
786 lines
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2022-02-10 23:15:22 +00:00
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// FAKE build script
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#nowarn "0213"
#r "paket: groupref FakeBuild //"
#load "./tools/FSharpLint.fs"
#load "./tools/ElectronTools.fs"
#load "./tools/Updating.fs"
#load "./.fake/build.fsx/intellisense.fsx"
open BlackFox.CommandLine
open Fake.Core
open Fake.Core.TargetOperators
open Fake.DotNet
open Fake.JavaScript
open Fake.IO
open Fake.IO.FileSystemOperators
open Fake.IO.Globbing.Operators
open Fake.Net.Http
open Fake.Tools
open Fantomas.FakeHelpers
open Fantomas.FormatConfig
open Tools.Electron
open Tools.Linting
open Tools.Updating
open System
open System.IO
// The name of the project
// (used by attributes in AssemblyInfo, name of a NuGet package and directory in 'src')
let project = "issie"
// Short summary of the project
// (used as description in AssemblyInfo and as a short summary for NuGet package)
let summary = "Schematic editor and Simulator"
// Author(s) of the project
let author = "tomcl"
// File system information
let solutionFile = "issie.sln"
// Build docs website root
let website = "https://tomcl.github.io/issie/docs"
// Github repository
let repo = @"https://github.com/tomcl/issie"
// Web or JS related fs projects
// Projects that have bindings to other languages where name linting needs to be more relaxed.
let relaxedNameLinting =
[ (__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ @@ "src/Electron/**/*.fs") ]
let netCoreVersions = [ "netcoreapp3.1" ]
// OS runtime targets
let runTimes = ["win-x64";"linux-x64"]
// Read additional information from the release notes document
let release = ReleaseNotes.load (__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ @@ "RELEASE_NOTES.md")
// Helper active pattern for project types
let (|Fsproj|Csproj|Vbproj|Shproj|) (projFileName:string) =
match projFileName with
| f when f.EndsWith("fsproj") -> Fsproj
| f when f.EndsWith("csproj") -> Csproj
| f when f.EndsWith("vbproj") -> Vbproj
| f when f.EndsWith("shproj") -> Shproj
| _ -> failwith (sprintf "Project file %s not supported. Unknown project type." projFileName)
let tools = __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ @@ "tools"
let srcGlob = __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ @@ "src/**/*.??proj"
let fsSrcGlob = __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ @@ "src/**/*.fs"
let fsTestGlob = __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ @@ "tests/**/*.fs"
let bin = __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ @@ "bin"
let temp = __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ @@ "temp"
let objFolder = __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ @@ "obj"
let dist = __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ @@ "dist"
let fable = __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ @@ ".fable"
let fsProjGlob =
!! (__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ @@ "src/**/*.fsproj")
++ (__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ @@ "tests/**/*.fsproj")
let foldExcludeGlobs (g: IGlobbingPattern) (d: string) = g -- d
let foldIncludeGlobs (g: IGlobbingPattern) (d: string) = g ++ d
let fsSrcAndTest =
!! fsSrcGlob
++ fsTestGlob
-- (__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ @@ "src/**/obj/**")
-- (__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ @@ "tests/**/obj/**")
-- (__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ @@ "src/**/AssemblyInfo.*")
-- (__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ @@ "src/**/**/AssemblyInfo.*")
let fsRelaxedNameLinting =
let baseGlob s =
!! s
-- (__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ @@ "src/**/AssemblyInfo.*")
-- (__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ @@ "src/**/obj/**")
-- (__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ @@ "tests/**/obj/**")
match relaxedNameLinting with
| [h] when relaxedNameLinting.Length = 1 -> baseGlob h |> Some
| h::t -> List.fold foldIncludeGlobs (baseGlob h) t |> Some
| _ -> None
let failOnBadExitAndPrint (p : ProcessResult) =
if p.ExitCode <> 0 then
p.Errors |> Seq.iter Trace.traceError
failwithf "failed with exitcode %d" p.ExitCode
module dotnet =
let tool optionConfig command args =
DotNet.exec (fun p -> { p with WorkingDirectory = tools} |> optionConfig ) (sprintf "%s" command) args
|> failOnBadExitAndPrint
let femto optionConfig args =
