Initial commit to prevent data loss

such as in the case of sudden laptop death
This commit is contained in:
Aadi Desai 2023-02-05 00:56:34 +00:00
commit 6d8c1059fa
No known key found for this signature in database
4 changed files with 443 additions and 0 deletions

.gitignore vendored Normal file
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Modified from original from LiteX-Boards.
# Copyright (c) Greg Davill <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
import os
import sys
from migen import *
from migen.genlib.misc import WaitTimer
from migen.genlib.resetsync import AsyncResetSynchronizer
from litex.gen import LiteXModule
from litex_boards.platforms import gsd_orangecrab
from litex.soc.cores.clock import *
from litex.soc.integration.soc_core import *
from litex.soc.integration.builder import *
from litex.soc.cores.led import LedChaser
from litedram.modules import MT41K64M16, MT41K128M16, MT41K256M16, MT41K512M16
from litedram.phy import ECP5DDRPHY
# CRG ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class _CRG(LiteXModule):
def __init__(self, platform, sys_clk_freq, with_usb_pll=False):
self.rst = Signal()
self.cd_por = ClockDomain()
self.cd_sys = ClockDomain()
# # #
# Clk / Rst
clk48 = platform.request("clk48")
rst_n = platform.request("usr_btn", loose=True)
if rst_n is None: rst_n = 1
# Power on reset
por_count = Signal(16, reset=2**16-1)
por_done = Signal()
self.comb += self.cd_por.clk.eq(clk48)
self.comb += por_done.eq(por_count == 0)
self.sync.por += If(~por_done, por_count.eq(por_count - 1))
self.pll = pll = ECP5PLL()
self.comb += pll.reset.eq(~por_done | ~rst_n | self.rst)
pll.register_clkin(clk48, 48e6)
pll.create_clkout(self.cd_sys, sys_clk_freq)
if with_usb_pll:
self.cd_usb_12 = ClockDomain()
self.cd_usb_48 = ClockDomain()
usb_pll = ECP5PLL()
self.submodules += usb_pll
self.comb += usb_pll.reset.eq(~por_done)
usb_pll.register_clkin(clk48, 48e6)
usb_pll.create_clkout(self.cd_usb_48, 48e6)
usb_pll.create_clkout(self.cd_usb_12, 12e6)
# FPGA Reset (press usr_btn for 1 second to fallback to bootloader)
reset_timer = WaitTimer(int(48e6))
reset_timer = ClockDomainsRenamer("por")(reset_timer)
self.submodules += reset_timer
self.comb += reset_timer.wait.eq(~rst_n)
self.comb += platform.request("rst_n").eq(~reset_timer.done)
class _CRGSDRAM(LiteXModule):
def __init__(self, platform, sys_clk_freq, with_usb_pll=False):
self.rst = Signal()
self.cd_init = ClockDomain()
self.cd_por = ClockDomain()
self.cd_sys = ClockDomain()
self.cd_sys2x = ClockDomain()
self.cd_sys2x_i = ClockDomain()
# # #
self.stop = Signal()
self.reset = Signal()
# Clk / Rst
clk48 = platform.request("clk48")
rst_n = platform.request("usr_btn", loose=True)
if rst_n is None: rst_n = 1
# Power on reset
por_count = Signal(16, reset=2**16-1)
por_done = Signal()
self.comb += self.cd_por.clk.eq(clk48)
self.comb += por_done.eq(por_count == 0)
self.sync.por += If(~por_done, por_count.eq(por_count - 1))
sys2x_clk_ecsout = Signal()
self.pll = pll = ECP5PLL()
self.comb += pll.reset.eq(~por_done | ~rst_n | self.rst)
pll.register_clkin(clk48, 48e6)
pll.create_clkout(self.cd_sys2x_i, 2*sys_clk_freq)
pll.create_clkout(self.cd_init, 24e6)
self.specials += [
i_CLK0 = self.cd_sys2x_i.clk,
i_SEL = 0,
o_ECSOUT = sys2x_clk_ecsout),
i_ECLKI = sys2x_clk_ecsout,
i_STOP = self.stop,
