Added all ap1919 implementations.

This commit is contained in:
Giorgos Vyronos 2022-03-02 03:04:37 +00:00
parent 5eff8f2209
commit 05951c99b7

View file

@ -16,16 +16,20 @@ open System.Text.RegularExpressions
/// --------- STATIC VARIABLES --------- ///
let GridSize = 30
/// ---------- SYMBOL TYPES ---------- ///
type Rotation = R0 | R90 | R180 | R270
type PortOrientation = Right | Bottom | Left | Top
type PortOrientationOffset = {
Side: int // Designated which side of symbol port is on (0 -> right, 1 -> top, 2 -> left, 3 -> bottom). to have coherency with STransform.
Offset: XYPos //Offset from top left corver of symbol, no matter orientation
Side: PortOrientation // Designated which side of symbol port is on (0 -> right, 1 -> top, 2 -> left, 3 -> bottom). to have coherency with STransform.
Offset: XYPos
type Symbol =
Pos: XYPos
STransform: int // Describes how symbol is rotated/flipped (0 -> 0 deg, 1 -> 90 deg, 2 -> 180 deg, -> 3 -> 270 deg).
STransform: Rotation // Describes how symbol is rotated/flipped (0 -> 0 deg, 1 -> 90 deg, 2 -> 180 deg, -> 3 -> 270 deg).
InWidth0: int option
InWidth1: int option
Id : ComponentId
@ -77,21 +81,6 @@ type Msg =
| WriteMemoryLine of ComponentId * int64 * int64 // For Issie Integration
| WriteMemoryType of ComponentId * ComponentType
//---------------------------------helper types and functions----------------//
// ----- helper functions for titles ----- //
//STransform Finite State Machine
let stransform_fsm(prev_state:int):int =
match prev_state with
| 0 -> 1
| 1 -> 2
| 2 -> 3
| 3 -> 0
| _ -> 0
//Map to return new coordinates of Position of ports and symbol
//---------------------------------helper types and functions----------------//
let posDiff (a:XYPos) (b:XYPos) =
@ -102,6 +91,16 @@ let posAdd (a:XYPos) (b:XYPos) =
let posOf x y = {X=x;Y=y}
// ----- helper functions for titles ----- //
//STransform Finite State Machine
let stransform_fsm(prev_state:Rotation):Rotation =
match prev_state with
| R0 -> R90
| R90 -> R180
| R180 -> R270
| R270 -> R0
///Insert titles compatible with greater than 1 buswidth
let title t (n) =
if n = 1 then t else t + "(" + string(n-1) + "..0)"
@ -156,40 +155,34 @@ let gateDecoderType (comp:Component) =
| _ -> ""
let portDecNameM (comp:Component) = //(input port names, output port names)
let createCustomPortNamesMap inputLabels outputLabels =
let adder x ((name:string),n) (portType:PortType)=
let key =
match portType with
|PortType.Input -> "I"+ string x
|PortType.Output -> "O"+ string x
let inputList = if (List.length inputLabels) < 1 then [] else ( [0..((List.length inputLabels)-1)] |> List.collect (fun x -> (adder x inputLabels[x] PortType.Input)))
let outputList = if (List.length outputLabels) < 1 then [] else ( [0..((List.length outputLabels)-1)] |> List.collect (fun x -> (adder x outputLabels[x] PortType.Output)))
[inputList;outputList] |> List.concat |> Map.ofList
// Input and Output names of the ports depending on their ComponentType
// returns map with (port key in APortOffsetsMap, port name)
let portNameMap (comp:Component) =
match comp.Type with
// | Decode4 -> (["Sel";"Data"],["0"; "1";"2"; "3"])
| NbitsAdder _ -> Map [ ("I0", "Cin"); ("I1", "A"); ("I2","B");("O0","Sum");("O1","Cout") ]
| Decode4 -> Map [ ("I0", "Sel"); ("I1", "Data"); ("O0","0");("O1","1"); ("O2","2");("O3","3") ]
// | Register _ -> (["D"],["Q"])
// | RegisterE _ -> (["D"; "EN"],["Q"])
// | ROM1 _ |AsyncROM1 _ -> (["Addr"],["Dout"])
// | RAM1 _ -> (["Addr"; "Din";"Wen" ],["Dout"])
// | AsyncRAM1 _ -> (["Addr"; "Din";"Wen" ],["Dout"])
// | DFF -> (["D"],["Q"])
// | DFFE -> (["D";"EN"],["Q"])
| Register _ |DFF -> Map [ ("I0", "D"); ("O0","Q") ]
| RegisterE _ |DFFE -> Map [ ("I0", "D"); ("I1","EN"); ("O0","Q") ]
| ROM1 _ |AsyncROM1 _ -> Map [ ("I0", "Addr");("O0","Dout") ]
| RAM1 _ -> Map [ ("I0", "Addr"); ("I1", "Din"); ("I2","Wen");("O0","Dout") ]
| AsyncRAM1 _ -> Map [ ("I0", "Addr"); ("I1", "Din"); ("I2","Wen");("O0","Dout") ]
| Mux2 -> Map [ ("I0", "0"); ("I1", "1"); ("I2","SEL");("O0","OUT") ]
| Demux2 -> Map [ ("I0", "IN"); ("I1", "SEL"); ("O0","0");("O1","1") ]
| NbitsXor _ -> Map [ ("I0", "P"); ("I1", "Q"); ("O0","Out") ]
// | Custom x -> ( fst x.InputLabels), ( fst x.OutputLabels)
| Custom x -> createCustomPortNamesMap x.InputLabels x.OutputLabels
|_ -> Map.empty
// Input and Output names of the ports depending on their ComponentType
let portDecName (comp:Component) = //(input port names, output port names)
match comp.Type with
| Decode4 -> (["Sel";"Data"],["0"; "1";"2"; "3"])
| NbitsAdder _ -> (["Cin";"A";"B"],["Sum "; "Cout"])
| Register _ -> (["D"],["Q"])
| RegisterE _ -> (["D"; "EN"],["Q"])
| ROM1 _ |AsyncROM1 _ -> (["Addr"],["Dout"])
| RAM1 _ -> (["Addr"; "Din";"Wen" ],["Dout"])
| AsyncRAM1 _ -> (["Addr"; "Din";"Wen" ],["Dout"])
| DFF -> (["D"],["Q"])
| DFFE -> (["D";"EN"],["Q"])
| Mux2 -> (["0"; "1";"SEL"],["OUT"])
| Demux2 -> (["IN" ; "SEL"],["0"; "1"])
| NbitsXor _ -> (["P"; "Q"], ["Out"])
| Custom x -> ( fst x.InputLabels), ( fst x.OutputLabels)
|_ -> ([],[])
// |Mux4 -> (["0"; "1"; "2"; "3" ;"SEL"],["OUT"])
// |Demux4 -> (["IN"; "SEL"],["0"; "1";"2"; "3";])
// |Demux8 -> (["IN"; "SEL"],["0"; "1"; "2" ; "3" ; "4" ; "5" ; "6" ; "7"])
@ -289,7 +282,7 @@ let createNewSymbol (pos: XYPos) (comptype: ComponentType) (label:string) =
let comp = makeComp pos comptype id label
Pos = { X = pos.X - float comp.W / 2.0; Y = pos.Y - float comp.H / 2.0 }
STransform = 0;
STransform = R0;
ShowInputPorts = false
ShowOutputPorts = false
InWidth0 = None // set by BusWire
@ -310,6 +303,8 @@ let addToPortModel (model: Model) (sym: Symbol) =
let addedInputPorts = (model.Ports, sym.Compo.InputPorts) ||> List.fold addOnePort
(addedInputPorts, sym.Compo.OutputPorts) ||> List.fold addOnePort
//////////////////////KEEP ONLY SO THAT THE CODE COMPILES -> IT AFFECTS GV319'S CODE ///////////////////////////////////
//-----------------------------------------GET PORT POSITION---------------------------------------------------
// Function that calculates the positions of the ports
@ -331,8 +326,7 @@ let getPortPos (comp: Component) (port:Port) =
{X = posX; Y = posY}
let getPortPosModel (model: Model) (port:Port) =
getPortPos (Map.find (ComponentId port.HostId) model.Symbols).Compo port
//-----------------------------------------DRAWING HELPERS ---------------------------------------------------
// Text adding function with many parameters (such as bold, position and text)
let private addText posX posY name txtPos weight size=
@ -340,38 +334,13 @@ let private addText posX posY name txtPos weight size=
{defaultText with TextAnchor = txtPos; FontWeight = weight; FontSize = size}
[makeText posX posY name text]
// Generate circles
let private portCircles x y =
[makeCircle x y portCircle]
// Define the name of each port
let private portText x y name portType =
let xPos =
if portType = PortType.Output
then x - 5.