tool optionConfig (!!(__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ @@ "packages/tooling/Femto/tools/**/**/Femto.dll") |> Seq.head) args
let setCmd f args =
match Environment.isWindows with
| true -> Command.RawCommand(f, Arguments.OfArgs args)
| false -> Command.RawCommand("mono", Arguments.OfArgs (f::args))
let configuration() =
FakeVar.getOrDefault "configuration" "Release"
let getEnvFromAllOrNone (s: string) =
let envOpt (envVar: string) =
if String.isNullOrEmpty envVar then None
else Some(envVar)
let procVar = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(s) |> envOpt
let userVar = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(s, EnvironmentVariableTarget.User) |> envOpt
let machVar = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(s, EnvironmentVariableTarget.Machine) |> envOpt
match procVar,userVar,machVar with
| Some(v), _, _
| _, Some(v), _
| _, _, Some(v)
-> Some(v)
| _ -> None
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Initialisation and fixup actions
Target.create "Init" <| fun _ ->
Fake.IO.File.delete (__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ @@ ".paket/Paket.Restore.Targets")
Fake.IO.Directory.delete (__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ @@ "packet_files")
Target.create "KillCreated" <| fun _ ->
Target.create "KillZombies" <| fun _ ->
Fake.Core.Process.killAllByName "issie.exe"
Fake.Core.Process.killAllByName "node"
Fake.Core.Process.killAllByName "dotnet"
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Set configuration mode based on target
Target.create "ConfigDebug" <| fun _ ->
FakeVar.set "configuration" "Debug"
Target.create "ConfigRelease" <| fun _ ->
FakeVar.set "configuration" "Release"
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Generate assembly info files with the right version & up-to-date information
Target.create "AssemblyInfo" <| fun _ ->
let getAssemblyInfoAttributes projectName =
[ AssemblyInfo.Title (projectName)
AssemblyInfo.Product project
AssemblyInfo.Description summary
AssemblyInfo.Version release.AssemblyVersion
AssemblyInfo.FileVersion release.AssemblyVersion
AssemblyInfo.Configuration <| configuration()
AssemblyInfo.InternalsVisibleTo (sprintf "%s.Tests" projectName) ]
let getProjectDetails projectPath =
let projectName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(projectPath)
( projectPath,
(getAssemblyInfoAttributes projectName)
!! srcGlob
|> Seq.map getProjectDetails
|> Seq.iter (fun (projFileName, _, folderName, attributes) ->
match projFileName with
| Fsproj -> AssemblyInfoFile.createFSharp (folderName </> "AssemblyInfo.fs") attributes
| Csproj -> AssemblyInfoFile.createCSharp ((folderName </> "Properties") </> "AssemblyInfo.cs") attributes
| Vbproj -> AssemblyInfoFile.createVisualBasic ((folderName </> "My Project") </> "AssemblyInfo.vb") attributes
| Shproj -> () )
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Update package.json version & name
Target.create "PackageJson" <| fun _ ->
let setValues (current: Json.JsonPackage) =
{ current with
Name = Str.toKebabCase project |> Some
Description = summary |> Some
Version = release.NugetVersion |> Some
Repository =
match current.Repository with
| Some(r) ->
{ r with
Json.RepositoryValue.Type = "git" |> Some
Json.RepositoryValue.Url = repo + ".git" |> Some }
| _ ->
{ Json.RepositoryValue.Type = "git" |> Some
Json.RepositoryValue.Url = repo + ".git" |> Some
Json.RepositoryValue.Directory = None }
|> Some
Author = author |> Some
License = (File.readLine(__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ @@ "LICENSE.md").Split(' ')) |> Array.head |> Some
Bugs = { Json.BugsValue.Url = (repo + "/issues" |> Some) } |> Some
Homepage = repo |> Some }
Json.setJsonPkg setValues
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copies binaries from default VS location to expected bin folder
// But keeps a subdirectory structure for each project in the
// src folder to support multiple project outputs
Target.create "CopyBinaries" <| fun _ ->
!! srcGlob
-- (__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ @@ "src/**/*.shproj")
-- (__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ @@ "src/**/Electron.Fable.fsproj")
|> Seq.map (fun f -> ((Path.getDirectory f) @@ "bin" @@ configuration(), "bin" @@ (Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension f)))
|> Seq.iter (fun (fromDir, toDir) -> Shell.copyDir toDir fromDir (fun _ -> true))
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Clean tasks
