#!/bin/bash # arithmetic ./test/test_mips_cpu_harvard.sh rtl addu #Pass ./test/test_mips_cpu_harvard.sh rtl addiu #Pass ./test/test_mips_cpu_harvard.sh rtl subu #Pass ./test/test_mips_cpu_harvard.sh rtl and #Pass ./test/test_mips_cpu_harvard.sh rtl andi #Pass ./test/test_mips_cpu_harvard.sh rtl or #Pass ./test/test_mips_cpu_harvard.sh rtl ori #Pass ./test/test_mips_cpu_harvard.sh rtl xor #Pass ./test/test_mips_cpu_harvard.sh rtl xori #Pass ./test/test_mips_cpu_harvard.sh rtl div #Pass ./test/test_mips_cpu_harvard.sh rtl divu #pass ./test/test_mips_cpu_harvard.sh rtl mthi #Pass ./test/test_mips_cpu_harvard.sh rtl mtlo #Pass ./test/test_mips_cpu_harvard.sh rtl mult #Pass ./test/test_mips_cpu_harvard.sh rtl multu #Pass # branches ./test/test_mips_cpu_harvard.sh rtl beq #Pass ./test/test_mips_cpu_harvard.sh rtl bgez #Pass #./test/test_mips_cpu_harvard.sh rtl bgezal #Place return address thing how?? ./test/test_mips_cpu_harvard.sh rtl bgtz #Pass ./test/test_mips_cpu_harvard.sh rtl blez #Pass ./test/test_mips_cpu_harvard.sh rtl bltz #Pass ./test/test_mips_cpu_harvard.sh rtl bltzal #Pass ./test/test_mips_cpu_harvard.sh rtl bne #Pass # jumps ./test/test_mips_cpu_harvard.sh rtl j #Pass #./test/test_mips_cpu_harvard.sh rtl jalr #Again how to link? ./test/test_mips_cpu_harvard.sh rtl jal #Pass ./test/test_mips_cpu_harvard.sh rtl jr #Pass # shift ./test/test_mips_cpu_harvard.sh rtl sll #Pass ./test/test_mips_cpu_harvard.sh rtl srl #Pass ./test/test_mips_cpu_harvard.sh rtl sra #Pass ./test/test_mips_cpu_harvard.sh rtl srav #Pass ./test/test_mips_cpu_harvard.sh rtl sllv #Pass ./test/test_mips_cpu_harvard.sh rtl srlv #Pass # load & store ./test/test_mips_cpu_harvard.sh rtl lw #Pass ./test/test_mips_cpu_harvard.sh rtl lb #Pass ./test/test_mips_cpu_harvard.sh rtl lbu #Pass ./test/test_mips_cpu_harvard.sh rtl lh #Pass ./test/test_mips_cpu_harvard.sh rtl lhu #Pass ./test/test_mips_cpu_harvard.sh rtl lui #Pass ./test/test_mips_cpu_harvard.sh rtl lwl #Pass ./test/test_mips_cpu_harvard.sh rtl lwr #Pass ./test/test_mips_cpu_harvard.sh rtl sw #Pass #./test/test_mips_cpu_harvard.sh rtl sb #Once switched to bus #./test/test_mips_cpu_harvard.sh rtl sh #Once switched to bus # set on less than **Branch delay slots dont work on these... ./test/test_mips_cpu_harvard.sh rtl slti #Pass ./test/test_mips_cpu_harvard.sh rtl sltiu #Pass ./test/test_mips_cpu_harvard.sh rtl slt #Pass ./test/test_mips_cpu_harvard.sh rtl sltu #Pass