else x + 5.
let test = if portType = PortType.Output then "end" else "start"
(addText xPos (y - 7.0) name test "normal" "12px")
// Print the name of each port
let private drawPortsText (portList: Port List) (listOfNames: string List) (comp: Component)=
if listOfNames.Length < 1
then []
|> List.map2 (fun name x -> (portText (getPortPos comp portList[x]).X (getPortPos comp portList[x]).Y name (portList.Head.PortType))) listOfNames
|> List.collect id
// Function to draw ports using getPortPos. The ports are equidistant
let private drawPorts (portList: Port List) (printPorts:bool) (comp: Component)=
if (portList.Length) < 1
then []
if printPorts
then [0..(portList.Length-1)] |> List.collect (fun x -> (portCircles (getPortPos comp portList[x]).X (getPortPos comp portList[x]).Y))
else []
let offsethelper (comp: Component) orientation (port:Port) =
let inline getPortPosEdgeGap (ct: ComponentType) =
match ct with
| MergeWires | SplitWire _ -> 0.25
| _ -> 1.0
let (ports, posX) =
if port.PortType = (PortType.Input) then
(comp.InputPorts, 0.0)
@ -379,16 +348,11 @@ let offsethelper (comp: Component) orientation (port:Port) =
(comp.OutputPorts, float( comp.W ))
let index = float( List.findIndex (fun (p:Port) -> p = port) ports )
let gap = getPortPosEdgeGap comp.Type
let posY = (float(comp.H))* (( index + gap )/( float( ports.Length ) + 2.0*gap - 1.0)) // the ports are created so that they are equidistant
// let side original o = (original+o)%4
let posY = (float(comp.H))* (( index + gap )/( float( ports.Length ) + 2.0*gap - 1.0)) // the ports are created so that they are equidistant
// match orientation with
// |0-> {Side=(side 2 orientation);Offset=posY}
// if posX = 0.0 then {Side=(side 2 orientation);Offset=posY} //needs to change side 0->1->2->3->0
// else {Side=(side 0 orientation);Offset=posY}
/////change name
let portListToMapN (portList: Port List) (symbol: Symbol) : Map<string,PortOrientationOffset>=
let portListToMap (portList: Port List) (symbol: Symbol) : Map<string,PortOrientationOffset>=
let adder (symbol: Symbol) (port: Port) =
let num = match port.PortNumber with |Some n -> n |_->(-1)
let key =
@ -397,193 +361,137 @@ let portListToMapN (portList: Port List) (symbol: Symbol) : Map<string,PortOrien
|PortType.Output -> "O"+ string num
let value =
match port.PortType with
|PortType.Input -> {Side=2;Offset=offsethelper symbol.Compo symbol.STransform port}
|PortType.Output -> {Side=0;Offset=offsethelper symbol.Compo symbol.STransform port}
|PortType.Input -> {Side=Left;Offset=offsethelper symbol.Compo symbol.STransform port}
|PortType.Output -> {Side=Right;Offset=offsethelper symbol.Compo symbol.STransform port}
if (portList.Length) < 1 then [] |> Map.ofList
else ( [0..(portList.Length-1)] |> List.collect (fun x -> (adder symbol portList[x])) ) |> Map.ofList
let genAPortOffsetsN(symbol: Symbol) : Map<string,PortOrientationOffset> =
let inputList = symbol.Compo.InputPorts
let outputList = symbol.Compo.OutputPorts
let map1 = portListToMapN inputList symbol
let map2 = portListToMapN outputList symbol
Map.fold (fun acc key value -> Map.add key value acc) map1 map2
let genAPortOffsetsMux (symbol: Symbol) =
let getPosY index = (float(symbol.Compo.H))* (( index + 1.0 )/(3.0))
let temp = [ ("I0", {Side=2;Offset={X=0.0;Y=(getPosY 0.0)}});("I1", {Side=2;Offset={X=0.0;Y=(getPosY 1.0)}});("I2", {Side=1;Offset={X=float(symbol.Compo.W)/2.0;Y=float(symbol.Compo.H)*0.9}});("O0", {Side=0;Offset={X=float(symbol.Compo.W);Y=float(symbol.Compo.H)/2.0}})]
temp |> Map.ofList
let genAPortOffsetsAdder (symbol: Symbol) =
let getPosY index = (float(symbol.Compo.H))* (( index + 1.0 )/(3.0))
let temp = [ ("I2", {Side=2;Offset={X=0.0;Y=(getPosY 1.0)}});("I1", {Side=2;Offset={X=0.0;Y=(getPosY 0.0)}});("I0", {Side=1;Offset={X=float(symbol.Compo.W)/2.0;Y=float(symbol.Compo.H)}});("O0", {Side=0;Offset={X=float(symbol.Compo.W);Y=float(symbol.Compo.H)/3.0}});("O1", {Side=3;Offset={X=float(symbol.Compo.W)-30.0;Y=0.0}})]
temp |> Map.ofList
let genAPortOffsets (symbol: Symbol) (cType: ComponentType) : Map<string,PortOrientationOffset> =
//generator for MUX
let genAPortOffsetsMux (symbol: Symbol) =
let getPosY index = (float(symbol.Compo.H))* (( index + 1.0 )/(3.0))
let temp = [ ("I0", {Side=Left;Offset={X=0.0;Y=(getPosY 0.0)}});("I1", {Side=Left;Offset={X=0.0;Y=(getPosY 1.0)}});("I2", {Side=Left;Offset={X=float(symbol.Compo.W)/2.0;Y=float(symbol.Compo.H)*0.9}});("O0", {Side=Right;Offset={X=float(symbol.Compo.W);Y=float(symbol.Compo.H)/2.0}})]
temp |> Map.ofList
//generator for NBitsAdder
let genAPortOffsetsAdder (symbol: Symbol) =
let getPosY index = (float(symbol.Compo.H))* (( index + 1.0 )/(3.0))
let temp = [ ("I2", {Side=Left;Offset={X=0.0;Y=(getPosY 1.0)}});("I1", {Side=Left;Offset={X=0.0;Y=(getPosY 0.0)}});("I0", {Side=Bottom;Offset={X=float(symbol.Compo.W)/2.0;Y=float(symbol.Compo.H)}});("O0", {Side=Right;Offset={X=float(symbol.Compo.W);Y=float(symbol.Compo.H)/3.0}});("O1", {Side=Top;Offset={X=float(symbol.Compo.W)-30.0;Y=0.0}})]
temp |> Map.ofList
//generator for everything else
let genAPortOffsets' (symbol: Symbol) : Map<string,PortOrientationOffset> =
let inputList = symbol.Compo.InputPorts
let outputList = symbol.Compo.OutputPorts
let map1 = portListToMap inputList symbol
let map2 = portListToMap outputList symbol
Map.fold (fun acc key value -> Map.add key value acc) map1 map2
match cType with
|Mux2 -> genAPortOffsetsMux symbol
|NbitsAdder _ -> genAPortOffsetsAdder symbol
|_ -> genAPortOffsetsN symbol
|_ -> genAPortOffsets' symbol
let rotatePortMap (map:Map<string,PortOrientationOffset>) (symbol:Symbol) =
map |> (fun key port ->
match port.Side with
