- Open DE10_LITE_D8M_VIP.qpf - Enter programmer and blast with DE10_LITE_D8M_VIP_time_limited.sof - DO NOT close OpenCore Plus IP window - Open Nios tools for Eclipse - Make sure the filepath to the folder Vision/DE10_LITE_D8M_VIP_16/software has no spaces. I have copied it directly to c:. - Import Nios II Software Build Tools Project. - Select the ${filepath}/EEE2Rover/DE10_LITE_D8M_VIP_16/software/D8M_Camera_Test/ directory. - Right click the project > Run As > Nios II Hardware - Build the project. - Configure run configurations (select the USB-Blaster) - Run the project. - If there are issues with time conflict, select the two boxes to ignore time conflicts. - Open camera and select APN_capture as source. - SW0 toggles between red highlight and normal output - KEY0 triggers autofocus - KEY1 toggles zoom - Always copy back the Software folder from c: to the folder with the rest of the files, in order to push any changes made.