symbol.Compo.H)*0.1;Y=float(symbol.Compo.W)/2.0};SideIndex= -1});("O0", {Side=Bottom;Offset={X=float(symbol.Compo.H)/2.0;Y=float(symbol.Compo.W)};SideIndex= -1})]
|R90 -> Map.ofList [ ("I0", {Side=Right;Offset={X=float(symbol.Compo.W);Y=(float(symbol.Compo.H)*2.0/3.0)};SideIndex= -1});("I1", {Side=Right;Offset={X=float(symbol.Compo.W);Y=(float(symbol.Compo.H)/3.0)};SideIndex= -1});("I2", {Side=Top;Offset={X=float(symbol.Compo.W)/2.0;Y=float(symbol.Compo.H)*0.1};SideIndex= -1});("O0", {Side=Left;Offset={X=0.0;Y=float(symbol.Compo.H)/2.0};SideIndex= -1})]
|R180 -> Map.ofList [ ("I0", {Side=Bottom;Offset={X=(float(symbol.Compo.H)/3.0);Y=float(symbol.Compo.W)};SideIndex= -1});("I1", {Side=Bottom;Offset={X=(float(symbol.Compo.H)*2.0/3.0);Y=float(symbol.Compo.W)};SideIndex= -1});("I2", {Side=Right;Offset={X=float(symbol.Compo.H)*0.9;Y=float(symbol.Compo.W)/2.0};SideIndex= -1});("O0", {Side=Top;Offset={X=float(symbol.Compo.H)/2.0;Y=0.0};SideIndex= -1})]
|R270 -> Map.ofList [ ("I0", {Side=Left;Offset={X=0.0;Y=(float(symbol.Compo.H)/3.0)};SideIndex= -1});("I1", {Side=Left;Offset={X=0.0;Y=(float(symbol.Compo.H)*2.0/3.0)};SideIndex= -1});("I2", {Side=Bottom;Offset={X=float(symbol.Compo.W)/2.0;Y=float(symbol.Compo.H)*0.9};SideIndex= -1});("O0", {Side=Right;Offset={X=float(symbol.Compo.W);Y=float(symbol.Compo.H)/2.0};SideIndex= -1})]
let rotatePortMapAdder (map:Map<string,PortOrientationOffset>) (symbol:Symbol) =
match symbol.STransform with
|R0 -> Map.ofList [ ("I0", {Side=Left;Offset={X=0.0;Y=float(symbol.Compo.W)/3.0}});("I1", {Side=Top;Offset={X=float(symbol.Compo.H)*2.0/3.0;Y=0.0}}); ("I2", {Side=Top;Offset={X=float(symbol.Compo.H)/3.0;Y=0.0}}); ("O0", {Side=Bottom;Offset={X=float(symbol.Compo.H)*2.0/3.0;Y=float(symbol.Compo.W)}});("O1", {Side=Right;Offset={X=(symbol.Compo.H);Y=float(symbol.Compo.W)-30.0}})]
|R90 -> Map.ofList [ ("I0", {Side=Top;Offset={X=float(symbol.Compo.W)*2.0/3.0;Y=0.0}});("I1", {Side=Right;Offset={X=float(symbol.Compo.W);Y=float(symbol.Compo.H)*2.0/3.0}}); ("I2", {Side=Right;Offset={X=float(symbol.Compo.W);Y=float(symbol.Compo.H)/3.0}}); ("O0", {Side=Left;Offset={X=0.0;Y=float(symbol.Compo.H)*2.0/3.0}});("O1", {Side=Bottom;Offset={X=30.0;Y=float(symbol.Compo.H)}})]
|R180 -> Map.ofList [ ("I0", {Side=Right;Offset={X=float(symbol.Compo.H);Y=float(symbol.Compo.W)*2.0/3.0}});("I1", {Side=Bottom;Offset={X=float(symbol.Compo.H)/3.0;Y=float(symbol.Compo.W)}}); ("I2", {Side=Bottom;Offset={X=float(symbol.Compo.H)*2.0/3.0;Y=float(symbol.Compo.W)}}); ("O0", {Side=Top;Offset={X=float(symbol.Compo.H)/3.0;Y=0.0}});("O1", {Side=Left;Offset={X=0.0;Y=30.0}})]
|R270 -> Map.ofList [ ("I0", {Side=Bottom;Offset={X=float(symbol.Compo.W)/3.0;Y=float(symbol.Compo.H)}});("I1", {Side=Left;Offset={X=0.0;Y=float(symbol.Compo.H)/3.0}}); ("I2", {Side=Left;Offset={X=0.0;Y=float(symbol.Compo.H)*2.0/3.0}}); ("O0", {Side=Right;Offset={X=float(symbol.Compo.W);Y=float(symbol.Compo.H)/3.0}});("O1", {Side=Top;Offset={X=float(symbol.Compo.W)-30.0;Y=0.0}})]