o_ECLKO = self.cd_sys2x.clk),
p_DIV = "2.0",
i_ALIGNWD = 0,
i_CLKI = self.cd_sys2x.clk,
i_RST = self.reset,
o_CDIVX = self.cd_sys.clk),
AsyncResetSynchronizer(self.cd_sys, ~pll.locked | self.reset),
if with_usb_pll:
self.cd_usb_12 = ClockDomain()
self.cd_usb_48 = ClockDomain()
usb_pll = ECP5PLL()
self.submodules += usb_pll
self.comb += usb_pll.reset.eq(~por_done)
usb_pll.register_clkin(clk48, 48e6)
usb_pll.create_clkout(self.cd_usb_48, 48e6)
usb_pll.create_clkout(self.cd_usb_12, 12e6)
# FPGA Reset (press usr_btn for 1 second to fallback to bootloader)
reset_timer = WaitTimer(int(48e6))
reset_timer = ClockDomainsRenamer("por")(reset_timer)
self.submodules += reset_timer
self.comb += reset_timer.wait.eq(~rst_n)
self.comb += platform.request("rst_n").eq(~reset_timer.done)
# BaseSoC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class BaseSoC(SoCCore):
def __init__(self, revision="0.2", device="25F", sys_clk_freq=48e6, toolchain="trellis",
sdram_device = "MT41K64M16",
with_led_chaser = True,
platform = gsd_orangecrab.Platform(revision=revision, device=device ,toolchain=toolchain)
# CRG --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
crg_cls = _CRGSDRAM if kwargs.get("integrated_main_ram_size", 0) == 0 else _CRG
self.crg = crg_cls(platform, sys_clk_freq, with_usb_pll=True)
# SoCCore ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Defaults to USB ACM through ValentyUSB.
kwargs["uart_name"] = "usb_acm"
SoCCore.__init__(self, platform, sys_clk_freq, ident="LiteX SoC on OrangeCrab", **kwargs)
# DDR3 SDRAM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if not self.integrated_main_ram_size:
available_sdram_modules = {
"MT41K64M16": MT41K64M16,
"MT41K128M16": MT41K128M16,
"MT41K256M16": MT41K256M16,
"MT41K512M16": MT41K512M16,
sdram_module = available_sdram_modules.get(sdram_device)
ddram_pads = platform.request("ddram")
self.ddrphy = ECP5DDRPHY(
pads = ddram_pads,
sys_clk_freq = sys_clk_freq,
dm_remapping = {0:1, 1:0},
cmd_delay = 0 if sys_clk_freq > 64e6 else 100)
self.ddrphy.settings.rtt_nom = "disabled"
if hasattr(ddram_pads, "vccio"):
self.comb += ddram_pads.vccio.eq(0b111111)
if hasattr(ddram_pads, "gnd"):
self.comb += ddram_pads.gnd.eq(0)
self.comb += self.crg.stop.eq(self.ddrphy.init.stop)
self.comb += self.crg.reset.eq(self.ddrphy.init.reset)
phy = self.ddrphy,
module = sdram_module(sys_clk_freq, "1:2"),
l2_cache_size = kwargs.get("l2_size", 8192)
# Leds -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if with_led_chaser:
self.leds = LedChaser(
pads = platform.request_all("user_led"),
sys_clk_freq = sys_clk_freq)
# Build --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def main():
from import LiteXArgumentParser
parser = LiteXArgumentParser(platform=gsd_orangecrab.Platform, description="LiteX SoC on OrangeCrab.")
parser.add_target_argument("--sys-clk-freq", default=48e6, type=float, help="System clock frequency.")
parser.add_target_argument("--revision", default="0.2", help="Board Revision (0.1 or 0.2).")
parser.add_target_argument("--device", default="25F", help="ECP5 device (25F, 45F or 85F).")
parser.add_target_argument("--sdram-device", default="MT41K64M16", help="SDRAM device (MT41K64M16, MT41K128M16, MT41K256M16 or MT41K512M16).")
parser.add_target_argument("--with-spi-sdcard", action="store_true", help="Enable SPI-mode SDCard support.")
