import json import lib.mail from random import randint from flask import Response, Blueprint, request from firebase_admin import firestore, auth from firebase_admin._auth_utils import EmailAlreadyExistsError authentication = Blueprint('authentication', __name__) @authentication.route('/authentication/register', methods=['POST']) def register(): body = request.json if body is None: return Response("{'error':'Invalid request - please provide a body'}", status=400, mimetype='application/json') email = body['email'] password = body['password'] name = body['name'] deviceId = body['deviceid'] # Some fields are not present if email is None or password is None or name is None or deviceId is None: return Response("{'error':'Entries missing'}", status=400, mimetype='application/json') # Register user with Firebase authentication try: user = auth.create_user( email=email, email_verified=False, password=password, display_name=name, disabled=False) except EmailAlreadyExistsError: return Response("{'error':'User with given email address already exists'}", status=409, mimetype='application/json') # Prompt the user to verify their email code = randint(100000, 999999) data = { u'code': code } firestore.client().collection(u'verification').document(user.uid).set(data) subject = 'Please verify your email for BarkFinder' sender = '' recipients = [email] body = '''Hey {}! Thank you for signing up for BarkFinder. In order to use our sevices, could you please verify your email address by logging in and entering this code {}'''.format(name, code) lib.mail.send(subject, sender, recipients, body) # Link the user to the device data = { u'devices': [deviceId] } firestore.client().collection(u'devices').document(user.uid).set(data) # User successfully created and linked to device, return 201 resp = {"uid": user.uid} return Response(json.dumps(resp), status=201, mimetype='application/json')