mirror of
synced 2025-02-18 15:09:30 +00:00
CPU completed
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,409 @@
WARNING: Do NOT edit the input and output ports in this file in a text
editor if you plan to continue editing the block that represents it in
the Block Editor! File corruption is VERY likely to occur.
Copyright (C) 2018 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
Your use of Intel Corporation's design tools, logic functions
and other software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic
functions, and any output files from any of the foregoing
(including device programming or simulation files), and any
associated documentation or information are expressly subject
to the terms and conditions of the Intel Program License
Subscription Agreement, the Intel Quartus Prime License Agreement,
the Intel FPGA IP License Agreement, or other applicable license
agreement, including, without limitation, that your use is for
the sole purpose of programming logic devices manufactured by
Intel and sold by Intel or its authorized distributors. Please
refer to the applicable agreement for further details.
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(pt 528 264)
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(pt 528 280)
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(pt 528 296)
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(pt 536 400)
(pt 536 328)
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Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
WARNING: Do NOT edit the input and output ports in this file in a text
editor if you plan to continue editing the block that represents it in
the Block Editor! File corruption is VERY likely to occur.
Copyright (C) 2018 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
Your use of Intel Corporation's design tools, logic functions
and other software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic
functions, and any output files from any of the foregoing
(including device programming or simulation files), and any
associated documentation or information are expressly subject
to the terms and conditions of the Intel Program License
Subscription Agreement, the Intel Quartus Prime License Agreement,
the Intel FPGA IP License Agreement, or other applicable license
agreement, including, without limitation, that your use is for
the sole purpose of programming logic devices manufactured by
Intel and sold by Intel or its authorized distributors. Please
refer to the applicable agreement for further details.
(header "symbol" (version "1.2"))
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@ -35,6 +35,150 @@ refer to the applicable agreement for further details.
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@ -800,54 +944,6 @@ refer to the applicable agreement for further details.
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"Unsigned value to which outputs will be set"
"Width of output, any integer > 0"
" 1" " 2" " 3" " 4" " 5" " 6" " 7" " 8" " 9" "10" "11" "12" "13" "14" "15" "16" "20" "24" "28" "32"
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@ -1018,132 +1114,203 @@ refer to the applicable agreement for further details.
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(pt 504 416)
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@ -1299,28 +1466,6 @@ refer to the applicable agreement for further details.
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(pt 464 400)
(text "Rs2[15..0]" (rect 826 352 873 369)(font "Intel Clear" ))
(pt 816 368)
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(pt 816 592)
(pt 864 592)
(pt 864 592)
(pt 864 392)
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(text "s3[2]" (rect 474 608 497 625)(font "Intel Clear" ))
(pt 632 624)
(pt 632 624)
@ -1366,21 +1511,11 @@ refer to the applicable agreement for further details.
(pt 728 16)
(pt 728 16)
(text "CLK" (rect 514 -72 534 -55)(font "Intel Clear" ))
(pt 504 -56)
(pt 536 -56)
(pt 488 -72)
(pt 488 -72)
(pt 536 -72)
(pt 536 -72)
(text "EXEC" (rect 514 -104 539 -87)(font "Intel Clear" ))
(pt 504 -88)
(pt 536 -88)
(pt 728 -88)
(pt 728 -88)
(pt 744 -88)
(pt 744 -88)
@ -1686,17 +1821,6 @@ refer to the applicable agreement for further details.
(pt 256 -16)
(pt 256 -16)
(pt 216 -16)
(pt 216 -16)
(text "Rs1[15..0]" (rect 826 128 873 145)(font "Intel Clear" ))
(pt 816 144)
(pt 856 144)
(pt 896 344)
(pt 856 344)
(pt 1168 304)
(pt 1168 304)
(pt 1160 304)
(pt 1160 304)
@ -1738,16 +1862,6 @@ refer to the applicable agreement for further details.
(pt 872 224)
(pt 872 224)
(pt 856 144)
(pt 856 192)
(pt 856 192)
(pt 856 344)
(pt 1160 192)
(pt 1160 192)
(pt 1160 304)
(pt 1160 304)
@ -1770,12 +1884,6 @@ refer to the applicable agreement for further details.
