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synced 2024-11-10 01:35:50 +00:00
Aadi Desai
Byte values in int form need to be converted to bytes before concatenation Active flag buffer needs to be converted to int before comparison with int literal
123 lines
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123 lines
4.7 KiB
"""Library for interacting with TMP006 Thermopile (IR Temperature) Sensor."""
import smbus2
from time import sleep
# Pointer Register Locations
_REG_VOBJ = bytes([0x00])
_REG_TAMB = bytes([0x01])
_REG_CNFG = bytes([0x02])
_REG_M_ID = bytes([0xFE])
_REG_D_ID = bytes([0xFF])
# Configuration Flags
_MODE_ON = bytes([0x70])
SAMPLERATE_4HZ = bytes([0x00])
SAMPLERATE_2HZ = bytes([0x02])
SAMPLERATE_1HZ = bytes([0x04])
SAMPLERATE_0_5HZ = bytes([0x06])
SAMPLERATE_0_25HZ = bytes([0x08])
_DRDY_EN = bytes([0x01])
class TMP006:
def __init__(self, i2cBus, i2cAddress=0x40, samplerate=SAMPLERATE_1HZ):
self.i2c = i2cBus
self.addr = i2cAddress
self.samplerate = samplerate
i2cBus.pec = True # enable smbus2 Packet Error Checking
self.config = bytes([0x00, 0x00])
self.config = bytes(
[self.config[0] | samplerate[0] | _MODE_ON[0] | _DRDY_EN[0], self.config[1]]
ptrConfig = smbus2.i2c_msg.write(self.addr, _REG_CNFG)
writeConfig = smbus2.i2c_msg.write(self.addr, self.config)
self.i2c.i2c_rdwr(ptrConfig, writeConfig)
def temperature(self) -> float:
Vobj = self.vObject()
Tdie = self.tAmbient()
# Values for Calculations
S0 = 6.4e-14 # Calibration Factor TODO: Calibrate
a1 = 1.75e-3
a2 = -1.678e-5
Tref = 298.15
b0 = -2.94e-5
b1 = -5.7e-7
b2 = 4.63e-9
c2 = 13.4
# Calculate Sensitivity of Thermopile
S = S0 * (1 + a1 * (Tdie - Tref) + a2 * ((Tdie - Tref) ** 2))
# Calculate Coltage offset due to package thermal resistance
Voffset = b0 + b1 * (Tdie - Tref) + b2 * ((Tdie - Tref) ** 2)
# Calculate Seebeck coefficients
fVobj = (Vobj - Voffset) + c2 * ((Vobj - Voffset) ** 2)
# Calculate object temperature in Kelvin
Tobj = (Tdie**4 + (fVobj / S)) ** 0.25
# Convert from Kelvin to Celsius
return Tobj - 273.15
def active(self) -> bool:
"""Check if Sensor is powered on."""
ptrPower = smbus2.i2c_msg.write(self.addr, _REG_CNFG)
power = smbus2.i2c_msg.read(self.addr, 2)
self.i2c.i2c_rdwr(ptrPower, power)
return power.buf[0][0] & _MODE_ON[0] != 0
def active(self, value: bool):
"""Set the sensor to active or inactive."""
if value:
ptrPower = smbus2.i2c_msg.write(self.addr, _REG_CNFG)
power = smbus2.i2c_msg.read(self.addr, 2)
self.i2c.i2c_rdwr(ptrPower, power)
newPower = bytes([power.buf[0][0] | _MODE_ON[0], power.buf[1][0]])
updatePower = smbus2.i2c_msg.write(self.addr, newPower)
self.i2c.i2c_rdwr(ptrPower, updatePower)
ptrPower = smbus2.i2c_msg.write(self.addr, _REG_CNFG)
power = smbus2.i2c_msg.read(self.addr, 2)
self.i2c.i2c_rdwr(ptrPower, power)
newPower = bytes([power.buf[0][0] & ~_MODE_ON[0], power.buf[1][0]])
updatePower = smbus2.i2c_msg.write(self.addr, newPower)
self.i2c.i2c_rdwr(ptrPower, updatePower)
def vObject(self) -> float:
"""Reading from Sensor Voltage Register in Volts"""
ptrVobject = smbus2.i2c_msg.write(self.addr, _REG_VOBJ)
readVobject = smbus2.i2c_msg.read(self.addr, 2)
self.i2c.i2c_rdwr(ptrVobject, readVobject)
scaledVoltage = int.from_bytes(
readVobject.buf[0] + readVobject.buf[1], byteorder="big", signed=True
return round(scaledVoltage * 156.25e-9, 1)
# convert to Volts (156.25nV per LSB * 1e-9 for scaling from nV to Volts)
def tAmbient(self) -> float:
"""Reading from Ambient Temperature Register in Degrees Celsius"""
ptrTambient = smbus2.i2c_msg.write(self.addr, _REG_TAMB)
readTambient = smbus2.i2c_msg.read(self.addr, 2)
self.i2c.i2c_rdwr(ptrTambient, readTambient)
scaledTemp = int.from_bytes(
readTambient.buf[0] + readTambient.buf[1], byteorder="big", signed=True
return round(scaledTemp * 0.0078125, 1)
# convert to degrees Celsius (1/32 for scaling * 1/4 for 2 bit shift)
def manID(self) -> bytes:
"""Sensor manufacturer ID"""
ptrManID = smbus2.i2c_msg.write(self.addr, _REG_M_ID)
readManID = smbus2.i2c_msg.read(self.addr, 2)
self.i2c.i2c_rdwr(ptrManID, readManID)
return readManID.buf[0] + readManID.buf[1]
def devID(self) -> bytes:
"""Sensor device ID"""
ptrDevID = smbus2.i2c_msg.write(self.addr, _REG_D_ID)
readDevID = smbus2.i2c_msg.read(self.addr, 2)
self.i2c.i2c_rdwr(ptrDevID, readDevID)
return readDevID.buf[0] + readDevID.buf[1]