|0 -> {Side=1;Offset={X=port.Offset.Y;Y=port.Offset.X}}
|1 -> {Side=2;Offset={X=0.0;Y=port.Offset.X}}
// |1 -> {Side=2;Offset={X=0.0;Y=port.Offset.X}}
|2 -> {Side=3;Offset={X=port.Offset.Y;Y=port.Offset.X}}
// |3 -> {Side=0;Offset={X=float(w)-port.Offset.Y;Y=port.Offset.X}}
|3 -> {Side=0;Offset={X=float(symbol.Compo.W);Y=port.Offset.X}}
|_ -> {Side=0;Offset={X=port.Offset.X;Y=port.Offset.Y}}
) //MUX + ADDER requires special treatment
let rotatePortMap' (map:Map<string,PortOrientationOffset>) (symbol:Symbol) =
map |> (fun key port ->
match port.Side with
|Right -> {Side=Bottom;Offset={X=port.Offset.Y;Y=port.Offset.X}}
|Bottom -> {Side=Left;Offset={X=0.0;Y=port.Offset.X}}
|Left -> {Side=Top;Offset={X=port.Offset.Y;Y=port.Offset.X}}
|Top -> {Side=Right;Offset={X=float(symbol.Compo.W);Y=port.Offset.X}}
) //MUX + ADDER requires special treatment
match symbol.Compo.Type with
|MergeWires |SplitWire _ |Mux2 |NbitsAdder _ -> map
|_ -> rotatePortMap' map symbol
////////////////////// OLD IMPLEMENTATION -> NOT WORKING -> keep for
let rotatePortMapOLD (map:Map<string,PortOrientationOffset>) (symbol:Symbol) =
let h,w =
match symbol.STransform with
|0|2 -> symbol.Compo.H, symbol.Compo.W
|1|3 -> symbol.Compo.W, symbol.Compo.H
|_ -> symbol.Compo.H, symbol.Compo.W
|R0|R180 -> symbol.Compo.H, symbol.Compo.W
|R90|R270 -> symbol.Compo.W, symbol.Compo.H
map |> (fun key port ->
match port.Side with
|0 -> {Side=1;Offset={X=port.Offset.Y;Y=port.Offset.X}}
|Right -> {Side=Bottom;Offset={X=port.Offset.Y;Y=port.Offset.X}}
// |1 -> {Side=2;Offset={X=0.0;Y=port.Offset.X}}
|1 -> {Side=2;Offset={X=float(w)-port.Offset.Y;Y=port.Offset.X}}
|2 -> {Side=3;Offset={X=port.Offset.Y;Y=port.Offset.X}}
|3 -> {Side=0;Offset={X=float(w)-port.Offset.Y;Y=port.Offset.X}}
|Bottom -> {Side=Left;Offset={X=float(w)-port.Offset.Y;Y=port.Offset.X}}
|Left -> {Side=Top;Offset={X=port.Offset.Y;Y=port.Offset.X}}
|Top -> {Side=Right;Offset={X=float(w)-port.Offset.Y;Y=port.Offset.X}}
// |3 -> {Side=0;Offset={X=float(symbol.Compo.W);Y=port.Offset.X}}
|_ -> {Side=0;Offset={X=port.Offset.X;Y=port.Offset.Y}}
) //mux requires special treatment
// let newDrawPorts (portMap: Map<string,PortOrientationOffset>) showInput (symbol: Symbol) =
// if Map.isEmpty portMap then []
// else if showInput then
// let mid = portMap |> (fun k {Side=orientation;Offset=offset} ->
// match orientation with
// |0 -> makeCircle symbol.Compo.W offset portCircle
// |2 -> makeCircle 0.0 offset portCircle
// |_ -> makeCircle 0.0 offset portCircle //to change
// )
// mid |> Map.values |> List.ofSeq
// else []
// let newD {Side = orientation; Offset = offset} (symbol:Symbol) o=
// match (orientation+o)%4 with
// |0 -> makeCircle offset.X offset.Y portCircle
// |1 -> makeCircle offset.X offset.Y portCircle
// |2 -> makeCircle 0.0 offset.Y portCircle
// |3 -> makeCircle offset.Y 0.0 portCircle
// |_ -> makeCircle 0.0 offset.Y portCircle //to change
// let newDrawPorts (portMap: Map<string,PortOrientationOffset>) o (showInput:bool) (showOutput:bool) (symbol: Symbol) : ReactElement List=
// if Map.isEmpty portMap then []
// else
// let mid = portMap |> (fun key port ->
// match key[0] with
// |'I' -> if showInput then (newD port symbol o) else nothing
// |'O' -> if showOutput then (newD port symbol o) else nothing
// |_ -> nothing
// )
// mid |> Map.values |> List.ofSeq
let newDrawPorts (portMap: Map<string,PortOrientationOffset>) o (showInput:bool) (showOutput:bool) (symbol: Symbol) : ReactElement List=
if Map.isEmpty portMap then []
portMap |> (fun key port ->
let mid = portMap |> (fun key port ->
match key,port with
|k,{Side=side;Offset={X=x;Y=y}} -> if (k[0] = 'I' && showInput) || (k[0]='O' && showOutput) then makeCircle x y portCircle else nothing
) |> Map.toList |> snd
mid |> Map.toList |> snd
let private newaddText posX posY name txtPos weight size=
let text =
{defaultText with TextAnchor = txtPos; FontWeight = weight; FontSize = size}
makeText posX posY name text
let newDT {Side = side; Offset = offset} name (symbol:Symbol) o =
// let test = if symbol.Compo.portType = PortType.Output then "end" else "start"
// let text = {defaultText with TextAnchor = txtPos; FontWeight = weight; FontSize = size}
// [makeText posX posY name text]
match side with
|0-> newaddText (offset.X-5.0) (offset.Y-7.0) name "end" "normal" "12px"
|1 -> newaddText (offset.X) (offset.Y-20.0) name "Middle" "normal" "12px"
|2-> newaddText (offset.X+5.0) (offset.Y-7.0) name "start" "normal" "12px"
|3 -> newaddText (offset.X) (offset.Y+7.0) name "Middle" "normal" "12px"
|_ -> nothing
let newDrawPortsText (portMap:Map<string,PortOrientationOffset>) (comp: Component) symbol orientation : ReactElement List =
let namesM = portDecNameM comp
let newDrawPortsText (portMap:Map<string,PortOrientationOffset>) (comp: Component) symbol orientation =
let namesM = portNameMap comp
if (Map.isEmpty portMap || Map.isEmpty namesM) then []
let inline charToInt c = int c - int '0'
let mid = portMap |> (fun key port ->
newDT port namesM[key] symbol orientation
// match key[0] with
// |'I' -> newDT port namesM[key] symbol orientation
// |'O' -> newDT port namesO[0] symbol orientation
// |_-> nothing
let name = namesM[key]
match port.Side with
|Right-> (addText (port.Offset.X-5.0) (port.Offset.Y-7.0) name "end" "normal" "12px")[0] //[0] to extract react element from list
|Bottom -> (addText (port.Offset.X) (port.Offset.Y-20.0) name "Middle" "normal" "12px")[0] //they are added in a list at the end
|Left-> (addText (port.Offset.X+5.0) (port.Offset.Y-7.0) name "start" "normal" "12px")[0]
|Top -> (addText (port.Offset.X) (port.Offset.Y+7.0) name "Middle" "normal" "12px")[0] )
mid |> Map.toList |> snd