|R0 -> Map.ofList [ ("I0", {Side=Left;Offset={X=0.0;Y=float(symbol.Compo.W)/3.0};SideIndex= -1});("I1", {Side=Top;Offset={X=float(symbol.Compo.H)*2.0/3.0;Y=0.0};SideIndex= -1}); ("I2", {Side=Top;Offset={X=float(symbol.Compo.H)/3.0;Y=0.0};SideIndex= -1}); ("O0", {Side=Bottom;Offset={X=float(symbol.Compo.H)*2.0/3.0;Y=float(symbol.Compo.W)};SideIndex= -1});("O1", {Side=Right;Offset={X=(symbol.Compo.H);Y=float(symbol.Compo.W)-30.0};SideIndex= -1})]
|R90 -> Map.ofList [ ("I0", {Side=Top;Offset={X=float(symbol.Compo.W)*2.0/3.0;Y=0.0};SideIndex= -1});("I1", {Side=Right;Offset={X=float(symbol.Compo.W);Y=float(symbol.Compo.H)*2.0/3.0};SideIndex= -1}); ("I2", {Side=Right;Offset={X=float(symbol.Compo.W);Y=float(symbol.Compo.H)/3.0};SideIndex= -1}); ("O0", {Side=Left;Offset={X=0.0;Y=float(symbol.Compo.H)*2.0/3.0};SideIndex= -1});("O1", {Side=Bottom;Offset={X=30.0;Y=float(symbol.Compo.H)};SideIndex= -1})]
|R180 -> Map.ofList [ ("I0", {Side=Right;Offset={X=float(symbol.Compo.H);Y=float(symbol.Compo.W)*2.0/3.0};SideIndex= -1});("I1", {Side=Bottom;Offset={X=float(symbol.Compo.H)/3.0;Y=float(symbol.Compo.W)};SideIndex= -1}); ("I2", {Side=Bottom;Offset={X=float(symbol.Compo.H)*2.0/3.0;Y=float(symbol.Compo.W)};SideIndex= -1}); ("O0", {Side=Top;Offset={X=float(symbol.Compo.H)/3.0;Y=0.0};SideIndex= -1});("O1", {Side=Left;Offset={X=0.0;Y=30.0};SideIndex= -1})]
|R270 -> Map.ofList [ ("I0", {Side=Bottom;Offset={X=float(symbol.Compo.W)/3.0;Y=float(symbol.Compo.H)};SideIndex= -1});("I1", {Side=Left;Offset={X=0.0;Y=float(symbol.Compo.H)/3.0};SideIndex= -1}); ("I2", {Side=Left;Offset={X=0.0;Y=float(symbol.Compo.H)*2.0/3.0};SideIndex= -1}); ("O0", {Side=Right;Offset={X=float(symbol.Compo.W);Y=float(symbol.Compo.H)/3.0};SideIndex= -1});("O1", {Side=Top;Offset={X=float(symbol.Compo.W)-30.0;Y=0.0};SideIndex= -1})]
let rotatePortMap' (map:Map<string,PortOrientationOffset>) (symbol:Symbol) =
map |> Map.map (fun key port ->
match port.Side with
|Right -> {Side=Bottom;Offset={X=port.Offset.Y;Y=port.Offset.X}}
|Bottom -> {Side=Left;Offset={X=0.0;Y=port.Offset.X}}
|Left -> {Side=Top;Offset={X=port.Offset.Y;Y=port.Offset.X}}
|Top -> {Side=Right;Offset={X=float(symbol.Compo.W);Y=port.Offset.X}}
|Right -> {Side=Bottom;Offset={X=port.Offset.Y;Y=port.Offset.X};SideIndex= -1}
|Bottom -> {Side=Left;Offset={X=0.0;Y=port.Offset.X};SideIndex= -1}
|Left -> {Side=Top;Offset={X=port.Offset.Y;Y=port.Offset.X};SideIndex= -1}
|Top -> {Side=Right;Offset={X=float(symbol.Compo.W);Y=port.Offset.X};SideIndex= -1}
) //MUX + ADDER requires special treatment
match symbol.Compo.Type with
|Mux2 -> rotatePortMapMux map symbol
|NbitsAdder _ -> rotatePortMapAdder map symbol
|MergeWires |SplitWire _ -> map
|MergeWires |SplitWire _ |Custom _ -> map
|_ -> rotatePortMap' map symbol
@ -448,24 +479,51 @@ let flipVPortMap (map:Map<string,PortOrientationOffset>) (symbol:Symbol) =
failwithf "Not implemented Yet"
let changePortSide (map:Map<string,PortOrientationOffset>) (portName: string) (newSide:PortOrientation) (symbol:Symbol) =
let rev map: Map<string,string> =
Map.fold (fun m key value -> m.Add(value,key)) Map.empty map
let rev map: Map<string,string> =
Map.fold (fun m key value -> m.Add(value,key)) Map.empty map
let namesInv = rev (portNamesMap symbol.Compo)
let namesInv = rev (portNamesMap symbol.Compo)
let portId = Map.find portName namesInv
