Rover Control Program Complete

To be tested
This commit is contained in:
Aadi Desai 2021-06-13 18:36:13 +01:00
parent dc927495ec
commit 24bd7db3a8

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@ -37,10 +37,11 @@ void queueInstruction(RoverInstruction instruction);
void sendToCommand();
void sendToDrive(RoverInstruction instruction);
void recvFromDrive();
void sendToEnergy(RoverInstruction instruction);
void sendToEnergy(bool instruction);
void recvFromEnergy();
void sendToVision();
void recvFromVision();
void emergencyStop();
#pragma endregion
#pragma region Global objects
@ -60,7 +61,11 @@ int odometer;
int heading;
int xpos, ypos;
int signalStrength;
int lastCompletedCommand;
int lastExecutedCommand, lastCompletedCommand;
bool driveCommandComplete;
int bb_left, bb_right, bb_top, bb_bottom;
int bb_centre_x, bb_centre_y;
float chargeGoal;
#pragma endregion
void setup()
@ -78,12 +83,16 @@ void setup()
Status = CS_IDLE;
batteryVoltage = 0;
batteryLevel = 0;
batteryCycles = 0;
odometer = 0;
heading = 0;
xpos = 0;
ypos = 0;
signalStrength = 0;
lastExecutedCommand = 0;
lastCompletedCommand = 0;
driveCommandComplete = 1;
chargeGoal = 0;
if (!SPIFFS.begin(true)) // Mount SPIFFS
@ -116,9 +125,12 @@ void setup()
ticker.attach(0.5, sendToCommand); // Set up recurring function to forward rover status to Command
void loop() // TO DO
void loop()
websocketserver.loop(); // Handle incoming client connections
recvFromDrive(); // Update stats from Drive
recvFromEnergy(); // Update stats from Energy
recvFromVision(); // Update stats from Vision
switch (Status)
case CS_ERROR:
@ -129,27 +141,24 @@ void loop() // TO DO
case CS_IDLE:
if (InstrQueue.empty()) // If Rover idle and InstrQueue empty:
if (!InstrQueue.empty()) // If Rover idle and InstrQueue NOT empty: Do the next command in the queue
// TO DO: Collect all data (recvFrom) and
sendToCommand(); // Update command panel
// Maybe wait 1s? Possibly prevent from looping too fast
// Do the next command in the queue
RoverInstruction *instr = &InstrQueue.front();
switch (instr->instr)
RoverInstruction *instr = &InstrQueue.front(); // Get next command
switch (instr->instr) // Determine command type
case INSTR_RESET: // Reset telemetry values (zeroing position/distance)
odometer = 0;
xpos = 0;
ypos = 0;
DynamicJsonDocument tdoc(128);
tdoc["rstD"] = 1;
serializeJson(tdoc, Serial1); // Send reset odometer signal to Drive
case INSTR_STOP: // Emergency stop
Status = CS_ERROR;
while (1)
Serial.println("Emergency Stop should not get queued, hold and print");
@ -157,16 +166,18 @@ void loop() // TO DO
case INSTR_MOVE: // Normal movement
Status = CS_MOVING;
Status = CS_MOVING; // Set moving state
driveCommandComplete = 0;
sendToDrive(*instr); // Forward to Drive handler
case INSTR_CHARGE: // Normal charge
Status = CS_CHARGING; // Set charging state
chargeGoal = (float)instr->charge; // Set charging goal
sendToEnergy(1); // Forward to Energy handler
@ -175,17 +186,36 @@ void loop() // TO DO
lastExecutedCommand = instr->id; // Update tracker of last processed command
// TO DO
if (driveCommandComplete) // If movement command complete:
Status = CS_IDLE; // Set rover state back to idle
lastCompletedCommand = lastExecutedCommand; // Update last completed command
else // If movement command NOT complete:
{ // Send (up to date) current heading to Drive
DynamicJsonDocument tdoc(128);
tdoc["rH"] = -1;
tdoc["cH"] = heading;
serializeJson(tdoc, Serial1);
// TO DO
if (batteryLevel >= chargeGoal) // Compare batteryLevel to chargeGoal
Status = CS_IDLE;
lastCompletedCommand = lastExecutedCommand; // Update last completed command
sendToEnergy(0); // Stop charging if goal reached
// Otherwise continue charging, no change
@ -193,7 +223,9 @@ void loop() // TO DO
Serial.println("Unknown rover state, exiting...");
void notFound(AsyncWebServerRequest *request)
@ -201,7 +233,7 @@ void notFound(AsyncWebServerRequest *request)
request->send(404, "text/plain", "Page Not found. Check URI/IP address.");