Target.create "Clean" <| fun _ ->
let clean() =
!! (__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ @@ "tests/**/bin")
++ (__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ @@ "tests/**/obj")
++ (__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ @@ "tools/bin")
++ (__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ @@ "tools/obj")
++ (__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ @@ "src/**/bin")
++ (__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ @@ "src/**/obj")
|> Seq.toList
|> List.append [bin; temp; objFolder; dist; fable]
|> Shell.cleanDirs
TaskRunner.runWithRetries clean 99
Target.create "CleanDocs" <| fun _ ->
let clean() =
Shell.cleanDirs ["docs"]
TaskRunner.runWithRetries clean 99
Target.create "PostBuildClean" <| fun _ ->
let clean() =
!! srcGlob
-- (__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ @@ "src/**/*.shproj")
|> Seq.map (
(fun f -> (Path.getDirectory f) @@ "bin" @@ configuration())
>> (fun f -> Directory.EnumerateDirectories(f) |> Seq.toList )
>> (fun fL -> fL |> List.map (fun f -> Directory.EnumerateDirectories(f) |> Seq.toList)))
|> (Seq.concat >> Seq.concat)
|> Seq.iter Directory.delete
TaskRunner.runWithRetries clean 99
Target.create "PostPublishClean" <| fun _ ->
let clean() =
!! (__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ @@ "src/**/bin" @@ configuration() @@ "/**/publish")
|> Seq.iter Directory.delete
TaskRunner.runWithRetries clean 99
Target.create "CleanElectronBin" <| fun _ ->
let netCores =
|> List.map (fun s -> __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ @@ "bin/Core" @@ s)
let clean() =
!! (__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ @@ "bin/Main")
++ (__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ @@ "bin/Renderer")
++ (__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ @@ "bin/Common")
++ (__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ @@ "bin/Simulator")
++ (__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ @@ "bin/WidthInferer")
|> List.ofSeq
|> Shell.deleteDirs
let runtimeDirs =
|> List.map (fun s ->
|> List.map (fun coreVer -> coreVer @@ s @@ "**"))
|> List.concat
match netCores |> List.tryHead with
| Some(h) ->
!! (h @@ "**")
|> (fun src -> List.fold foldIncludeGlobs src netCores.Tail)
|> (fun src -> List.fold foldExcludeGlobs src runtimeDirs)
|> Seq.iter Shell.rm
| _ -> ()
TaskRunner.runWithRetries clean 99
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Restore tasks
let restoreSolution () =
|> DotNet.restore id
Target.create "Restore" <| fun _ ->
TaskRunner.runWithRetries restoreSolution 5
// Add task to make Node.js cli ready
Target.create "YarnInstall" <| fun _ ->
let setParams (defaults:Yarn.YarnParams) =
if Environment.isLinux then
{ defaults with
Yarn.YarnParams.YarnFilePath = (__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ @@ "packages/tooling/Yarnpkg.Yarn/content/bin/yarn.cmd")
Yarn.install setParams
// Build Key.json if necessary from GD_KEY env variable
Target.create "BuildKeys" <| fun _ ->
let jsonPath =
__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ @@ "src/Core/Key.json"
|> FileInfo.ofPath
let key =
let insertKey s = sprintf "{ \"key\": \"%s\" }" s
getEnvFromAllOrNone "GD_KEY"
|> Option.map (insertKey)
|> defaultArg <| ""
TraceSecrets.register "<GD_KEY Json>" key
if key <> "" && jsonPath.Exists |> not then
File.writeString false jsonPath.FullName key
else ()
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Build tasks
Target.create "Build" <| fun _ ->
let setParams (defaults:MSBuildParams) =
{ defaults with
Verbosity = Some(Quiet)
Targets = ["Build"]
Properties =
"Optimize", "True"
"DebugSymbols", "True"
"Configuration", configuration()
"Version", release.AssemblyVersion
"GenerateDocumentationFile", "true"
"DependsOnNETStandard", "true"
MSBuild.build setParams solutionFile
Target.create "BuildElectron" <| fun _ ->
Npm.exec "rebuild node-sass" id
Yarn.exec "compile" id
// Run Dev mode
Target.create "Dev" <| fun _ ->
Yarn.exec "dev" id
// Build artifacts
Target.create "DistWin" <| fun _ ->
Yarn.exec "distwin" id
// Build artifacts
Target.create "DistMac" <| fun _ ->
Yarn.exec "distmac" id
// Gets latest docker image to build for linux
Target.create "PullDockerImage" <| fun _ ->
|> CmdLine.append "pull"
|> CmdLine.append "electronuserland/builder"
|> CmdLine.toString
|> CreateProcess.fromRawCommandLine "docker"
|> CreateProcess.ensureExitCodeWithMessage "Pulling electronuserland/builder docker container failed."