let portId = Map.find portName namesInv
map |> Map.change portId (fun x ->
match x with
| Some s -> Some {Side=newSide;Offset=s.Offset}
| None -> None
let portTarget = Map.find portId map
let currentSide = portTarget.Side
let prevSideIndex = portTarget.SideIndex
if (currentSide = newSide) then
let temp =
Map.map (fun key port ->
match port.Side with
|a when a=currentSide -> (if port.SideIndex < prevSideIndex then {Side=port.Side;Offset=port.Offset;SideIndex=port.SideIndex+1} else {Side=port.Side;Offset=port.Offset;SideIndex=port.SideIndex})
|_ -> port
) map
temp |> Map.change portId (fun x ->
match x with
| Some s -> Some {Side=newSide;Offset=s.Offset;SideIndex= 0} //CHECK
| None -> None
// map |> Map.change portId (fun x ->
// match x with
// | Some s -> Some {Side=newSide;Offset=s.Offset;SideIndex= -1} //CHECK
// | None -> None
// )
let temp = map |> Map.map (fun key port ->
match port.Side with
|a when a=currentSide -> (if port.SideIndex > prevSideIndex then {Side=port.Side;Offset=port.Offset;SideIndex=port.SideIndex-1} else {Side=port.Side;Offset=port.Offset;SideIndex=port.SideIndex})
|b when b=newSide -> {Side=port.Side;Offset=port.Offset;SideIndex=port.SideIndex+1}
|_ -> port
temp |> Map.change portId (fun x ->
match x with
| Some s -> Some {Side=newSide;Offset=s.Offset;SideIndex= 0} //CHECK
| None -> None
let getSides (map:Map<string,PortOrientationOffset>) =
let lst = Map.toList map
let sides = lst |> List.map (fun x ->
match x with
|(a,{Side=b;Offset=c}) -> b
|(a,{Side=b;Offset=c;SideIndex=d}) -> b
sides |> List.map (fun x ->
match x with
@ -511,25 +569,26 @@ let redefineCustomHW symbol =
let r,b,l,t = countsides symbol.APortOffsetsMap
let maxRL = max r l
let maxTB = max t b
let heightNew = 100 //GridSize + GridSize * maxRL
let widthNew = max (maxname*2 + maxname*maxTB) (GridSize * 4) //maxname*2 + maxname*maxTB
let heightNew = (GridSize + GridSize * maxRL)
// printf "%A" maxname
let widthN = max (maxname*14 + symbol.Compo.Label.Length*10) (maxname*14 + maxname*maxTB*7) //find width required to fit everything
// printf "%A" widthNew
let widthNew = max widthN (GridSize * 4) //ensure minimum width if names too small
let newcompo = {symbol.Compo with H = heightNew}
let newcompo'= {newcompo with W = widthNew}
{symbol with Compo = newcompo'}
let redefineCustomPorts symbol (map:Map<string,PortOrientationOffset>) : Map<string,PortOrientationOffset> =
let customOffsetHelper w h side il ir it ib r l b t : XYPos=
let index,all =
let customOffsetHelper w h side sideIndex r l b t : XYPos=
let all =
match side with
|Right -> ir,r
|Left -> il,l
|Top -> it,t
|Bottom -> ib,b
|Right -> r
|Left -> l
|Top -> t
|Bottom -> b
let gap = 1.0
let offY = (float(h))* (( float(index) + gap )/( float( all ) + 2.0*gap - 1.0)) // the ports are created so that they are equidistant
let offX = (float(w))* (( float(index) + gap )/( float( all ) + 2.0*gap - 1.0))
let offY = (float(h))* (( float(sideIndex) + gap )/( float( all ) + 2.0*gap - 1.0)) // the ports are created so that they are equidistant
let offX = (float(w))* (( float(sideIndex) + gap )/( float( all ) + 2.0*gap - 1.0))
// {X=50.0;Y=50.0}
match side with
|Left -> {X=0.0;Y=offY}