args = parser.parse_args()
soc = BaseSoC(
toolchain = args.toolchain,
revision = args.revision,
device = args.device,
sdram_device = args.sdram_device,
sys_clk_freq = args.sys_clk_freq,
if args.with_spi_sdcard:
builder = Builder(soc, **parser.builder_argdict)
if args.load:
prog = soc.platform.create_programmer()
if __name__ == "__main__":

142 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
[--toolchain {trellis,diamond}]
[--log-filename LOG_FILENAME]
[--log-level LOG_LEVEL]
[--sys-clk-freq SYS_CLK_FREQ]
[--revision REVISION]
[--device DEVICE]
[--sdram-device SDRAM_DEVICE]
[--output-dir OUTPUT_DIR]
[--gateware-dir GATEWARE_DIR]
[--software-dir SOFTWARE_DIR]
[--include-dir INCLUDE_DIR]
[--generated-dir GENERATED_DIR]
[--build-backend BUILD_BACKEND]
[--csr-csv CSR_CSV]
[--csr-json CSR_JSON]
[--csr-svd CSR_SVD]
[--memory-x MEMORY_X]
[--bios-console {full,no-history,no-autocomplete,lite,disable}]
[--bus-standard BUS_STANDARD]
[--bus-data-width BUS_DATA_WIDTH]
[--bus-address-width BUS_ADDRESS_WIDTH]
[--bus-timeout BUS_TIMEOUT]
[--bus-interconnect BUS_INTERCONNECT]
[--cpu-type CPU_TYPE]
[--cpu-variant CPU_VARIANT]
[--cpu-reset-address CPU_RESET_ADDRESS]
[--cpu-cfu CPU_CFU]
[--integrated-rom-size INTEGRATED_ROM_SIZE]
[--integrated-rom-init INTEGRATED_ROM_INIT]
[--integrated-sram-size INTEGRATED_SRAM_SIZE]
[--integrated-main-ram-size INTEGRATED_MAIN_RAM_SIZE]
[--csr-data-width CSR_DATA_WIDTH]
[--csr-address-width CSR_ADDRESS_WIDTH]
[--csr-paging CSR_PAGING]
[--csr-ordering CSR_ORDERING]
[--ident IDENT]
[--uart-name UART_NAME]
[--uart-baudrate UART_BAUDRATE]
[--uart-fifo-depth UART_FIFO_DEPTH]
[--l2-size L2_SIZE]
[--nextpnr-seed NEXTPNR_SEED]
[--ecppack-bootaddr ECPPACK_BOOTADDR]
[--ecppack-spimode ECPPACK_SPIMODE]
[--ecppack-freq ECPPACK_FREQ]
# Target options:
--build # Build design. (default: False)
--load # Load bitstream. (default: False)
--sys-clk-freq SYS_CLK_FREQ
# System clock frequency. (default: 48000000.0)
--revision 0.2
--device 25F
--sdram-device MT41K64M16
# Enable SPI-mode SDCard support. (default: False)
# Logging options:
--log-filename build.log
--log-level warning # (or debug, info (default), error or critical)
# Builder options:
# Disable Software and Gateware compilation. (default: False)
# Disable Software compilation only. (default: False)
# Disable Gateware compilation only. (default: False)
--doc # Generate SoC Documentation. (default: False)
# SoC options:
--bus-standard axi-lite
# Select bus standard: wishbone, axi-lite, axi. (default: wishbone)
--bus-data-width BUS_DATA_WIDTH
# Bus data-width. (default: 32)
--bus-address-width BUS_ADDRESS_WIDTH
# Bus address-width. (default: 32)
# Enable burst cycles on the bus if supported. (default: False)
--bus-interconnect BUS_INTERCONNECT
# Select bus interconnect: shared (default) or crossbar. (default: shared)
--cpu-type CPU_TYPE
# Select CPU: None, marocchino, zynq7000, mor1kx, zynqmp, cv32e41p, openc906, cortex_m1, cva6, eos_s3, ibex,
# cortex_m3, blackparrot, femtorv, vexriscv, rocket, picorv32, vexriscv_smp, lm32, firev, serv, naxriscv, cva5,
# microwatt, neorv32, cv32e40p, gowin_emcu, minerva. (default: vexriscv)
--cpu-variant CPU_VARIANT
# CPU variant. (default: None)
# Disable Controller. (default: False)
--integrated-rom-size INTEGRATED_ROM_SIZE
# Size/Enable the integrated (BIOS) ROM (Automatically resized to BIOS size when smaller). (default: 131072)
--integrated-rom-init INTEGRATED_ROM_INIT
# Integrated ROM binary initialization file (override the BIOS when specified). (default: None)
# Disable UART. (default: False)
--uart-name UART_NAME
# UART type/name. (default: serial)
--uart-baudrate UART_BAUDRATE