|> Proc.run
|> ignore
// Build artifacts
Target.create "DistLinux" <| fun _ ->
let sandboxPath = @"./node_modules/electron/dist/chrome-sandbox"
|> CmdLine.append "run"
|> CmdLine.append "--rm"
|> CmdLine.appendRaw (sprintf "-v %s:/project" __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__)
|> CmdLine.appendRaw "-v electron:/root/.cache/electron"
|> CmdLine.appendRaw "-v electron-builder:/root/.cache/electron-builder electronuserland/builder"
|> CmdLine.appendRaw (sprintf "/bin/bash -c \"chown -R root %s && chmod 4755 %s && yarn --link-duplicates --pure-lockfile && yarn distLinux\"" sandboxPath sandboxPath)
|> CmdLine.toString
|> CreateProcess.fromRawCommandLine "docker"
|> CreateProcess.ensureExitCodeWithMessage "Failed to build linux image."
|> Proc.run
|> ignore
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Create differentials for updating
Target.create "CreateDiffs" <| fun _ ->
let latestTag = (Git.CommandHelper.runSimpleGitCommand __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ "describe --tag").Split('-').[0]
let latestRelease =
if Version(release.NugetVersion) <= Version(latestTag.Substring(1)) then
failwith "Cannot create diff of older version"
sprintf "https://github.com/Shmew/MordhauBuddy/releases/download/%s" latestTag
let downloadSignature (fi: FileInfo) =
let file =
match fi.Extension with
| ext when ext = ".exe" -> sprintf "MordhauBuddy.Setup.%s%s.sig" (latestTag.Substring(1)) ext
| ext when ext = ".AppImage" -> sprintf "MordhauBuddy-%s%s.sig" (latestTag.Substring(1)) ext
| _ -> failwith "Invalid file extention for generating delta"
sprintf "%s/%s" latestRelease file
|> downloadFile (fi.Directory.FullName @@ file)
!! (__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ @@ "dist/linux-x64/*.AppImage")
++ (__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ @@ "dist/win-x64/*.exe")
|> List.ofSeq
|> List.distinct
|> List.iter (fun f ->
let fi = FileInfo.ofPath(f)
genSigNew (sprintf "%s.sig" fi.Name) fi
downloadSignature fi
|> FileInfo.ofPath
|> genDelta fi)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Publish net core applications
Target.create "PublishDotNet" <| fun _ ->
let runPublish (project: string) (framework: string) =
let buildWithRunTime (rt: string) =
let setParams (defaults:MSBuildParams) =
{ defaults with
Verbosity = Some(Quiet)
Targets = ["Publish"]
Properties =
"Optimize", "True"
"DebugSymbols", "True"
"Configuration", configuration()
"Version", release.AssemblyVersion
"GenerateDocumentationFile", "true"
"TargetFramework", framework
"SelfContained", "true"
"RuntimeIdentifier", rt
MSBuild.build setParams project
runTimes |> List.iter buildWithRunTime
!! srcGlob
-- (__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ @@ "src/**/*.shproj")
-- (__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ @@ "src/**/*.vbproj")
|> Seq.map
((fun f -> (((Path.getDirectory f) @@ "bin" @@ configuration()), f) )
(fun f ->
Directory.EnumerateDirectories(fst f)
|> Seq.filter (fun frFolder -> frFolder.Contains("netcoreapp"))
|> Seq.map (fun frFolder -> DirectoryInfo(frFolder).Name), snd f))
|> Seq.iter (fun (l,p) -> l |> Seq.iter (runPublish p))
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Lint and format source code to ensure consistency
Target.create "Format" <| fun _ ->
let config =
{ FormatConfig.Default with
PageWidth = 120
SpaceBeforeColon = false }
|> List.ofSeq
|> formatCode config
|> Async.RunSynchronously
|> printfn "Formatted files: %A"
Target.create "Lint" <| fun _ ->
-- (__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ @@ "src/**/AssemblyInfo.*")
|> (fun src -> List.fold foldExcludeGlobs src relaxedNameLinting)
|> (fun fGlob ->
match fsRelaxedNameLinting with
| Some(glob) ->
[(false, fGlob); (true, glob)]
| None -> [(false, fGlob)])
|> Seq.map (fun (b,glob) -> (b,glob |> List.ofSeq))
|> List.ofSeq
|> FSharpLinter.lintFiles (__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ @@ "bin/LintResults.xml")
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Validate JavaScript dependencies
Target.create "ValidateJSPackages" <| fun _ ->
let validate () =
|> Seq.iter (fun file ->
dotnet.femto id
(sprintf "--resolve %s" file))
TaskRunner.runWithRetries validate 5
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Run the unit test binaries
Target.create "RunTests" <| fun _ ->
!! ("tests/**/bin" @@ configuration() @@ "**" @@ "*Tests.exe")
|> Seq.iter (fun f ->
CreateProcess.fromCommand(setCmd f [])
|> CreateProcess.withTimeout (TimeSpan.MaxValue)
|> CreateProcess.ensureExitCodeWithMessage "Tests failed."