@ -537,24 +596,16 @@ let redefineCustomPorts symbol (map:Map<string,PortOrientationOffset>) : Map<str
|Right -> {X=float(w);Y=offY}
|Bottom -> {X=offX;Y=float(h)}
let redefineCustomPorts symbol (map:Map<string,PortOrientationOffset>) : Map<string,PortOrientationOffset> =
let keys = map |> Map.toList |> List.map fst
let values = map |> Map.toList |> List.map snd
let mutable il = 0
let mutable ir = 0
let mutable it = 0
let mutable ib = 0
let r,b,l,t = countsides map
let w,h = symbol.Compo.W, symbol.Compo.H //it needs the new height and width here based on spec above
let mutable valuesNew = []
for v in values do
valuesNew <- (valuesNew @ [{Side=v.Side;Offset=(customOffsetHelper w h v.Side il ir it ib r l b t)}])
if v.Side = Right then ir <- ir+1
else if v.Side = Left then il <- il+1
else if v.Side = Top then it <- it+1
else ib <- ib+1
// let mutable valuesNew = []
// for v in values do
// valuesNew <- (valuesNew @ [{Side=v.Side;Offset=(customOffsetHelper w h v.Side v.SideIndex r l b t);SideIndex= v.SideIndex}])
// printf $"IL: %i{il}"
let valuesNew = List.map (fun v -> {Side=v.Side;Offset=(customOffsetHelper w h v.Side v.SideIndex r l b t);SideIndex= v.SideIndex}) values
// printf $"New Y Offset: %f{valuesNew[0].Offset.Y}"
// for i in valuesNew do
@ -632,7 +683,7 @@ let DrawPorts (portMap: Map<string,PortOrientationOffset>) o (showInput:bool) (s
match key,port with
|k,{Side=side;Offset={X=x;Y=y}} -> if (k[0] = 'I' && showInput) || (k[0]='O' && showOutput) then makeCircle x y portCircle else nothing
mid |> Map.toList |> List.map snd
mid |> Map.values |> List.ofSeq
///Draw the corresponding text of all ports contained in APortOffsetMap
let DrawPortsText (portMap:Map<string,PortOrientationOffset>) (comp: Component) symbol orientation =
@ -647,7 +698,7 @@ let DrawPortsText (portMap:Map<string,PortOrientationOffset>) (comp: Component)
|Bottom -> (addText (port.Offset.X) (port.Offset.Y-20.0) name "Middle" "normal" "12px")[0] //they are added in a list at the end
|Left-> (addText (port.Offset.X+5.0) (port.Offset.Y-7.0) name "start" "normal" "12px")[0]
|Top -> (addText (port.Offset.X) (port.Offset.Y+7.0) name "Middle" "normal" "12px")[0] )
mid |> Map.toList |> List.map snd
mid |> Map.values |> List.ofSeq
let private createPolygon points colour opacity =
@ -702,7 +753,7 @@ let addConstantLine w h rotation opacity =
let drawGateType w h comp =
let gType = getTitle comp
let posX,posY =
match comp.Type with
match comp.Type with
|_ -> (w/2.0), (h/2.0 - 7.0)
addText posX posY gType "middle" "bold" "14px"
@ -737,6 +788,7 @@ let drawSymbol (symbol:Symbol) (comp:Component) (colour:string) (showInputPorts:
let rotation = symbol.STransform
let hR,wR = match symbol.STransform with |R90|R270 -> w,h |_ -> h,w //new height,width after rotation
// let hR,wR = h,w
let mergeSplitLine posX1 posX2 posY msb lsb =
let text =
@ -866,9 +918,10 @@ let view (model : Model) (dispatch : Msg -> unit) =
//--------------------AP1919 CODE SECTION ENDS-------------------------------------//
//--------------------GV319 CODE SECTION 2 STARTS-------------------------------------//
//------------------------GET BOUNDING BOXES FUNCS--------------------------------used by sheet.