// [0..(portList.Length-1)]
// |> List.map2 (fun name x -> (portText (getPortPos comp portList[x]).X (getPortPos comp portList[x]).Y name (portList.Head.PortType))) listOfNames
// |> List.collect id
//------------------------------HELPER FUNCTIONS FOR DRAWING SYMBOLS-------------------------------------
let rotate90 points =
match points with
|[x1;y1;x2;y2;x3;y3;x4;y4] -> [y1;x1;y2;x2;y3;x3;y4;x4]
|[x1;y1;x2;y2;x3;y3] -> [y1;x1;y2;x2;y3;x3]
|[x1;y1;x2;y2;x3;y3;x4;y4;x5;y5] ->[y1;x1;y5;x5;y4;x4;y3;x3;y2;x2]
let rotatePoints points rotation =
let rotate90 points =
match points with
|[x1;y1;x2;y2;x3;y3;x4;y4] -> [y1;x1;y2;x2;y3;x3;y4;x4]
|[x1;y1;x2;y2;x3;y3] -> [y1;x1;y2;x2;y3;x3]
|[x1;y1;x2;y2;x3;y3;x4;y4;x5;y5] ->[y1;x1;y5;x5;y4;x4;y3;x3;y2;x2]
let rotate180 points =
match points with
|[x1;y1;x2;y2;x3;y3;x4;y4] -> [x1;y2;x2;y1;x3;y4;x4;y3]
// |[x1;y1;x2;y2;x3;y3] -> [x1;y2;x2;y1;x2;y3]
|[x1;y1;x2;y2;x3;y3] -> [x2+x2;y1;x1+x2;y2;x2+x2;y3]
|[x1;y1;x2;y2;x3;y3;x4;y4;x5;y5] ->[x3-x2;y1;x3;y2;x3;y4;x3-x2;y5;x1;y3] //input,output
let rotate180 points =
match points with
|[x1;y1;x2;y2;x3;y3;x4;y4] -> [x1;y2;x2;y1;x3;y4;x4;y3]
|[x1;y1;x2;y2;x3;y3] -> [x2+x2;y1;x1+x2;y2;x2+x2;y3]
|[x1;y1;x2;y2;x3;y3;x4;y4;x5;y5] ->[x3-x2;y1;x3;y2;x3;y4;x3-x2;y5;x1;y3] //input,output
let rotate270 points =
match points with
|[x1;y1;x2;y2;x3;y3;x4;y4] -> [y2;x1;y3;x4;y4;x3;y1;x2]
|[x1;y1;x2;y2;x3;y3] -> [x2/2.0;y3;x2;y3+y3;x1;y3+y3]
// |[x1;y1;x2;y2;x3;y3] -> [x2+x2;y1;x1+x2;y2;x2+x2;y3]
|[x1;y1;x2;y2;x3;y3;x4;y4;x5;y5] ->[y3;0.0;y5;x3-x2;y4;x3;y1;x3;y2;x3-x2] //input,output
let rotate points rotation =
let rotate270 points =
match points with
|[x1;y1;x2;y2;x3;y3;x4;y4] -> [y2;x1;y3;x4;y4;x3;y1;x2]
|[x1;y1;x2;y2;x3;y3] -> [x2/2.0;y3;x2;y3+y3;x1;y3+y3]
|[x1;y1;x2;y2;x3;y3;x4;y4;x5;y5] ->[y3;0.0;y5;x3-x2;y4;x3;y1;x3;y2;x3-x2] //input,output
match rotation with
|0 -> points
|1 -> rotate90 points
|2 -> rotate180 points
|3 -> rotate270 points
|_ -> points
|R0 -> points
|R90 -> rotate90 points
|R180 -> rotate180 points
|R270 -> rotate270 points
let getPointsString coordList rotation =
let rotatedPoints = rotate coordList rotation
let getPointsString coordList =
let rec combine lst =
match lst with
| fst::snd::tl -> (fst.ToString()+",") :: (snd.ToString()+" ") :: (combine tl)
|[_] -> []
|[] -> []
combine rotatedPoints |> String.concat ""
combine coordList |> String.concat ""
let private createPolygon points colour opacity =
@ -595,32 +503,40 @@ let createBiColorPolygon points colour strokeColor opacity strokeWidth=
[makePolygon points {defaultPolygon with Fill = colour; FillOpacity = opacity; StrokeWidth = strokeWidth}]
let addInvertor points rotation colour opacity =
// let symbolpoints = (sprintf "%i,%i %i,%i %i,%i" posX (posY) (posX+9) (posY) posX (posY-8))
let getLine points rotation =
match rotation with
|0-> (match points with [x1;y1;x2;y2;x3;y3;x4;y4] -> [x3;y3/2.0;(x3+9.0);y3/2.0;x3;(y3/2.0)-8.0] |[_]->[]|[]->[])
|1-> (match points with [x1;y1;x2;y2;x3;y3;x4;y4] -> [x3/2.0;y3;x3/2.0;y3+9.0;(x3/2.0)+8.0;y3] |[_]->[]|[]->[])
// |2 ->(match points with [x1;y1;x2;y2;x3;y3;x4;y4] -> [0.0;y2;x2;y2] |[_]->[]|[]->[])
|_ -> failwithf"Not implemented"
let linepoints = getLine points rotation
createPolygon (getPointsString linepoints 0) colour opacity
let addClock posX posY colour opacity =
let points = (sprintf "%i,%i %i,%i %i,%i" posX (posY-1) (posX+8) (posY-7) posX (posY-13))
createPolygon points colour opacity
|> List.append (addText (float(posX+10)) (float(posY-13)) " clk" "start" "normal" "12px")
let addConstantLine points rotation opacity =
let getLine points rotation =
match rotation with
|0-> (match points with [x1;y1;x2;y2;x3;y3] -> [x2;y2;x2*2.0;y2] |[_]->[]|[]->[])
|1-> (match points with [x1;y1;x2;y2;x3;y3] -> [x2;y2;x2;y2*2.0] |[_]->[]|[]->[])
|2 ->(match points with [x1;y1;x2;y2;x3;y3] -> [0.0;y2;x2;y2] |[_]->[]|[]->[])
|_ -> failwithf"Not implemented"
let linepoints = getLine points rotation
createPolygon (getPointsString linepoints 0) "lightgray" opacity
let addInvertorNew w h rotation colour opacity =
// let points = (sprintf "%i,%i %i,%i %i,%i" posX (posY) (posX+9) (posY) posX (posY-8))
// let w,h = float(width),float(height)
let points =
match rotation with
|R0 -> [w;h/2.0;w+9.0;h/2.0;w;h/2.0-8.0]
|R90 -> [w/2.0;h;w/2.0;h+9.0;w/2.0+8.0;h]
|R180 -> [0.0;h/2.0;(-9.0);h/2.0;0.0;h/2.0+8.0]
|R270 -> [w/2.0;0.0;w/2.0;(-9.0);w/2.0-8.0;0.0]
createPolygon (getPointsString points) colour opacity
let addConstantLineNew w h rotation opacity =
// let points = (sprintf "%i,%f %i,%f" posX1 posY posX2 posY)
let points =
match rotation with
|R0 -> [w/2.0;h/2.0;w;h/2.0]
|R90 -> [w/2.0;h/2.0;w/2.0;h]
|R180 -> [w/2.0;h/2.0;0.0;h/2.0]
|R270 -> [w/2.0;h/2.0;w/2.0;0.0]
createPolygon (getPointsString points) "lightgray" opacity
let drawGateType w h comp =
let gType = gateDecoderType comp
let posX,posY =
match comp.Type with
|_ -> (w/2.0), (h/2.0 - 7.0)
addText posX posY gType "middle" "bold" "14px"
let outlineColor (color:string) =
match color.ToLower() with
@ -635,227 +551,115 @@ let addHorizontalColorLine posX1 posX2 posY opacity (color:string) = // TODO: Li
[makePolygon points {defaultPolygon with Fill = "olcolor"; Stroke=olColor; StrokeWidth = "2.0"; FillOpacity = opacity}]
let drawLabel label width height orientation =
match orientation with
|0 -> addText (width/2.0) (-20.0) (label) "middle" "normal" "16px"
|1 -> addText (width+5.0) (height/2.0 - 8.0) label "Start" "normal" "16px"
|2 -> addText (width/2.0) (height+10.0) (label) "middle" "normal" "16px"
|3 -> addText (-5.0) (height/2.0 - 8.0) label "End" "normal" "16px"
|_ -> addText (width/2.0) (-20.0) (label) "middle" "normal" "16px"