void webSocketEvent(uint8_t num, WStype_t type, uint8_t *payload, size_t length) // TO DO
void webSocketEvent(uint8_t num, WStype_t type, uint8_t *payload, size_t length)
switch (type)
@ -241,7 +273,7 @@ void webSocketEvent(uint8_t num, WStype_t type, uint8_t *payload, size_t length)
instr.instr = INSTR_RESET;
// Ignore rdoc["rH"], rdoc["rD"], rdoc["rS"], rdoc["rC"]
/* Put reset command in commandFIFO */
queueInstruction(instr); // Put reset command in InstrQueue
case 0: // Stop immediately, clear command cache
@ -250,7 +282,7 @@ void webSocketEvent(uint8_t num, WStype_t type, uint8_t *payload, size_t length)
// instr.instr = INSTR_STOP; // Not needed as Emergency Stop is not queued
// Ignore rdoc["Cid"], rdoc["rH"], rdoc["rD"], rdoc["rS"], rdoc["rC"]
/* Clear commandFIFO */
case 1: // Normal movement command, added to end of command cache
@ -263,7 +295,7 @@ void webSocketEvent(uint8_t num, WStype_t type, uint8_t *payload, size_t length)
instr.speed = rdoc["rS"];
// Ignore rdoc["rC"]
/* Put movement command in commandFIFO */
queueInstruction(instr); // Put movement command in InstrQueue
case 2: // Normal charge command, results in no motion, added to end of command cache
@ -274,18 +306,17 @@ void webSocketEvent(uint8_t num, WStype_t type, uint8_t *payload, size_t length)
instr.charge = rdoc["rC"];
// Ignore rdoc["rH"], rdoc["rD"], rdoc["rS"]
/* Put charge command in commandFIFO */
queueInstruction(instr); // Put charge command in InstrQueue
Serial.println("Unknown Command type received, ignoring"); // Default case, print and continue
// Ignore rdoc["Cid"], rdoc["rH"], rdoc["rD"], rdoc["rS"], rdoc["rC"]
// Default case, print and continue
Serial.println("Unknown Command type received, ignoring");
// Ignore rdoc["Cid"], rdoc["rH"], rdoc["rD"], rdoc["rS"], rdoc["rC"]
case WStype_PONG:
@ -313,6 +344,7 @@ void sendToCommand()
tdoc["st"] = Status;
tdoc["bV"] = batteryVoltage;
tdoc["bL"] = batteryLevel;
tdoc["bC"] = batteryCycles;
tdoc["tD"] = odometer;
tdoc["cH"] = heading;
tdoc["pos"][0] = xpos;
@ -334,19 +366,36 @@ void sendToDrive(RoverInstruction instruction)
serializeJson(tdoc, Serial1);
void recvFromDrive() // TO DO
void recvFromDrive() // Update telemetry data and state info from Drive packet
if (Serial1.available()) // Check for input from UART1 (Connected to Drive)
DynamicJsonDocument rdoc(1024);
deserializeJson(rdoc, Serial1);
driveCommandComplete = rdoc["comp"];
odometer = rdoc["mm"];
xpos = rdoc["pos"][0];
ypos = rdoc["pos"][1];
void sendToEnergy(RoverInstruction instruction)
void sendToEnergy(bool instruction)
DynamicJsonDocument tdoc(1024);
tdoc["ch"] = instruction.charge;
DynamicJsonDocument tdoc(128);
tdoc["ch"] = instruction; // Start charging
serializeJson(tdoc, Serial2);
void recvFromEnergy() // TO DO
void recvFromEnergy() // Update telemetry data and state info from Energy packet
if (Serial2.available()) // Check for input from UART2 (Connected to Energy)
DynamicJsonDocument rdoc(1024);
deserializeJson(rdoc, Serial2);
batteryLevel = rdoc["soc"];
batteryVoltage = rdoc["mV"];
batteryCycles = rdoc["cyc"];
void sendToVision()
@ -354,8 +403,20 @@ void sendToVision()
Serial3.print("R"); // Request new data from Vision
void recvFromVision() // TO DO
void recvFromVision() // Update bounding box and obstacle detection data from Vision packet
if (Serial3.available()) // Check for input from UART3 (Connected to Vision)
DynamicJsonDocument rdoc(1024);
deserializeJson(rdoc, Serial3);
bb_left = rdoc["bb"][0];
bb_right = rdoc["bb"][1];
bb_top = rdoc["bb"][2];
bb_bottom = rdoc["bb"][3];
bb_centre_x = rdoc["cen"][0];
bb_centre_y = rdoc["cen"][1];
heading = rdoc["cH"];
void emergencyStop()
@ -365,9 +426,8 @@ void emergencyStop()
tdoc["dist"] = -1;
tdoc["sp"] = -1;
tdoc["cH"] = heading;
tdoc["ch"] = 0;
serializeJson(tdoc, Serial1); // Send stop signals to Drive
serializeJson(tdoc, Serial2); // Send stop signals to Energy
sendToEnergy(0); // Send stop signal to Energy
while (InstrQueue.size())
InstrQueue.pop(); // Clear Instruction Queue