// Function that returns the bounding box of a symbol. It is defined by the height and the width as well as the x,y position of the symbol
@ -1142,15 +1195,15 @@ let generateLabel (model: Model) (compType: ComponentType) : string =
/// Interface function to paste symbols. Is a function instead of a message because we want an output
/// Currently drag-and-drop
let pasteSymbols (symModel: Model) (mPos: XYPos) : Model * ComponentId list =
let createNewSymbol (basePos: XYPos) ((currSymbolModel, pastedIdsList) : Model * ComponentId List) (oldSymbol: Symbol): Model * ComponentId List =
let createNewSymbol (basePos: XYPos) ((currSymbolModel, pastedIdsList) : Model * ComponentId List) (oldSymbol: Symbol) : Model * ComponentId List =
let newId = JSHelpers.uuid()
let posDiff = posDiff oldSymbol.Pos basePos
let newPos = posAdd posDiff mPos
let posDist = posDiff oldSymbol.Pos basePos
let newPos = posAdd posDist mPos
let pastedSymbol =
{ oldSymbol with
Id = ComponentId newId
Compo = createComponent newPos oldSymbol.Compo.Type newId (labelGenNumber { symModel with Symbols = currSymbolModel.Symbols } oldSymbol.Compo.Type oldSymbol.Compo.Label) // TODO: Change label later
Compo = createComponent newPos oldSymbol.Compo.Type newId (labelGenNumber { symModel with Symbols = currSymbolModel.Symbols } oldSymbol.Compo.Type oldSymbol.Compo.Label) R0// TODO: Change label later
Pos = newPos
ShowInputPorts = false
ShowOutputPorts = false }
@ -1171,11 +1224,11 @@ let pasteSymbols (symModel: Model) (mPos: XYPos) : Model * ComponentId list =
((symModel, []), oldSymbolsList) ||> List.fold (createNewSymbol basePos)
| [] -> symModel, []
/// Given two componentId list of same length and input / output ports that are in list 1, return the equivalent ports in list 2.
/// ComponentIds at same index in both list 1 and list 2 need to be of the same ComponentType
/// CompIds1 need to be in model.CopiedSymbols
let getEquivalentCopiedPorts (model: Model) copiedIds pastedIds (InputPortId copiedInputPort, OutputPortId copiedOutputPort) =
let getEquivalentCopiedPorts (model: Model) (copiedIds) (pastedIds) (InputPortId copiedInputPort, OutputPortId copiedOutputPort) =
let findEquivalentPorts compId1 compId2 =
let copiedComponent = model.CopiedSymbols[compId1].Compo
let pastedComponent = model.Symbols[compId2].Compo // TODO: These can be different for an output gate for some reason.
@ -1208,14 +1261,13 @@ let getEquivalentCopiedPorts (model: Model) copiedIds pastedIds (InputPortId cop
/// Given a model return a model with a new Symbol and also the component id
let addSymbol (model: Model) pos compType lbl =
let newSym = createNewSymbol pos compType lbl
let addSymbol (model: Model) pos compType lbl rotation=
let newSym = createNewSymbol pos compType lbl rotation
let newSymbolWithMap = {newSym with APortOffsetsMap = (genAPortOffsets newSym newSym.Compo.Type)}
let newPorts = addPortsToModel model newSymbolWithMap
let newSymModel = Map.add newSymbolWithMap.Id newSymbolWithMap model.Symbols
{ model with Symbols = newSymModel; Ports = newPorts }, newSymbolWithMap.Id
// Helper function to change the number of bits expected in a port of each component type
let changeNumberOfBitsf (symModel:Model) (compId:ComponentId) (newBits : int) =
@ -1239,7 +1291,7 @@ let changeNumberOfBitsf (symModel:Model) (compId:ComponentId) (newBits : int) =
{symbol with Compo = newcompo}
// Helper function to change the number of bits expected in the LSB port of BusSelection and BusCompare
let changeLSBbits (symModel:Model) (compId:ComponentId) (newLsb:int64) =
let changeLsbf (symModel:Model) (compId:ComponentId) (newLsb:int64) =
let symbol = Map.find compId symModel.Symbols
let newcompotype =
match symbol.Compo.Type with
@ -1250,8 +1302,7 @@ let changeLSBbits (symModel:Model) (compId:ComponentId) (newLsb:int64) =
let newcompo = {symbol.Compo with Type = newcompotype}
{symbol with Compo = newcompo}
// Helper function to change the name and value of a Constant Symbol
let changeConstant (symModel:Model) (compId:ComponentId) (constantVal:int64) (constantText: string) =