let drawLabel label width height rotation =
match rotation with
|R0 -> addText (width/2.0) (-20.0) (label) "middle" "normal" "16px"
|R90 -> addText (width+5.0) (height/2.0 - 8.0) label "Start" "normal" "16px"
|R180 -> addText (width/2.0) (height+10.0) (label) "middle" "normal" "16px"
|R270 -> addText (-5.0) (height/2.0 - 8.0) label "End" "normal" "16px"
/// --------------------------------------- SYMBOL DRAWING ------------------------------------------------------ ///
let drawInput (comp:Component) x h w o colour opacity showInput showOutput symbol=
let points = rotate [0.0; 0.0; (float(w)*(0.66)); 0.0; float(w); float(h)/2.0; (float(w)*(0.66)); float(h); 0.0; float(h)] (o)
let hR,wR = match o with |1|3 -> w,h |_ -> h,w
(addText (float(wR/2)) ((float(hR)/3.0)) (title "" x) "middle" "normal" "12px")
// |> List.append (drawPorts comp.OutputPorts showOutput comp)
|> List.append (newDrawPorts symbol.APortOffsetsMap o showInput showOutput symbol)
// |> List.append (addText (float (wR/2)) (-20.0) (comp.Label) "middle" "normal" "16px")
|> List.append (drawLabel comp.Label (float(wR)) (float(hR)) o)
|> List.append (createBiColorPolygon (getPointsString points 0) colour "black" opacity "1.0")
let drawMux (comp:Component) h w o colour opacity showInput showOutput symbol=
let points = rotate [0.0; 0.0; float(w); (float(h)*0.2); float(w); (float(h)*0.8); 0.0; float(h)] (o)
let hR,wR = match o with |1|3 -> w,h |_ -> h,w
// (drawPorts comp.InputPorts showInput comp)
// |> List.append (drawPorts comp.OutputPorts showOutput comp)
(newDrawPorts symbol.APortOffsetsMap o showInput showOutput symbol) //need symbol.APortOffsetMap instead of temp -> need to create APortOffsetMap when I create the symbol, Now it assigns an empty table
// |> List.append (drawPortsText comp.InputPorts (fst(portDecName comp)) comp)
// |> List.append (drawPortsText comp.OutputPorts (snd(portDecName comp)) comp)
|> List.append (newDrawPortsText symbol.APortOffsetsMap comp symbol o)
// |> List.append (addText (float (wR/2)) (-20.0) (comp.Label) "middle" "normal" "16px")
|> List.append (drawLabel comp.Label (float(wR)) (float(hR)) o)
|> List.append (createBiColorPolygon (getPointsString points 0) colour "black" opacity "1.0")
let drawDemux (comp:Component) h w o colour opacity showInput showOutput symbol=
let points = rotate [0.0; (float(h)*0.2); float(w); 0.0; float(w); float(h); 0.0; (float(h)*0.8)] (o)
let hR,wR = match o with |1|3 -> w,h |_ -> h,w
(newDrawPorts symbol.APortOffsetsMap o showInput showOutput symbol) //need symbol.APortOffsetMap instead of temp -> need to create APortOffsetMap when I create the symbol, Now it assigns an empty table
|> List.append (newDrawPortsText symbol.APortOffsetsMap comp symbol o)
// |> List.append (addText (float (wR/2)) (-20.0) (comp.Label) "middle" "normal" "16px")
|> List.append (drawLabel comp.Label (float(wR)) (float(hR)) o)
|> List.append (createBiColorPolygon (getPointsString points 0) colour "black" opacity "1.0")
let drawBasic (comp:Component) h w o colour opacity showInput showOutput symbol =
//need to make xorN larger giati den xwraei to gateDecoderType (OR-> allagi sto name -> make smaller)
let points = rotate [0.0; 0.0; float(w); 0.0; float(w); float(h); 0.0; float(h)] o
let hR,wR = match o with |1|3 -> w,h |_ -> h,w
(newDrawPorts symbol.APortOffsetsMap o showInput showOutput symbol)
|> List.append (newDrawPortsText symbol.APortOffsetsMap comp symbol o)
// |> List.append (addText (float (wR/2)) (-20.0) (comp.Label) "middle" "normal" "16px")
|> List.append (drawLabel comp.Label (float(wR)) (float(hR)) o)
|> List.append (addText (float(wR)/2.0) (float(hR)/2.0 - 7.0) (gateDecoderType comp) "middle" "bold" "14px")
|> List.append (createBiColorPolygon (getPointsString points 0) colour "black" opacity "1.0")
let addInvertorNew w h rotation colour opacity =
// let points = (sprintf "%i,%i %i,%i %i,%i" posX (posY) (posX+9) (posY) posX (posY-8))
// let w,h = float(width),float(height)
let points =
match rotation with
|0 -> [w;h/2.0;w+9.0;h/2.0;w;h/2.0-8.0]
|1 -> [w/2.0;h;w/2.0;h+9.0;w/2.0+8.0;h]
|2 -> [0.0;h/2.0;(-9.0);h/2.0;0.0;h/2.0+8.0]
|3 -> [w/2.0;0.0;w/2.0;(-9.0);w/2.0-8.0;0.0]
|_ -> []
createPolygon (getPointsString points 0) colour opacity
let addConstantLineNew w h rotation opacity =
// let points = (sprintf "%i,%f %i,%f" posX1 posY posX2 posY)
let points =
match rotation with
|0 -> [w/2.0;h/2.0;w;h/2.0]
|1 -> [w/2.0;h/2.0;w/2.0;h]
|2 -> [w/2.0;h/2.0;0.0;h/2.0]
|3 -> [w/2.0;h/2.0;w/2.0;0.0]
|_-> []
createPolygon (getPointsString points 0) "lightgray" opacity
let drawBasicInverted (comp:Component) h w o colour opacity showInput showOutput symbol =
//need to make xorN larger giati den xwraei to gateDecoderType (OR-> allagi sto name -> make smaller)
let points = rotate [0.0; 0.0; float(w); 0.0; float(w); float(h); 0.0; float(h)] o
let hR,wR = match o with |1|3 -> w,h |_ -> h,w
(newDrawPorts symbol.APortOffsetsMap o showInput showOutput symbol)
|> List.append (newDrawPortsText symbol.APortOffsetsMap comp symbol o)
|> List.append (addInvertorNew (float(wR)) (float(hR)) o colour opacity)
|> List.append (drawLabel comp.Label (float(wR)) (float(hR)) o)
|> List.append (addText (float(wR)/2.0) (float(hR)/2.0 - 7.0) (gateDecoderType comp) "middle" "bold" "14px")
|> List.append (createBiColorPolygon (getPointsString points 0) colour "black" opacity "1.0")
let drawViewer (comp:Component) x h w o colour opacity showInput showOutput symbol=
let points = rotate [(float(w))*(0.2); 0.0; 0.0; float(h)/2.0; float(w)*(0.2); float(h); float(w); float(h); float(w); 0.0] 0
let hR,wR = match o with |1|3 -> w,h |_ -> h,w