|> Proc.run
|> ignore)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Generate Paket load scripts
Target.create "LoadScripts" <| fun _ ->
let frameworks =
|> Directory.EnumerateDirectories
|> Seq.map (fun d ->
Directory.EnumerateDirectories d
|> Seq.map (fun f -> DirectoryInfo(f).Name)
|> List.ofSeq)
|> List.ofSeq
|> List.reduce List.append
|> List.distinct
|> List.reduce (fun acc elem -> sprintf "%s --framework %s" elem acc)
|> function
| e when e.Length > 0 ->
Some (sprintf "--framework %s" e)
| _ -> None
let arguments =
[Some("generate-load-scripts"); frameworks]
|> List.choose id
|> List.reduce (fun acc elem -> sprintf "%s %s" acc elem)
|> CreateProcess.fromRawCommandLine ((__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ @@ ".paket") @@ "paket.exe")
|> CreateProcess.withTimeout (TimeSpan.MaxValue)
|> CreateProcess.ensureExitCodeWithMessage "Failed to generate paket load scripts."
|> Proc.run
|> ignore
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Generate the documentation
// Paths with template/source/output locations
let content = __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ @@ "docsrc/content"
let output = __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ @@ "docs"
let files = __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ @@ "docsrc/files"
let templates = __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ @@ "docsrc/tools/templates"
let formatting = __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ @@ "packages/formatting/FSharp.Formatting"
let toolPath = __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ @@ "packages/formatting/FSharp.Formatting.CommandTool/tools/fsformatting.exe"
let docTemplate = "docpage.cshtml"
Target.create "LocalDocs" <| fun _ ->
FakeVar.set "Website" website // for now we never generate local docs
Target.create "ReleaseDocs" <| fun _ ->
FakeVar.set "Website" website
// Specify more information about your project
let info () =
[ "project-name", project
"project-author", author
"project-summary", summary
"project-repo", repo
"root", FakeVar.getOrDefault "Website" website ]
let referenceBinaries = []
let layoutRootsAll = new Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, string list>()
layoutRootsAll.Add("en",[ templates;
formatting @@ "templates"
formatting @@ "templates/reference" ])
Target.create "ReferenceDocs" <| fun _ ->
Directory.ensure (output @@ "reference")
let lDirs =
DirectoryInfo.getSubDirectories <| DirectoryInfo bin
|> Array.map DirectoryInfo.getSubDirectories
|> Array.reduce Array.append
|> Array.map (fun x -> x.FullName.ToLower())
|> List.ofArray
printfn "lDirs=%A" lDirs
let binaries () =
let manuallyAdded =
|> List.map (fun b -> bin @@ b)
let conventionBased =
DirectoryInfo.getSubDirectories <| DirectoryInfo bin
|> Array.collect (fun d ->
let name, dInfo =
let netFrameworkBin =
DirectoryInfo.getSubDirectories d |> Array.filter(fun x -> x.FullName.ToLower().Contains("net4"))
let netCoreBin =
DirectoryInfo.getSubDirectories d |> Array.filter(fun x -> x.FullName.ToLower().Contains("netcoreapp"))
match netFrameworkBin.Length > 0 with
| true ->
d.Name, netFrameworkBin |> Array.head
| false ->
d.Name, netCoreBin |> Array.head
|> Array.filter (fun x ->
x.Name.ToLower() = (sprintf "%s.dll" name).ToLower()
|| x.Name.ToLower() = (sprintf "%s.exe" name).ToLower())
|> Array.map (fun x -> x.FullName))
|> List.ofArray