let changeConstantf (symModel:Model) (compId:ComponentId) (constantVal:int64) (constantText: string) =
let symbol = Map.find compId symModel.Symbols
let newcompotype =
match symbol.Compo.Type with
@ -1269,7 +1320,7 @@ let update (msg : Msg) (model : Model): Model*Cmd<'a> =
{ model with Symbols = newSymbols }, Cmd.none //filters out symbol with a specified id
| AddSymbol (pos,compType, lbl) ->
let newModel, _ = addSymbol model pos compType lbl
let newModel, _ = addSymbol model pos compType lbl R0
newModel, Cmd.none
| CopySymbols compIds ->
@ -1312,16 +1363,18 @@ let update (msg : Msg) (model : Model): Model*Cmd<'a> =
let resetSymbols = Map.map (fun _ sym -> { sym with Colour = "Lightgray"; Opacity = 1.0 }) model.Symbols
let newSymbols =
(List.fold (fun prevSymbols sId -> Map.add sId {resetSymbols[sId] with Colour = "lightgreen"} prevSymbols) resetSymbols compList)
{ model with Symbols = newSymbols }, Cmd.none
{ model with Symbols = newSymbols }, Cmd.none
| RotateSymbols compList -> // NEW: select a symbol to Rotate
| RotateSymbols compList -> //select a symbol to Rotate
let resetSymbols = Map.map (fun _ sym -> { sym with Colour = "Lightgray"; Opacity = 1.0 }) model.Symbols
let newSymbols =
// The selected symbol is rotated by incrementing Stransform rotation and updating new APortOffsetsMap and Symbol Pos
let newSymbols =
// if ctrl is pressed make yellow initially, then try to change STransform for every time ctrl+R is pressed
List.fold (fun prevSymbols sId ->
Map.add sId {model.Symbols[sId] with STransform = stransform_fsm(model.Symbols[sId].STransform); APortOffsetsMap = rotatePortMap model.Symbols[sId].APortOffsetsMap model.Symbols[sId]} prevSymbols) resetSymbols compList
let compo = model.Symbols[sId].Compo
// let hR,wR = match stransform_fsm(model.Symbols[sId].STransform) with |R90|R270 -> compo.W,compo.H |_ -> compo.H,compo.W
let newcompo = {compo with R = stransform_fsm (model.Symbols[sId].STransform);}
Map.add sId {model.Symbols[sId] with Compo = newcompo ; STransform = stransform_fsm(model.Symbols[sId].STransform); APortOffsetsMap = rotatePortMap model.Symbols[sId].APortOffsetsMap model.Symbols[sId]} prevSymbols) resetSymbols compList
{ model with Symbols = newSymbols }, Cmd.none
| FlipHSymbols compList -> // NEW: flip a symbol Horizontally
let resetSymbols = Map.map (fun _ sym -> { sym with Colour = "Lightgray"; Opacity = 1.0 }) model.Symbols
let newSymbols =
@ -1337,7 +1390,7 @@ let update (msg : Msg) (model : Model): Model*Cmd<'a> =
List.fold (fun prevSymbols sId ->
Map.add sId {model.Symbols[sId] with STransform = stransform_fsm(stransform_fsm(model.Symbols[sId].STransform)); APortOffsetsMap = flipVPortMap model.Symbols[sId].APortOffsetsMap model.Symbols[sId]} prevSymbols) resetSymbols compList
{ model with Symbols = newSymbols }, Cmd.none
| ErrorSymbols (errorCompList,selectCompList,isDragAndDrop) ->
let resetSymbols = Map.map (fun _ sym -> { sym with Colour = "Lightgray"; Opacity = 1.0 }) model.Symbols
let selectSymbols =
@ -1351,7 +1404,7 @@ let update (msg : Msg) (model : Model): Model*Cmd<'a> =
(List.fold (fun prevSymbols sId -> Map.add sId {resetSymbols[sId] with Colour = "Red"} prevSymbols) selectSymbols errorCompList)
{ model with Symbols = newSymbols }, Cmd.none
| MouseMsg _ -> model, Cmd.none // allow unused mouse messages
| MouseMsg _ -> model, Cmd.none // allow unused mouse messags
| ChangeLabel (sId, newLabel) ->
let tempsym = Map.find sId model.Symbols
@ -1359,6 +1412,12 @@ let update (msg : Msg) (model : Model): Model*Cmd<'a> =
let addsym = {tempsym with Compo = newcompo}
{ model with Symbols = Map.add sId addsym model.Symbols }, Cmd.none
| ChangePort (sId, portName, portSide) ->
let extract map =
let lst = map |> Map.toList
lst |> List.map (fun x ->
match x with
|(a,{Side=b;Offset=c;SideIndex=d}) -> ((orientationEncoder b),d)
let tempsym = Map.find sId model.Symbols
printf $"Selected Port: %s{portName}"
printf $"Selected Side: %s{portSide}"
@ -1369,13 +1428,13 @@ let update (msg : Msg) (model : Model): Model*Cmd<'a> =
| "Left" -> Left
| "Right" -> Right