(addText (float(w/2)) ((float(h)/2.7)-1.25) (title "" x) "middle" "normal" "9px")
// |> List.append (drawPorts comp.OutputPorts showOutput comp)
|> List.append (newDrawPorts symbol.APortOffsetsMap 0 showInput showOutput symbol)
// |> List.append (addText (float (wR/2)) (-20.0) (comp.Label) "middle" "normal" "16px")
|> List.append (drawLabel comp.Label (float(wR)) (float(hR)) 0)
|> List.append (createBiColorPolygon (getPointsString points 0) colour "black" opacity "1.0")
let drawBus (comp:Component) h w o colour opacity showInput showOutput symbol =
let points = rotate [0.0; 0.0; 0.0; float(h); (0.6*(float(w))); float(h); (0.8*(float(w))); (0.7*(float(h))); float(w); (0.7*(float(h))); float(w); (0.3*(float(h))); (0.8*(float(w))); (0.3*(float(h))); (0.6*(float(w))); 0.0] o
let hR,wR = match o with |1|3 -> w,h |_ -> h,w
(newDrawPorts symbol.APortOffsetsMap o showInput showOutput symbol)
|> List.append (newDrawPortsText symbol.APortOffsetsMap comp symbol o)
|> List.append (drawLabel comp.Label (float(wR)) (float(hR)) o)
|> List.append (addText (float(wR)/2.0) (float(hR)/2.0 - 7.0) (gateDecoderType comp) "middle" "bold" "14px")
|> List.append (createBiColorPolygon (getPointsString points 0) colour "black" opacity "1.0")
let drawConstant (comp:Component) txt h w o colour opacity showInput showOutput symbol =
let points = rotate [0.0; 0.0; float(w)/2.0; float(h)/2.0; 0.0; float(h)] o
let hR,wR = match o with |1|3 -> w,h |_ -> h,w
(newDrawPorts symbol.APortOffsetsMap o showInput showOutput symbol)
|> List.append (newDrawPortsText symbol.APortOffsetsMap comp symbol o)
|> List.append (addConstantLineNew (float(wR)) (float(hR)) o opacity)
|> List.append (drawLabel comp.Label (float(wR)) (float(hR)) o)
|> List.append (addText (float (float(w)/2.0)-5.0) (float(h)-8.0) txt "middle" "normal" "12px")
|> List.append (addText (float(wR)/2.0) (float(hR)/2.0 - 7.0) (gateDecoderType comp) "middle" "bold" "14px")
|> List.append (createBiColorPolygon (getPointsString points 0) colour "black" opacity "1.0")
let compSymbol (symbol:Symbol) (comp:Component) (colour:string) (showInputPorts:bool) (showOutputPorts:bool) (opacity: float)=
match comp.Type with
| Input (x) -> drawInput comp x comp.H comp.W (symbol.STransform) colour opacity showInputPorts showOutputPorts symbol
| Output (x) -> drawInput comp x comp.H comp.W ((symbol.STransform+2)%4) colour opacity showInputPorts showOutputPorts symbol
| Mux2 -> drawMux comp comp.H comp.W (symbol.STransform) colour opacity showInputPorts showOutputPorts symbol
| Demux2 -> drawDemux comp comp.H comp.W (symbol.STransform) colour opacity showInputPorts showOutputPorts symbol
| NbitsAdder _ -> drawBasic comp comp.H comp.W (symbol.STransform) colour opacity showInputPorts showOutputPorts symbol
| Viewer (x) -> drawViewer comp x comp.H comp.W ((symbol.STransform+2)%4) colour opacity showInputPorts showOutputPorts symbol
| Decode4 | NbitsXor _ | NbitsAdder _ -> drawBasic comp comp.H comp.W (symbol.STransform) colour opacity showInputPorts showOutputPorts symbol
| And | Or |Xor -> drawBasic comp comp.H comp.W (symbol.STransform) colour opacity showInputPorts showOutputPorts symbol
| Nand | Nor | Not | Xnor -> drawBasicInverted comp comp.H comp.W (symbol.STransform) colour opacity showInputPorts showOutputPorts symbol
| BusSelection _ |BusCompare _ -> drawBus comp comp.H comp.W (symbol.STransform) colour opacity showInputPorts showOutputPorts symbol
|Constant1 (_,_,txt) -> drawConstant comp txt comp.H comp.W (symbol.STransform) colour opacity showInputPorts showOutputPorts symbol
|_ -> []
// match comp.Type with
// | Input (x) -> drawInput comp x comp.H comp.W (symbol.STransform) colour opacity showInputPorts showOutputPorts symbol
// | Output (x) -> drawInput comp x comp.H comp.W ((symbol.STransform+2)%4) colour opacity showInputPorts showOutputPorts symbol
// | Mux2 -> drawMux comp comp.H comp.W (symbol.STransform) colour opacity showInputPorts showOutputPorts symbol
// | Demux2 -> drawDemux comp comp.H comp.W (symbol.STransform) colour opacity showInputPorts showOutputPorts symbol
// | NbitsAdder _ -> drawBasic comp comp.H comp.W (symbol.STransform) colour opacity showInputPorts showOutputPorts symbol
// | Viewer (x) -> drawViewer comp x comp.H comp.W ((symbol.STransform+2)%4) colour opacity showInputPorts showOutputPorts symbol
// | Decode4 | NbitsXor _ | NbitsAdder _ -> drawBasic comp comp.H comp.W (symbol.STransform) colour opacity showInputPorts showOutputPorts symbol
// | And | Or |Xor -> drawBasic comp comp.H comp.W (symbol.STransform) colour opacity showInputPorts showOutputPorts symbol
// | Nand | Nor | Not | Xnor -> drawBasicInverted comp comp.H comp.W (symbol.STransform) colour opacity showInputPorts showOutputPorts symbol
// | BusSelection _ |BusCompare _ -> drawBus comp comp.H comp.W (symbol.STransform) colour opacity showInputPorts showOutputPorts symbol
// |Constant1 (_,_,txt) -> drawConstant comp txt comp.H comp.W (symbol.STransform) colour opacity showInputPorts showOutputPorts symbol
// |_ -> []
// | _ -> []
// | _ -> []
// let h = (comp.H)
// let w = (comp.W)
// let halfW = (comp.W/2)
// let halfH = (comp.H/2)
// let hF = float(comp.H) //float representation of height
// let wF = float(comp.W) //float representation of width
// let halfWF = float(comp.W/2) //float representation of halfWidth
// let halfHF = float(comp.H/2) //float representation of halfHeight
let h = (comp.H)
let w = (comp.W)
let halfW = (comp.W/2)
let halfH = (comp.H/2)
let hF = float(comp.H) //float representation of height
let wF = float(comp.W) //float representation of width
let halfWF = float(comp.W/2) //float representation of halfWidth
