2020-11-27 15:41:14 +09:00

52 lines
1.8 KiB

Data Memory for Harvard Interface
- RAM Size: 32 x 2^32 = 32 x 4294967296
- Zero-cycle / combinatorial reads
- Instruction in binaries or hex -> RAM_INIT_FILE
Needs checking with:
-- clk_enable input being used instead of clk
-- whether there is a more efficient way of initialising memory to zero (line 32)
-- how to implement given that you cannot read and write in the same cycle (line 48)
-- special memory locations: 0x00000000 (CPU halt), 0xBFC00000 (start execution after reset)
-> Should PC be 0xBFC00000 at the start and 0x00000000 at the end?
-> And should instructions start from 0xBFC00000?
-> Put halt instruction at 0x00000000 by default? - What is the halt instruction?
module mips_cpu_data_memory(
input logic clk_enable,
input logic[31:0] data_address,
input logic data_write,
input logic data_read,
input logic[31:0] data_writedata,
output logic[31:0] data_readdata
parameter RAM_INIT_FILE = "";
reg [31:0] memory [4294967295:0];
initial begin
integer i;
/* Initialise to zero by default */
for (i=0; i<4294967296; i++) begin
/* Load contents from file if specified */
if (RAM_INIT_FILE != "") begin
$display("RAM : INIT : Loading RAM contents from %s", RAM_INIT_FILE);
$readmemh(RAM_INIT_FILE, memory);
/* Combinatorial read path. */
assign data_readdata = data_read ? memory[data_address] : 16'hxxxx;
/* Synchronous write path */
always_ff @(posedge clk_enable) begin
//$display("RAM : INFO : data_read=%h, data_addr = %h, mem=%h", data_read, data_address, memory[data_address]);
if (!data_read & data_write) begin
memory[data_address] <= data_writedata;