| _ -> failwithf "Side not implemented"
let symbol' = {tempsym with APortOffsetsMap = (changePortSide tempsym.APortOffsetsMap portName newSide tempsym)}
//let symbol'' = {redefineCustomHW} ->
let symbol'' = redefineCustomHW symbol'
//{symbol'' with map = redefineportmap}
let symbol''' = {symbol'' with APortOffsetsMap = redefineCustomPorts symbol'' symbol'.APortOffsetsMap}
{ model with Symbols = Map.add sId symbol''' model.Symbols }, Cmd.none
let newcompo = {symbol'''.Compo with SI=extract symbol'''.APortOffsetsMap}
let symbol'''' = {symbol''' with Compo = newcompo}
{ model with Symbols = Map.add sId symbol'''' model.Symbols }, Cmd.none
| PasteSymbols compList ->
let newSymbols =
@ -1394,13 +1453,13 @@ let update (msg : Msg) (model : Model): Model*Cmd<'a> =
{ model with Symbols = newSymbolsWithChangedSymbol }, Cmd.none
| ChangeLsb (compId, newLsb) ->
let newsymbol = changeLSBbits model compId newLsb
let newsymbol = changeLsbf model compId newLsb
let symbolswithoutone = model.Symbols.Remove compId
let newSymbolsWithChangedSymbol = symbolswithoutone.Add (compId, newsymbol)
{ model with Symbols = newSymbolsWithChangedSymbol }, Cmd.none
| ChangeConstant (compId, newVal, newText) ->
let newsymbol = changeConstant model compId newVal newText
let newsymbol = changeConstantf model compId newVal newText
let symbolswithoutone = model.Symbols.Remove compId
let newSymbolsWithChangedSymbol = symbolswithoutone.Add (compId, newsymbol)
{ model with Symbols = newSymbolsWithChangedSymbol }, Cmd.none
@ -1408,19 +1467,60 @@ let update (msg : Msg) (model : Model): Model*Cmd<'a> =
| ResetModel -> { model with Symbols = Map.empty; Ports = Map.empty }, Cmd.none
| LoadComponents comps ->
let findrotatedportmap symbol rotation =
let once = rotatePortMap (genAPortOffsets symbol symbol.Compo.Type) symbol
let twice = rotatePortMap once symbol
let th = rotatePortMap twice symbol
match rotation with
|R0 -> genAPortOffsets symbol symbol.Compo.Type
|R90 -> once
|R180 -> twice
|R270 -> th
let totalsides sidesString =
let countmap = List.countBy id sidesString |> Map.ofList
let counts = [Map.tryFind "R" countmap; Map.tryFind "B" countmap; Map.tryFind "L" countmap; Map.tryFind "T" countmap]
let t = counts |> List.map (fun x ->
match x with
|Some a -> a
|None -> 0
// t
let reconstructCustomPortMap lst map w h =
let keys = map |> Map.toList |> List.map fst
let sides = List.map (fun (side,index)->side) lst
let sidesString =
sides |> List.map (fun x ->
match x with
|0 -> "R"
|1 -> "B"
|2 -> "L"
|3 -> "T"
|_ -> "R"
let r,b,l,t = totalsides sidesString
// let w,h = symbol.Compo.W, symbol.Compo.H //it needs the new height and width here based on spec above
let valuesNew = List.map (fun (side,index) -> {Side=(orientationDecoder side);Offset=(customOffsetHelper w h (orientationDecoder side) index r l b t);SideIndex= index}) lst
(keys, valuesNew) ||> List.map2 (fun x y -> (x,y)) |> Map.ofList
let compIdsWithSymbols =
|> List.map ( fun comp -> (
let xyPos = {X = float comp.X; Y = float comp.Y}
let h,w =
let (h,w) =
if comp.H = -1 && comp.W = -1 then
let comp' = createComponent xyPos comp.Type comp.Id comp.Label
let comp' = createComponent xyPos comp.Type comp.Id comp.Label R0
comp.H, comp.W
ComponentId comp.Id,
let s = { Pos = xyPos;
STransform = R0;
STransform = comp.R;
ShowInputPorts = false ;//do not show input ports initially
ShowOutputPorts = false ;//do not show output ports initially
Colour = "lightgrey" ;// initial color
@ -1432,7 +1532,9 @@ let update (msg : Msg) (model : Model): Model*Cmd<'a> =
InWidth1 = None;
APortOffsetsMap = (Map.empty<string,PortOrientationOffset>)
{s with APortOffsetsMap = (genAPortOffsets s s.Compo.Type)} //to check //need TODO for rotation as well
match comp.SI with
|[] -> {s with APortOffsetsMap = (findrotatedportmap s s.STransform)} //SI is empty for all other components except custom + when custom has not been altered
|_ -> {s with APortOffsetsMap = reconstructCustomPortMap comp.SI (findrotatedportmap s R0) comp.W comp.H} //if custom has been altered, reconstruct based on SI member of component
