# ELEC60013 Embedded Systems: Coursework 1 ## Project name: Barkr ## Repository Sections - [App](./App/): The user app, built in Flutter - [DataPuller](./DataPuller/): Data fetching script to pull data from cloud sources and forward to our backend, eg. AirTags DB or an MQTT broker - [RPi](./RPi/): Program to run on the IOT device itself, collects pet information for the app and acts as a bluetooth beacon - [Server](./Server/): Backend for interacting with the Firebase API and provides user signup abilities - [Website](./Website/): Static marketting website built using Hugo, live at ## Contributors - [Aadi](https://github.com/supleed2/) - [Benjamin](https://github.com/bo3z/) - [Kacper](https://github.com/kmn219/)