let halfHF = float(comp.H/2) //float representation of halfHeight
// let rotation = symbol.STransform+1
let rotation = symbol.STransform
// let mergeSplitLine posX1 posX2 posY msb lsb =
// let text =
// match msb = lsb, msb >= lsb with
// | _, false -> ""
// | true, _ -> sprintf $"({msb})"
// | false, _ -> sprintf $"({msb}:{lsb})"
// addHorizontalColorLine posX1 posX2 (posY*float(h)) opacity colour @
// addText (float (posX1 + posX2)/2.0) (posY*float(h)-11.0) text "middle" "bold" "9px"
let hR,wR = match symbol.STransform with |R90|R270 -> w,h |_ -> h,w
let mergeSplitLine posX1 posX2 posY msb lsb =
let text =
match msb = lsb, msb >= lsb with
| _, false -> ""
| true, _ -> sprintf $"({msb})"
| false, _ -> sprintf $"({msb}:{lsb})"
addHorizontalColorLine posX1 posX2 (posY*float(h)) opacity colour @
addText (float (posX1 + posX2)/2.0) (posY*float(h)-11.0) text "middle" "bold" "9px"
// let points = // Points that specify each symbol
// match comp.Type with
// | Input _ -> [0.0; 0.0; (wF*(0.66)); 0.0; wF; halfHF; (wF*(0.66)); hF; 0.0; hF]
// | Constant1 _ -> [0.0; 0.0; halfWF; halfHF; 0.0; hF]
// | IOLabel -> [(wF)*(0.33); 0.0; 0.0; halfHF; ((wF)*(0.33)); hF; ((wF)*(0.66)); hF; wF; halfHF; (wF*(0.66)); 0.0]
// | Output _ -> [(wF)*(0.2); 0.0; 0.0; halfHF; (wF)*(0.2); hF; wF; hF; wF; 0.0]
// | Viewer _ -> [(wF)*(0.2); 0.0; 0.0; halfHF; (wF)*(0.2); hF; wF; hF; wF; 0.0]
// | MergeWires -> [halfWF; ((1.0/6.0)*(hF)); halfWF; ((5.0/6.0)*(hF))]
// | SplitWire _ -> [halfWF; ((1.0/6.0)*(hF)); halfWF; ((5.0/6.0)*(hF)); 0.0]
// | Demux2 -> [0.0; (hF*0.2); 0.0; (hF*0.8); wF; hF; wF; 0.0]
// | Mux2 -> [0.0; 0.0; wF; (hF*0.2); wF; ((hF)*0.8); 0.0; hF]
// // // EXTENSION: |Mux4|Mux8 ->(sprintf "%i,%i %i,%f %i,%f %i,%i" 0 0 w (float(h)*0.2) w (float(h)*0.8) 0 h )
// // // EXTENSION: | Demux4 |Demux8 -> (sprintf "%i,%f %i,%f %i,%i %i,%i" 0 (float(h)*0.2) 0 (float(h)*0.8) w h w 0)
// | BusSelection _ |BusCompare _ -> [0.0; 0.0; 0.0; hF; (0.6*(wF)); hF; (0.8*(wF)); (0.7*(hF)); wF; (0.7*(hF)); wF; (0.3*(hF)); (0.8*(wF)); (0.3*(hF)); (0.6*(wF)); 0.0]
// | _ -> [0.0; 0.0; wF; 0.0; wF; hF; 0.0; hF]
// let additions = // Helper function to add certain characteristics on specific symbols (inverter, enables, clocks)
// match comp.Type with
// | Constant1 (_,_,txt) -> (addConstantLine (rotate points rotation) rotation opacity @ addText (float (halfW)-5.0) (float(h)-8.0) txt "middle" "normal" "12px")
// | Nand | Nor | Xnor |Not -> (addInvertor (rotate points rotation) rotation colour opacity)
// | MergeWires ->
// let lo, hi =
// match symbol.InWidth0, symbol.InWidth1 with
// | Some n, Some m -> n, m
// | _ -> -1,-1
// let msb = hi + lo - 1
// let midb = lo
// let midt = lo - 1
// mergeSplitLine 0 halfW (1.0/6.0) midt 0 @
// mergeSplitLine 0 halfW (5.0/6.0) msb midb @
// mergeSplitLine halfW w 0.5 msb 0
// | SplitWire mid ->
// let msb, mid' = match symbol.InWidth0 with | Some n -> n - 1, mid | _ -> -100, -50
// let midb = mid'
// let midt = mid'-1
// mergeSplitLine halfW w (1.0/6.0) midt 0 @
// mergeSplitLine halfW w (5.0/6.0) msb midb @
// mergeSplitLine 0 halfW 0.5 msb 0
// | DFF |DFFE -> (addClock 0 h colour opacity)
// | Register _ |RegisterE _ -> (addClock 0 h colour opacity)
// | ROM1 _ |RAM1 _ | AsyncRAM1 _ -> (addClock 0 h colour opacity)
// | BusSelection(x,y) -> (addText (float(w/2)-5.0) ((float(h)/2.7)-2.0) (bustitle x y) "middle" "normal" "12px")
// | BusCompare (_,y) -> (addText (float(w/2)-6.0) (float(h)/2.7-1.0) ("=" + NumberHelpers.hex(int y)) "middle" "bold" "10px")
// | Input (x) -> (addText (float(w/2)-5.0) ((float(h)/2.7)-3.0) (title "" x) "middle" "normal" "12px")
// | Output (x) -> (addText (float(w/2)) ((float(h)/2.7)-3.0) (title "" x) "middle" "normal" "12px")
// | Viewer (x) -> (addText (float(w/2)) ((float(h)/2.7)-1.25) (title "" x) "middle" "normal" "9px")
// | _ -> []
let points = // Points that specify each symbol
match comp.Type with
| Input _ -> rotatePoints [0.0; 0.0; (float(w)*(0.66)); 0.0; float(w); float(h)/2.0; (float(w)*(0.66)); float(h); 0.0; float(h)] rotation
| Constant1 _ -> rotatePoints [0.0; 0.0; float(w)/2.0; float(h)/2.0; 0.0; float(h)] rotation
| IOLabel -> rotatePoints [float(w)*(0.33); 0.0; 0.0; float(h)/2.0; (float(w)*(0.33)); float(h); (float(w)*(0.66)); float(h); float(w); float(h)/2.0; (float(w)*(0.66)); 0.0] rotation
| Output _ -> rotatePoints [0.0; 0.0; (float(w)*(0.66)); 0.0; float(w); float(h)/2.0; (float(w)*(0.66)); float(h); 0.0; float(h)] (stransform_fsm(stransform_fsm(rotation))) //hack for rotation to work
| Viewer _ -> rotatePoints [0.0; 0.0; (float(w)*(0.8)); 0.0; float(w); float(h)/2.0; (float(w)*(0.8)); float(h); 0.0; float(h)] (stransform_fsm(stransform_fsm(rotation))) //hack for rotation to work
| MergeWires -> [halfWF; ((1.0/6.0)*(hF)); halfWF; ((5.0/6.0)*(hF))]
| SplitWire _ -> [halfWF; ((1.0/6.0)*(hF)); halfWF; ((5.0/6.0)*(hF)); 0.0]
| Demux2 -> rotatePoints [0.0; (float(h)*0.2); float(w); 0.0; float(w); float(h); 0.0; (float(h)*0.8)] rotation
| Mux2 -> rotatePoints [0.0; 0.0; float(w); (float(h)*0.2); float(w); (float(h)*0.8); 0.0; float(h)] rotation
// EXTENSION: |Mux4|Mux8 ->(sprintf "%i,%i %i,%f %i,%f %i,%i" 0 0 w (float(h)*0.2) w (float(h)*0.8) 0 h )
// EXTENSION: | Demux4 |Demux8 -> (sprintf "%i,%f %i,%f %i,%i %i,%i" 0 (float(h)*0.2) 0 (float(h)*0.8) w h w 0)
| BusSelection _ |BusCompare _ -> rotatePoints [0.0; 0.0; 0.0; float(h); (0.6*(float(w))); float(h); (0.8*(float(w))); (0.7*(float(h))); float(w); (0.7*(float(h))); float(w); (0.3*(float(h))); (0.8*(float(w))); (0.3*(float(h))); (0.6*(float(w))); 0.0] rotation
| _ -> rotatePoints [0.0; 0.0; float(w); 0.0; float(w); float(h); 0.0; float(h)] rotation
