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2023-03-11 18:05:03 +00:00
`default_nettype none
module dacDriver
( input var i_clk36 // Runs at 36.864MHz (48k * 768)
, input var i_rst36_n // Active low reset for dac_clk
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, input var i_wait // don't retrieve new packet if high
, input var [15:0] i_sample // 16-bit sample to output
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, output var o_rdreq // Pulse 1 cycle at 36.864MHz if i_wait low
, output var o_lrck // Runs at 48kHz (i_clk36 / 768), changes on falling edge of o_bck
, output var o_bck // Runs at 2.304MHz (48k * 48, i_clk36 / 16)
, output var o_data // Changes on falling edge of o_bck
logic [8:0] div_48k;
always_ff @(posedge i_clk36) // Count half 48kHz cycle
if (!i_rst36_n) div_48k <= 0;
else if (div_48k == 9'd383) div_48k <= 0;
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else div_48k <= div_48k + 1;
logic clk_48k;
always_ff @(posedge i_clk36) // Generate 48kHz clock
if (!i_rst36_n) clk_48k <= 0;
else if (div_48k == 9'd0) clk_48k <= ~clk_48k;
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logic clk_48k_mid;
always_ff @(negedge o_bck) // Track rising / falling edge of 48kHz clock (part 1)
clk_48k_mid <= clk_48k;
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logic clk_48k_past;
always_ff @(posedge o_bck) // Track rising / falling edge of 48kHz clock (part 2)
clk_48k_past <= clk_48k_mid;
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always_ff @(posedge i_clk36) // Generate 2.304MHz clock
if (!i_rst36_n) o_bck <= 0;
else if (div_48k[2:0] == 3'd0) o_bck <= ~o_bck;
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always_ff @(posedge i_clk36) // Pulse Read Request on rising edge of 48kHz clock if i_wait low
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if (!i_rst36_n) o_rdreq <= 0;
else if (!i_wait && clk_48k && !clk_48k_past) o_rdreq <= 1;
else o_rdreq <= 0;
logic [15:0] sample;
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always_ff @(posedge i_clk36) // Capture new audio sample on Read Request
if (!i_rst36_n) sample <= '0;
else if (!i_wait && clk_48k && !clk_48k_past) sample <= i_sample;
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always_ff @(negedge o_bck) // Update LRCK on falling edge of BCK (As in PCM1780 Datasheet)
if (!i_rst36_n) o_lrck <= 0;
else o_lrck <= clk_48k;
logic [15:0] audio_buf;
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always_ff @(negedge o_bck) // Update DATA on falling edge of BCK (As in PCM1780 Datasheet)
if (!i_rst36_n) {o_data, audio_buf} <= {25{1'b0}}; // Reset to all 0s
else if (clk_48k && !clk_48k_past) {o_data, audio_buf} <= {sample, 1'b0}; // Load sample (L) into shifted output
else if (!clk_48k && clk_48k_past) {o_data, audio_buf} <= {sample, 1'b0}; // Load sample (R) into shifted output
else {o_data, audio_buf} <= {audio_buf, 1'b0}; // Shift loaded sample into o_data
2023-03-11 18:05:03 +00:00