# UART baudrate. (default: 115200)
# Trellis toolchain options:
# Use Yosys's nowidelut mode. (default: False)
# Use Yosys's abc9 mode. (default: False)
# Use Yosys's abc9 mode with the flow3 script. (default: False)
# Use strict Timing mode (Build will fail when Timings are not met). (default: False)
# Ignore combinatorial loops in Timing Analysis. (default: False)
--nextpnr-seed NEXTPNR_SEED
# Set Nextpnr's seed. (default: 1)
--ecppack-bootaddr ECPPACK_BOOTADDR
# Set boot address for next image. (default: 0)
--ecppack-spimode ECPPACK_SPIMODE
# Set slave SPI programming mode. (default: None)
--ecppack-freq ECPPACK_FREQ
# Set SPI MCLK frequency. (default: None)
# Use Bitstream compression. (default: False)

73 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
# StackSynth Final Year Project
## Project Notes
### Useful links
- [Litex Wiki: reusing SV or other cores](,-VHDL,-(n)Migen,-Spinal-HDL,-Chisel-core)
- [Litex for Hardware Engineers](
- [Example of RTOS on LiteX](
- [Blog on using FreeRTOS on stock VexRiscV Core](
- [FreeRTOS on RiscV Blog Post](
- [Video on FreeRTOS on RiscV](
- [VexRiscV Source](
- [Summon FPGA Tools Repo](
- [Broken Flag issue when building litex](
### Possible reference links
- [OrangeCrab FPGA Product Page](
- [OrangeCrab FPGA Hardware Repo](
- [OrangeCrab FPGA Example Repo](
- Use both the Verilog and Blink examples, the CircuitPython example did not work due to the version of CircuitPython needed (I think?)
- [OrangeCrab FPGA Store Listing](
- [OrangeCrab FPGA Github Docs](
- [Hackster post on OrangeCrab FPGA](
- [element14 post on OrangeCrab FPGA](
- [CNX Software post on OrangeCrab FPGA](
- [Example writeup of using OrangeCrab FPGA](
- [Amaranth / Migen Crash Course](
- [LiteX Soft-CPU, FPGA and Firmware Support](
- [FPGA MicroPython (FμPy)](
- [FuPy (FPGA MicroPython) on Mimas v2 and Arty](
- [enjoy-digital/litex GitHub](
- [litex/boot.c · enjoy-digital/litex](
- [litex/ · enjoy-digital/litex](
- [picolibc switch Issue #1045 · enjoy-digital/litex](
- [Vexriscv secure CPU Issue #1585 · enjoy-digital/litex](
- [LD_FLAGS Issue #825 · enjoy-digital/litex](
- [Home · enjoy-digital/litex Wiki](
- [gregdavill/linux-on-litex-vexriscv](
- [OrangeCrab-test-sw/hw](
- [gregdavill:orangecrab vs upstream · litex-hub/linux-on-litex-vexriscv](
- [Prebuilt Bitstreams and Linux/OpenSBI images for linux on litex](
- [linux-on-litex-vexriscv/buildroot/board](
- [litex-hub/litex-boards: LiteX boards files](
- [litex-boards/](
- [litex-boards/](
- [litex-boards/litex_boards/targets](
- [mwelling/orangecrab-test](
- [Use read_verilog in Yosys orangecrab example command](
- [litex example cannot find Yosys or nextpnr-ecp5 programs](
- [Migrate nMigen examples to Amaranth in orangecrab example](
- [RISC-V with custom gateware Issue #35 · orangecrab-fpga/orangecrab-hardware](
- [Lattice Diamond Compatibility Issue #41 · orangecrab-fpga/orangecrab-hardware](
- [timvideos/litex-buildenv](
- [Bare Metal · timvideos/litex-buildenv Wiki](
- [YosysHQ/nextpnr: nextpnr portable FPGA place and route tool](
- [Lattice FPGA SBCs can run Linux on RISC-V softcore](
- [litex_liteeth.c:undefined reference to `devm_platform_ioremap_resource_byname'](
- [Linux on LiteX-Vexriscv - Hacker News](
- [Running Zephyr RTOS on Mimas A7 using LiteX and RISC-V](
- [Downloads | OrangeCrab Docs](
- [Zephyr on Fomu FPGA](
- [Building a SoC with Litex. controlpaths blog](
- [Running Linux on a Litex SoC. controlpaths blog](
- [Say “Hello” to the OrangeCrab -](
- [LiteX Research Paper???](
- [learn-fpga/ · BrunoLevy/learn-fpga](
- [Testing the OrangeCrab r0.1 Blog](
- [FOSS-for_FPGA Slideshow](
- [FPGA Tooling on Ubuntu 20.04 - FPGA Dev](
- [Reddit question on riscv core on fpga](
- [linux-on-litex-vexriscv/](