let additions = // Helper function to add certain characteristics on specific symbols (inverter, enables, clocks)
match comp.Type with
| Constant1 (_,_,txt) -> (addConstantLineNew (float(wR)) (float(hR)) rotation opacity @ addText (float (float(w)/2.0)-5.0) (float(h)-8.0) txt "middle" "normal" "12px")
| Nand | Nor | Xnor |Not -> (addInvertorNew (float(wR)) (float(hR)) rotation colour opacity)
| MergeWires ->
let lo, hi =
match symbol.InWidth0, symbol.InWidth1 with
| Some n, Some m -> n, m
| _ -> -1,-1
let msb = hi + lo - 1
let midb = lo
let midt = lo - 1
mergeSplitLine 0 halfW (1.0/6.0) midt 0 @
mergeSplitLine 0 halfW (5.0/6.0) msb midb @
mergeSplitLine halfW w 0.5 msb 0
| SplitWire mid ->
let msb, mid' = match symbol.InWidth0 with | Some n -> n - 1, mid | _ -> -100, -50
let midb = mid'
let midt = mid'-1
mergeSplitLine halfW w (1.0/6.0) midt 0 @
mergeSplitLine halfW w (5.0/6.0) msb midb @
mergeSplitLine 0 halfW 0.5 msb 0
| DFF |DFFE -> (addClock 0 h colour opacity)
| Register _ |RegisterE _ -> (addClock 0 h colour opacity)
| ROM1 _ |RAM1 _ | AsyncRAM1 _ -> (addClock 0 h colour opacity)
| BusSelection(x,y) -> (addText (float(wR/2)-5.0) ((float(hR)/2.7)-2.0) (bustitle x y) "middle" "normal" "12px")
| BusCompare (_,y) -> (addText (float(wR/2)-6.0) (float(hR)/2.7-1.0) ("=" + NumberHelpers.hex(int y)) "middle" "bold" "10px")
| Input (x) -> (addText (float(wR/2)) ((float(hR)/3.0)) (title "" x) "middle" "normal" "12px")
| Output (x) -> (addText (float(wR/2)) ((float(hR)/3.0)) (title "" x) "middle" "normal" "12px")
| Viewer (x) -> (addText (float(w/2)) ((float(h)/2.7)-1.25) (title "" x) "middle" "normal" "9px")
| _ -> []
// let olColour, strokeWidth =
// match comp.Type with
// | SplitWire _ | MergeWires -> outlineColor colour, "2.0"
// | _ -> "black", "1.0"
let olColour, strokeWidth =
match comp.Type with
| SplitWire _ | MergeWires -> outlineColor colour, "2.0"
| _ -> "black", "1.0"
// // Put everything together
// (drawPorts comp.OutputPorts showOutputPorts comp)
// |> List.append (drawPorts comp.InputPorts showInputPorts comp)
// |> List.append (drawPortsText comp.InputPorts (fst(portDecName comp)) comp)
// |> List.append (drawPortsText comp.OutputPorts (snd(portDecName comp)) comp)
// |> List.append (addText (float halfW) (+5.0) (gateDecoderType comp) "middle" "bold" "14px")
// |> List.append (addText (float halfW) (-20.0) comp.Label "middle" "normal" "16px")
// |> List.append (additions)
// |> List.append (createBiColorPolygon (getPointsString points rotation) colour olColour opacity strokeWidth)
// Put everything together
(newDrawPorts symbol.APortOffsetsMap symbol.STransform showInputPorts showOutputPorts symbol)
|> List.append (newDrawPortsText symbol.APortOffsetsMap comp symbol symbol.STransform)
|> List.append (drawGateType (float(wR)) (float(hR)) comp)
|> List.append (additions)
|> List.append (drawLabel comp.Label (float(wR)) (float(hR)) symbol.STransform)
|> List.append (createBiColorPolygon (getPointsString points) colour olColour opacity "1.0")
let init () =
{ Symbols = Map.empty; CopiedSymbols = Map.empty; Ports = Map.empty ; InputPortsConnected= Set.empty ; OutputPortsConnected = Map.empty}, Cmd.none
@ -909,13 +713,13 @@ let view (model : Model) (dispatch : Msg -> unit) =
|> ofList
|> TimeHelpers.instrumentInterval "SymbolView" start
//------------------------GET BOUNDING BOXES FUNCS--------------------------------used by sheet.
// Function that returns the bounding box of a symbol. It is defined by the height and the width as well as the x,y position of the symbol
let getBoundingBoxofSymbol (sym:Symbol): BoundingBox =
match sym.STransform with
| 0 | 2 -> {X = float(sym.Pos.X) ; Y = float(sym.Pos.Y) ; H = float(sym.Compo.H) ; W = float(sym.Compo.W)}
| 1 | 3 -> {X = float(sym.Pos.X) ; Y = float(sym.Pos.Y) ; H = float(sym.Compo.W) ; W = float(sym.Compo.H)}
| _ -> failwithf"STransform value not implemented"
| R0 | R180 -> {X = float(sym.Pos.X) ; Y = float(sym.Pos.Y) ; H = float(sym.Compo.H) ; W = float(sym.Compo.W)}
| R90 | R270 -> {X = float(sym.Pos.X) ; Y = float(sym.Pos.Y) ; H = float(sym.Compo.W) ; W = float(sym.Compo.H)}
let getBoundingBoxes (symModel: Model): Map<ComponentId, BoundingBox> = (fun sId (sym:Symbol) -> (getBoundingBoxofSymbol sym)) symModel.Symbols
@ -930,9 +734,8 @@ let getSymbolPos (symbolModel: Model) compId =
// Function to generate Port Positions of each port from Symbol Location and Orientation
//currentSymbol.Pos is the upper left side corner
// Input: Symbol -> Take the symbol for which to extract positions of ports
// Output: XYPos list-> Return a list of XYPos positions of the ports starting from inputs, anticlockwise.
// Output: XYPos list -> Return a list of XYPos positions of the ports starting from inputs, anticlockwise.
let canvasPortLocation (sym:Symbol) : XYPos list =
|> Map.toList
@ -940,7 +743,9 @@ let canvasPortLocation (sym:Symbol) : XYPos list =
|> (fun prevCoor -> prevCoor.Offset)
|> (fun i -> {X=i.X+sym.Pos.X;Y=i.Y + sym.Pos.Y})
// Function to generate the true XYPos of a specified Port on the Canvas given the port and symbol
// Input: Symbol, Port -> Take the symbol and the specified port
// Output: XYPos-> Return the XYPos position of the ports depending on being inputs or outputs
let getGlobalPortPos (sym: Symbol) (port:Port) :XYPos =
let (typePort,ports) =
if port.PortType = (PortType.Input) then
@ -1430,7 +1235,7 @@ let update (msg : Msg) (model : Model): Model*Cmd<'a> =
comp.H, comp.W
ComponentId comp.Id,
{ Pos = xyPos
STransform = 0
STransform = R0
ShowInputPorts = false //do not show input ports initially
ShowOutputPorts = false //do not show output ports initially
Colour = "lightgrey" // initial color