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2022-02-10 23:15:22 +00:00
open TestLib
open Expecto
open Simulator
open BusWidthInferer
open SimulatorTests
open SimulatorSyncTests
open SimulatorMemoriesTests
open WidthInfererTests
open EEExtensions
let runSimulatorTest (diagramName, state, loadedComponents, inputs) =
// Build simulation graph.
match prepareSimulation diagramName state loadedComponents with
| Error e -> Error e
| Ok simData ->
// Feed all the inputs and extract the outputs.
(simData.Graph, inputs)
||> List.fold (fun graph (inputId, bit) -> feedSimulationInput graph inputId bit)
|> extractSimulationIOs simData.Outputs
|> Ok
let safeListItem lst idx =
if idx >= List.length lst then [] else List.item idx lst
let runSimulatorSyncTest (diagramName, state, loadedComponents, ticks, inputss) =
// Build simulation graph.
match prepareSimulation diagramName state loadedComponents with
| Error e -> Error e
| Ok simData ->
let results, graph =
(simData.Graph, [0..ticks-1])
||> List.mapFold (fun graph i ->
// Feed the inputs for this time iteration before the clock
// tick.
let inputs = safeListItem inputss i
let graph =
(graph, inputs)
||> List.fold (fun graph (inputId, bit) ->
feedSimulationInput graph inputId bit)
// Extract output, then feed a new clock tick.
extractSimulationIOs simData.Outputs graph, feedClockTick graph
Ok results
let simulatorTests =
createTestList "simulator" runSimulatorTest testCasesSimulator
let simulatorSyncTests =
createTestList "simulatorSync" runSimulatorSyncTest testCasesSimulatorSync
let simulatorMemoriesTests =
createTestList "simulatorMemories" runSimulatorSyncTest testCasesSimulatorMemories
let widthInfererTests =
createTestList "widthInferer" inferConnectionsWidth testCasesWidthInferer
let mutable Watches: Map<string,System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch> = Map.empty
/// dotnet core timer function
let stopTimer s =
let timer = Map.tryFind s Watches
match timer with
| None -> failwithf "error: Timer '%s' has been stopped before it was started. timers: %A" s (Map.keys Watches)
| Some stopWatch ->
printfn "%s: %.4fms" s stopWatch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds
/// dotnet core timer function
let startTimer s =
Watches <- Map.add s (System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew()) Watches
/// measure various dotnet core performance stats
/// m = structure size.
/// n = number of iterations.
let displayPerformance m n = Helpers.checkPerformance m n startTimer stopTimer
let main argv =
displayPerformance 100 1000000
//TestLib.runTests ()