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(text "<<__$DEF_ALIAS361>>" (rect 549 288 661 305)(font "Intel Clear" )(invisible))
(pt 432 304)
(pt 432 304)
(pt 616 304)
(pt 616 304)
@ -1825,20 +1933,6 @@ refer to the applicable agreement for further details.
(pt 504 192)
(pt 504 192)
(pt 1168 336)
(pt 1136 336)
(pt 1024 504)
(pt 1024 488)
(text "COND" (rect 1024 472 1053 489)(font "Intel Clear" ))
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(pt 1048 488)
(text "FETCH" (rect 418 32 449 49)(font "Intel Clear" ))
(text "FETCH" (rect 418 32 449 49)(font "Intel Clear" ))
(pt 408 48)
(pt 408 48)
@ -1994,6 +2088,159 @@ refer to the applicable agreement for further details.
(pt 1176 120)
(pt 1176 120)
(pt 1224 120)
(pt 1224 120)
(text "Rs1[15..0]" (rect 818 128 865 145)(font "Intel Clear" ))
(pt 816 144)
(pt 856 144)
(text "Rd[15..0]" (rect 818 576 860 593)(font "Intel Clear" ))
(pt 816 592)
(pt 856 592)
(pt 1120 336)
(pt 1168 336)
(text "COND" (rect 1122 336 1151 353)(font "Intel Clear" ))
(pt 1120 352)
(pt 1152 352)
(pt 856 352)
(pt 936 352)
(pt 856 144)
(pt 856 192)
(pt 856 192)
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(text "Rs2[15..0]" (rect 816 352 863 369)(font "Intel Clear" ))
(pt 816 368)
(pt 936 368)
(pt 856 592)
(pt 856 384)
(pt 856 384)
(pt 936 384)
(text "ALU_en" (rect 890 320 927 337)(font "Intel Clear" ))
(pt 936 336)
(pt 880 336)
(text "EXEC2" (rect 890 400 921 417)(font "Intel Clear" ))
(pt 936 416)
(pt 880 416)
(text "instr[15..10]" (rect 890 384 945 401)(font "Intel Clear" ))
(pt 936 400)
(pt 880 400)
(text "EXEC1" (rect 506 -104 537 -87)(font "Intel Clear" ))
(pt 536 -88)
(pt 496 -88)
(text "CLK" (rect 506 -72 526 -55)(font "Intel Clear" ))
(pt 536 -56)
(pt 496 -56)
(text "CARRY" (rect 1122 352 1157 369)(font "Intel Clear" ))
(pt 1120 368)
(pt 1152 368)
(text "CARRY" (rect 1050 504 1085 521)(font "Intel Clear" ))
(pt 1096 520)
(pt 1040 520)
(text "Rd[15..0]" (rect 1050 520 1092 537)(font "Intel Clear" ))
(pt 1096 536)
(pt 1040 536)
(text "Rs1[15..0]" (rect 1050 536 1097 553)(font "Intel Clear" ))
(pt 1096 552)
(pt 1040 552)
(text "Rs2[15..0]" (rect 1050 552 1097 569)(font "Intel Clear" ))
(pt 1096 568)
(pt 1040 568)
(text "instr[15..0]" (rect 1048 568 1097 585)(font "Intel Clear" ))
(pt 1096 584)
(pt 1040 584)
(text "FETCH" (rect 1050 584 1081 601)(font "Intel Clear" ))
(pt 1096 600)
(pt 1040 600)
(text "EXEC1" (rect 1050 600 1081 617)(font "Intel Clear" ))
(pt 1096 616)
(pt 1040 616)
(text "EXEC2" (rect 1050 616 1081 633)(font "Intel Clear" ))
(pt 1096 632)
(pt 1040 632)
(pt 1288 480)
(pt 1088 480)
(pt 1096 504)
(pt 1088 504)
(pt 1088 504)
(pt 1088 480)
(pt 1288 320)
(pt 1288 480)
(pt 1288 480)
(pt 1288 792)
(junction (pt 504 416))
(junction (pt 504 416))
(junction (pt 504 192))
(junction (pt 504 192))
(junction (pt 520 432))
(junction (pt 520 432))
@ -2027,3 +2274,4 @@ refer to the applicable agreement for further details.