conventionBased @ manuallyAdded
printfn "Binaries=%A" (binaries())
|> FSFormatting.createDocsForDlls (fun args ->
{ args with
OutputDirectory = output @@ "reference"
LayoutRoots = layoutRootsAll.["en"]
ProjectParameters = info()
LibDirs = lDirs
ToolPath = toolPath
SourceRepository = repo @@ "tree/master" })
let copyFiles () =
Shell.copyRecursive files output true
|> Trace.logItems "Copying file: "
Directory.ensure (output @@ "content")
Shell.copyRecursive (formatting @@ "styles") (output @@ "content") true
|> Trace.logItems "Copying styles and scripts: "
Target.create "Docs" <| fun _ ->
File.delete "docsrc/content/release-notes.md"
Shell.copyFile "docsrc/content/" "RELEASE_NOTES.md"
Shell.rename "docsrc/content/release-notes.md" "docsrc/content/RELEASE_NOTES.md"
DirectoryInfo.getSubDirectories (DirectoryInfo.ofPath templates)
|> Seq.iter (fun d ->
let name = d.Name
if name.Length = 2 || name.Length = 3 then
name, [templates @@ name
formatting @@ "templates"
formatting @@ "templates/reference" ]))
copyFiles ()
for dir in [ content ] do
let langSpecificPath(lang, path:string) =
path.Split([|'/'; '\\'|], StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
|> Array.exists(fun i -> i = lang)
let layoutRoots =
let key = layoutRootsAll.Keys |> Seq.tryFind (fun i -> langSpecificPath(i, dir))
match key with
| Some lang -> layoutRootsAll.[lang]
| None -> layoutRootsAll.["en"] // "en" is the default language
FSFormatting.createDocs (fun args ->
{ args with
Source = content
OutputDirectory = output
LayoutRoots = layoutRoots
ProjectParameters = info()
Template = docTemplate })
Target.create "GenerateDocs" ignore
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Release Scripts
Target.create "GitPush" <| fun p ->
let msg =
|> List.choose (fun s ->
match s.StartsWith("--Msg=") with
| true -> Some(s.Substring 6)
| false -> None)
|> List.tryHead
|> function
| Some(s) -> s
| None -> (sprintf "Bump version to %s" release.NugetVersion)
Git.Staging.stageAll ""
Git.Commit.exec "" msg
Git.Branches.push ""
Target.create "GitTag" <| fun _ ->
Git.Branches.tag "" release.NugetVersion
Git.Branches.pushTag "" "origin" release.NugetVersion
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Run all targets by default. Invoke 'build -t <Target>' to override
Target.create "All" ignore
Target.create "Release" ignore
Target.create "UpdateDocs" ignore
Target.create "AllDev" ignore
Target.create "QDev" <| fun _ ->
Yarn.exec "dev" id
==> "AssemblyInfo"
==> "Restore"
==> "YarnInstall"
==> "Build"
==> "BuildElectron"
==> "PostBuildClean"
==> "CopyBinaries"
"Build" ==> "RunTests"
==> "PostBuildClean"
==> "PublishDotNet"
==> "PostPublishClean"
==> "CopyBinaries"
"Restore" ==> "Lint"
"Restore" ==> "Format"
?=> "Build"
?=> "RunTests"
?=> "CleanDocs"
==> "CleanDocs"
==> "Docs"
==> "ReferenceDocs"
==> "GenerateDocs"
?=> "CleanElectronBin"
==> "GitPush"
?=> "GitTag"
"All" <== [ "CleanElectronBin"]
"AllDev" <== ["CleanElectronBin"]
"All" ?=> "Release"
"LocalDocs" ?=> "All"
"ReleaseDocs" ?=> "All"
"ConfigDebug" ?=> "Clean"
"ConfigRelease" ?=> "Clean"
==> "DistLinux"
==> "DistWin"
"DistWin" ?=> "DistLinux"
"Dev" <== ["All"; "LocalDocs"; "ConfigDebug"]
"DistWin" <== ["All"; "ConfigRelease"]
"DistLinux" <== ["All"; "ConfigRelease"]
"Release" <== ["All"; "ConfigRelease"; "DistWin"; "DistLinux"]
"UpdateDocs" <== ["All"; "ReleaseDocs"; "ConfigRelease"]
Target.runOrDefaultWithArguments "Dev"