[-h] [--toolchain {trellis,diamond}] [--build] [--load] [--log-filename LOG_FILENAME] [--log-level LOG_LEVEL] [--sys-clk-freq SYS_CLK_FREQ] [--revision REVISION] [--device DEVICE] [--sdram-device SDRAM_DEVICE] [--with-spi-sdcard] [--output-dir OUTPUT_DIR] [--gateware-dir GATEWARE_DIR] [--software-dir SOFTWARE_DIR] [--include-dir INCLUDE_DIR] [--generated-dir GENERATED_DIR] [--build-backend BUILD_BACKEND] [--no-compile] [--no-compile-software] [--no-compile-gateware] [--csr-csv CSR_CSV] [--csr-json CSR_JSON] [--csr-svd CSR_SVD] [--memory-x MEMORY_X] [--doc] [--bios-lto] [--bios-console {full,no-history,no-autocomplete,lite,disable}] [--bus-standard BUS_STANDARD] [--bus-data-width BUS_DATA_WIDTH] [--bus-address-width BUS_ADDRESS_WIDTH] [--bus-timeout BUS_TIMEOUT] [--bus-bursting] [--bus-interconnect BUS_INTERCONNECT] [--cpu-type CPU_TYPE] [--cpu-variant CPU_VARIANT] [--cpu-reset-address CPU_RESET_ADDRESS] [--cpu-cfu CPU_CFU] [--no-ctrl] [--integrated-rom-size INTEGRATED_ROM_SIZE] [--integrated-rom-init INTEGRATED_ROM_INIT] [--integrated-sram-size INTEGRATED_SRAM_SIZE] [--integrated-main-ram-size INTEGRATED_MAIN_RAM_SIZE] [--csr-data-width CSR_DATA_WIDTH] [--csr-address-width CSR_ADDRESS_WIDTH] [--csr-paging CSR_PAGING] [--csr-ordering CSR_ORDERING] [--ident IDENT] [--no-ident-version] [--no-uart] [--uart-name UART_NAME] [--uart-baudrate UART_BAUDRATE] [--uart-fifo-depth UART_FIFO_DEPTH] [--no-timer] [--timer-uptime] [--l2-size L2_SIZE] [--yosys-nowidelut] [--yosys-abc9] [--yosys-flow3] [--nextpnr-timingstrict] [--nextpnr-ignoreloops] [--nextpnr-seed NEXTPNR_SEED] [--ecppack-bootaddr ECPPACK_BOOTADDR] [--ecppack-spimode ECPPACK_SPIMODE] [--ecppack-freq ECPPACK_FREQ] [--ecppack-compress] # Target options: --build # Build design. (default: False) --load # Load bitstream. (default: False) --sys-clk-freq SYS_CLK_FREQ # System clock frequency. (default: 48000000.0) --revision 0.2 --device 25F --sdram-device MT41K64M16 --with-spi-sdcard # Enable SPI-mode SDCard support. (default: False) # Logging options: --log-filename build.log --log-level warning # (or debug, info (default), error or critical) # Builder options: --no-compile # Disable Software and Gateware compilation. (default: False) --no-compile-software # Disable Software compilation only. (default: False) --no-compile-gateware # Disable Gateware compilation only. (default: False) --doc # Generate SoC Documentation. (default: False) # SoC options: --bus-standard axi-lite # Select bus standard: wishbone, axi-lite, axi. (default: wishbone) --bus-data-width BUS_DATA_WIDTH # Bus data-width. (default: 32) --bus-address-width BUS_ADDRESS_WIDTH # Bus address-width. (default: 32) --bus-bursting # Enable burst cycles on the bus if supported. (default: False) --bus-interconnect BUS_INTERCONNECT # Select bus interconnect: shared (default) or crossbar. (default: shared) --cpu-type CPU_TYPE # Select CPU: None, marocchino, zynq7000, mor1kx, zynqmp, cv32e41p, openc906, cortex_m1, cva6, eos_s3, ibex, # cortex_m3, blackparrot, femtorv, vexriscv, rocket, picorv32, vexriscv_smp, lm32, firev, serv, naxriscv, cva5, # microwatt, neorv32, cv32e40p, gowin_emcu, minerva. (default: vexriscv) --cpu-variant CPU_VARIANT # CPU variant. (default: None) --no-ctrl # Disable Controller. (default: False) --integrated-rom-size INTEGRATED_ROM_SIZE # Size/Enable the integrated (BIOS) ROM (Automatically resized to BIOS size when smaller). (default: 131072) --integrated-rom-init INTEGRATED_ROM_INIT # Integrated ROM binary initialization file (override the BIOS when specified). (default: None) --no-uart # Disable UART. (default: False) --uart-name UART_NAME # UART type/name. (default: serial) --uart-baudrate UART_BAUDRATE # UART baudrate. (default: 115200) # Trellis toolchain options: --yosys-nowidelut # Use Yosys's nowidelut mode. (default: False) --yosys-abc9 # Use Yosys's abc9 mode. (default: False) --yosys-flow3 # Use Yosys's abc9 mode with the flow3 script. (default: False) --nextpnr-timingstrict # Use strict Timing mode (Build will fail when Timings are not met). (default: False) --nextpnr-ignoreloops # Ignore combinatorial loops in Timing Analysis. (default: False) --nextpnr-seed NEXTPNR_SEED # Set Nextpnr's seed. (default: 1) --ecppack-bootaddr ECPPACK_BOOTADDR # Set boot address for next image. (default: 0) --ecppack-spimode ECPPACK_SPIMODE # Set slave SPI programming mode. (default: None) --ecppack-freq ECPPACK_FREQ # Set SPI MCLK frequency. (default: None) --ecppack-compress # Use Bitstream compression. (default: False)