(junction (pt 856 192))
(junction (pt 856 192))
(junction (pt 872 -72))
(junction (pt 872 -72))
(junction (pt 912 -72))
(junction (pt 912 -72))
(junction (pt 1288 480))
@ -41,14 +41,13 @@ set_global_assignment -name DEVICE AUTO
set_global_assignment -name TOP_LEVEL_ENTITY CPUProject
set_global_assignment -name TOP_LEVEL_ENTITY CPUProject
set_global_assignment -name ORIGINAL_QUARTUS_VERSION 18.1.0
set_global_assignment -name ORIGINAL_QUARTUS_VERSION 18.1.0
set_global_assignment -name PROJECT_CREATION_TIME_DATE "12:38:11 MAY 20, 2020"
set_global_assignment -name PROJECT_CREATION_TIME_DATE "12:38:11 MAY 20, 2020"
set_global_assignment -name LAST_QUARTUS_VERSION "18.1.0 Lite Edition"
set_global_assignment -name LAST_QUARTUS_VERSION "18.1.0 Standard Edition"
set_global_assignment -name PROJECT_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY output_files
set_global_assignment -name PROJECT_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY output_files
set_global_assignment -name NUM_PARALLEL_PROCESSORS ALL
set_global_assignment -name NUM_PARALLEL_PROCESSORS ALL
set_global_assignment -name PARTITION_NETLIST_TYPE SOURCE -section_id Top
set_global_assignment -name PARTITION_NETLIST_TYPE SOURCE -section_id Top
set_global_assignment -name PARTITION_COLOR 16764057 -section_id Top
set_global_assignment -name PARTITION_COLOR 16764057 -section_id Top
set_instance_assignment -name PARTITION_HIERARCHY root_partition -to | -section_id Top
set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE alu.v
set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE alu.v
set_global_assignment -name MIF_FILE LUTSquares.mif
set_global_assignment -name MIF_FILE LUTSquares.mif
set_global_assignment -name BDF_FILE mul8.bdf
set_global_assignment -name BDF_FILE mul8.bdf
@ -66,3 +65,5 @@ set_global_assignment -name QIP_FILE LUT.qip
set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE min.v
set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE min.v
set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE SM.v
set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE SM.v
set_global_assignment -name VECTOR_WAVEFORM_FILE Waveform.vwf
set_global_assignment -name VECTOR_WAVEFORM_FILE Waveform.vwf
set_global_assignment -name BDF_FILE ALU_top.bdf
set_instance_assignment -name PARTITION_HIERARCHY root_partition -to | -section_id Top
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
WARNING: Do NOT edit the input and output ports in this file in a text
editor if you plan to continue editing the block that represents it in
the Block Editor! File corruption is VERY likely to occur.
Copyright (C) 2018 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
Your use of Intel Corporation's design tools, logic functions
and other software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic
functions, and any output files from any of the foregoing
(including device programming or simulation files), and any
associated documentation or information are expressly subject
to the terms and conditions of the Intel Program License
Subscription Agreement, the Intel Quartus Prime License Agreement,
the Intel FPGA IP License Agreement, or other applicable license
agreement, including, without limitation, that your use is for
the sole purpose of programming logic devices manufactured by
Intel and sold by Intel or its authorized distributors. Please
refer to the applicable agreement for further details.
