const int potPin = 27; const int butPin = 16; const int U_Led = 14; const int L_Led = 12; const int R_Led = 15; const int D_Led = 13; int potVal = 0; bool butState = 0; void setup() { // put your setup code here, to run once: Serial.begin(115200); pinMode(U_Led, OUTPUT); pinMode(L_Led, OUTPUT); pinMode(R_Led, OUTPUT); pinMode(D_Led, OUTPUT); pinMode(butPin, INPUT_PULLUP); } void loop() { // put your main code here, to run repeatedly: //potVal = analogRead(potPin); //Serial.println(potVal); butState = digitalRead(butPin); if (butState == LOW) { // turn LED on: digitalWrite(U_Led, HIGH); digitalWrite(L_Led, HIGH); digitalWrite(R_Led, HIGH); digitalWrite(D_Led, HIGH); } else { // turn LED off: digitalWrite(U_Led, LOW); digitalWrite(L_Led, LOW); digitalWrite(R_Led, LOW); digitalWrite(D_Led, LOW); } delay(20); }