Kacper 685f69a7cf Almost ready CPU
Changed the MUX blocks into Verilog just cuz they look neater and are probably more optimised in the end. Added the LIFO stack. Working on decoder logic.
2020-06-07 15:08:34 +01:00

47 lines
1.6 KiB

module LIFOstack (Din, clk, en, rst, rw, Dout, empty, full);
input [15:0] Din; // Data being fed to stack
input clk; // clock signal input
input en; // disable stack when not in use
input rst; // reset pin to clear and reinitialise stack
input rw; // 0: read, 1: write
output reg [15:0] Dout; // Data being pulled from stack
output reg empty; // goes high to indicate SP is at 0
output reg full; // goes high to indicate SP is at (slots)
reg [15:0] stack_mem [3:0];
reg [4:0] SP; // Points to slot to save next value to
integer i;
always @ (posedge clk) begin
if (!en); // if not enabled, ignore this cycle
else begin
if (rst) begin // if rst is high, clear memory and reset pointers/outputs
SP = 4'b0000;
empty = 1'b1;
Dout = 16'h0000;
for (i = 0; i < 16; i = i + 1) begin
stack_mem[i] = 16'h0000;
else begin
if (!full && rw) begin // Write when NOT full & Writing
stack_mem[SP] = Din; // Store data into current slot
SP = SP + 1'b1; // Increment stack pointer to next empty slot
full = (SP == 5'b10000) ? 1 : 0; // Stack is full if SP is (slots)
empty = 1'b0; // Stack is never empty after a push
else if (!empty && !rw) begin // Read when NOT empty & reading
SP = SP - 1'b1; // Decrement stack pointer to last filled slot
Dout = stack_mem[SP]; // Output data from last filled slot
stack_mem[SP] = 16'h0000; // Clear slot after setting output
full = 1'b0; // Stack is never full after a pop
empty = (SP == 5'b00000) ? 1 : 0; // Stack is empty if SP is 0