(header "symbol" (version "1.1"))
(rect 16 16 224 192)
(text "alu" (rect 5 0 15 12)(font "Arial" ))
(text "inst" (rect 8 160 20 172)(font "Arial" ))
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(text "enable" (rect 21 27 45 39)(font "Arial" ))
(line (pt 0 32)(pt 16 32)(line_width 1))
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(line (pt 0 48)(pt 16 48)(line_width 3))
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(text "Rs2[15..0]" (rect 21 59 62 71)(font "Arial" ))
(line (pt 0 64)(pt 16 64)(line_width 3))
(pt 0 80)
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(text "Rd[15..0]" (rect 21 75 57 87)(font "Arial" ))
(line (pt 0 80)(pt 16 80)(line_width 3))
(pt 0 96)
(text "opcode[5..0]" (rect 0 0 48 12)(font "Arial" ))
(text "opcode[5..0]" (rect 21 91 69 103)(font "Arial" ))
(line (pt 0 96)(pt 16 96)(line_width 3))
(pt 0 112)
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(text "mulresult[31..0]" (rect 21 107 80 119)(font "Arial" ))
(line (pt 0 112)(pt 16 112)(line_width 3))
(pt 0 128)
(text "exec2" (rect 0 0 23 12)(font "Arial" ))
(text "exec2" (rect 21 123 44 135)(font "Arial" ))
(line (pt 0 128)(pt 16 128)(line_width 1))
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(text "mul2[15..0]" (rect 145 43 187 55)(font "Arial" ))
(line (pt 208 48)(pt 192 48)(line_width 3))
(pt 208 64)
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(text "Rout[15..0]" (rect 144 59 187 71)(font "Arial" ))
(line (pt 208 64)(pt 192 64)(line_width 3))
(pt 208 80)
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(text "jump" (rect 169 75 187 87)(font "Arial" ))
(line (pt 208 80)(pt 192 80)(line_width 1))
(pt 208 96)
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(text "carry" (rect 165 91 187 103)(font "Arial" ))
(line (pt 208 96)(pt 192 96)(line_width 1))
(rectangle (rect 16 16 192 160)(line_width 1))
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
module alu (enable, Rd, Rs1, Rs2, opcode, mulresult, exec2, mul1, mul2, Rout, jump, carry);
module alu (enable, Rs1, Rs2, Rd, opcode, mulresult, exec2, mul1, mul2, Rout, jump, carry);
input enable; // active LOW, disables the ALU during load/store operations so that undefined behaviour does not occur
input enable; // active LOW, disables the ALU during load/store operations so that undefined behaviour does not occur
input signed [15:0] Rd; // input destination register
input signed [15:0] Rd; // input destination register
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ always @(*)
6'b011001: begin
6'b011001: begin
alusum = {1'b0, Rs1} - {1'b0, Rs2} + carry - {17'b00000000000000001}; // SBC Subtract w/ Carry (Rd = Rs1 - Rs2 + C - 1)
alusum = {1'b0, Rs1} - {1'b0, Rs2} + carry - {17'b00000000000000001}; // SBC Subtract w/ Carry (Rd = Rs1 - Rs2 + C - 1)
carry = slusum[16];
carry = alusum[16];
6'b011010: begin
6'b011010: begin
alusum = {1'b0, Rs1} - {17'b00000000000000001}; // SBO Subtract 1 (Rd = Rd - 1)
alusum = {1'b0, Rs1} - {17'b00000000000000001}; // SBO Subtract 1 (Rd = Rd - 1)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
WARNING: Do NOT edit the input and output ports in this file in a text
editor if you plan to continue editing the block that represents it in
the Block Editor! File corruption is VERY likely to occur.
Copyright (C) 2018 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
Your use of Intel Corporation's design tools, logic functions
and other software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic
functions, and any output files from any of the foregoing
(including device programming or simulation files), and any
associated documentation or information are expressly subject
to the terms and conditions of the Intel Program License
Subscription Agreement, the Intel Quartus Prime License Agreement,
the Intel FPGA IP License Agreement, or other applicable license
agreement, including, without limitation, that your use is for
the sole purpose of programming logic devices manufactured by
Intel and sold by Intel or its authorized distributors. Please
refer to the applicable agreement for further details.
(header "symbol" (version "1.2"))
(rect 16 16 216 112)
(text "mul16" (rect 5 0 43 19)(font "Intel Clear" (font_size 8)))
(text "inst" (rect 8 75 24 92)(font "Intel Clear" ))
(pt 0 32)
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(text "CLOCK" (rect 21 27 62 46)(font "Intel Clear" (font_size 8)))
(line (pt 0 32)(pt 16 32))
(pt 0 48)
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(line (pt 200 32)(pt 184 32)(line_width 3))
(rectangle (rect 16 16 184 80))
Reference in a new issue