let symbolList =
@ -1470,9 +1572,9 @@ let update (msg : Msg) (model : Model): Model*Cmd<'a> =
let comp = symbol.Compo
let newCompType =
match comp.Type with
| RAM1 _ | AsyncRAM1 _ -> memory
| ROM1 _ -> memory
| AsyncROM1 _ -> memory
| RAM1 mem | AsyncRAM1 mem -> memory
| ROM1 mem -> memory
| AsyncROM1 mem -> memory
| _ ->
printfn $"Warning: improper use of WriteMemoryType on {comp} ignored"
@ -1493,7 +1595,4 @@ let extractSymbol (symModel: Model) (sId:ComponentId) : Symbol =
let extractComponents (symModel: Model) : Component list =
|> Map.toList
|> List.map (fun (key, _) -> extractComponent symModel key)
//--------------------GV319 CODE SECTION 2 ENDS-------------------------------------//
|> List.map (fun (key, _) -> extractComponent symModel key)
@ -423,7 +423,7 @@ let viewSelectedComponent (model: ModelType.Model) dispatch : ReactElement =
dispatch (ReloadSelectedComponent model.LastUsedDialogWidth) // reload the new component
// Control when the namesPortRaw map can be accessed else return normal name of port
let allowedDescription = match comp.Type with | NbitsAdder _ | Decode4 | Register _ |DFF| RegisterE _ |DFFE| ROM1 _ |AsyncROM1 _ | RAM1 _ | AsyncRAM1 _ | Mux2 | Demux2 | NbitsXor _ | Custom _ -> true | _ -> false
let allowedDescription = match comp.Type with | Custom _ -> true | _ -> false
let ports =
|> Map.toList
@ -446,29 +446,40 @@ let viewSelectedComponent (model: ModelType.Model) dispatch : ReactElement =
let mutable portName = ""
let mutable portSide = ""
let dropDown (available:bool) (name:string) (lst:string list): ReactElement =
if available then
Field.div [] [
Label.label [] [ str name ]
Label.label [ ]
[Select.select []
[ select [(OnChange(fun option ->
match name with
| "Port" -> portName <- option.Value; if (portName <> "" && portSide <> "") then setComponentPortUpdate model sheetDispatch comp portName portSide; dispatch <| SetPopupDialogText (Some portName);dispatch (ReloadSelectedComponent model.LastUsedDialogWidth) else printf "Not yet"
| "Side" -> portSide <- option.Value; if (portName <> "" && portSide <> "") then setComponentPortUpdate model sheetDispatch comp portName portSide; dispatch <| SetPopupDialogText (Some portSide);dispatch (ReloadSelectedComponent model.LastUsedDialogWidth) else printf "Not yet"
| _ -> failwithf "Case not an option"
([option [Value "";Selected true;Disabled true] [str ("Choose " + string name)]] @ List.map(fun value -> option [Value value] [str value]) lst)
if allowedDescription then
Field.div [] [
Label.label [] [ str "Port Movements" ]
p [ Style [ FontStyle "italic"; FontSize "12px"; LineHeight "1.1"]] [
str <| $"To change the location of the ports on the symbol:\n 1. Select the port to change its location.
2. Select the side of the Symbol on where the Port should be.\n 3. Press the Submit button to submit your changes.\n"]
Label.label [] [ str "Port Selection" ]
Label.label [ ]
[Select.select []
[ select [(OnChange(fun option ->
portName <- option.Value;(printf "%A\n" option.Value)))]
([option [Value "";Selected true;Disabled true] [str ("Choose Port")]] @ List.map(fun value -> option [Value value] [str value]) portNameLst)
Label.label [] [ str "Side Selection" ]
Label.label [ ]
[Select.select []
[ select [(OnChange(fun option ->
portSide <- option.Value; (printf "%A\n" option.Value)))]
([option [Value "";Selected true;Disabled true] [str ("Choose Side")]] @ List.map(fun value -> option [Value value] [str value]) portSideLst)
Button.button [
Button.Color IsPrimary
Button.Props [ OnClick (fun _ -> (if (portName <> "" && portSide <> "") then setComponentPortUpdate model sheetDispatch comp portName portSide; dispatch <| SetPopupDialogText (Some (portName+" "+portSide));dispatch (ReloadSelectedComponent model.LastUsedDialogWidth)))]
Field.div [] []
dropDown allowedDescription "Port" portNameLst
dropDown allowedDescription "Side" portSideLst
[ str "Submit" ]
Field.div [] []
| _ -> div [] [ str "Select a component in the diagram to view or change its properties, for example number of bits." ]
Reference in a new issue